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The Wolven Mark

Page 31

by Megan Linski

  And it would be a hell of a lot easier to get revenge on those Black Claw bastards for killing my dad. I’d have unlimited power. Power that would come in handy, that I could use.

  I cocked out a hip and said, “Convince me.”

  “What?” His eyebrow raised.

  “Convince me to be your mate!” My arms floundered. “Prove that you deserve me. Or at least want me.”

  “I mean... I’m a prince. There are benefits to marrying me,” Ethan stammered.

  It was like no one had ever asked him to prove himself before. Did he just expect women to fall at his feet?

  “I couldn’t give a damn you’re a prince. I was never impressed by guys with money,” I said. “What are you bringing to the table? You need me. It’s not the other way around. Prove you want me.”

  Ethan looked completely lost. Prince or not, men were still men, and they were clueless creatures. “I don’t get what you mean.”

  “Gods, Ethan!” I threw my hands up. “You’re about as romantic as a stick up the ass!”

  “I take offense to that.” His eyes narrowed.

  “You haven’t done anything to show me otherwise.”

  He paused for a moment before he said, “I… thought it was obvious I wanted you.”

  Heat flooded through me and settled right in my panties. Holy hell, he actually said something that turned me on and made me feel like I was more than an easy option. Was he admitting that he actually liked me? Or that he thought I’d be fun in bed?

  Did he love me?

  Maybe my friends were right again, and there was more between Ethan and I than I wanted to admit.

  This idea actually had some merit. But I was about to blow it out of the water with my next statement. “Ethan, before you decide to make me your queen, there’s something you should know.”

  “What is it?” He tilted his head. “I know you said before you never dated anyone, but if you’ve slept with other people casually, I don’t care. You didn’t grow up in this world. You couldn’t have been expected to abide by our laws.”

  “What? No.” I cringed. “I haven’t slept with anybody.”

  Ethan’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Oh.”

  “Don’t act so freaking shocked,” I spat at him.

  He scratched his head. “Well… you’re a beautiful woman, Emma. So excuse me for not expecting you to be a virgin.”

  Well, that was a nice and unexpected compliment. I felt another jolt between my thighs before I shook my head and said, “Anyway… it’s something else.”

  I took a deep breath. “My disease prevents me from giving you any heirs,” I said. “People with CVID have children all the time, but it’s high-risk. A pregnancy could kill me, but I refuse to carry children, anyway. I won’t risk passing down this disease to my kids or my grandkids. It’s just not happening. If you marry me, you have to know that I won’t be bear you any children. It’s not something I’m willing to negotiate on.”

  Ethan’s face was hard to read. He didn’t say anything for a long moment. I couldn’t even read the emotions behind his eyes. It was like they were completely closed off to me. I had no idea what was going through his head right now.

  Then he made a careless gesture. “It’s fine. We’ll figure that part out later down the line. Heirs aren’t important at the moment. We have to win the Contest first. But Emma, I need your answer now.”

  I was shocked to hear that answer. Even though he knew I couldn’t give him a prince or princess— something crucial to the security of the monarchy— he still wanted me anyway.

  That was a huge sacrifice for him to make. And it was one that sealed my fate.

  I made my decision. If Ethan was willing to give up the chance to have blood-related heirs, then he truly did deserve to rule. He cared more about the Arcanea than he did himself, and he was certain I was the right choice for his queen.

  The Phantom wasn’t coming for me, and I was tired of waiting around for him— tired of waiting around for true love. I wasn’t like my mom. I’d choose duty and practically over romance, unlike what she’d done. Maybe things would work out better that way. A marriage of convenience.

  If I had to settle, at least it’d be for a prince.

  “What if I say yes? You realize if we lose the Contest, you still don’t get to be king, and you’re stuck with me,” I said. “You can’t go back on mating decisions once they’re publicly announced.”

  “Yes. It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” Ethan said.

  Of course it was. Because he couldn’t give me an easy out. This was all riding on me. A million images flashed through my mind— Gabby’s shocked face when I stole the crown away from her. My dad being murdered by the Black Claw. Me gaining my revenge on the cult as queen…

  … And perhaps the sight of a very naked and very muscular shifter boy with a missing leg lying in my bed. If we ever got that far.

  It was the last thought that convinced me. “Fine. I accept your proposal. I’ll become your mate.”

  Ethan’s shoulders sagged, and he smiled in obvious ease. “Thank you, Emma.” He took my hands in his and squeezed them. “You don’t know how happy this makes me.”

  “No problem.” It’d be nice if we kissed or something, but I wasn’t about to expect that from the Prince of Abstinence. He’d had an opportunity to kiss me before, and he hadn’t gone through with it. Now that he knew I couldn’t have kids, he’d have an excuse to never fuck me. We’d work our way up to a peck on the lips by the time we were fifty.

  “It’s getting late,” Ethan said. He rubbed his thumb over the backs of my hands, and damn if it didn’t feel good. “You should probably get some sleep. We have a lot to do to prepare for the Contest.”

  “When do you want to announce our bond?” I asked. Gabby and Elijah had wasted no time telling everyone they were mates.

  “At the Choosing,” Ethan said. “It’ll give us an advantage. No one will see it coming. They’ll have expected me to drop out by then.”

  Was Ethan really that ashamed to be with me? “Fine. I guess we can use the element of surprise.” Gods, our marriage was already like a chess game.

  But this is what I’d decided. And in my gut was a feeling of firm satisfaction. My intuition told me I’d made the right choice. Duty over love.

  I needed to get a dress for the King’s Ball. No future Queen of the Arcanea could show up wearing jeans.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The illusion took all my energy and made me weak for days. It was powerful sorcery— stuff I shouldn’t be messing with. Duplicating yourself and powering the illusion with enough magic to become a solid form was extremely difficult. Arcanea had died from it. The spell itself had made me sick. I could only sustain it for a short period of time. I’d cast the duplication spell the night before, and made sure that the clone would be seen on live TV so Emma would witness the broadcast as we studied the next morning.

  The spell had completely drained me. But I had no other choice. I was certain that Emma was onto me. If I hadn’t done something, she’d have discovered my secret identity, and then there’d be a whole list of things to explain alongside asking her to join me for the King’s Contest.

  I already had to convince her to marry me against her will— while lying to her about the fact we shared a mating bond. I didn’t want to admit I was a vigilante on top of it. I debated back and forth for days about confessing to Emma that we were fated mates, but if I did that, I’d have to tell her the truth about the Phantom. Knowing the man behind the mask would only put Emma at risk, and now that we were contestants for the Contest, she would be in enough danger as the bride of Prince Ethan.

  I needed her to be focused on winning the King’s Contest. If she knew I’d been lying to her about being the Phantom, she’d be beyond furious— along with distracted.

  And if she ever found out I lied to her about her being my one true mate… she’d never trust me again.

  Trust was the o
ne thing we needed in order to win the Contest. We had to get that throne. One way or the other.

  The night of the King’s Ball had arrived. But first, Emma and I had to go through our Choosing ceremony, declare ourselves to our gods, and announce that we were mated.

  The ceremony was to be held in Dolinska’s square. Every Arcanea had to go through their Choosing ceremony once they’d found their mate at the end of that particular year, but the King’s Contest participants were going first.

  At seven o’clock, I waited at the bottom of the winding staircase that led up to the dorms. I was worried about how tonight was going to go, but there was no turning back now.

  I heard a door open from above, and I turned. I hardly recognized the woman standing there until I realized she was my mate.

  Emma had white flowers woven into her red hair, which was tied back into an intricate formal braid that ran down her back. She wore a ball gown that was made out of multiple different fabrics. White silk brocade made up most of the large skirt, with silver flowers embroidered into the navy fabric. On top of the silk skirt was blue tulle in a variety of different shades, bunched up around her hips in a triangular fashion. Silver tulle flowers, handmade and stitched with diamonds, were placed on top of the tulle. The diamonds embellished the corset top, which hugged her curves and pushed her breasts upward. Around her neck was a thick and glimmering aquamarine necklace, with dangling earrings to match. White gloves covered her hands all the way up to her elbows.

  She was fit to be a queen. As I tried to comprehend the flood of powerful emotions that were coursing through my veins at the sight of how gorgeous she was, I knew she was mine. Completely and wholly. The gods had chosen well for me.

  I only hoped I’d meet her expectations.

  When she came near, I reached out a hand to take hers. She lifted her skirt and proceeded down the rest of the stairs with an elegance most girls could only dream of achieving. It had to be the figure skater in her.

  “You look handsome.” Her eyes met mine before they roved my body up and down, taking me in.

  “Thank you.” I was wearing the traditional wolven court uniform for my status; a navy blue coat with silver buttons, a silver sash across my chest, long black pants, and a white fur cloak off my shoulder. A few medallions hung off the left side of my coat to show my royal status. “But I’m sure no one will notice me, standing next to you. You’re radiant.”

  She flashed a dazzling smile and said, “Shall we go?”

  “Of course.” We walked together down the hallway. She linked her arm in mine, and I was certain that we looked the part— unsure if we could pull it off, though.

  “Where are the others?” Emma asked curiously.

  “They’ll be meeting us at the ball.” As contestants, both of us were required to keep a court— knights for me, and ladies in waiting for her. We had to have six people beside us, one from every Faction. We’d picked the obvious choices. Stefan, Alexei, and Theo for me, and Delmare, Kiara, and Odette for her.

  The skies were dark when we ventured outside, and a heavy snowfall was trickling down from the skies. A carriage was waiting for us, pulled by a white horse. The driver opened the door for us, and I helped Emma inside. It was a struggle to get her giant skirt past the door.

  As the carriage started down the cobblestone streets, I rummaged inside a trunk that had been placed inside. “You’ll want this.” I handed Emma a white fur shawl, one to match my cloak. “It’s cold in the square. I didn’t want you getting sick.”

  “Thank you.” She wrapped the shawl around her shoulders and stared out the carriage window. “So how does this work? Do I get a title?”

  “Each of the Contest participants are called contestants. Whoever wins the Contest will be given the title of Prince, and his Marked, Princess. Once they’re crowned, they’re bestowed the title of King and Queen, but the coronation won’t happen until one year after the Contest’s passing.”

  “What happens to your rank if we don’t win?” Emma asked.

  “I’ll still keep the title of Regent Prince even if I lose, but I’ll cease to have any true power.” I balled my fists. “That’s something we cannot permit to happen.”

  Emma nodded. An intensity burned in her eyes. She wanted this as badly as I did. She believed she was making a huge sacrifice by marrying me. If we didn’t win, it’d all be for nothing.

  However much I wanted to… I couldn’t bring myself to tell her we were fated mates. I didn’t want the distraction. Even if all I wanted was her in my arms tonight.

  The square was crowded with thousands of people who’d come to see the contestants be pledged. When the carriage stopped, I exited and helped Emma step down. The loud conversation in the crowd died, and everyone turned to look our way.

  There was complete silence. Emma took my arm, and people cleared a wide path for us as we walked toward the contestant stage. The mouths of Marked and shifters alike dropped open in disbelief. We’d arrived late, and on purpose. I wanted the other contestants to think I was backing out before showing up to intimidate them at the last second.

  Lord Lucien was waiting by the stage. He nodded kindly to us as we began climbing the wooden stairs upward.

  “Nervous?” I asked my mate as we neared the top.

  “Of course not,” Emma said. “This isn’t the first time I’ve performed for an audience.”

  Wouldn’t be the last time, either.

  Elijah, I was pleased to see, was furious. He was certain I was going to drop out. He had a difficult time keeping a straight face as he observed Emma and I. I swore he’d burst out of his skin and change into a wolven that instant if diplomacy didn’t demand that he behave.

  Gabby didn’t look too happy, either. She was practically shaking with fury as her dagger-like gaze pierced into Emma’s skin. My mate wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated by her. Emma held her nose high up in the air like Gabby was beneath her as we took our place onstage alongside the other contestants.

  “Congratulations, cripple. You’ve found a wife,” Elijah snarled as I passed.

  Emma lifted her eyebrow, but that was her only reaction.

  “The proper way to refer to me is your highness,” I replied back coolly. “Don’t forget your station.”

  “For now,” Elijah said. I didn’t allow him to say anything further, because I led Emma to the opposite side of the stage. There were sixteen contestants total, four from each Faction. Eight potential kings and eight potential queens, ready to take their shot at glory.

  In the center of the stage was a giant wooden arch, twisted with gnarled branches and pine needles. The same priestess that had led the Day of the Dead ceremonies came forward. Today, she was wearing a thick fur cloak that draped down her shoulders, with a deerskin dress and an antlered headpiece.

  The High Priestess raised her hands, and the crowd quieted. Her magic amplified her voice so the entire square could hear. “People of Malovia!” she cried. “We commence a celebration of great meaning! Tonight is the official opening of the King’s Contest, and the beginning of our quest for a new king!”

  The crowd of thousands cheered. Their noise was so loud it shook the mountains. I’d appeared before an audience many times before, but this was different. My authority as alpha was being questioned.

  That would cease after the Contest was over.

  The High Priestess extended her hand to the alicorn couple near the center of the stage. “We shall begin the opening ceremonies with the declaration of Choosing. The contestants will announce their chosen mates, and declare which god or goddess they are devoted to. Albin Eryk and Krystyna Manfred, please step forward.”

  Albin and Krystyna came underneath the arch. The High Priestess told them to join hands, and the square became deadly silent. Her voice took on a serious tone as she asked, “Do you, Albin Eryk, join yourself to this sorceress in mind, body, and spirit, proclaim her to be your mate, vow to one day be married with her in sacred union, defending her at all c

  Albin cleared his throat. He seemed nervous. His voice stuttered when he spoke, “I proclaim that Krystyna Manfred is my mate, for now and forever, until my watch is over and until the end of time.”

  The High Priestess turned from him and to Krystyna. “Do you, Krystyna Manfred, vow to join yourself to this shifter in mind, body, and spirit, proclaim him to be your mate, vow to one day be married with him in sacred union, loving him despite whatever cost?”

  Krystyna hiccuped. It was such an odd thing to do that most people were taken aback. Her eyes widened, and she rushed to say, “I proclaim that Albin Eryk is my mate, for now and forever, until my watch on the hunt is over and until the end of time.”

  Rapturous applause and cheering rose from the audience. Cannons went off somewhere, as was tradition, and music struck up to be played. Huge smiles lit up the faces of both Albin and Krystyna. It was obvious that they were actually fated mates and not just together for the sake of the Contest. As Albin and Krystyna took their place back in line, the noise quieted, and the High Priestess called up the second alicorn couple.

  Each of the other three Factions was introduced until finally, it was time for the wolvens. Emma and I would go first. The High Priestess gestured to us, and Emma and I came forward underneath the arch.

  “Join hands,” the High Priestess said, and I took Emma’s hands in mine. They were colder than I thought they were. I rubbed them with my thumbs to try and warm them, and she smiled slightly.

  The High Priestess looked at me. Do you, Ethan Nowak, join yourself to this sorceress in mind, body, and spirit, proclaim her to be your mate, vow to one day be married with her in sacred union, defending her at all costs?”

  “I proclaim that Emmaline Sosna is my mate, for now and forever, until my watch on the hunt is over and until the end of time,” I recited, the words sending a thrill through my body.

  Emma didn’t know I meant every word of it. Her eyes were fixed clearly on me— like I was the only person she could see.


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