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A Promise of Passion

Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’m seriously thinking about it,” she nodded. “I like Dorset.”

  “Perhaps my friend will be able to help you. I understand he has quite a knowledge of buying property. I told you, his family owns an impressive country estate.”

  “Yes, you did, and it was one of the reasons I agreed to come, though I still don’t understand. He’s engaged, for goodness sake.”

  “As I said, my dear, this is just a casual meeting, an opportunity to make a new friend.”

  “Seems like a lot of trouble to make a new friend,” she commented, raising a single eyebrow.

  “Enough,” he declared firmly, raising his hand. “Our guests will be arriving shortly. You will eat, and drink, and have a good time.”

  Valentina had been raised in a strict family with strong traditions, and though in her late twenties, Lukas, who had been like an uncle, held almost as much authority over her as her father. When his hand came up, and his voice grew stern, the debate was over.

  “Yes, Lukas,” she nodded “and it’s very kind of you to go to so much trouble.”

  Satisfied, Lukas smiled and patted her arm.

  “Good, and I think I hear a car. I believe the first of our guests has arrived.”

  As he strode towards the foyer, Valentina moved to a mirror and stared at her reflection.

  Why would a man want what I want, and why am I being introduced to a man who is engaged? This is making no sense, but Lukas must have his reasons.


  The limousine was moving slowly through the streets, Alfred and Robson seated in the back. Having a driver meant they could drink, and they both had reason to imbibe. Robson because his tranquil relationship with Vivien had abruptly and unexpectedly turned upside down, and Alfred, because Robson had been in a foul mood since his future wife had left for Paris.

  Alfred knew better than to attempt to console his best friend. It was better to sit quietly and let him stew than to attempt conversation, and the silence wasn’t awkward. They’d been like brothers since they were children, and found simple comfort in each other’s company, but when Robson’s phone sang in his pocket, Alfred grit his teeth. He was sure it was Vivien, and he was right.

  “What the hell?” Robson shouted into his phone.“Why didn’t you tell me you were working with Gustav? You know how I feel about him. He’s common and vulgar, and the pictures, my God, they must never see the light of day.”

  “Are you quite finished?” Vivien asked calmly. “If you want to yell some more, let me know, and I’ll sit here quietly until you’re done.”

  “I don’t know what’s happened to you, but I want my fiancé back!”

  “And of course, your sweetness and light will achieve that,” she quipped.

  Robson swallowed. She was right, he was being his true self, his charming facade had dropped away in the drama of the moment.

  “I’m so terribly sorry, my beauty,” he cooed, his personality instantly changing. “I’m just so upset. Those photographs, that’s not the woman I have come to know and adore.”

  “Well, Robson, I’m afraid there’s more,” she declared.

  “What do you mean, there’s more? More crude photographs of my gorgeous bride half-naked in chains, or with a crop between her teeth?”

  “Oh, yes, there are plenty of pictures, but that’s not the more. Gustav was so thrilled with the results, he picked up an option in my contract. For a year I’ll be doing TV commercials, and I’ll be the center of a massive print campaign for the new clothing line. It’s called, Spank Me Now, Naughty Jeans For Naughty Girls.”

  Alfred, watching quietly, saw Robson’s eyes crunch together, and his hand on the phone became a white-knuckled clench. Whatever Vivien had just told him, had turned him apoplectic.

  “That…is…impossible…” Robson breathed, barely able to contain himself. “If you wish to remain in my life, you will cancel everything immediately. I will pay whatever is necessary to get you out of your obligations, and you will return here, right now, right this minute.”

  “But Robson, I want to do these ads, they’re fantastic. I’ve never done anything like it before, and quite honestly,” she paused, “I think the whole thing is super sexy.” Please let that be enough, please tell me to take a hike.

  “Hold on,” he growled, and lowering the phone he turned to Alfred, his eyes steel.

  “The pictures, they’re a drop in the bucket. She’s signed to do a year of television commercials, and a massive print campaign for a clothing line called, Spank Me Now, Naughty Jeans For Naughty Girls. How bad would it be, Alfie, if I let her go? Which is worse, kicking her to the curb, and all the negative press that will go with it, or living through the campaign?”

  “You know the answer to that, Robson. You can’t have your children seeing pictures of their mother like that. Ten years from now, they’ll never be able to live with it, and besides, she’s clearly not the sweet thing you thought she was. You can control the press, at least to a point, but apparently you can’t control your bride to be. Out on her perfectly lovely bum, that’s my advice.”

  “Yes, quite,” Robson frowned, then lifted the phone to his ear. “Vivien, if you decide to go forward with this job, I’m afraid I will have no choice but to call off our engagement.”

  “But I’m under contract,” Vivien said softly, “and I really want to do it.”

  “I see. Very well, that’s an end to it. I shall handle the press, please don’t give any comments to anyone, and keep this to yourself until I tell you otherwise, understood?”

  “But I’ll miss you. Are you sure?”

  “There is no doubt,” he said coldly. “It ends now. Remember what I said, keep this news to yourself.”

  “Very well,” she said meekly. “I won’t say anything.”

  “Goodbye, Vivien,” he said brusquely. “I am immensely disappointed in you,” and without waiting for a reply, he ended the call.

  “Well said,” Alfred remarked, nodding his head with approval.

  “Thank God, we’re, here,” Robson grimaced, seeing the Embassy come into view. “I need a bloody drink.”

  “Aren’t you glad we came?”

  “Ask me that question in an hour,” he scowled.

  The car rolled to a stop behind another just in front, giving Robson an extra moment to compose himself, and as the driver pulled forward, Alfred grabbed Robson’s hand and squeezed it.

  “Doesn’t matter what happens, you know you’ll always have me,” he whispered.

  “Thanks, Alfie. You’re the best thing in my life, always have been.”

  They climbed from the car and moved quickly into the foyer, handing off their coats and scarves to one of the uniformed footmen, and as they wandered into the reception room, Lukas hurried across to greet them.

  “Thank you, gentlemen, for attending my small dinner on such short notice. My guest is only here for a week, and I did want to do something special for her.”

  “Our pleasure,” Robson smiled, ever the embodiment of social grace. “It was kind of you to include us.”

  “Please, allow me to introduce you,” Lukas said warmly, leading them across the room.

  Robson sighed, trying to shake off the dramatic turn of events, and focused on the woman they were approaching. Dressed in a muted beige cocktail dress, sporting a stunning diamond and pearl necklace and matching earrings, Valentina was the epitome of elegance. Her perfectly coiffed blond hair was swept away from her face, and as she turned, he saw a mere smattering of makeup, just enough to highlight her features. The introductions were made, and after a short conversation, Lukas subtly pulled Alfred aside, leaving Robson and Valentina to become better acquainted.

  When Dominic had asked Lukas if he knew of any women that Robson might find interesting, Lukas was taken aback, but Dominic had carefully explained Robson’s personal shortcomings, and the burgeoning feelings between himself and Vivien.

  “I need Robson to know that Vivien isn’t the only wo
man in the world,” Dominic had said. “I thought, with all your connections, you might know someone who could turn his eye. Someone he might see as more suited to his aristocratic lifestyle. I need him to feel relief at giving Vivien up, and I’m hoping meeting someone of his ilk, might ease the anger he’ll feel towards her.”

  Lukas knew of several women, but there was one in particular that had sprung immediately to mind; the daughter of a longtime family friend, a woman he almost helped raise. Her name was Valentina Brunn.

  Valentina ached to be married and have children, but finding a suitable match had proven impossible, and it wasn’t due to a lack of suitors. She’d already turned down several proposals.

  Her refusal to accept any offers of marriage had frustrated and confused the family, and she’d finally confided in Kirsten. Valentina had no desire for some great, wild love affair. She simply wanted a companion, a friend, and a father for her children.

  Whether or not she would accept a husband who was aloof and removed Lukas didn’t know, but she was now in her late twenties, and her family was growing concerned. Based on what she’d told Kirsten, it was entirely possible Valentina and Robson were cut from the same cloth.

  Regardless, Lukas was convinced Valentina would be just the distraction Dominic was talking about, and should anything develop he would make sure she knew about Robson’s peculiar aversion to physical intimacy.

  “Perhaps helping Dominic will help Valentina,” he murmured, watching them across the room, “and Robson doesn’t seem to be his usual, cheerful self tonight. I wonder if something has already happened with Vivien.”

  Robson found himself seated next to Valentina at dinner, and as the evening progressed, he learned of her Oxford education, her centuries-old family, and her wish to become a mother the moment she found a suitable husband.

  “Whoever that man might be, he will be a very lucky fellow,” Robson said smoothly, finding her lack of guile as attractive as her polished persona. “I understand what you mean about a suitable spouse.”

  “Many don’t,” she sighed, “but it wouldn’t be proper for me to say more than that.”

  “Valentina, might I ask if you would be free for dinner tomorrow night? I belong to a private mens’ club, but they have an excellent restaurant that allows its members to bring a female guest.”

  Valentina studied him for a moment, then took a sip of her wine.

  “Forgive me, Robson,” she began, placing her glass slowly back on the table, “but I understand from Lukas that you are engaged. I’m a little confused.”

  “Ah, well, that moniker no longer applies. I have no women in my life, except my sisters of course.”

  “I see, recent breakup then?”

  “Very, but you needn’t worry about me being some kind of emotional wreck. Perhaps I should tell you, I’m bit more pragmatic about affairs of the heart than most, and it became abundantly clear the young woman in question was simply not suited to be my wife. If that sounds cold or harsh-”

  “Please, don’t apologize,” she smiled. “I have a very similar view to such matters, so, yes, I would like to join you for dinner.”

  “Excellent, I shall pick you up here tomorrow at 7 p.m, if that would be convenient.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to it,” she replied.

  And Robson silently sighed.

  As the evening drew to a close, and he and Alfred were saying their goodbyes, Lukas pulled him aside.

  “Valentina told me you’re taking her to dinner tomorrow evening. Won’t Vivien be back in town? I don’t wish to interfere but…”

  “Lukas, you need not worry,” Robson said reassuringly. “The engagement has been called off, and I will be contacting the society pages tomorrow to issue the press release.”

  “Ah, well then, that’s fine. I’m delighted Valentina has made a new friend, but you understand I must look out for her,” Lukas remarked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Of course, and I assure you she’ll be in very good hands.”

  “Are you all right? You seem very sanguine for a man who has just lost his bride.”

  “Yes, perfectly fine, thank you, Lukas,” he replied. “I didn’t exactly lose her. Let’s just say I discovered in time, that Vivien, though lovely, is not the right woman for me.”

  “Better to find out before, than after,” Lukas remarked.

  “Indeed, and thank you again for a lovely evening.”

  Making his way towards Alfred standing patiently by the door, Robson threw a final wave at Valentina.

  “Tell me everything,” Alfred said discreetly as they made their way to the car.

  “Everything? Let’s just say that fate has an interesting way of stepping in at just the right time,” Robson chuckled. “It appears Valentina and I share a similar viewpoint when it comes to finding a spouse. I have a feeling she and I might just hit it off.”

  “Can I give you a bit of advice?” Alfred offered as they settled into the car.

  “Alfie, you can give me all the advice you want,” Robson smiled.

  “If you ever reach a point with this woman, or any woman down the road, be straight with her. Don’t do what you did with Vivien. The roses and romance thing, isn’t who you are.”

  “I’m way ahead of you, Alfie. Trying to fake the whole loving bedroom scene with Vivien was a nightmare, but that doesn’t mean I’m going let her get away with what she’s done, not a chance.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That girl has cost me a fortune, and then on a whim she had that tabloid reporter up to her flat, then scampered off to Paris and decided to become the next…I don’t know what. For that, Alfie, she will not go unpunished.”


  Dominic and Vivien were celebrating her freedom at the small cafe around the corner from his studio. Now that she was free to do as she wished, she wanted to stay in his flat overnight, but Dominic held firm to his edict that she must return to the hotel so she could get the kind of rest she needed before shooting the following day.

  “You will be collected early, working outside, it will be cold, you must have your strength, Gustav will expect it.”

  “But I’ll sleep better with you next to me,” she protested, “pleeease.”

  “Mon Dieu, you are naughty,” he declared, shaking his head. “Is this how you got all you wanted as a little girl? You twinkled your pretty eyes and it became yours?”

  “Pretty much,” she giggled.

  “Not with me,” he promised, shaking his finger. “If you keep up this arguing, I will spank you right here.”

  “You will not,” she scoffed.

  “No?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “Of course not. Don’t be silly. Really, Dominic, you’d be arrested.”

  “Arrested? So, if I put you over my knee in a cafe in America I would be arrested?”


  “I would not be arrested here in Paris,” he said firmly, “so if you want me to put you over the table and spank you here in this cafe, keep arguing with me.”

  Vivien couldn’t help herself, and burst out laughing.

  “Are you laughing at me?” he asked, incredulous that she would do such a thing.

  “Of course I’m laughing at you,” she exclaimed, “you’re so earnest and so convincing.”

  “You don’t believe me?”

  Finally controlling herself, she leaned across the table and lowered her voice.

  “Do I believe that you, Dominic Dubois, artist to the affluent and influential, would do such a thing in public? Of course not, but that’s okay, because you were really-”

  Before she could finish, Dominic jumped from his seat, yanked her to her feet, spun her around, and grabbing her around the waist, he tipped her forward into his arm. He’d captured her in seconds.

  “Do you believe me now?” he demanded, delivering hard swats on her upturned backside.

  “Stop,” she wailed, shocked and mortified that he’d made good on
his promise.

  “I’ll ask again, do you believe me now?”

  “Yes, yes, please, Dominic, I do. I’ll stay at the hotel, please stop.”

  “I think a few more for good measure, my naughty girl,” he declared, and smacked down hard before straightening her up.

  Red-faced and shaking, Vivien fell back into her chair, and covered her face with her hands.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” she simpered. “Why did you have to do that?”

  “Because you challenged me, Vivien, of course I must have, I mean, I had to, however it is you say it.”

  “Mr. Dubois?”

  Dominic looked up to see the proprietor standing at his table smiling down at him.

  “Votre dîner sur la chambre,” he declared.

  “Merci,” Dominic smiled.”Mais ce n'est pas nécessaire.”

  “Oui,” the man said decisively, then ambled away.

  “What was all that?” Vivien asked, lifting her eyes.

  “He just made the meal no charge. I told him it wasn’t necessary but he insisted. So, you see, here it’s different. In America I would be arrested, and here in Paris, I don’t have to pay for dinner.”

  “Apparently,” she mumbled.

  “Tell me, Vivien, do you want to live in America, or here, where I can spank you when you need it?”

  “I’ll have to think about that.”

  “What? That you needed it? But of course you needed it,” he exclaimed. “You must tell me if you disagree.”

  “No, I don’t disagree,” she sighed, shifting slightly in her seat, “and the answer to your question is, here in Paris.”

  “This is exactly right. Next time when I tell you I will spank you if you are naughty, you will believe me, no matter where we are, yes?”

  “Yes, Dominic,” she sighed again.

  “You know I think you are lovely, and special, and I am very happy to be here with you,” he purred across the table. “I will make sure you get to the hotel safely, and when you are finished working with Gustav, then we will have some time together, as much as we want, okay?”


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