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A Promise of Passion

Page 20

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Yes, totally,” the waiter grinned, thrilled to be part of a conspiracy.

  Dominic described the gourmet dish, then tipped the waiter handsomely.

  “Thank you, Sir,” the young man said gratefully. “If there’s anything else that comes to mind, just ring down.”

  Pleased that he’d thought of the surprise meal, Dominic picked up the champagne bottle and glasses, and hurried back to the bedroom.

  “What’s this?” Vivien beamed.

  “Compliments of the management!” he said, raising them in the air.

  “They must have this suite bugged,” she laughed. “Can we pop it now?”

  “But of course!”

  As they sipped the bubbling wine, they perused the room service menu, and when Dominic called down and ordered the lemon chicken, the young female voice on the other end of the phone gave him the good news.

  “Chef said he has no problem making the special dish, and is very happy to do it.”

  “Merci,” Dominic said gratefully.

  “You look happy,” Vivien remarked as he hung up the phone.

  “I am with you again! How can I not be happy?”

  It wasn’t long before a loud knock announced that the meal arrived, and Dominic left to answer the door. Vivien waited until the table had been set and the waiter had left before slipping from the bed, then wrapping herself in the extra guest robe she walked quickly into the living room.

  She had lost weight not just because of stress and fatigue, she’d simply had no desire to eat, but gazing at the grilled Cajun salmon and ginger rice, one of her all-time favorite dishes, she felt her stomach stir.

  “Wow,” she breathed. “That smell, it’s incredible, but I don’t understand. This wasn’t on the menu.”

  “When the waiter delivered the champagne, I asked him if the chef could prepare it for you,” Dominic said, enjoying her look of surprised delight.

  “You did? Dominic! Thank you!” she said effusively. “I can’t believe you remembered, let alone asked for it. Wow! This looks amazing. I haven’t had an appetite for ages, but now I actually feel hungry.”

  “C'est bon,” he exclaimed, “but you must share your wasabi sauce with me. It is so délicieuse on frites”

  “I know everything you just said,” she said proudly. “This is good, and, the sauce is delicious on french fries”

  “Oui! I’ve always found it so amusing that you call them french fries here.”

  Vivien glanced across at his plate, and seeing his thick, bone-in steak and the golden fries lying alongside it, she took a long breath. It looked almost as appetizing as her salmon.

  “It’s so strange. I am absolutely starving. I suddenly want to eat everything on this table.”

  “Then you’d better start, because, ma chérie, your fish looks very tempting, and I might just snatch it away.”

  “You’d better not,” she exclaimed, and picking up her fork she cut into the tender fresh-caught salmon and put it into her mouth. “Oh, my, God,” she mumbled, closing her eyes. “Ooh, this is incredible.”

  Dominic studied her as she devoured her meal. Her eyes were clearing, hinting a sparkle might be ready to resurface, and throughout their dinner she reached across the table to steal away his fries, dipping them into the sauce.

  “Oh, my gosh, I’ve never had wasabi sauce on fries. It’s so good!”

  “As good as the salmon and ginger rice?”

  “A very close second!”

  When they’d finished, Dominic picked up their plates and put them aside, then placed the strawberry shortcake and fresh whipped cream in the center of the table between them.

  “Can you manage to share this with me?”

  “Try and stop me,” she said, and picking up her dessert spoon she scooped up a large portion, laid it on her dessert dish, and added several dollops of whipped cream.

  Watching her, Dominic thought she looked like a dying man in the desert finally given water. He knew the details of the car accident, and the difficulty she’d had picking up the pieces of her family’s life, but during their late night talks he’d often sensed something more. Being with her, the feeling was even stronger. What had happened that he didn’t know about?

  “You look so serious,” she remarked.

  “I was thinking how wonderful it is to see you smiling and happy,” he replied, reaching across the table and taking her hand, “and I have decided you need much more pampering. I am going to book you a massage, and when was the last time you had your hair cut at a proper salon?”

  “Dominic, you don’t-“

  “No,” he said firmly, interrupting her, “there will be no, what do you say? Protestation! Tell me, when did you last visit a salon?”

  “Not since I’ve been back,” she muttered, dropping her gaze. “I’ve just cut the ends myself when it’s become too long. Does it look really terrible?”

  “No, no, not at all, but you would feel better, wouldn’t you, spending time at a beauty parlor? Tell me the truth, or I shall have to spank you?”


  “I am jesting,” he said warm smile, then added, “sort of.”

  “Okay, yes, you’re right,” she nodded. “It would feel so good, but…”

  Her brow crinkled as her voice trailed off, and searching for the right words, Dominic leaned across the table and ran his fingertips down the side of her face.

  “Life has been very hard on you,” he said softly, “now it is it time for it to be good.”

  “Dominic,” she whispered, feeling an unexpected wave of heat in her throat, “I don’t know what to say. Being here with you like this, having an amazing meal, thinking about having my hair styled, it’s…it’s…as if I’m waking up from some horrible nightmare.”

  “I believe this is what has happened, ma chérie,” he said softly. “You have been, what is the word, engulfed. Now you must come up for air, yes? Come up and breathe the air with me, and eat our strawberries.”

  “Yes, please,” she replied, his last words bringing a smile back to her face.

  They dove into the delicious dessert, and as she took her final mouthful, and swallowed down the last of her champagne, she leaned back in her chair and let out a satisfied sigh.

  “That is absolutely the best meal ever in the history of the world!”

  “Being with you again is what made it the best,” Dominic said, smiling across at her, “and it is also what made the food taste so extra-special.”

  “Absolutely!” she exclaimed.

  “Do you want any more? We can open another bottle, have some-“

  “No, good grief,” she interrupted, holding up her hand. “I hate to say it, but I can’t move.”

  “Ah, so, the food, it’s catching up to you.”

  “I think you could say that. Maybe I should lay down, or take a walk, or take a walk and then lay down.”

  “Lay down first,” he said, rising from his chair and moving swiftly to her side of the table. “Come, we will lay down together.”

  “Ooh, I’m so full, but it feels amazing.”

  “Come,” he repeated.

  Putting his arm around her waist he walked with her to back into the bedroom, and as she flopped on the bed, he pulled off the slippers supplied by the hotel, and untied the robe’s sash around her waist.

  “Oh, yes, thank-you,” she mumbled. “You’re joining me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, yes, I am just going to pull up this blanket.”

  Taking the throw lying across the foot of the bed, he draped it over her, then stretching out alongside her, he pulled her into the crook of his shoulder.

  “I feel so good,” she yawned.

  “You rest, sweet Vivien.” You probably haven’t rested in almost a year, but now, my lovely girl, you will.

  She yawned again, then snuggled close. Waiting until she’d fallen asleep, he carefully extricated himself from her limbs and returned to the living room, closing the door silently behind him. Making his wa
y to the couch he picked up the phone and rang down to the spa.

  “I want her to have the works,” he said, keeping his voice low. “Hot rocks, lavender oil, everything.”

  “Yes, Mr. Dubois,” the young woman replied. “I’ll make sure Miss McKay receives the royal treatment. It will take about two hours, is that all right?

  “Yes, and when you bill the room please include the gratuity.”

  “No problem,” the young woman replied.

  “Thank you, now please put me through to the salon.”

  “Yes, sir, just one moment, please.”

  There were several clicks, then Dominic heard the dignified voice of a refined, older woman.

  “Mr. Dubois, this is Connie. I’m the manager of the salon. How may I help you?”

  “I am making an appointment for Miss McKay. She hasn’t had her hair done in some time. It is all one length, the layers have grown out. She also needs…what is it called…brightening up? I am speaking about the color now.”

  “We are all aware of the tragedy that hit the McKay family,” the manager said solemnly. “I will do my best for her.”

  “Ask her what she wants, I’m just telling you what I think she needs, but it is her choice, you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “Thank you, and bill the room, including the tip. I want her paying for nothing.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll take care of it. What time?”

  “Let’s say, 3 p.m.”

  “You’re confirmed, Mr. Dubois. Don’t worry, she’ll be in safe, caring hands.”

  “Oh, merci, but you have reminded me, please also give her a manicure and a pedicure.”


  “Merci. Au revoir.”

  “Goodbye, Mr. Dubois.”

  Placing the receiver back in its cradle, Dominic moved to the window and stared down at the swimming pool below, then lifting his eyes he gazed at the mountains beyond. He could imagine the winter, the peaks covered in snow and gleaming pink in the afternoon sun, but he could also imagine what a cold, difficult time the winter would have been for her. It seemed almost fated that he was there, and it was spring.

  “A time of renewal,” he murmured, “but there is something troubling you, something beyond the accident. Perhaps after tomorrow, you will tell me.”

  Moving back into the bedroom door he opened it up and peered inside. She was motionless. Closing it again he walked to the far end of the spacious living room and pulled his cellphone from his bag.

  Vivien had felt Dominic slip away, but her body was heavy, so heavy she couldn’t move, and she couldn’t seem to lift her eyelids, so she’d laid quiet and still as he’d left the room. She knew he’d wanted to leave her so she could sleep.


  What a luxury, and as she felt it descend she let herself surrender to it, knowing her mother wouldn’t be crying out because of another nightmare, and her brother was walking and riding horses again, becoming stronger by the day.

  As the last vestiges of consciousness left her, she wondered if she could pick up where she’d left off? Would the same people who had clamored to hire her be eager to do so again, especially Gustav? And what about Ben Marshall, her agent? Would he want her back?

  I have been gone, but have I been forgotten?

  The thought was an unpleasant one, but it didn’t stop her from drifting away, and when Dominic returned after spending considerable time on his phone, she was fast asleep. Dropping his robe and crawling into bed next to her, as he stared at the ceiling and began to relax, he did so with a contented smile on his face.


  It was an odd noise that jarred Vivien awake, and half-opening her eyes she stared at the clock. At the farm she was always up by seven, and when she saw the red digits on the hotel clock proclaim it was 9:32 A.M., she blinked twice to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  “My God, really?” she muttered, then surrendered to a long yawn as she stretched her arms above her head.

  The clattering of plates made her sit up, and she realized that had been the noise that had broken into her sleep. Still feeling groggy, she was about to climb out of bed to investigate when the door opened and Dominic walked in carrying a tray.

  “Breakfast in bed for my lovely girl,” he grinned.

  “What? Dominic, how wonderful.”

  “It had to be this way,” he said, sporting a look of mock seriousness.

  “It did? Why?”

  “You didn’t hear? It’s in all the papers. Today is Vivien McKay Day.”

  “It is not,” she laughed.

  “It most certainly is,” he said firmly. “Sit back and make yourself comfortable.”

  “Oui, Monsieur,” she smiled, then yawned again as she brought a pillow behind her back.

  “Are you still tired?” he asked, placing the breakfast tray carefully over her lap.

  “No, just still waking up. Look at this breakfast! Waffles, eggs, oh, you’ve brought me English Breakfast Tea. You are so spoiling me,” she declared, gazing up at him gratefully.

  “But I have a cure for spoiled girls,” he winked.

  “You do, do you, and what might that be?”

  “You know the answer to that, ma chérie,” he grinned. “Would you like to hear what I have planned for the day?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied with a wry grin. “Would I?”

  “I think so,” he grinned back. “You have an appointment at the spa at eleven, then the beauty salon at three, and I am going to find the name of a good restaurant for us to have dinner.”


  “Of course. I told you, today is Vivien McKay Day.”

  “I have nothing to wear for a dinner out.”

  “Ah, but I have a…how do you say this…a baguette magique?” he asked, waving his hand in the air like a conductor.

  “You mean a magic wand?”

  “Oui, I have a magic wand.”

  “This is incredible. You’re incredible.”

  “I have some breakfast for me too, so I am going to bring that in and join you.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to have this by myself.”

  “Today, I promise it will be parfait…perfect!” he declared.

  “Just being with you again is making it perfect.”

  But Dominic had gone to great pains to make sure it was.

  The royal treatment promised by the spa began with a gentle exfoliation of her entire body using sugar cane extract infused with Shea butter, safflower and ginger, and was followed by a peppermint clay body mask. She thought that would be the end of her luxurious visit, but there was more. A massage that included hot rocks, and a grand finale that featured a facial using a Knesko marine collagen mask, and a paraffin wax treatment on her hands.

  When the extravagance was over, she was so serene as she walked to the elevator, she almost had trouble remembering which button to push, and leaned against the wall the entire ride up. As she meandered back into the suite she found her hero working on his laptop.

  “Ah, my girl, how do you feel?” he asked, jumping up from his chair and moving quickly to greet her.

  “Somewhere between a polished new pin and an overcooked spaghetti noodle,” she said dreamily.

  “A polished new pin? What is this?”

  “Just what it sounds like I suppose,” she replied falling into his arms. “I’ve visited spas for years but I’ve never had anything like that. They threw the book at me, and it was…well…indescribable.”

  “They threw a book at you? Too many sayings I don’t know,” he chuckled, “but it was good, I can tell. You have time now for some lunch, or to go for a walk, whatever you would like to do before your hair appointment.”

  “This sounds crazy considering I slept so long, and I’ve been in seventh heaven for the last two hours, but honestly, I need to take a nap.”

  “That makes sense,” he said softly. “Would you like some help falling asleep?”

>   “What did you have in mind?” she purred, tilting up her chin and gazing into his eyes.

  “Perhaps a massage of a different kind,” he whispered.

  “Yes, please,” she whispered back.

  Sweeping her up, he carried her into the bedroom and placed her on the bed, then slowly peeled off her clothes.

  “You are shiny like the pin,” he remarked, then laying next to her, roaming his hands across her body, he let out a soft murmur of delight. “Your skin is so soft, like silk.”

  “I feel amazing, but Dominic…”

  “What? Why the frown?”

  “I’m worried. I know you’re not poverty stricken, but you’re not a rich man either. This must be costing a fortune.”

  Pausing his caress, he propped himself up on an elbow and smiled down at her.

  “I have not shared my news.”

  “No, you haven’t. Tell me. I was going to ask over breakfast, but I didn’t want to pry.”

  “I was saving it for tonight, but perhaps now is the time.”

  “I can tell it’s good, so yes, please.”

  “I realize you weren't following Gustav and his Spank Me Now clothing line since you’ve been back here.”

  “It was just too hard to hear about all that when I was so overwhelmed with everything,” she sighed.

  “I know, and I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been leaving your career behind, with no idea when you’d be able to come back.”

  “There were times I…never mind about that,” she said quickly. “Tell me the news. I want to hear, honestly, I do.”

  The frown that had begun to crease her brow dissipated, and she looked at him expectantly.

  “I wanted to tell you this so many times,” he smiled, “and I am so pleased I finally can.”

  “Go on, now I’m getting excited.”

  “The campaign was a huge success, mostly because it caused a big controverse.”

  “You mean, controversy?”

  “Oui, controversy. Gustav wanted to do more pictures with you, but Ben Marshall said you weren’t taking calls about work.”

  “That’s true,” she nodded. “I didn’t want to hear about any offers. It was too frustrating and I had too much on plate, way too much.”


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