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Page 3

by Blake, Joanna

I sat at the nurses’ station, filing paperwork. I could see all my patients’ vitals on the screen in front of me. Mr. Davis’s heart rate was elevated. I knew why though, and I certainly wasn’t going in there to check it out.

  He was playing with himself.

  It was surprising how often a nurse walked in on a patient mid tug.

  Normally it didn’t make me uncomfortable. But in this case, I wanted to avoid that at all costs. Something about him was challenging my ability to stay cool.

  So I would not go in there again until I had to.

  Later. Much later.

  Judging from the… size of his sex organ… it might take him a while.

  I shook my head. I should not be thinking about a patient like that. I should not be thinking about him at all.

  Eyes on the Prize, Lexi.

  We had a new caregiver starting this week. Thankfully Mrs. Keeley had volunteer to be there and train her, and ease the transition. I had high hopes for this one.

  But even with a good caregiver, I knew Char would be better off in a home with 24 hour care and other people to socialize with.

  It would break my heart to let her go, but somehow, someday, I knew I had to.

  A call bell went off. I knew which room it was before I even glanced down. It was him.

  Mr. Blue Eyes.

  I decided to ignore him.

  It was against my instincts as a nurse, but I knew it wasn’t an urgent need. He probably just wanted to stare at me again. I felt my cheeks grow warm at the thought, along with an unwelcome thought.

  I liked it when he looked at me.

  God help me, I did.

  The call button went off again.

  I grabbed my tablet and stormed down the hallway.

  “What is it now?”

  He looked abashed.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  I felt guilty immediately. He couldn’t stand yet. The doctor wanted him to stay off his legs for a few more days. That meant the bedpan.

  “Alright give me a second.”

  I washed my hands in the bathroom, giving myself a dark look in the mirror. I was an uncaring bitch. I was a hellion. I was an uptight prude who had left her patient to suffer, if only for a few minutes.

  Still, I felt bad about it. And my cheeks were warm. I had no clue what was happening to me.

  I was embarrassed for the first time ever having to deal with a patients’ nudity.

  I went back out and held up a bedpan and a bottle for urine. They hadn’t given him a catheter for some reason. I waited while he stared at me with a look of horror on his face.

  “Can you send someone else?”

  I shook my head.

  “I’m all you got today. Unless you want to hold it until after five.”

  He moaned.

  “No, I can’t. Just give me the bottle.”

  “Are you sure you can manage it yourself?”

  He nodded. I handed the bottle over and reached for the blanket, pulling it down. Then I pulled the gown up. I turned away quickly but not before I got a good look at the monster he had in his pants.

  Holy hell, that thing was big.

  And it wasn’t even hard.

  Well, not anymore.

  I waited while he peed and then took the bottle from him, emptying it in the toilet before flushing. I rinsed the bottle and washed my hands again.

  He looked up at me when I came out.

  “Hey I’m sorry about that before.”

  I shook my head.

  “It happens.”

  “It was strictly involuntary I swear.”

  I raised my eyebrow.

  “It usually is.”

  He grinned at me suddenly.

  “Not for everyone.”

  I had a crazy urge to ask him what he meant. If he thought he could control his erections with his mind then he was basically some sort of wizard.

  “If you say so.”

  Just then I heard footsteps running.

  Olivia popped her head in the room.

  “Lexi, it’s your sister.”

  The blood drained from my face.

  “On the phone?”

  “No, she’s here. In the ER.”

  I blanched, handing her my tablet.

  “She’s okay Lexi, it’s just a second degree burn.”

  I ran for the ER, not looking back.

  Chapter Five


  “How is your sister?”

  Lexi glanced up at me from where she was cleaning my wound. That’s how I thought of her now. Lexi. Short, sweet and to the point.

  It suited her perfectly.

  “She’s fine, thank you.”

  “What happened?”

  She looked at me again, just for a second, but I could tell something was wrong. She just shook her head and went back to rinsing my wound with saline solution.

  I cleared my throat.

  “I like your nickname. Lexi. I think I should call you…”

  Those brilliant eyes snapped back to mine. Finally, I had her attention. Even angry, she was so fucking beautiful it hurt to look at her.

  “Don’t say it.”

  I smirked.

  “Sexy Lexi.”

  She glared at me. I might be bored out of my mind laying here, but when she came in the air positively crackled. Teasing the nurse is the highlight of my day.

  Hell, it might be the highlight of my life.

  The girl was fun as hell to tease. And way too easy to get a rise out of. She tried to tune me out again and again over the past week. But I wouldn’t let her.

  No fucking way in hell I was going to let her ignore me.

  She kept cleaning my wound, not saying a word. She was above my silly games. I knew it. She had work to do. But seeing her head so close to my groin was putting all sorts of thoughts into my head.

  Both of them.

  She finished up just as I started to rise. I bent my leg and made a tent with the blankets so she wouldn’t notice.

  She washed up and started to leave.


  “Yes, Mr. Davis?”

  “Come on Lexi, call me Trent.”

  She frowned at me.

  “What do you want?”

  I grinned at her, letting my eyes travel up and down her body. I mentally undressed her. Again. She stiffened.

  She knew exactly what I was doing.

  “How about a sponge bath? You can blow dry me afterwards.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me.

  “When was your last bath?”

  “Two days ago.”

  She frowned and checked her tablet.

  “I’ve got to cover the rest of the floor. If I have time I will do it later this afternoon.”

  I leant back.

  “Don’t leave me. I’m so bored!”

  I knew I was whining but I couldn’t help it. She tilted her head to the side. Then she sighed and left. I resigned myself to another hour of staring at the ceiling, imagining what I would do to her if I ever got her out of those scrubs.

  She was back in a few minutes with an iPad.

  Hers I thought.

  She handed it to me, along with a set of headphones.

  “Here. Books on tape. About fifty of them.”

  I took them from her, surprised at her generosity.

  She gave me a steely glare.

  “Do NOT snoop. I will know.”

  I nodded, too surprised to even thank her. Of course I was lying. As soon as she left I started to flip through her photos.

  There weren’t many. A few old photos that looked like they’d been scanned in. A dog. Two pretty girls. A normal looking family.

  That must be nice. Having a family to look after you. To protect and love each other.

  I hadn’t had anyone to look after me.

  I shook my head, deciding now was not the time to dwell on the past.

  Now was the time to copy her phone number and email address to my phone.

  I spent the next hour looking through her surprisingly varied taste in music and literature. She also had a lot of non-fiction as well. Audio books and plain old regular ebooks. She was very well read.

  I kept snooping, hoping to find out one thing. Her email was password protected, damn the luck.

  I just wanted to know if Nurse Ballbreaker had a boyfriend.

  Why I wanted to know, I couldn’t tell you. It’s not like I was looking to get into a relationship. I just wanted to bang her.

  Granted I wanted to bang her a lot, maybe even on the regs.

  But a boyfriend wouldn’t really stand in my way. It never had before. Fuck, nothing stood in my way when I wanted something. My ride. My house. A girl that caught my eye.

  Lexi had done more than catch my eye.

  I couldn’t explain it but I didn’t like the thought of her with another guy. It was crazy, but true. For the first time in my life, I was jealous. And I didn’t even know if I had a reason to be jealous.

  I snapped a few pictures of her pictures for prosperity. I grinned at my phone. I was now the proud owner of some very unsexy wank material.

  Still, I would wank to it, all the same.

  I picked a book- something by Tom Clancy, and settled back to listen.


  I ducked my head into Trent’s room at the end of my shift. It was almost dawn and I was exhausted. He had fallen asleep with my iPad clutched in his hand, so I’d left him alone throughout the night.

  He still held the iPad. I decided to leave it with him for now. Maybe he’d learn something from one of the books.

  Eh, he’d probably just look at porn.

  I almost laughed. Men were so predictable. It usually disgusted me but when I thought of him… pleasuring himself… I felt something else entirely.

  I felt turned on.

  “Alexandra, there you are,”

  I turned to see Dr. Richardson bearing down on me. He was a cardiologist but not a very good one. He basically just cleared patients for surgery. He didn’t do surgery himself.

  And he was very handsy with the nurses.

  Especially me.

  He had taken a particular shine to me for some damnable reason.

  I sighed and pinned a very impersonal look to my face.

  “Yes, can I help you?”

  “When are you going to let me take a crack at you Alexandra?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He stepped in closer. I could smell antiseptic and aftershave along with his not so fresh breath. I felt a wave of nausea from the smell.

  “Come on, don’t be such a fucking prude.”

  “I have work to do Dr. Richardson. Please excuse me.”

  I turned and opened the closest door. I leaned against it, closing my eyes.

  “Does that happen to you a lot?”

  I opened my eyes. Of course I was in Trent’s room. Of course.

  And he’d heard the whole thing.

  I shrugged. I should leave, but I wanted to make sure Dr. Richardson was gone.

  Until then I was sitting tight.

  “I’ll kick his ass if he bothers you again.”

  I laughed.

  “You are in no shape to do any ass kicking at the moment, Mr. Davis.”

  “But I will be.”

  He was grinning at me. He was so arrogant. Normally, I hated arrogant men. But somehow, it worked on him.

  I couldn’t help it. I smiled back.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  I looked at him. I knew I shouldn’t answer. But I did. Maybe it was because it was dawn and everything was so quiet. Maybe it’s because Dr. Richardson had thrown me off his game.

  Maybe it was the searching look in Trent’s eyes.


  I couldn’t have explained the look of relief that came over his face. But there it was.

  My heart was beating as I stared at him, momentarily transfixed.

  “Here, your iPad.”

  He held it out to me. I shook off the weird mood that had come over me. I was just exhausted. I needed sleep.

  “Keep it.”

  “You don’t need it?”

  “No, I’m just going to go home and pass out. Just- don’t look at anything crazy on there. It could get me in trouble.”


  “You know. Porn.”

  His face changed suddenly. He looked like he’d just swallowed something that tasted terrible. Or glass.

  “I don’t watch porn.”

  I snorted. Like I believed that.

  “Well, whatever, just don’t get me in trouble, okay?”

  He smiled at me innocently.


  “Alright, good night. Try to get some rest.”

  “You too, Sexy Lexi.”

  Chapter Six


  I was in heaven. And hell. All at the same time. Lexi had come in today with a large bucket and a loofah. Now she was carefully and meticulously washing my body.

  I closed my eyes, trying to savor the moment. No, fuck that, I was trying to control my cock. I’d been in shock when she told me.

  “You are getting your wish.”


  “A doctor ordered sponge bath.”

  Oh fuck.

  Now here I was, my teeth gritted, my body tense. Straining with the effort not to let the monster rise.

  I was losing.

  Every touch, every softly spoken word, it was the most arousing thing I’d experienced in my life.

  A fucking sponge bath.

  I’d fucked gorgeous girls by the hundreds. I’d done three ways, four ways, orgies, anal, bondage. You name it.

  But this woman was driving me mad with a sponge bath.

  She wasn’t even being gentle about it.

  “Turn over.”

  I rolled to my side, finally losing the battle with my cock. It was already semi-hard and it rose to full fucking mast in a heartbeat.

  She roughly scrubbed my back and my ass. I clenched my jaw as her sponge moved down my thighs. It was… oh God! I felt like I could fucking cum just from that fucking sponge!

  Heaven help me if she touched my cock.

  I would shoot. I knew it. I would spurt into the air like a teenage boy.

  Fuck me.

  I was seriously falling for this woman. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. But there was no denying it.

  I was starting to think I had a chance with her. For more than just a sport fuck. To have her, for real.

  But not if she found out who I was before I could ease her into it.

  How the fuck I could do that was beyond me. Good girls like Lexi didn’t date porn stars. Hell, she was so serious, I wasn’t sure if she dated. Period.

  Never mind a piece of shit like me.

  “Are you comfortable like this? I’d like to do your hair but not if you have too much pressure on your cast.”

  I moaned.


  “It’s- it’s fine.”

  “Are you cold? Here, roll this way and I’ll dry you off.”

  “No! I’m fine like this. Verrryyyy comfortable.”

  Total silence.

  Whoops. Maybe I overdid it. Protesting too much and all that.

  I swallowed, feeling like a naughty catholic schoolboy about to be caned by a nun.

  A very, very sexy nun.

  “What is it now, Trent?”

  “Nothing. Just- please don’t make me turn over.”

  I heard her sigh. It was full of resignation. And then I heard her shoes squeaking across the floor. She was coming over to this side of the bed.

  I twisted my body to the side, rolling onto my ‘good side’. Funny how that happened. Sliding across the asphalt tended to put things into black and white.

  Good side, bad side.

  Nice girl, piece of shit scumbag.

  Life, death.

  “Trent! Be careful!”

  I grimaced. That had hur
t. But I had managed to keep my monster out of her line of vision. I grabbed a washcloth and tried to cover myself.

  Then I realized something.

  She had used my name for the first time.


  “Honestly, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. I don’t know what the big deal is-“

  Her voice trailed off.

  She was around the bed again, staring at the washcloth draped over my 12 inch cock.

  Then she did something completely unexpected.

  She snatched the washcloth away.

  “It’s okay, you are just swelling. It might be a blood clot. Don’t be scared, I will take care of you.”

  She reached for the phone to page the doctor.

  “Lexi, don’t.”

  She looked at me.

  “This is normal.”

  Her jaw dropped. It literally dropped. I wanted to stick my tongue into that gorgeous mouth of hers.

  Among other things.

  “You mean-“

  I nodded.

  Yes, Lexi. This is just a garden variety boner.

  If the garden was on steroids.

  “I apologize. You… do things to me.”

  Her mouth snapped shut. She was looking at me, not at my cock. Which I have to admit, was a first.

  Usually people stared.


  She tried to shake it off, but I could tell she was unsettled.

  Fuck, so was I.

  “It’s perfectly normal to become aroused in stressful situations.”

  She started around the bed again, utterly professional. I lay there as she bustled around, washing my back and side, working around my shredded flank. Then she started to soap my hair. The way her delicate hands felt in my hair was… astounding.

  In that moment, I would do anything for her.

  I would climb a mountain.

  I would wrestle a grizzly bear.

  I would kill for her.


  Her hands froze at the husky sound of my voice.


  My hand reached back and grabbed hers. I stared up at her. I was naked with soapy hair and an erection with the most beautiful woman in the world standing over me.

  I was ridiculous. Laughable.

  I was doomed.

  I didn’t care.

  “Kiss me.”

  Her lips parted. Her eyes softened. It wasn’t a no. It almost looked like a yes. Or it would be, if I could take advantage of the moment. I sat up, reaching for her.


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