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A Promise of Passion

Page 19

by Maggie Carpenter

  The car was slowing down, and looking out the window Vivien saw the luxury hotel a short distance ahead. The driver turned into the driveway and rolled to a stop under the portico, and a uniformed bellhop moved forward to open the door.

  Though she was wearing little makeup, she still made a striking figure. Her perfect features and her tall, svelte frame poured into designer jeans and an aqua silk shirt, reeked of a high-fashion model or Hollywood actress. The image was validated by her arrival in a sleek stretch limousine, and when the young bellhop peered inside and saw Dominic’s handsome face and trendy clothes, he immediately assumed they were an important couple. Slightly flustered, he reached for her hand to help her out, and as he gazed at her, he suddenly realized who she was.

  “Welcome,” he said effusively. “It’s such an honor to have you here.”

  It had been many months since Vivien had experienced the gushing awe of hotel staff, and a rush of pleasure moved through her as the lad almost fell over himself when headed off to open the heavy glass door that led into the hotel. She waited by the car as Dominic retrieved his suitcase, then taking his hand she squeezed it tightly as they headed inside.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling at the ruffled young man.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, grinning happily. “It’s such a pleasure to have you here, Miss McKay. May I say, I’m really sorry about everything that happened. I hope things are better.”

  “They are, thank you, thank you very much,” she said, pausing her step, feeling genuinely taken aback by the young man’s kindness.

  “Everyone here is a big fan. I hope you’ll be able to get back to work soon.”

  His comment caught her off-guard and she didn’t know how to respond, but Dominic came to her rescue.

  “She’s considering some offers, but her family remains her priority.”

  “Of course,” the bellhop nodded. “Have a nice stay, and if you need anything at all, ask for me, Gerald.”

  “Thank you, Gerald, we’ll remember that,” Dominic nodded.

  As they walked inside and headed to the reception desk, Vivien gripped Dominic’s hand. She was still shocked that she’d been recognized, and even more surprised by the boy’s comment.

  “I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “He knew what happened, and why would he care if I start modeling again?”

  “Vivienne, you have fans all over the world, and in this small community you must be very famous.”

  “With so many things going on I hadn’t thought about it,” she frowned. “The idea of working again…can I go back. Will I still be wanted?”

  “I think this is a conversation for later,” he said softly. “Right now we must check in, and then we will get naked, oui?”

  “Most definitely, oui,” she smiled, “and I should probably wait to say this, but I’ve been waiting for months to thank you in person. In London you rescued me. You know that, right?”

  “Ah, no, we were meant to find each other then. I take no credit. It was the hand of fate.”

  “Do you think so? Regardless, you rescued me from a life of misery, and from Robson’s cruelty. As I say that, I suddenly get the feeling you’re about to rescue me again. How weird is that?”

  “From what? Ah, wait, I know. I’m going to register us, then I shall rescue you from talking too much and keeping us here in the lobby,” he winked.

  “I don’t know what it is,” she murmured under her breath as she watched him step forward to the desk, “but there’s something in the wind. I can feel it.”


  Standing under the steaming water, Dominic closed his eyes and felt the stress and grime from the long journey being washed away. When they had entered the suite, he’d wrapped Vivien up in his arms, hugged her for several long minutes, then announced he was going to take a much needed shower, but by himself.

  “I want to make love to you on the softness of the bed,” he’d murmured. “If I give into temptation and bring you with me, you know…”

  “I do,” she’d murmured, leaning against him.

  “Unless you want to join me. Do you?”

  “Yes, I do, but I want to roll around on the mattress with you more.”

  “So, we are on, what you call, the same page,” he’d said softly. “Soon I will soap your body, and slowly wash you, but for now I want you to make yourself ready for me on the bed. I will be quick, believe me.”

  “I’ll call the other place and cancel your reservation. When should I tell them we’ll be there?”

  “When would you like to be there? Perhaps we should stay here a couple of days and hibernate. Would that be okay with your family? Are they expecting us?”

  “Dominic, there’s nothing I’d like more,” she’d smiled. “It will be fine with them, believe me.”

  “Ah, this is good,” he’d smiled, “very good. You make your calls, and I will rinse off the travel.”

  As the water splashed over him, he closed his eyes and thought back to the moment he’d stepped off the plane for their long-awaited reunion. She’d been standing in the terminal lounge looking much too thin and much too pale, and a full range of emotions had blazed through his heart, but any doubts he’d harbored about how he would feel when he saw her had dissolved in an instant.

  Their separation was supposed to have been short-lived. Dominic had wanted her to think about the choices she had made, her willingness to marry a cold, passionless man for the wealth and lifestyle he offered, and why she had put herself in danger for the sake of an expensive piece of jewelry, but he also wanted her come to terms with her burgeoning feelings for him, and what she had learned about her submissive nature. Time and distance, he was sure, would give her the perspective she needed, and she would soon be back in his arms and ready to move forward into their future.

  But fate had other plans.

  Shortly after her return home her mother and brother had been involved in a terrible accident. Driving into town for the weekly shopping trip, they were rounding a sharp curve when a car driving at high rate of speed had appeared out of nowhere and plowed into them. It was a head-on collision. The owner of the other car had been intoxicated and driving on a suspended license. He’d been pronounced dead by the paramedics, and it had been declared a miracle that Vivien’s brother, though badly hurt, was still alive. Suffering massive internal injuries, including damage to his spine, after being on life-support for over a week he underwent several surgeries. Though the doctors were positive, they had said it would be a long road back, but he was young and in excellent physical condition, so they anticipated a full recovery.

  At the time of the impact Vivien’s mother had been leaning down to reach for her purse, and had walked away with only a broken wrist and some cuts and bruises, but her serious injuries were unseen. She’d been totally traumatized by the horrific accident and suffered recurring nightmares. She trembled whenever she had to get into a car, only venturing out to visit her son in hospital, and every time Vivien left the house to run errands the beleaguered woman worried and paced the entire time she was gone.

  Vivien’s career as a glamorous supermodel, tripping from one exotic locale to the next, came to a screeching halt, and her life became about caring for her mother and running the farm until her brother was well enough to return to work. When he had returned home he’d needed constant attention, so Vivien had hired a nurse. The medical expenses had been astronomical, and though insurance covered some of it, she had paid the rest, ultimately draining her bank account of most of the money she’d accumulated through her successful modeling career.

  When she’d first told Dominic about the tragedy he’d wanted to leap on the first plane and fly to her side, but she had refused, saying she needed to focus on the daily needs of the farm and her family, and as the days ticked by, her nightly calls with him became her refuge.

  Their conversations would often start with Vivien’s account of her brother’s progress and her ongoing learning curve, th
en Dominic would steer the conversation to distract her, but he quickly sensed any gossip or news from the modeling world made her uncomfortable. Every now and then, to his great delight, she would ask him questions about Dominance and submission. Through it all, her courage and steadfastness astounded him, and though cruelly separated by the hand of fate, and thousands of miles apart, he could feel their relationship deepening. As her brother improved, and her mother’s nightmares became less frequent, Dominic could sense Vivien’s mood lightening, then one night she gave him the news for which he’d been hoping and praying.

  “If you want to,” she’d said tentatively, “I’d love it if you would still like to come and visit.”

  He could hardly believe it, and had immediately accepted her invitation. The trip became his priority, and in just over a week he had boarded a plane.

  Dominic was accustomed to traveling. As a sought after portrait artist he carried his paintbrushes across the globe. When success had first landed at his feet he’d found the excursions exciting, challenging and fun, but stepping from the shower he felt the familiar weariness in his bones. Over the last year he had decided it was time to rein in his many hours in the air, but for Vivien he would have traveled as far as was needed. For months his heart had been bleeding for her, and to finally see her, and hold her, and kiss her, and be given the opportunity to show her just how much he truly cared, was a gift more precious than any portrait he could be painting.

  Grabbing a towel he dried off, then tied it around his waist. He didn’t bother combing his hair, just ran his fingers through the thick black mass, and grabbing a condom from his toiletry bag he moved into the bedroom, delighted to find her laying in naked splendor, stretched out and waiting for him.

  “I didn’t think this day would ever come,” she sighed staring across at him.

  Stepping swiftly to the bed, he dropped the towel and fell beside her, pulling her into his arms.

  “I have missed you so very badly,” he purred, stroking his hand down her back.

  “You kept me sane. Do you know that?”

  “I wish I could have done more.”

  “I can’t believe you’re here. It’s surreal.”

  “I’m here,” he murmured, taking hold of her wrists and pinning them on either side of her head, “and now I am going to make you forget about everything.”

  Letting out a long, soft, grateful moan, she closed her eyes and waited for his kiss, but his lips started at the side of her neck, then journeyed to her ear.

  “Remember when I unwrapped you the first time,” he whispered, “and you tried to pull of your sweater?”

  The memory flooded through her, and catching her breath she nodded her head.

  “Yes, yes, I remember.”

  “And what happened after that?”

  “You, uh, spanked me.”

  “Oui, for the first time, and it made you so very wet.”

  “I know,” she whimpered, pressing her crotch against his thigh.

  “Now I will see,” he purred, “if you remember how to be obedient. Will you be obedient, ma chérie?”

  “Yes, I will, yes.”

  “When I let you go, keep your arms here above your head, and your eyes closed. Oui?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly, already swept up in his control.

  Shifting to his side he brought his hands to her breasts, and grasping them firmly he lowered his lips to her nipples. She raised her chest to meet his mouth, groaning loudly as he took them each in turn, languidly drawing them in as though he had all the time in the world.

  “I can’t stand it,” she declared, her voice a ragged whisper.

  “You want my hand against your pussy?” he murmured, raising his head.

  “Yes, yes, please.”

  “Spread your legs wide, very wide.”

  She did as he instructed, and feeling his tongue touch her stomach, she held her breath in keen anticipation. As it moved lower her body tightened, and when it slid around her full bush and lightly tickled the very tip of her clit, she let out a squeal of joy.

  “Dominic, oh, my God, Dominic,” she mewled. “Thank you.”

  His tongue continued its tantalizing tease as his hand whispered over her swollen slit, then pressing a finger into her soaked channel he began moving it in and out.

  “If you keep doing that,” she panted, “I won’t be able to hold back.”

  His cock was rigid, aching to slide inside her, but he continued to pleasure her pussy, delighting in her moans and gasps until he was no longer able to hold back. Rising up he knelt between her legs, quickly ripped open the condom packet, slid the sheath in place, then grabbing her hips he pulled her into his pelvis.

  “Thank God,” she gratefully groaned. “I want you so much.”

  “As I want you, ma chérie, and you must come when you wish.”

  Placing his cock at her entrance he paused, relishing the moment for which they’d been waiting so long, then thrust home.

  Their need for each other turned suddenly frantic, and Dominic, a man who had mastered the art of self-control, found himself lost in their mutual fervor. Listening to her unabashed sounds of gladness drove him forward, and as his strokes accelerated he could feel her orgasm looming. She was panting, her body was taut, and leaning over her, he gripped her wrists and crushed her lips with unabashed ardor, his heart pumping wildly as her mouth responded, pressing back with urgency. He knew she was on the edge, but he could sense something was in the way. His heart was hammering, his cock was aching to explode, and needing to help her he kissed his way to her ear.

  “You fear the release, but I am here, ma chérie. You will come hard, but I will hold you safe,” he promised.

  Dropping his lips back on to hers, he slowed his strokes for just a moment, then renewed his vigorous pumping. He felt her body stiffen beneath him, and as she let out a muffled wail her chest thrust up, deliciously pressing her full fleshy mounds and puckered nipples against him. It was all he needed, and as his cock erupted in a pulsing surge of energy, unable to suppress his soulful groans his lips slipped from hers, and his head dropped into the pillows.

  The convulsions were shuddering through Vivien’s body, and when he released her wrists, her arms flew around him, clinging manically, but as his powerful climax began to abate he lowered his weight on top of her. It inspired a new wave of intense spasms, making her cling to him even more tightly, and she buried her face in the crook of his shoulder to muffle her euphoric cries.

  Though breathless and drained he held her tightly until her body fell limp, and only then did he slowly roll on to his side, but his arms remained around her, pulling her with him, and when he heard a stifled sob, he wasn’t surprised.

  “You cry, mon amour, you cry,” he tenderly whispered.

  He had known the powerful orgasm would open the flood gates. For almost a year she had been a rock for her family. She had stayed strong for them, controlled her emotions for them, and many times she had told him she was saving her tears for later, when things were better and she could afford to have a moment of weakness. That time had come, and as she sobbed against him, releasing all her pain and fear and anger, he rocked her gently, murmuring reassuring words in her ear until she was drained of tears.

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffled.

  “No, no, you must not be sorry. You must be glad of this. Finally you have been able to cry for all that has happened.”

  “It’s because you’re here,” she said, a catch in her voice. “I was so scared if I let go I’d never survive it. You made me feel safe.”

  “You are safe,” he sighed, “always with me you are safe.”

  Sitting up he wiped the wetness from her cheeks, then reaching over her he grabbed the tissue box from the bedside table.

  “Here,” he said, handing it to her, “and I need some as well.”

  “You do?” she frowned, and as he placed the tissues he’d pulled on to his crotch, she smiled.

  “I didn
’t want to leave you,” he said solemnly.

  “I’m so glad you didn’t. Thank you.”

  “I think we need to order something wonderful to eat, and some champagne, good champagne.”

  “Champagne,” she sighed. “It feels like a lifetime since I’ve had champagne, and strawberries and cream?”

  “Mmm, this sounds very tempting. You find the room service menu, while I nip into the bathroom.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Très bon,” he grinned. “This is a very good start.”

  “I agree,” she smiled, laying back on the pillows. “I absolutely agree.”


  Word had had quickly spread through the hotel that Vivien McKay and a handsome Frenchman were in the hotel, and shortly after Dominic returned from the bathroom to cuddle up and talk about what they might order from room service, there was a knock on the door.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Dominic asked. “Did you call down for something when I was in the bathroom?”

  “No, besides, you were only gone two minutes,” Vivien remarked. “I wonder who it is.”

  “I’ll soon find out,” he declared.

  Theatrically donning a robe, he marched out into the living room, and opening the door he found a room service waiter holding a chilled bottle of champagne, two crystal flutes, and a basket of goodies.

  “Compliments of the management,” the waiter announced.

  “Mon Dieu, please, come in,” Dominic said, delighted by the unexpected surprise.

  “We are very happy to have you and Miss McKay as our guests,” the waiter continued as he set his delivery on the coffee table. “Is there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable?”

  “Ah, maybe,” Dominic said quietly. “There is a special meal Miss McKay has not had in a long time. Perhaps your chef might be able to oblige?”

  “I’m sure he’d be happy to,” the waiter nodded enthusiastically, lowering his voice to match Dominic’s soft tone.

  “I want it to be a surprise, so when I call down and order the lemon chicken, it is not the chicken I want. If the chef cannot oblige me, the chicken will be fine. Do you understand?”


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