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My Mother in Law's Lover

Page 19

by S M Mala

  ‘What?’ I’m shaking my head. ‘Shouldn’t you know by now? She hangs out with your bird a hell of a lot.’

  ‘Is that a snipe at me for being concerned about the welfare of your child?’

  ‘Stick it,’ I say as I find my underwear and ponder on what to wear tonight.

  ‘So she’s fine with everything?’




  ‘That’s all I wanted to know.’

  ‘So now you do, you can go.’ I turn around and notice I’ve dropped my bra on the floor. I bend over to pick it up.

  ‘What the!’ I feel a sudden slap on my arse and I instinctively turn around and hit out, only to catch Hal’s mouth with my finger.

  ‘What the hell did you do that for?’ he asks, stepping back to examine his lip. I can see there’s a bit of blood.

  ‘You shouldn’t have done that. I think my piles have gone into shock,’ I say, rubbing my stinging arse.

  ‘I was only playing,’ he defensively says. ‘And you drew blood.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you,’ I say gently, now feeling guilty. ‘Let me take a look-.’

  ‘Get off,’ he says, pulling away.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I calmly say and realise I’m on the receiving end of an angst expression that reminds me of Beth.

  ‘I’ll see you later,’ he replies, storming out of the room and slamming the door shut.

  ‘I suppose the tour’s out of the question then?’

  Oh dear I feel bad.

  Later on Beth is tucked up in bed with a child minder walking up and down the corridor to check on the, now, exhausted kids. I head off to the cocktail party, fifteen minutes late full of guilt for hitting Hal.

  I can hear chattering and laughter. I peek into the room then slope in, making sure I’m not noticed. I get a drink. It looks like a champagne cocktail and tastes lethal.

  Then I accidentally make eye contact with Hal, who doesn’t smile, and I mouth the word ‘sorry’. By the look on his face, he’s not impressed and pokes out his bottom lip then turns to some woman telling her he has cut it.

  At dinner, the table gets louder and I’m talking about useless men with a couple of women sitting near me. It’s an interesting conversation, you know, the one where you just slag off the opposite sex. I must be getting quite drunk because we’re laughing so much we’re drawing attention.

  I glance over at Hal a few times, who seems to be engrossed in a conversation with this beautiful woman. At least I’ve spoiled his chance of enjoying a snog with a cut lip but knowing him, it’s her mouth that’s going to be doing all the work.

  Dinner was fun and I’m pleased I made the effort to speak to some of the other guests. They seem really sweet and luckily they haven’t asked how I know Hal. Afterwards we go into the conservatory to top up our alcohol intake.

  Ah, I’m feeling happy now as I sit back in a chair. I can’t see where the host with the most is and, frankly, I don’t care. Booze, it’s amazing isn’t it? Makes you-.

  ‘Don’t I know you?’ a woman suddenly asks. I turn to see she’s sitting next to me. She’s a rather large posh looking lady who’s smiling brightly at me. Oh my goodness she was the woman at Hal’s house.

  ‘Yes,’ I say.

  ‘I’m Jenny. I met you when you were trying out for the cook’s job.’

  ‘I’m Belle,’ I say and sit up quickly remembering that morning. ‘Hal’s a friend of my mother in law and so are you.’ The woman cocks her head to one side and smiles inquisitively. Oh, oh, something is up. ‘What’s so funny?’ I ask, feeling slightly confused by her tone of voice.

  ‘Nothing. Oh gosh, ignore me, too much brandy in my coffee. It’s just … look, you don’t mind me saying because I can tell you’ll see the funny side.’

  ‘Funny side of what?’ I ask with a fake smile, hiding the bolt of concern that’s bubbling under my calm exterior.

  ‘Joan told me… I’m sorry if this offends you, she says she lets Hal, how can I put this… service your needs.’

  ‘You’re joking!’ I can’t believe this. My face is a picture and I realise more information is needed so I lean over.

  ‘What else have you heard?’ I say trying to force a smile. ‘You know Joan has a warped sense of humour.’ I’m going to kill that bitch when I get hold of her.

  ‘So you and he haven’t?’ she says unbelievingly.

  ‘She doesn’t tell me what to do,’ I say forcing a false laugh that is just strangling me as it comes out.

  ‘I thought it was all very modern,’ Jenny laughs.

  ‘Why would she say that?’

  ‘You know … keeping the man she loves happy. It’s not the first she has let him have an open relationship but you have to draw the line somewhere, don’t you?’

  ‘You mean letting him sleep with her daughter in law,’ I nod and see Jenny has a point. ‘It’s not normal.’

  ‘But your mother in law isn’t, is she?’

  ‘She is certainly full of surprises,’ I say realising Joan is covering up for Hal’s misdemeanours. ‘What has Hal said about this?’

  ‘He doesn’t say anything. Just sits there and smiles.’

  ‘Do you think he’s had a lobotomy or something?’ I say through gritted teeth. ‘Didn’t Hal stick up for my virtue?’

  ‘Have you got one dear? That’s nice in this day and age,’ she says sweetly and I know she knows I’d done the deed with him.

  I have to find Hal and find out why Joan’s saying this. Where is he? I slope off thirty minutes later and go to bed fuming.

  I’m woken by an alarm call I didn’t request to tell me Beth needs to be ready for nine thirty. It’s nine and she’s sleeping soundly next to me, must be the fresh air. I wake her up and tell her the ‘club’ are coming to get her for breakfast. She jumps up for joy and quickly runs around. I get her changed and then quickly take her downstairs, only to be met with a group of excited children. I then decide I need some air.

  Last night’s good work of the booze quickly wore off as I lay in bed, seething at that son of a bitch and his whore.

  Oh, I’m on a roll.

  How could she be going around telling people what happened? I wish I could go home because I don’t have it in me to be civil to him ever again. I should call Joan but what am I going to say?

  I take a walk to the nearest village and end up in a little café, sitting in the garden section. It’s relaxing, watching the world go by and I feel better, then there’s a vibration in my pocket. My mobile’s ringing. I don’t recognise the number.

  ‘Hello, where are you?’ It’s Hal. My stomach sinks and I feel totally embarrassed.

  ‘Taking in the sights,’ I say. ‘There’s a little tea shop so I thought I‘d explore.’

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ I say breezily. ‘Just need some fresh air.’

  ‘You disappeared pretty quickly last night.’

  ‘I was tired,’ I sharply reply. ‘I better go. See you later.’ I hang up. I look at the clock and it’s nearly noon.

  How many people know about what happened? If I was Joan I’d have kept quiet. Oh the shame!

  I make the walk back to the mental home, pay my bill and re-tread the path. The sun is shining and everything looks pretty. It’s all green and peaceful except for some blooming sheep, bleating incessantly.

  I do feel calmer and I’m really feeling guilty about my behaviour towards Joan but the vision of seeing her ploughed down by a bus keeps flashing into my mind. It makes me smile.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been walking, when this range rover comes at me, nearly knocking me over into the hedge as I swerve to avoid from being crushed by the wheels. I’m trying to compose myself, while waiting for the driver to come out of his parked car to check on the damage to my pride and trousers.

  ‘Pity I didn’t hit you!’ I hear Hal’s voice while he slams the car door and I see him walking towards me.
r />   ‘What the hell were you doing?’ I shout at him, brushing myself down. ‘Look at my trousers!’

  ‘Get in the car,’ he says, standing in front of me.

  ‘Aren’t you worried I might be injured?’

  ‘Your mouth is working so you must be fine.’ I see he’s got the arse about something.

  ‘How dare you! I’ve only got another half an hour to walk back and I like the fresh air.’ I give him my best dirty look and carry on walking.

  ‘Exercise and you? Give me a break!’

  ‘How dare you? Just because I’m not skinny and-.’

  ‘Get in the car now,’ he says. His tone is pretty scary and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him annoyed. ‘And I’m not going to ask you twice.’

  ‘No,’ I defiantly say before snapping. ‘And don’t you tell me what to do.’

  How dare he speak to me like that! He suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me to the car.

  ‘Do as you’re bloody told,’ he snarls and I’m trying to kick his shins but keep on missing.

  ‘Will you get off me?’ I shout, trying to pull my arm out of his grasp. He’s not budging and pushes me into the passenger seat, slams the door shut, then drives off like a mad man. Now, I know there’s steam coming out of my ears.

  ‘I wanted you to have a nice weekend,’ he says, taking sharp turns. ‘But no, you’re not civilised to join us for breakfast, you have to do your own thing.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I say, flinching as he nearly goes into a hedge. ‘Slow down!’

  ‘Jenny told me about your conversation,’ he says, shaking his head. ‘Is that why you’re pissed off?’

  ‘What, the fact my mother in law is telling everyone she let you screw me? How could I be upset about that?’ I’m now sitting with my arms folded across my chest. ‘You should have used a doughnut and said it was me.’

  ‘Don’t you think I thought about it,’ he snipes and our eyes clash. No love lost here. ‘And the lobotomy comment wasn’t exactly nice.’

  ‘I thought it was quite funny,’ I smirk as he flashes me a dirty look.

  The brakes screech to a halt as we get back to the house. In a split second, he has stormed out of the car and is trying to pull me out.

  ‘Don’t you dare touch me,’ I say. ‘I think I hate you more than Joan.’

  ‘Is that possible? You have no qualms about shagging me.’

  ‘How dare you!’ I hiss and look around to see if anyone is witnessing this. ‘That’s not exactly the truth is it?’

  ‘Isn’t it?’

  ‘You make me sick with your pretending to be nice when all along you’re a manipulative, scheming piece of shit.’

  ‘Put a sock in it Belle!’

  ‘Stick it up your arse!’ He’s now dragging me into the house then leads me up the stairs to another floor.

  ‘Where’s this? Let me go you arsehole! I want to go home.’

  ‘Stop playing up.’

  ‘Me? You’re the one who was going around trying to get sympathy because I busted your lip.’ God, that sounds good. Suddenly I could easily give him another slap. He flings open a door and pushes me into a room.

  That’s when I freeze.

  It’s his room.

  ‘Is this your shagging den?’ I say, as he eventually lets go of my arm and walks away.

  ‘Well, you’re directly beneath me, did you hear any banging last night? Sit down.’ I immediately head to the door. ‘I locked it. I think we should talk.’

  ‘About what?’


  ‘There is no ‘us’.’

  He pushes me onto the chair.

  ‘Fancy a drink?’ he says, throwing down his car keys.

  ‘What are you playing at?’

  ‘What are you playing at, Belle?’ he asks, going to his fridge pulling out miniature bottles and making a drink then holding it up to my face.

  ‘I really don’t want to talk to you.’

  ‘Christ you’re hard work,’ he snaps, so I grab the drink out of his hand and knock it back.

  Big mistake!

  He didn’t put too much tonic. I take a closer look at the bastard. I notice the sweet curve of his mouth.

  Stop it! This gin has gone straight to my head.

  ‘What did you want to speak to me about?’ I ask, feeling the booze rip through my veins.

  ‘What’s on your mind?’ he says, sipping his drink.

  ‘Well firstly,’ right he’s going to get it. ‘She’s your lover, so there are no secrets and secondly.’ I breathe in deeply and glare at him. ‘How dare Joan and you can think to use me as some game to spice up your perverted, love life!’

  ‘Elegantly put,’ he pipes up. ‘Belle, you have to see the funny-.’

  ‘Funny? This isn’t funny it’s wrong. She says she gave me permission to sleep with you!’ I feel my pressure rising, especially as he smiling at me. ‘She gave you permission to sleep with me, you little lap dog.’

  ‘She’s a lovely woman,’ he says glaring at me.

  ‘I don’t believe I’m hearing this. What man tells a woman he needs to get his rocks off with someone else so their relationship can last? And me!’ I say aghast. ‘That’s really perverted.’

  ‘I’m not the shit you think I am,’ Hal says walking towards me.

  ‘You’re talking bull shit. You’re a two timing-’

  ‘I get the point.’

  ‘I don’t think-.’

  ‘Look, you’re a big girl so I’ll be honest. I want to sleep with you but I’m not going to do it behind her back.’

  ‘Give me a break,’ I say, standing up. ‘You’re a freak and she’s a bigger freak to let you get away with it.’

  ‘You’re not going anywhere.’ Hal grabs me towards him and pulls me to his bed as he sits on it.

  ‘Will you let me go?’ but before I know it, he has buried his head in my chest and I can’t actually push him away, as he is holding my arms firmly. The scent of his hair, his strong embrace, I can feel his breath through my top.

  Oh, oh, my knees are turning to jelly.

  ‘You can let me go now,’ I say knowing my voice is faltering a bit like me.

  ‘I don’t want to,’ he says, holding on tighter to my arms and I’m wedged between his thighs.

  ‘Please don’t do this,’ I say and notice he’s opening his drawer, smiling sweetly at me. ‘What are you up to?’

  ‘Close your eyes. I got you a present,’ he says, gently. ‘Please?’

  Okay, take the present and go. I hear some noise and then I feel him hold my wrist gently, then there’s something cold, like a bracelet. I wonder if it’s Tiffany or something. What’s that sound?

  ‘What are you doing with handcuffs?’ I say doing a double take at my wrist. .

  ‘Trying them out,’ he replies, looking pleased.

  ‘Take them off.’ I’m struggling to release my hands. I can’t move. His legs are now firmly wrapped around my calves. ‘Let me go, Hal.’

  ‘Will you stop wriggling?’ he laughs as he grabs my other wrist before pulling me down on to the bed, and hand cuffing me to the bedstead.

  ‘Stop it! This is stupid,’ I wail, trying to kick him.

  ‘If this is the only way I can keep you from running away, then I will. I’m not letting you go until you start telling me why you won’t let me shag you in an open and honest way.’ He’s now straddling me to keep still.

  ‘Can you hear yourself? You’re mad! Let me go!’

  ‘Not yet,’ he says.

  ‘You’re hurting me!’ I moan, my legs flaying like a wild woman.

  ‘Stay with me for the afternoon.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re up to but it’s bloody-.’

  ‘The set up with Joan is the way forward. You’ve got to see that.’ He’s now leaning closer to my face. ‘I’ll let you go if you kiss me.’

  ‘You’ve been watching too many of those master and servant American trash movies. Taming of the shrew more like taming of the

  ‘Kiss me and I’ll let you go.’ His lips move closer to mine.

  ‘You’re a pain in the arse, do you know that.’

  He kisses me softly and I feel his tongue slip into my mouth. Warm feelings are growing in my body and there’s little ache in between my thighs. This is due to sexual frustration.

  No, desperation I think it’s called.

  Wrong again.

  It’s the gin!

  ‘Don’t,’ I say pulling my head away and hoping he’d stop pushing his bloody crotch into my hips. He’s getting turned on by this.

  ‘I know you like me,’ he whispers in my ear

  ‘Only because I can’t be with the man I love. Look, if you need to tie someone up, pick on Joan. Gag her at the same time.’

  ‘Oh Belle,’ he sighs and I see his mouth is moving closer to mine.

  No way. I purse my lips hoping he’ll take the hint. He’s not going for my mouth. Why that little … he’s heading for my boobs and undoing my top.

  ‘Stop it,’ I say but goose bumps on my skin are giving the game away. I’ve never been in a hostage situation before. I wonder how hard I can knee him? Bastard isn’t even giving me any room to manoeuvre as he has pinned my legs down.

  ‘Nice underwear, very sexy pattern.’ His finger is tracing the embroidery on my bra. ‘What about the knickers?’

  ‘Stop it!’

  ‘Do you really want me to stop?’ he asks and I can feel his hand is slowly moving down to the front of my trousers.

  ‘Just give it a rest and let me go.’ I can’t pull back. Hal has a glint in his eye and I feel his fingers touch my pubic bone. ‘Stop it!’

  ‘I see.’ He removes his hand and looks down. ‘What can I do to make you happy?’

  ‘Stop?’ By the look on his face, he’s considering it. Good.

  ‘Okay.’ Why, oh why, is he putting little kisses on my face.

  ‘You are hurting me,’ I quietly say, getting a warm feeling in my cheeks.

  ‘I’d never do that.’ I feel his tongue travel down my neck and I’m at a loss as what to do but my body is responding, while my brain is in sheer panic.

  ‘Hal this is wrong, we can’t do this.’ He decides to run his hands slowly down my arms and my breasts are defying me, as my nipples stand to attention waiting for him to touch them again. ‘No, don’t do that.’


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