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A Staten Island Love Letter- The Forgotten Borough

Page 14

by Jahquel J.

  “We over here,” Staten tapped me, and we made our way over to the dining room that had been converted into a little section for Ghost. Reese knew it would mean everything if Ghost showed up to his party, so he made sure to accommodate his ass like he was a celebrity.

  “Ayeeee! Ya’ll made it!” Reese came over and dapped all of this. He wore a pair of red jeans, white Gucci shirt and a red fur.

  “Look like little red riding hood,” Staten laughed. “Happy birthday, lil nigga.”

  “Thank you, thank you. I’m glad that y’all were able to come.” He sat down on the couch across from Ghost.

  “I told you I would be here, right?” Ghost winked. “Happy Birthday. On the real, watch how you move, Reese.”

  “I hear you. I got rid of the niggas I used to fuck with and replaced with them with new ones.”

  “This nigga a damn dummy!” Staten leaned back in the chair. “They not shitty draws, nigga. You need to learn that you don’t have to have a team to be solid. I know niggas that run alone and don’t need a pack. You see me with any friends?”

  “Yeah, fool.” Reese pointed to me and Ghost.

  “Wrong. They are my family. You replacing niggas and adding more niggas that’ll do you dirty for some money. Make smarter decisions, Reese.”

  “I hear you, Staten,” he replied. “Let me get them to bring some bottles over here. Ight?” Reese got up and went to talk to a bottle girl before getting lost in the party.

  The bottle girls were on point and came over with three bottles of Ace of Spades. She sat them down and handed us all a cup. Shorty kept poking her ass out further and further trying to get my attention. She bent down and poured some champagne into my glass and seductively stared me in the eyes.

  “Ma you not my type,” I broke it to her.

  “You my type… He like his women BBW, your little ass ain’t cutting it for him,” Staten laughed.

  “You like fat women?” she scuffed like it was the worst thing she had heard in her entire life.

  “I prefer thicker women… you know the ones that aren’t shaped like a twelve-year-old boy.” I couldn’t stand when women tried to put down bigger women. For as long as I could remember I was always attracted to a bigger woman.

  “I know the fuck you lying. Bitches would kill for a shape like mine,” she continued to pump herself up.

  “Yeah. Keep telling yourself that. Just keep the bottles flowing all night, ight?” I put a stop to her rubbing her body and telling herself how good it was.

  I wasn’t in the mood to hear about none of that shit, and I definitely wasn’t getting turned on by it either. Staten slapped her ass and pulled her on his lap. “Ma keep the bottles coming and you’ll have a nice tip,” he told her, and she smiled and walked away, making sure to jiggle her ass cheek harder with each step that she took.

  The DJ had everybody up on their feet rocking to the music he continued to play. This nigga was playing songs that I had forgot about. We all were chilling in our area and nodding our head to the music while drinking bottle after bottle of Ace. If I had one complaint about Reese’s party, it was that he should have had something other than some champagne to serve. I was on my fourth bottle and was just starting to feel a little tipsy. Ghost was smoking a blunt while Shakira was dancing and shaking her ass around the party. Since we stepped foot in the mansion, we hadn’t seen her once. I took another sip of my Ace and then leaned back. I was looking around the room. My eyes stopped on Kiss’ teacher. I thought I was tripping, but shorty looked exactly like her.

  When Justice came to my crib, I remembered exactly who she was. We all used to live in the same neighborhood together. Justice was known to keep her head stuck in a book. I wasn’t surprised that she was a teacher because shorty was hella smart. Whenever I used to see her, she would always be coming from or going to school and it never failed that she had a book in her hand.

  It was crazy how our worlds ended up colliding again. I hadn’t thought about her for years. When we were coming up in the same neighborhood, I used to have a small crush on her, but she was always too busy to let me spit game to her. I handed my bottle over to Staten and headed across the room. She was with her sister and Myla. The only reason I knew who the fuck Myla was, was because I had dropped a chick I was fucking to his salon. You weren’t shit if you didn’t know who the fuck Myla was. It wasn’t like he hid that he was a man or was once a man. Shit, I didn’t know what the fuck was going on in his jeans and I didn’t give a fuck. All I knew was that he never came at me with that flirting shit, so we were good. He liked to be addressed as a woman, so I had respect enough to address him as such. Niggas liked to act like that was gay. Nah, I was secure in my sexuality and this had nothing to do with me, it was all about respecting someone else.

  “What’s good, ladies?” I came over and stood with them. Freedom looked like she was ready to go.

  “Hey Priest, how have you been? You’ve changed a lot. When did you get all these muscles?” she giggled.

  “I been chilling. You know, I work out and shit now. When did you get back into town?” Ghost never mentioned that Freedom was back into town. When Free left, something in that nigga changed. When he pulled up to the block with Shakira, everybody was shocked because that wasn’t Ghost’s type. Even with all her surgery and shit, she didn’t hold a torch to Freedom.

  “We’re gonna have to stop meeting up like this,” Justice smiled. “How is Kiss doing?”

  “Wait, you’re Kiss’s uncle?” Myla cut Justice off. “Oh, dang.”

  “What am I missing here?” Free looked at all of us confused.

  “I’m his sister’s teacher.” was all Justice said.

  “Oh okay. I know your sister smart as hell because Justice only teaches the best,” Free bragged on her baby sister.

  “Word,” I replied. “You know Ghost over there… his fiancée somewhere around here.” I looked around trying to spot Shakira.

  “I saw where he was at. I’m not concerned with seeing Ghost, and as for his fiancée, I don’t need to see her either, unless I’m getting paid for it.”

  “Damn, it’s like that? What my guy did to you?”

  “Nothing. He has a life and so do I. What we had is in the past and I wish everyone would keep it there. Come on, My, let’s go get a drink from the bar.” She pulled her cousin.

  Justice turned her attention to me. “Ghost is a touchy subject when it comes to her,” she explained. “Are you drunk? Your eyes are super low,” she noticed.

  “Nah, I’m chilling.”

  “Yeah, you’re definitely feeling it. How’s Kiss doing? I didn’t see her in class this week.”

  “She’s good. I kept her home this week so we can do doctor’s appointments and shit. She’ll be back next week.”

  Justice cleared her throat. “Are you going to inform the school?”

  “I really don’t want to, but I know I have to.”

  “Shit, I wouldn’t. All they’re going to do is make her feel like a slut who couldn’t keep her legs closed. If she hid it this long, let her hide it some more, have the baby and then come back to school.”

  “You got it all planned out, huh?”

  “I’m good at planning everyone’s life… mine, not so much,” I chuckled. She looked at me with the most beautiful smile on her face. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nah, you gonna think I’m corny.”

  “Come on tell me…” her voice trailed off as she gently pinched me. “Do you mind walking me outside? I really don’t feel like being hit on and I need some air.”

  “Bet.” I grabbed her hands and the sea of people dancing parted ways as we made our way to the backyard. There were a few people out there chilling, but not too many. We sat on the outside furniture. I watched as she rubbed her hands together to get warm.

  “It’s cold as hell out here, but I need some air and to hear my own thoughts for a second.”

  “I feel you. The DJ was on point until he started replaying songs an
d scratching the damn record a million times.”

  “Exactly!” she giggled. “Anyway, tell me what you were going to tell me.”

  “I forgot,” I lied.

  “Tell me or I’m gonna give Kiss a F in English,” she joked, and I smirked.

  “Oh word? Let me tell Kiss, cause you’re one of her favorite people now,” I revealed. Kiss couldn’t stop talking about Justice and how cool she was.

  “Awe, she’s so sweet. Fine, I won’ talk to you if you don’t tell me.”

  “Ight, damn… I used to have a crush on you,” I admitted. Seeing her tonight, dressed in this silver dress that hugged all of her curves had me thirsty. Her hair was pin straight with a part in the middle and stopped at the crack of her ass. Shorty was looking fine as fuck and I wouldn’t mind taking a bite out of her.

  “Seriously? I never thought any of the guys paid me any mind.”

  “They were and I was one of them. I remember it was a time right after my sister died, I saw you on the bus.”

  She racked her brain to remember the encounter. “I don’t remember.”

  “You were sitting on the back of the bus reading and I asked you why you were always reading or some shit like that,” I tried to jog her remember.

  “I kind of remember, but I’m not sure. I’m sorry about your sister, truly,” she said her condolences.

  “Nah, don’t do that.”


  “Say you’re sorry. It’s been years, no need to feel obligated to say something,” I told her. Everybody always liked to bring my sister up and say how sorry they were for my loss. It had been ten years since she was gone. I didn’t need everyone always telling me how sorry they were.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized again.

  “Why you keep apologizing?”

  She giggled. “I don’t know. I think that edible I took with Myla earlier is kicking in,” she continued to laugh.

  “Damn, you couldn’t even share?” I teased.

  “We took it before we came. Myla just had to come because Reese is her homie or something like that,” she rambled on and then laughed.

  “I’m not letting you out my sight all night,” I warned her.

  She batted her eyelashes and then smiled. “Why not?”

  “You high and no nigga about to take advantage of you… You hear me?”

  She nodded her head. “Wanna know something?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I wish I had as much confidence now as I had when I was younger,” she randomly replied.

  “What makes you not as confident now?”

  She shrugged her shoulder and smiled. “A bunch of things… mainly my relationship.” I could tell that edible had taken over because she was being chattier. “I know a man isn’t supposed to make you feel beautiful all the time, it has to start from within, but my boyfriend damn sure doesn’t help,” she admitted.

  “Any nigga that don’t tell his woman that she’s beautiful, is a fuck nigga and don’t deserve her.” Kiss told me about her little boyfriend. If I would have known she had a nigga, Kiss wouldn’t have gone over there. Thankfully, Kiss told me that he was at work and she didn’t see him. It was crazy that I allowed Kiss to go over to Justice’s house, but I think emotions were high and we all weren’t thinking clearly.

  “I’m pretty sure no man walks around and tells their wo—”

  “Ma stop making excuses. You don’t know what a man is doing for his woman, because you’re not with a man, you’re with a boy,” I had to tell her. She was trying to make an excuse for her nigga and there was none. He was a nigga that didn’t deserve the type of woman that he had on his arm.

  “Enough about him,” she quickly switched subjects. “How do you treat your woman? Since you’re an expert in how a man treats a woman.”

  I shrugged. “I’m not an expert. I just know how I would treat my woman when she comes into my life.”

  “You trying to tell me that you don’t have a girlfriend?”

  “Nah. I’m single and chilling.”

  “Stop lying.”

  “For real. I don’t have a girl. Now, if you wanna know who I’m fucking, then I have one I’m dealing with, but we’re not together,” I revealed. There was no need to lie about who I chose to spend my nights with.

  “Why don’t you want one?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want one, one hasn’t come around.”

  “There’s plenty of girls on Staten Island that would probably kill to be on your arm. There’s plenty and you’re telling me that none have come around?”

  “I don’t want a girl that’s gonna kill to be on my arm. I want a woman that I would kill just to get a chance to kick it to her. These chicks are too thirsty. Feel me?”

  “There you are. We’re leaving,” Free came stomping out of the house. I could tell being in the same room as Ghost was getting to her. She had an attitude before I even walked up on them.

  “We kicking it. I got her.”

  “Uh, no the fuck you don’t. I’m taking my high ass sister home.” She grabbed Justice’s hand and Justice snatched it back. “Jus, come on.” She grabbed her hand again and tried to pull her up.

  “Free, you’re blowing my high,” she whined.

  “Freedom,” I called, and she turned her attention to me. “It’s not like you don’t know me. Your sister is in good hands. We’re chilling. I’ll make sure I get her home, and if she doesn’t want to go home, I’ll hit you with our location,” I assured her.

  I wasn’t even mad that she was hesitant about leaving her sister with me. Her sister was high, and she was with a nigga. I watched too many episodes of Law and Order: SVU with the girls to know what the fuck was going through her mind. I never had to fuck unconscious pussy in my life. There were bitches in that party that would fuck me on the dance floor. Me and Justice was kicking it and it had been a while since I had a decent conversation that didn’t revolve around my nieces and home. When me and Marisol went away, all she spoke about was my nieces. As much as I loved how much she loved and was there for my nieces, I took her away to get away from them. I wanted a moment when I could just be Priest, not Kiss, Love and Kiki’s uncle. Right now, I was having a conversation without mentioning them, and I didn’t want it to end.

  Free looked at me for a minute longer and sucked her teeth. “Priest, I’m trusting you. Make sure my sister is straight.

  “I’m grown, Free. I’m high, but not that high where I don’t know what I’m doing,” she laughed.

  “Why the hell are you laughing? Nothing is funny.”

  Justice shrugged her shoulder. “Find Myla and go have fun.”

  “Myla dipped away with her boo.”

  “Reese?” I asked.

  “Nah, I can’t tell you who it is,” she replied. “Get home safe, Justice and please call me.”

  “Okay,” Justice replied, kissed and hugged her sister. “Having twin older sisters is so annoying,” she rolled her eyes.

  “They care.”

  “I know, but they’re always in my business and acting like I’m still a baby. I’m grown and hungry.”

  “Yo, you really high as fuck,” I laughed. I sent a message to one of the young niggas to grab my whip from Ghost’s house since it was a couple blocks away.

  “I am and I’m cold.”

  I took my fur coat off and draped it around her arms. “Come on, let’s go inside.” I grabbed her hand and we walked back inside. I headed over to the area Ghost was still seated in and sat down.

  Justice tried to sit beside me, but I pulled her onto my lap. “You’re being crazy,” she giggled. I had the biggest crush on Justice McGurry and now that I had her in my arms, I wasn’t about to let her go, unless she wanted me to.

  “Justice, what’s good?” Ghost was the first to speak. It was as if when Free left, she took her entire family. Ghost didn’t speak to anyone that had anything to do with Free once she left all those years ago.

  “Hey Ghost… How yo
u been?”

  “Better if you’re sister would talk to me,” he admitted.

  “Give her some time,” Justice smiled. “Where’s the food? I’m starving.”

  Right when she said it, my young nigga sent me a text that my whip was outside. The cold air had taken that tipsy feeling I had felt earlier, and I was wide awake. “We bout to go grab something to eat. I’ll get up with y’all later.”

  “Bet. Justice good seeing you,” Ghost called behind us. It was only him sitting there nursing a bottle while Shakira shook her ass on the dance floor. A part of me always felt bad for Ghost. Imagine being with someone you didn’t love, when you couldn’t have the one you loved.

  I held the door open for Justice and she slid right inside. Walking around to the other side, I dapped my nigga and sped out the mansion’s gates. Reese did his thing with the party because he had everybody from Staten Island in this bitch tonight. Justice got comfortable in the seat as I maneuvered down the hill.

  “What you want to eat?”

  “Hmm, McDonald’s!” she beamed with joy. “Anything from McDonald’s,” she sleepily replied.

  “I got you.”

  I drove to the McDonald’s that was on Midland avenue. It was the only one that was twenty-four hours. It was a little after two in the morning and I could go for a hamburger or two too. When I pulled through the drive thru, I nudged Justice to ask what she wanted. She mumbled and got more snuggled with my coat.

  “Yo, let me get everything on the menu,” I told them.

  “You joking?” the girl replied through the machine.

  “Do I sound like I’m fucking joking?”

  “That ain’t gonna be ready right away… you gonna have to pull up in the to go spot and we’ll bring it to you. I’ll give you the total too because I gotta calculate everything,” she replied.

  “Bet. Hurry up too.”

  It took them under an hour to give me everything that had on the menu. Two guys brought out five bags of food and put it in the back of the car for me. I didn’t bother to look at the total of the food, I counted out a thousand dollars and handed it to them.

  “This is too much, sir.”


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