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The Wolven Mark

Page 32

by Megan Linski

  There were whispers at Emma’s name. It was strange. It was like the crowd was in shock. I didn’t understand it.

  “Do you, Emmaline Sosna, vow to join yourself to this shifter in mind, body, and spirit, proclaim him to be your mate, vow to one day be married with him in sacred union, loving him despite whatever cost?” the High Priestess asked Emma.

  Emma hesitated. She didn’t respond right away. Long minutes passed… the seconds became torturous and agonizing.

  Oh, shit. She was going to back out. She was going to change her mind in front of all these people, and completely break my heart.

  She couldn’t do this to me. Not here, not now. I’d lose it. I’d lose everything if I lost her.

  Then Emma swallowed and said, “I proclaim that Ethan Nowak is my mate, for now and forever, until my watch on the hunt is over and until the end of time.”

  Relief flooded through my veins and made my shoulders sag. She’d accepted my mating offer. It was done. She was mine. Now and forever.

  A warmth spread through me at the thought. Emma belonged to me, and I belonged to her. That’s what mating was. It was how it should be.

  Nobody applauded or cheered when Emma took her vow. All there was to be heard was stunned silence… until someone from within the crowd broke the quiet.

  “This is preposterous! Her mother denied King Lycus his mating bond!” a sorceress screamed.

  “She’s a bastard queen! Her mother conceived her outside the mating bed!” another yelled.

  I stepped forward, ready to jump off the stage and find whoever was saying this blasphemous nonsense. Emma, a bastard? How dare they accuse her mother of such crimes?

  Something struck me. I knew my father’s mate had denied his bond, and that’s why he ended up marrying my mother, but he’d never told me who his true mate was. What did Emma have to do with any of it?

  Was Emma’s mother the one who’d turned away my father’s love?

  The crowd’s voices began to raise. It looked like a riot was forming. The High Priestess raised her hands. “Ladies and gentlemen, please,” she cried. “Save your accusations until after the King’s Contest is over.”

  The crowd settled, though resentful eyes turned our way. “Emma, what’s going on?” I whispered under my breath as we left the arch.

  “Tell you later.” Emma’s face was hard as stone. She knew exactly what the crowd was talking about. I figured it was best to trust her and ask questions after the ceremony was over.

  Gabby and Elijah were after us. They way they proclaimed themselves to be mates was boastful and over the top, instead of sensitive and authentic like Emma and I. It made me feel sick. They were clearly loving all the attention.

  After all the contestants had made their mating declarations, the High Priestess came forward and said, “Now each contestant will announce to which of the Seven Gods they pledge their loyalty. Albin, please come forward.”

  Albin pledged himself to Vesna, the goddess of wisdom, while Krystyna chose Radek, the god of truth. The High Priestess worked her way down the line until it was once again Emma and I’s turn.

  My knees shook as I approached the arch and kneeled before the priestess. Mine would be a controversial choice, but I’d made my decision long ago. This was what was right in my heart.

  “Ethan Nowak, to which god do you align?” the priestess asked.

  I proclaimed loudly, “I pledge myself to Luka. The Thief God.”

  More shocked exclamations ran through the crowd, but I did my best to ignore them. No king had ever pledged themselves to Luka, the god of peasants, before. Most picked Tomir, the King of the Seven Gods. Emma and I were certainly causing a stir tonight. When I looked back at Emma, her eyes were narrowed, as if she was trying to figure something out.

  The crowd booed as Emma made her way to the arch, but she kept her eyes fixed ahead as if their hatred didn’t bother her. She kneeled gracefully before the High Priestess and bowed her head.

  “Tell me, my child,” the High Priestess said. “Which god do you pledge your life to?”

  “I pledge myself to Milonna,” Emma said. “The goddess of love.”

  That was a typical queen’s choice. It was probably the least controversial thing we’d done all night. Emma got up and made her way back to me. When she stood at my side, her body pressed against mine.

  “Don’t let me fall,” she whispered. Her knees were wobbling from nervousness.

  “Never.” I looped my arm around her waist and supported her weight. Her shaking ended as I tightened my grip around her.

  I wanted to punch Elijah in the face as I watched him swagger up to the arch like he’d already been crowned king. He kneeled before the High Priestess, but only took one knee, not two.

  A sign of disrespect if I ever saw one. He constantly spit in the face of our customs. Some king he’d make.

  “Elijah, who do you swear your allegiance to?” the High Priestess asked.

  “I swear myself to Droga,” Elijah said. “The Dark God.”

  A unanimous gasp rose up among the crowd, and a bottomless pit formed in my stomach. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was. Elijah had sworn himself to evil.

  The crowd had backed away several paces from the stage, staring up at Elijah like he was some kind of curse. Never mind about Emma and I causing a ruckus. Elijah had totally stolen our spotlight and put it entirely on him. The King’s Contest was very interesting this year. Elijah rose to his feet, pleased at all the pale faces in the crowd.

  The High Priestess gaped. “Are… are you quite sure?”

  “Very,” Elijah replied. “Droga is the god I choose to serve.”

  The High Priestess closed her mouth. “Very well,” she replied. “May the Seven Gods honor your decision.”

  Elijah swept back to his spot on the stage. Several contestants moved away from him, as if they didn’t want to get too close. The only people who’d ever served Droga were users of dark magic. But it wasn’t illegal to pledge yourself to any god, and Elijah was well within his right to declare Droga his master.

  At least Emma and I had a better chance now with the support of the people. The majority of them wouldn’t back up Elijah, with the choice of god he’d just made.

  Gabby made the same choice. She pledged herself to Droga with a wide smile and giggles, like she was swearing her soul to a paradise instead of an evil being. Gabby sneered at Emma as she passed by, but Emma did her part of acting regal and kept a polite expression, though her hands bunched in her dress. I could tell she wanted to claw Gabby’s eyes out.

  The High Priestess came forward and lifted her hands. “The contestants have made their declarations! Let us celebrate by beginning the festivities of the King’s Ball!”

  The crowd cheered, though the applause was subdued and hesitant. A path was cleared as the contestants left the stage and made their way back to the carriages. I relaxed as the carriage doors closed behind Emma and I and began moving in the way of the palace.

  Emma’s lip was trembling. She looked like she was going to cry. “I’m so sorry, Ethan. I should’ve told you before we got here.”

  “Should’ve told me what? Don’t cry.” I reached over and wiped away a singular tear off her cheek. “I’m proud you kept it together in front of all those people.”

  “Like I have a choice. Dammit, I’m ruining my makeup. Odette’s going to have a cow.” Emma fished in her clutch for a tissue and dotted at her eyes before she said, “I knew word would get out about me.”

  “What do you mean? We don’t have a lot of time, so tell me quickly,” I said.

  She took a deep breath. “I just found out recently, but my mother told me she was mated to your dad, the king. But she broke that mating bond, because she bonded with another shifter.”

  “So that’s why you brought it up the other day. I didn’t know that could happen,” I said.

  Emma’s voice was tight. “I didn’t either, but my mom swore it could. His name was Anastazy Ignacy.
The Black Claw killed him. He was trying to protect me from being taken by them, so they could use my blood to raise Droga. They knew about me, even back then. Mom took me to America, to protect me.”

  Emma shook her head. “But people don’t know all that. They probably think my mom screwed around with a human or something.”

  “If you say that your mother bonded with two shifters, I believe you,” I said. “But you have to know this. I don’t care about anything they’re saying, Emma. We’re in this together, you and me.”

  “But not everyone believes me. They don’t know my true bloodline. They consider me unfit to rule by your side. I’ve caused a scandal and embarrassed you,” she protested.

  “There are always scandals in the royal court. It’s nothing new.” I rolled my eyes. “If anything, you’ve only made us more interesting.”

  Emma let out a skeptical noise. “Yeah, well, people love drama.”

  “That I agree with.” The palace came into view outside the window. “Look, Emma. We’re passing through the gates now.”

  I parted the curtains in the carriage window, and Emma gasped. The palace came into view, lit up by spotlights made from illusions. She left her cloak behind on the seat as the carriage began to slow.

  The carriage stopped before the grand staircase that led to the main entrance, and Emma held my hand tightly as we climbed them. The double doors were made of gold and over a hundred feet tall. They opened by magic as the contestants approached. The palace had been decorated for the King’s Ball, adorned in garlands, wreaths, and colored lights. Candles hovered in the air over the long hallway, and guests wearing their finest attire drank champagne as servants hurried this way and that.

  “This is your house?” Emma gaped.

  “Well, I live here, so yes,” I replied. “It’ll be your house too, once we win the Contest.”

  “You know what? Marrying you will be worth it, just to live in a palace.” She grinned.

  I laughed. The long hallway ended and opened up into the Imperial Ballroom. There was a fifty-foot tall Christmas tree in the center, decorated with silver and gold ornaments. Our reflections shone off the polished marble floor, and paintings of former kings and queens lined the embellished walls. A string quartet, accompanied by a pianist, played soft music in the corner. Tables with floor-length tablecloths and chairs adorned with ribbons made a circle around the room. An illusion made snowflakes fall from the ceiling, though they vanished before they reached the floor.

  My mother, the queen, sat on a throne that was placed on a raised platform so she could observe the party. She caught my gaze, then her eyes flickered to Emma. She raised an eyebrow and turned her eyes away.

  She hadn’t approved of my mating choice, but that was on her. It was too late to go back now.

  “Is that your mom?” Emma hushed. She stared at the queen with wide eyes.

  “Yes,” I replied. “We’ll meet her later. Right now, it’s time for the feast.”

  Odette, Delmare, Kiara, Theo, Stefan, and Alexei were already at a table near the head of the room, waiting for us. Our friends had barely followed the dress code. Odette was wearing a ballgown that had a jeweled white top and a pastel rainbow skirt, along with a diamond headpiece that made it look like she had an alicorn horn nestled in her curls. Delmare looked like some sort of queen of spiders, with a long-sleeved black evening gown made entirely of lace. Her wore heavy eyeshadow and black lipstick, along with a ribbon choker. Kiara’s dress was— by the gods— low cut in the… erm, chest area… and cheetah print.

  Theo had opted for a regular black tuxedo, though Odette had pressured him into wearing a rainbow tie. Stefan’s tux was wrinkled, and burned at the edges. Alexei had opted for a tan suit instead of a black tuxedo, and was totally out of place among all the other men here.

  It was like none of them had gotten the attire requirements. We’d certainly attract attention. I helped Emma into her chair before taking a seat. I was trying to get over how odd it was to see Stefan in a tux.

  “Thank the gods you showed up,” Stefan moaned. “I’m fucking starving.”

  “Don’t swear here,” I snapped. “People will overhear you.”

  “Let them!” Stefan smirked. “Bring on the ale! I want to be unable to walk before the night is over. You’ll have to carry me out, babe.”

  Stefan prodded Delmare’s side, and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “You’re so uncouth.” Theo sniffed before taking a sip of champagne. “That’s just what Ethan needs, a drunk knight in his court making things harder for him.”

  “Like they’re not difficult enough,” Alexei subbed in. “We overheard your Choosing didn’t exactly go as planned. People are starting to talk.”

  “I hope some of you tried to dispel the rumors about us,” I said bluntly.

  “Oh, certainly,” Theo said. “If you consider Stefan making dick jokes helpful to the cause.”

  “Severed dick jokes,” Alexei added.

  Theo’s mouth was a thin line. “Yes. I’m certain he offended a diplomat before we even walked in the door.”

  I groaned and put my face in my hand. “I hate you all.”

  “Hey, the monarchy needs a little livening up,” Stefan said. “Once you’re king, Ethan, there are gonna be some big changes around here.”

  I should’ve picked better knights. At least Emma’s ladies in waiting were behaving.


  “Ooh,” Odette said, eyeing a brawny alicorn shifter on the other side of the room. “He’s quite attractive. Do you think he’s noticed me?”

  “Odette, you already have a date. It’s Theo,” Kiara hissed. “You can’t be seen flirting with another alicorn when you’re part of Emma’s court. It’ll make people talk.”

  “No one will see us. We’ll go behind one of the tapestries and make love,” Odette crooned.

  Theo abruptly stood up from the table. The chair made a loud screech as it was sent hurtling backward, causing several people to look our way. “I need more champagne.” He briskly walked away and took two flutes off a servant’s tray, downing them both.

  Soon after, servants brought our plates. They were full of sausage, pierogi, paprikash, buttered noodles, cucumber salad, golabki, and angel wings for dessert.

  I tried to focus on my food, because no one was behaving. Odette kept sighing over the other alicorn, and Theo drank more than he ate. Alexei was having a hard time keeping his eyes on Kiara’s face and not her bosom as she talked on and on about various topics, though I don’t think she noticed.

  Emma picked at her food. I reached under the table and grabbed her free hand. I gave it a squeeze. “Hey,” I whispered. “You need to eat to keep your strength up. It’s going to be a long night.”

  “I know,” she whispered back. She grimaced and put a hand on her stomach. “I’m just nervous.”

  “Are you going to be sick?” I whispered.

  “I won’t be. I promise.” Emma pushed her food around her plate listlessly. “I don’t want to mess this up.”

  I picked up my fork and cut into a pierogi for her. I held it upward and said, “Here, just focus on me. Eat.”

  Her eyes connected with mine. She opened her mouth slightly, and I slipped the pierogi inside. She chewed and swallowed. I continued cutting up her food for her and feeding her as her gaze remained connected with mine. My whole body was growing hot. Gods, this was kind of sexy.

  “Does it help if I feed you?” I asked lowly.

  “Kind of,” she admitted. She was starting to relax. My eyes drifted downward to sneak a glance at her breasts rising and falling in the corset.

  People were staring at us— including my mother— but damn all if I cared. You were supposed to show that you loved your mate in public. I wanted people to think I was with Emma because we shared a mating bond, not that she was a last minute choice for the Contest.

  Even if Emma didn’t know the depths of my affection herself.

  As I watched her lips f
orm around the last bite, I had the idea I wanted her pretty mouth on other things. But that wasn’t proper to think about at royal parties.

  “What the hell are you guys doing over there?” Stefan asked as he watched us. “Some sort of foreplay?”

  “Stefan, shut up,” Theo slurred. He sloppily raised a hand to push Stefan over, but ended up knocking into Alexei instead. The glass of champagne Alexei was holding flung out of his hand and splattered all over the front of Kiara’s dress. Kiara gasped as her front was soaked.

  “Oh, gods, I’m so sorry.” Alexei grabbed a napkin and tried to pat the champagne away, though his face grew red when he realized that his hand was close to Kiara’s almost-exposed breasts.

  “It’s fine.” Kiara waved her hand, and the champagne cleared away, leaving her dress clean. “Common cleaning illusion. No one will notice.”

  Alexei shrunk in his seat. Kiara acted like it wasn’t a big deal, but the griffin himself was red with embarrassment.

  Delmare literally snarled as Stefan stuck a noodle in his mouth and let it dangle off the other end. “Hey. Irena. I take one end of the noodle, you take the other, and we’ll eat until we see where this leads?” he mumbled.

  “If you touch me, I’m going to hit you,” Delmare snapped, though a blush had started to creep over her cheeks. She was eyeing the other end of the noodle like she was actually considering his request.

  “Please do. Hard,” he pleaded. Delmare only held back because Emma kicked her under the table.

  This was a mess. As our plates were cleared away, I immediately stood up. As entertaining as this was, Emma and I needed to get away from the circus.

  “Would you like to dance, my lady?” I bowed to her before extending a hand.

  Emma took it lightly and rose to her feet. “I’d love to.”

  As we proceeded toward the dance floor, the music started up into a light waltz. Emma grinned as she said, “Let’s show all these asshats who the next King and Queen of the Arcanea are.”

  Chapter Twenty


  I was in my element now. I could dance better than any fucker at this party. Time to show everyone up.


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