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A Promise of Passion

Page 13

by Maggie Carpenter

“Okay, but I’m still horribly embarrassed,” she muttered.

  “Yes, I see, your face is very red, maybe as red as your bottom, if I looked.”

  “I can’t believe no-one said anything,” she frowned, staring around at the few patrons who, if they had watched, were completely ignoring them.

  “The owner did, he bought us dinner,” Dominic chuckled. “I come in here all the time and he doesn’t say much, but tonight…”

  “Unbelievable,” she muttered, but then broke into a smile.

  “Now we will go to the George Sank, and I will give you a big hug, and a big kiss, and you will sleep very well, with a warm bottom so you will think of me.”

  Rising from the table, he took her hand and led her to the door, sending a wave to the proprietor as they walked outside. The night was cold, and she pulled her coat around her.

  “Walk fast, it will warm you up.”

  “I can think of something else that would warm me up,” she giggled.

  “You want another spanking?”

  “NO! I meant a cuddle in bed, as well you know.”

  “Yes, I know,” he grinned. “We will collect your bag, but there will be no hinky pinky.”

  “It’s hanky panky,” she laughed.

  “That too,” he said, laughing along with her.

  A short time later his car was maneuvering through the heavy traffic, and pulling into the driveway of the hotel, he tossed his keys to an attendant, saying something in French she couldn’t understand.

  “Shall we have a nightcap in the beautiful bar?” she asked as they entered the lobby.

  “No, because I know if you have a little nightcap you will become difficult.”

  “Difficult? Moi?” she said in mock indignation as he guided her to the elevator.


  As they entered the suite and she pulled off her coat, he led her to the couch and sat her down next to him, lifting her legs across his.

  “You have two days work left?”

  “Yep, tomorrow by the tower, and Wednesday in Raphael’s studio, but that will be for half a day.”

  “Tomorrow night, if you want, we can do the same thing, maybe have dinner in my apartment, or go somewhere else, then on Wednesday night I will have a big surprise for you.”

  “Really? What kind of a surprise?”

  “You’ll see, but only if you’re a good girl.”

  His words sent a warm, fuzzy feeling through her heart, and dropping her head she leaned into his body.

  “Dominic, you have made feel so full and happy.”

  “Vivien, there is something I must say,” he said solemnly.

  “Uh-oh, should I not have told you that?”

  “Of course you should have told me, and you fill my heart too,” he smiled, hugging her tightly. “No, I need to speak to you about Robson.”

  “Really? He’s the last thing I want to talk about.”

  “I must. Vivien, I don’t think Robson is finished with you,” he said gravely. “I have heard many stories about him, and I need you to promise me something.”

  “Of course, anything,” she said, puzzled by his comments.

  “You will not see him again, at least not for a while. Do you promise?”

  “Yes, all right, but I don’t think he’d hurt me. I’m sure he wouldn’t.”

  “If he contacts you, call me or text me and let me know. You promise?”

  “You’re really worried about this,” she said, seeing the worry in his eyes.

  “Yes, I am. I’m sure he is very angry with you, and he can be nasty,” Dominic warned. “You must be careful, at least for a little while.”

  Vivien felt a chill, and curled against him, burrowing into his chest.

  “I will, I promise. Are you sure you won’t stay with me? Couldn’t you just lay down on the bed until I fall asleep?”

  Dominic sighed a heavy sigh. In spite of the heady passion they had shared just a few hours earlier, he was longing to wrap himself in her delicious nakedness, but he knew it would be wrong to keep her up; she’d had a long day, and another one was facing her.

  “I will compromise,” he said softly.

  “You will?”

  “You will get in bed under the covers, and I will lay on top of them, and when you are sleeping I will leave.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  “You behave yourself, no tempting me.”

  “I swear,” she nodded.

  Rising from the couch they ambled into the bedroom, and as Vivien disappeared into the bathroom, Dominic walked to the windows to stare out at the city. The news of the breakup would hit the society pages and tabloids over the next few days, and Dominic was convinced Robson would not simply walk away; Vivien needed to be protected until the dust settled.

  “Penny?” she asked, slipping into bed.

  “I’m not just worried about Robson,” he said, walking over to join her. “There will be a lot of reporters wanting to talk to you, making things difficult. Why don’t we stay at my cottage for a while? Or we could go to my home in Hesperange.”

  “Either sounds really lovely,” she yawned.

  “Aha, you see, you are very tired,” he said, wagging his finger.

  “I am.”

  “Okay, you sleep now, and have an excellent time tomorrow.”

  Laying her head against his chest, flopping her arm over his body, she closed her eyes.

  “Goodnight, Dominic,” she whispered.

  “Goodnight, Vivien,” he said softly, kissing her on the forehead. Don’t worry, I will protect you, I swear it.


  Wednesday afternoon couldn’t come soon enough for Vivien. Her work schedule had been grueling, and the time she had been able to spend with Dominic, she’d been too tired to do anything more than eat and nap in his arms. When the shoot wrapped and she was finally back in her hotel room, she drew a hot bubble bath, sank into the relaxing water and let herself zone out.

  Dominic had been teasing her about her pending surprise every time they’d been together, and while she couldn’t imagine what he might have in store, whatever it was she wanted to be refreshed and ready.

  The long, hot soak relaxed her, and stepping into the stall shower she washed her hair, wrapped it up in a towel, then donning a robe she wandered into the living room to indulge in some complimentary snacks provided by the hotel. As she flopped down on the couch and began to study the basket of goodies, she noticed an envelope laying on the floor by the door. Moving quickly to retrieve it, she opened it up and smiled.

  Ma Cherie,

  I will pick you up at 7 p.m. Casual dress is okay. Eat a little something before I arrive. See you then,


  A warm fuzziness moved through her as her smile broadened, and knowing she had a couple of hours to herself, she returned to her snacks to contemplate what she might do.

  Her time had been so hectic she’d not had the opportunity to call her family to tell them about the end of her engagement, and knowing it wouldn’t be long before Robson alerted the media, she picked up her phone and called home. The thought of hearing her mother’s warm, cheery voice stirred her homesickness, and realizing she’d not checked the time, she prayed she hadn’t called her mother in the middle of the night.

  “Hello sweetheart,” her mother said, a smile in her voice. “How are you? What’s the latest? Are the plans coming together for the big day?”

  “Hi mom, I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “No, it’s just gone eight, but you can call me any time. I’d much rather talk to my daughter than sleep.”

  “I have some big news, and it’s good, though you might think it’s bad,” Vivien said tentatively.

  “The wedding’s been called off!”

  “The news hit there already?” Vivien asked, astonished that word had traveled so quickly to the small rural community.

  “No, it just kind of came to me, and honestly, I’m not surprised. As long as you’re a
ll right, I’m not upset either.”

  “It was me who wanted out,” Vivien admitted, “though that’s not how it will be reported. I hope you’re not too disappointed.”

  “Vivien, I’m relieved,” her mother sighed. “I’ve been very worried about the life you were going into.”

  “Why? I mean, I would have been nobility,” Vivien exclaimed. “Do you really feel that way?”

  “You’ve always been noble, Vivien. A title doesn’t make a person noble. That comes from their heart.”

  Vivien felt a wave of emotion. Her mother was so solid, so real, and so full of love.

  “I think it would have been a very demanding life for you, and there was something about Robson I didn’t like,” her mother continued, “something, and forgive me when I say this, something phony.”

  “How could you possibly know that?” Vivien exclaimed, amazed by her mother’s perception. “You’ve never even met him.”

  “I’m not sure. I got the feeling when I looked at the pictures you sent me, and I read his quotes. Am I wrong?”

  “My gosh, mom, you have no idea how right you are, and I found out just what a phony baloney he is a few days ago. It was a close call,” Vivien sighed, “and to be honest, the endless parties and dinners were getting kind of old.”

  “I can imagine,” her mother laughed. “I assume you’re going to stay in London and continue working? Any exciting news about your career?”

  “Very much so,” Vivien replied. “I’ve been hired as the spokesmodel for a cutting edge designer in Paris. Television commercials, tons of print work, it’s really exciting.”

  “I doubt your Viscount would have let you work that much,” her mother remarked.

  “It was the job that got me out of the engagement,” Vivien said, “so I’m doubly grateful for it.”

  “So, my busy girl, when will we be seeing you? It sounds as if you’re going to be tied up for a while.”

  Tied up? I sure hope so.

  “It’s a month or so before I’m scheduled to work again. Maybe this would be a good time to come home and have a real break for a couple of weeks. I miss you and Will, and I miss the farm so much.”

  “You know you can walk in this door any time. I would be so happy to have you back here. You can just show up, you don’t even have to let me know. Your room is just as you left it.”

  “It was the last time I was there,” Vivien smiled. “I just have to figure out when. I’ll let you know. Please tell Rusty I love him, and give Will a big hug for me.”

  “Of course. Rusty often sleeps by your bed, and Will, he’s become quite something.”

  Vivien could hear the pride in her mother’s voice, and as Will’s older sister, she was feeling it too.

  “I’ll call you soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too, darling.”

  Vivien ended the call, a lump in her throat. Dominic’s suggestion of a week in the cottage or in Hesperange sounded lovely, but maybe the best way to stay off Robson’s radar was to go home for a couple of weeks.

  Staring at the snacks in the gift basket, she realized they weren’t enough, and reaching for the phone she ordered a meal from room service. She would eat, catch up on her emails, take a nap, then ready herself for her date, and the much anticipated surprise.

  Throughout the day, Dominic had been just as busy as Vivien. Lukas had called and told him Valentina had caught Robson’s eye, and the two were spending some time together. It was good news, but the information for which he’d been waiting, the key to his Plan B, his all-important insurance, had arrived by special courier late in the afternoon, and he’d been shocked at what he’d received. He’d sat for some time, deciding exactly how to use the explosive material sitting innocently in the manila envelope.

  When it was finally clear in his head, and he’d worked out all the angles, he focused on making sure the arrangements were in place for the special evening ahead, then worked on Vivien’s portrait until it was time to pick her up.

  Having received copies of the photographs from the shoot, it was almost as if Vivien was in his studio posing for him; the look in her eyes, the tilt of her head, the slight, cheeky smile on her lips, stared up at him from his computer, and bringing her image alive on the canvas was effortless.

  So lost was he in his work, he almost made himself late, and ended up driving hastily through the busy traffic. As he approached the hotel he called her, asking if she would meet him in the driveway, and less than a minute later she was climbing into his car, her eyes sparkling, looking very excited.

  “Please tell me where we’re going?”

  “No, and you know better than to ask,” he lightly scolded, handing her a sleep mask. “Put on this blindfold and be patient.”

  “Seriously? Are you kidnapping me?” she giggled, taking the black mask and placing it across her eyes.

  “Yes, I am kidnapping you,” he grinned. “Do you object?”

  “Not even for a second,” she said happily.

  “So you are rested, you had a relaxing afternoon?” he asked as they headed off.

  “I did, I feel wonderful.”

  “You sit back and enjoy the ride, it won’t be long.”

  A short time later he entered a garage, and rolled the car to a stop.

  “Just hold on to my arm,” he said, helping her from the passenger seat. “We’re almost there.”

  “I love all this,” she said excitedly.

  “You will love it even more soon.”

  Taking her up an elevator, he led her down a hallway, and unlocked a door.

  “Just a few more steps,” he said softly, closing the door behind them and moving her into a second room. “You stay right there, no peeking.”

  “I promise,” she sighed, “but it won’t be easy.”

  “I will spank you very hard if you do.”

  “That just made it easier,” she exclaimed, the threat sending a fresh wave of wetness between her legs.

  She could hear him moving around, and every few seconds an odd, soft, clicking sound.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, returning to her side.

  “I’m so ready.”

  “You may take off your blindfold.”

  Lifting the mask and blinking her eyes, she caught her breath;

  “Oh, my God, Dominic!”

  She was back in the dungeon, several large candles and hurricane lanterns the only light. Laid out on a small table was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket, a plate of strawberries, some chunks of dark chocolate, and whipped cream in a silver bowl. Staring around the room she noticed an armchair sitting in front of the chains hanging from the ceiling, and a small table beside it.

  “For you,” Dominic whispered, moving over to her.

  “How did you…?”

  “I own this place, and I closed it for my private time with you tonight, just for a couple of hours.”

  “You own it? You’re kidding?”

  “No, Vivien, I am very quiet about my ownership, so it is our secret.”

  “Of course. Wow, no wonder you were able to make sure it was available for Gustav.”

  “Now you will go to the room that was used for wardrobe, and put this on for me,” he smiled, handing her a white box.

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see, now go, and don’t make me wait too long.”

  She wanted to ask when she could have some champagne and strawberries, but she knew better, so taking the box, she headed through the dimly lit, sensual room, and through the door against the back wall.

  The harsh light of the room was startling after the seductive, dim glow she’d just left, but the erotic anticipation had captured her, and with trembling fingers she opened the box. What appeared to be a black, patent leather corset was laying in the white tissue, and pulling it out, she discovered it had wide bands of elastic down the sides.

  Undressing quickly, she placed it around her waist to zip it up, and it was then she realized the sexy garment
had no cups, just a stiff narrow band to hold up her breasts. Thanks to the elastic at the sides, the fit was tight but not uncomfortable, and the outfit was short, ending just above her navel. Everything from the shoot was gone, so there was no mirror in which she could view her reflection, but she knew she made a salacious sight, naked but for the erotic, shiny leather wrapped around her torso.

  Tinglingly nervous, she could feel her wet excitement as she moved back to the dungeon, but when she entered and closed the door behind her, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the semidarkness. As Dominic approached, and stopped just a few feet away, she squinted, trying to see him more clearly. He’d changed as well, having discarded his shirt in favor of a leather vest. It was open, revealing his skin and curly black chest hair.

  “You are a vision,” he murmured.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I feel so, uh, voluptuous in this thing.”

  “Hmmm, and you are,” he breathed.

  Taking her by the elbow, he led her to the chains, and as her eyes adapted, she could see two pairs of cuffs sitting on the seat cushion of the armchair, and some kind of pole leaning against its side. Picking them up, he deftly buckled her wrists and ankles, but when he heard her breathing accelerate, he paused.

  “Are you frightened?”

  “Maybe, just a little bit.”

  “Do you trust me?”


  “If you feel that things are not good, you say, red. If you say red, I will stop whatever I am doing right away.”


  “Good girl,” he smiled, moving his lips to kiss her neck.

  “Dominic, you make me weak.”

  “And you make me feel on fire,” he growled.

  Clutching her upper arms he kissed her, his lips softly engulfing hers as his tongue explored her mouth, then pulling back he gazed down at her.

  “Tonight you will learn more about yourself,” he whispered, “and you will feel much weaker than you do now, but later, tomorrow, next week, you will feel the strength from this.”

  Not sure what to say, she nodded her head.

  “During this time here in my dungeon, you will call me Sir. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she nodded.

  As she spoke the words, she felt a stirring in her stomach, and of their own accord her thighs squeezed together. The involuntary response wasn’t lost on him, and with a small smile he grasped her wrists, lifting them above her head and snapping them on to the chains, then dropping his fingers against her velvet slit, he began to softly rub.


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