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A Promise of Passion

Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  Staring at the growing pink blush under his smacking hand, hearing her gasps, and seeing the hot glistening invitation between her legs, his cock had stirred to attention. After dispatching several more very sound slaps, he pulled her off his lap, rolled her on to her back, and lifting her knees he hungrily impaled her.

  Knowing it was their last time together before she left, and feeling the emotion of their pending separation, they devoured each other as though ravenous, kissing and panting, filled with a frenzied need. There were no momentary pauses, or soft whispers, just the urgent desire to fulfill their carnal craving. As their orgasms shook them, and their convulsions took control, he gripped her hair, kissing her fervently, staying locked on her lips even after the spasms had passed away.

  “That was incredible,” she mumbled. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “As I will miss you,” he breathed.

  “I’m so lucky I met you,” she said softly. “You saved me.”

  “No,” he said, locking her eyes, “surrendering to your true nature, that’s what saved you. Trusting your desire to submit to me.”

  Four hours later, as she was about to board her plane, he wiped away her tears, and ignoring the stares of strangers, he lovingly kissed her, then hugged her tightly.

  “I’m afraid to leave,” she sniffled.

  “Why? What is there to be afraid?”

  “I love your accent, how you phrase things.”

  “Tell me, why afraid?” he repeated.

  “I’m afraid, when I come back, things might be different,” she whispered, not wanting to voice her fears out loud.

  “You will back in ten days. This is a snap of the fingers.”

  “It will feel like a lifetime.”

  “Vivien,” he began tenderly, “when two people share what we have…”

  “You’re sure?”

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, he stared at her intently.

  “Of course!”

  Gazing up into this deep, strong, loving brown eyes, she felt the delicious fluttering in her belly, but the last call for her flight echoed through the waiting area, breaking into the moment. Impulsively throwing her arms around his neck, she smothered his face with kisses.

  “Thank you for so many things, and if I don’t go right now I won’t be able to go at all.”

  “I have something you must take with you,” he murmured, swallowing the heat in his throat, “something very important, something priceless.”

  Reaching into his old, battered satchel, he withdrew a large envelope.

  “Open this on the plane, and know I will see you very soon.”

  “I don’t want to go,” she mewled, her brow crinkling as the tears spilled from her eyes.

  “It will be fine. Go now, go, before they close the gate.”

  Taking a deep breath, fighting the sweeping emotion, she turned and headed down the gangway, looking back at him over her shoulder as she walked through the doors.

  The bustle of the cabin did little to ease her pain, and sitting in the wide, comfortable seat, she stared out the tiny oval window. He was standing behind the tall glass, and pressing her forehead against the pane, she prayed he could see her, holding herself still until the plane backed away from the gate. She saw his hand lift in a wave, and as she waved back, she thought her heart would break.

  I don’t need to go anywhere. I just need to be with you.

  Dropping her gaze to her lap, she saw she was still holding the envelope he’d given her, and carefully lifting the flap she pulled out the huge, handmade card. The front was red, and in the center was a white lace heart. Inside she saw a sketch, but before looking at it, she read the words he’d written.

  Dearest Vivien.

  My arms will be empty until you return. My lips will be waiting for your kiss. My heart will be sad until yours beats next to it again. I promise you my passion will not fade, but only grow stronger the days we are apart.

  Many kisses, Dominic

  Pulling out the sketch, she saw her eyes staring back at her with a slight questioning, her mouth was set in a soft smile, and there was a tilt to her head. Studying it closely, she recognized the collar of the dress, and realized he must have sketched it the first night they’d met at the Embassy, but he had not included the sapphire and diamond necklace and earrings. At the very bottom she saw something scribbled, and looking closely she read,

  A beautiful heart. It shines without help from the baubles. It has never stopped shining, like a sunbeam shines from the sun.

  T H E E N D


  Act Two

  The Dominant’s Dilemma

  For FB and PS, with my deepest gratitude.


  It was late on a warm, spring afternoon, and Vivien stood in the airport terminal with her heart in her throat. Had she made a terrible mistake finally allowing Dominic to visit? It had been almost a year since she’d said a tearful goodbye to the handsome French artist. It was only supposed to have been a short break, but it felt like a lifetime ago that they’d first crossed paths. He’d lightly touched the small of her back at a party at the Austrian Embassy in London, and that one fleeting moment had sent a warm tingle through her being, and had changed her life forever.

  She’d done her best to make herself presentable for his arrival, but the expensive blonde highlights that once made her hair shimmer were long gone, and with winter having just passed, even the natural sun-kissed lightness had faded. While her complexion was still flawless, tiny lines born from worry and stress crinkled the delicate skin around her eyes, and dropping her gaze she stared down at her hands. Her red nails no longer carried the glossy perfection of a professional manicure. Would Dominic be disappointed? Would she see a glimmer of disapproval when her eyes met his? Even the briefest flicker would crush her. Sighing heavily, she tried to push away her fears and steeled herself for his imminent arrival.

  Glancing out at the tarmac she saw a plane touch down, and watched the smoke swirling from the rubber as the tires hit the concrete. Was it his flight? Stepping back and darting her eyes up to the monitor displaying the arrivals, she saw that it was. Her stomach churned, and running into the ladies’ room she stared at her reflection for the umpteenth time. Her beauty was natural. Her features were perfectly symmetrical, but the glamorous supermodel no longer stared back at her.

  “What will be, will be,” she muttered. “I can’t change anything. Who knows, maybe he’ll look different too. Maybe I won’t feel the same when I see him.”

  But she knew better.

  They had stayed in close touch through Skype and emails, and her feelings for him hadn’t waned one bit. If anything, she had missed him more with each sunrise, and she was aching to see him. Swallowing back the heat in her throat, she closed her eyes as she recalled the intense joy of being blindfolded and at his mercy, her arms shackled above her head, and his dominant skills taking her to infinite heights.

  Gathering herself together, she moved back into the waiting lounge and saw the plane taxiing towards the gate. He would have gone through the hell of customs and immigration in New York, and she was grateful. She wouldn’t have the interminable wait. He’d be in the front cabin of the aircraft so would be one of the first passengers off, and as the doors were opened she felt a tidal wave of conflicting emotions. Joy, fear, hope, but then she realized she wanted nothing more than to feel his arms around her, and she wanted it desperately.

  A tall, tired businessman marched through the doors followed by a woman looking flustered hurrying after him, then an older couple burst into smiles as they spotted the young woman waiting for them.

  And then she saw him.

  Having flown across the globe from one of the most glamorous cities in the world, Dominic Dubois, tall, dark-haired, and still as wickedly handsome as ever, dressed in a black jacket and a trendy black and white scarf laying haphazardly but perfectly around his neck, was scanning the crowd. Her th
roat constricted, and swallowing back the threatening tears she tried to hurry over to him, but her legs unexpectedly felt as though they were stuck in mud. Suddenly he saw her. Their eyes touched, and he hesitated for just a moment before striding forward in that amazingly fluid panther walk that used to turn her into jello.

  The thrill and relief of seeing him, and the pain of their long separation, was suddenly too much to bear, and she couldn’t stop the tears. As they escaped and dribbled down her cheeks, Dominic’s happy smile became a frown, and quickening his pace he was in front of her in seconds. Releasing the handle of his bag he wordlessly opened his arms, and falling against him she let out a choked sob. He held her tightly, rocking her gently, completely oblivious to the people around them.

  “My poor, sweet, beautiful girl,” he murmured. “I am so grateful to hold you. It has been too long.”

  Though engulfed by emotion, Vivien could smell his cologne. It tickled her nostrils, and for reasons she couldn’t fathom it calmed her. Finally pulling back she raised her face and stared into his warm brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she managed. “I promised myself I wouldn’t fall apart, but it’s been so…”

  “Ssh, no apologies, and no explanations, I understand,” he purred. “Is the car here? Did you have any trouble?”

  “No trouble, but it got some stares. A stretch limo driving through my little town is something that we don’t see very often. It was an extravagance. You shouldn’t have.”

  “We had that conversation, remember? I didn’t want you driving, and I wanted you to myself with no distractions on the way back.”

  “I know, but still…”

  “There is no but,” he said firmly. “Come, let’s go.”

  “This airport is great with luggage,” she declared, hoping she sounded a bit cheerier. “We won’t have to wait long.”

  “We won’t have to wait at all,” he remarked as he released her from his hug and took her hand.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “All I have is this,” he said, pointing to his small rolling suitcase with a garment bag draped across it. “I can’t deal with luggage. If I need something more I’ll buy it.”

  “I remember you telling me that once. Sorry, it slipped my mind.”

  “Why should you remember? Come, Vivien, I want to sit with you in the privacy of the car,” he said warmly.

  “Me too,” she nodded. “I, uh…”

  “What?” he pressed as they started towards the escalators.

  “I know I don’t look the same,” she mumbled, dropping her eyes.

  “The same as what?”

  “As I used to.”

  “More beautiful, if that’s possible,” he said kissing her cheek, “but perhaps you have lost some weight?”

  “Have I? Yes, my clothes are a bit loose these days.”

  “Too much worry, but you have let me visit, so things are better?” he said as the escalator carried them down, a question more than a statement.

  “Definitely,” she nodded.

  “And now I am here and I will feed you,” he grinned.

  His supportive words washed over her, and she felt a ripple of realization. She’d been so caught up in the drama that had engulfed her over so many months, and had been so busy taking care of everyone else, she’d let any of her own wants and needs fall by the wayside, but now Dominic was going to take care of her. She was going to have someone to lean on, even if only for a short time.

  “You understand why I had to put you off?”

  “Mon Dieu, of course. I wanted to be here to help, and I have missed you, but of course I understand, and when I was in London and staying in your flat I felt very close to you. I loved being there.”

  “Thank you so much for taking care of it for me. It was such a load off my mind.”

  “Like I said, it was good to be around your things, and you know I am in London frequently, so it was excellent for me.”

  ”Being with you again,” she murmured, staring up at him, “I’m beginning to wish I asked you to come sooner.”

  “No, you must not do that,” he frowned. “Things happen in their right time. I want to hear all your news, everything. The good and the bad, then I will tell you some news of my own.”

  “You go first,” she replied as they headed out to the waiting limo. “All I’ve done for months is talk about me and everything that’s been happening. You must have been so tired of my ugly image over the computer. Why can’t those techie geniuses find a way to make us look decent?”

  “You never could look ugly, and you must tell me everything first,” he said firmly as the driver took his small suitcase.

  “Your English, it’s improved,” she smiled.

  “Without you around me, I am afraid maybe my English might have suffered.”

  “I doubt it. I’m sure you’ve had many models to help you.”

  “I don’t want their help, only yours, ma chérie. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she said softly, leaning into him.

  They climbed in the back of the luxury vehicle, the driver closed the door, and as they settled down Dominic pushed the button to raise the privacy screen.

  “There, now, before anything else, I must kiss you.”

  Vivien felt her long-sleeping butterflies burst to life, and taking her head between his hands, he lowered his lips and tenderly glided them over hers. Closing her eyes, she melted into his mouth, almost afraid to believe it was actually happening. The warm spring between her legs offered up its wetness, and as the kiss evolved, she moved her arms around his neck and clung to him. His hand moved to her breasts, softly molding each in turn, and when his lips traveled to her neck she let out a long, soulful moan, and not just because of the deliciousness of being with him again, but with joyous relief. Nothing had changed. The chemistry between them was just electric as it had been in Europe almost a year before, his touch sparking her skin though her silk shirt as his mouth stoked her passion.

  “Ma chérie,” he groaned. “Est-ce un rêve?”

  “My French is rusty,” she mumbled.

  “I asked,” he murmured, lifting his head and staring into her eyes, “my dearest, if this is a dream.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” she whispered, swallowing back a rush of emotion, “and if it is I never want to wake up.”

  “You said the hotel in your town, it is modest.”

  “I’m afraid so. It’s not really a hotel. It’s a house that rents out rooms.”

  “No, this is not where will be together this first night. We must find another place right away.”

  His voice was husky, and she could hear his hunger. It matched hers. She needed to be with him, and she didn’t want to wait another moment.

  “We could stop at one of the airport hotels,” she suggested. “We could stay over. It will cost more for the car, but…“

  “Cost, this is nothing,” he frowned. “Is it okay to be away from your family?”

  “Yes, yes, it’s fine, honestly.”

  “You know a good place?”

  “I do. There’s a Hilton and it’s very close, and now that I think about it, you could probably release this car when we get there. I’m sure the hotel will have a service available.”

  He broke into a smile and nodded his head, but her suggestion wasn’t as spontaneous as it had appeared. She’d wanted to offer it before he left Paris, but her insecurities had gotten the better of her. She knew she was no longer the glamor-puss he’d been with in Europe, and if the sparks didn’t fly when they reunited, a reservation at a hotel like the Hilton would be embarrassing and awkward.

  “Ah, yes, good,” he smiled. “Can you call them, make sure they have a suite available?”

  “A suite?”

  “But of course,” he insisted. “You must be pampered. This is my very important job, and maybe it will be more than one night. I am here for you, ma chérie. You shall eat well, you shall bathe in bubbles, and maybe I will find some othe
r ways to spoil you.”

  “Dominic,” she sighed. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You say everything with your eyes,” he replied, leaning and kissing her softly. “I am going to take care of you, now please, contact the hotel then give me the phone. I will take care of everything.”

  The Hilton was only five minutes from the airport, and after he had confirmed the suite and ended the call, letting out a gratified breath he sat back in the enveloping leather seat and stared at her.

  “I must confess something,” he said dramatically.

  “What?” she asked, feeling a flurry of nerves.

  “I was going to ask you to do this earlier. I wanted you to book the best airport hotel so we could be alone together as soon as I arrived.”

  “You were? Why didn’t you?”

  “As much as we talk, as much as we have been close over the distance, sometimes things change, feelings change, and you have been through so much I didn’t know if you would still find a French artist to your liking.”

  “I don’t believe it,” she said shaking her head.

  “You don’t believe I wanted to make a hotel booking?”

  “No, not that, I was going to suggest it as well, but I was afraid you wouldn’t like me anymore, I mean, still find me attractive. I know I’m not the same, I don’t look the same.”

  “But you do,” he exclaimed, “so we are both dummies!”

  “I suppose we are,” she smiled, feeling joy for the first time in almost a year.

  “Your inside, your heart, was always just as beautiful as your outside,” he said softly. “Do you not remember what I wrote?”

  “I remember.”

  “A beautiful heart. It shines without help from the baubles. It has never stopped shining, like a sunbeam shines from the sun.”

  “I treasure that card you gave me when I left. I’ve looked at it so many times. You shouldn’t be a painter, you should be a poet.”

  “They are the same. A painter writes with colors and form, a poet paints with words.”


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