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Page 4

by Blake, Joanna

  She didn’t step back. She let me draw her down towards me. But then she froze, her lips inches from mine.

  “Please… don’t do this.”

  She was asking me not to start. I knew what she meant. She knew, as I did, that neither one of us could stop once we started.

  I didn’t fucking care.

  She could lose her job.

  I knew it. I realize that made me a bastard.

  But nothing was going to stop me from kissing her right now.

  Nothing except her beeper.

  It went off, making her jump backwards.

  Hell, even I came close to jumping. In my condition, that was saying a lot.

  She glanced at it, shaking her head. Without dropping a beat, she briskly rubbed a towel over my damp hair and body. Then she wrapped a clean hospital gown around me, pulling the damp sheet from under me.

  She remade the bed and was about to leave when she remembered my socks.

  She knew I liked to wear those fuzzy hospital socks.

  I watched her tucking my feet back under the covers.

  “You didn’t finish.”

  She looked up, looking adorably frazzled. I knew she wanted to be anywhere but here at this moment.

  Tough shit.

  I stared at her steadily.

  She turned red, knowing exactly what I meant.

  She hadn’t washed my cock for me.


  I licked my lips nervously. I knew what he was talking about. Trent- Mr. Davis- had managed to completely fluster me.

  And I didn’t fluster easily.

  “I will send someone in to do that if you want. I can’t right now.”

  “You will send in someone to wash my dick? A cock washer?”

  I let out a startled laugh. It sounded so silly when he put it that way. I didn’t understand how could he be so comfortable after what had just happened.


  What had almost happened.

  I had barely diverted disaster.

  Who was I kidding? It had been my beeper that stopped that kiss. Barely.

  By a fucking thread.

  My lips were still warm from being so close to his.

  “Mr. Davis-“

  “Trent. You said it before. It’s my name. Say it.”

  I opened my mouth in surprise.

  He was pissed.

  He was pissed that I hadn’t kissed him.

  Or washed his cock.

  His enormous, beautiful cock.

  I shook my head. I should not be thinking these things.

  “Trent. It is normal for a patient to develop- an attachment to his or her caregiver. I promise you, the instant you leave the hospital, you will forget I even exist.”

  “I highly fucking doubt that.”

  I blinked at him.

  He did seem pretty damn sure of himself.

  “I- I have to go. I’m sorry. Please-“

  He grabbed my wrist as I passed him. His hand was warm and strong. His thumb brushed against my palm, sending delicious tingles spiraling through my body.

  With his hand.

  Just his hand.

  “Please what?”

  I swallowed nervously. I looked at him. I was begging. I knew it. I was ashamed of my weakness.

  But I was weak. I would fall, if he kept pushing me towards the edge.

  “I have work to do- a job. It’s important. People are counting on me- I-“

  I felt my eyes starting to well up with tears.

  I did the only thing I could think of in that moment.

  I ran.

  Chapter Seven


  I was getting to her. I knew it.

  Lexi had smiled at me today. A real smile. And not one out of pity. And not because I’d said something stupid.

  No, I’d just told her how much I was enjoying her books.

  That smile felt like the sun breaking through the clouds on a rainy day.

  Oh yeah, I was in trouble.

  And for some stupid reason, I could not stop smiling. It was a big day, in more ways than one. I’d been here almost three weeks. Three weeks of sitting on my ass, plotting and planning on how to break down the Ice Queen’s walls.

  It was working.

  But it wasn’t just that.

  Today, I got to walk. It was hard as fuck. It hurt, especially my leg where it had gotten chewed up. But it was also the most God damned liberating thing I’d done in my life.

  Basically, today was the best day of my life.

  That might be hard to believe considering my lifestyle, but it was true. I had actually come to appreciate the little things. And I didn’t even want a drink to celebrate.

  Or a line.

  I just wanted to walk up to Lexi and carry her off somewhere to have my way with her. My very, very thorough way with her.

  I wasn’t quite up to carrying anyone away yet.

  But soon.

  It was late but I couldn’t sleep. I was off pain meds, other than basic anti-inflammatories. And I was too excited to lay still.

  I eased my feet to the floor and reached for the cane. It was a clunky metal thing, not the pimped out sort of cane I would have chosen for myself.

  Carved wood. Maybe with a dragon on top. Or a snake.


  I limped into the hallway and looked both ways for my prey. There she was. Sitting at the nurses’ station.

  Doing paperwork or monitoring the sleeping patients presumably.

  I was still for a moment, just watching her.

  She reached back, tucking her hair behind her ear. Then she ran her hand over her neck, squeezing gently. She looked beautiful. And exhausted. And tense.

  That was something I would be more than happy to help her with.

  I was very, very good at tension release.

  She looked up as I approached, her amazing eyes wide in the dim fluorescent lighting.

  “Trent. Are you alright? You should have paged me.”

  I grinned at her stupidly. I loved hearing her say my name. Damn if it wasn’t the best thing I’d heard in a long time.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  She frowned and reached for her keys.

  “I can give you something, but just for tonight.”

  “I don’t want anything. I just didn’t want to be alone.”

  Her mouth opened in the adorable way it did when she was surprised.


  I came behind the nurses’ station and sat in one of the chairs.

  “Do you mind?”

  She looked uncertain.

  “You really shouldn’t be back here, Trent…”

  I smiled and rolled the chair just outside the station.


  She laughed, shaking her head at me.

  “Are you sure you don’t just want a sleeping pill? Hospitals aren’t the easiest places to sleep, I know.”

  I smiled, looking over my shoulder towards the bookshelf in the hallway. There were ratty old magazines, books and board games. Along with several, presumably incomplete, decks of cards.

  “Do you play poker?”

  She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.


  I held up my hands.

  “We don’t have to play for money.”

  She gave me a look, clearly knowing what kind of game I would like to play.

  “Or clothes.”

  She laughed, rolling her eyes.

  “Okay. It’s a good thing we aren’t playing for money though. I’m notoriously lucky at cards.”

  I grinned as she walked across the hall to grab the cards.

  I didn’t mind not playing for money, or clothes.

  I had plenty of other things I wanted to play for.


  “I’ll stay.”

  Trent looked supremely confident as he held his cards. I doubted he could beat me though, I had three tens. And his outlandish bets were making me laugh. H
e’d even got me playing along.

  So far I’d won every hand. I’d won a puppy, having my car washed, by him, and a years worth of magazine subscriptions. The good ones too. Design and garden stuff. The kind of stuff a woman like me dreamed about.

  “What do you want this time?”

  “Dinner with me at the restaurant of my choice. When I get out of here, of course.”

  I shook my head.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “What do you want if you win?”

  I closed my eyes.

  “I don’t know. A housekeeper to come and deep clean the place. Just once.”

  I grinned at her.

  “Don’t sell yourself so short. Every week. For a year.”

  “Trent, that’s too much.”

  He grinned at me arrogantly. I felt a little flutter of excitement in the pit of my stomach. That had been happening a lot lately.

  Whenever I was around Trent. He smirked at me, leaning forward.

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m winning this one.”

  He cocked his eyebrow at me.


  I nodded. And watched as he laid down three queens. He had done it. He had won.

  I sighed, showing my hand.

  He smiled at me wickedly and I swallowed. I had just agreed to dinner with a patient. It was not professional.

  Of course, he wouldn’t be a patient any more by the time the dinner happened…

  He shuffled the cards and dealt again. I picked up my hand, glancing at the cards. I had nothing. Trent was already making a new wager.

  “If I win this hand, I get to give you a back rub.”

  “That doesn’t seem appropriate…”

  “It’s just your back Lexi. Don’t be such a killjoy.”

  I sighed and nodded. I was being reckless. But I didn’t care.

  Besides, I could really use a shoulder rub.

  I drew three new cards. I was having an unusual streak of bad luck. I knew the cards were random but it didn’t feel that way. It felt like fate was working against me. Breaking down my barriers.

  My protection. From him.

  He laid his cards across the desk, grinning at me. Three aces. Then he wiggled his fingers at me.

  “Get ready for the magic fingers.”

  I shook my head.

  “If anyone sees you…”

  He grabbed the sides of my chair and spun me around. I felt his breath fan my ear. Chills broke out all over my body.

  “No one will see.”

  His fingers brushed the sensitive area behind my ears and I gasped. Then I moaned as his ‘magic fingers’ went to work. He hadn’t been lying. He was very good at what he was doing.

  Who knew a back rub could be so arousing?

  Trent knew how to give a good back rub.

  And then some.

  His hands were strong and warm as he pressed them against my shoulders. He squeezed, not too hard, but definitely not too soft. It was perfect.

  I sighed.


  He worked his way down my spine, pressing and rolling the muscles. He seemed to know exactly where I was tender, or stiff, or sore. And he knew just how to touch me.

  He worked down to my waist and his fingers wrapped around me.

  It almost tickled… but it didn’t. I felt a shiver run through my body. I knew without looking that my arm was broken out in goosebumps.

  He leaned forward and whispered against the back of my neck.

  “Really though, your top should be off…”

  I laughed, spinning away.

  “I wasn’t finished with you.”

  I gave him a look.

  “Yes, you were.”

  He held up his hands.

  “Alright, whatever you want.”

  He grinned at me, his teeth showing.

  “But really, I was just getting started. What you need is a full body rub. With oils.”

  I rolled my eyes at him, reaching for my tablet.

  “It’s almost time for my rounds. I really should-“

  He grabbed my hand, snatching it away from the tablet. Then he kissed it, giving me puppy dog eyes. He turned my hand over and kissed the inside of my wrist.




  His lips were warm and surprisingly soft. I knew they would feel good on my lips. Or wherever he put them.

  Snap out of it, Lexi!

  “One more hand. Please. And then I’ll tottle off to bed like a good boy.”

  I don’t know why but I nodded.

  Maybe I was afraid to let the moment end. I was enjoying myself too much.

  Maybe I was curious to see what he would come up with this time.

  “What are we playing for now?”

  “Seven minutes in heaven.”

  “What’s that?”

  He gave me a sly smile.

  “Just tell me what you want in return.”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay Mr. Mysterious. I would like- I would like you to give your full attention to your recovery and stop flirting with nurses!”

  He looked crestfallen.

  “I don’t flirt with nurses. I flirt with you.”

  I didn’t want to believe him. But I did. Either way though, he had to stop.

  “Fine, I would like you to focus on getting better.”

  He gave me a look that was tragic.

  “No more fun?”

  I shook my head firmly.

  “If I lose.”

  I nodded.

  “Yes, if you lose.”

  He brightened then.

  “But you are still having dinner with me, regardless.”

  I rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time.

  “Yes. As friends.”

  He grinned at me.

  “Friends is a good place to start.”

  He shuffled the cards, utterly focused. He dealt the cards in silence. I picked up my hand. I had three aces. My stomach sank.

  I realized in that moment that I didn’t want to win.

  He was frowning at his cards, utterly focused. He glanced up at me. I realized how much this meant to him. To both of us.

  I just didn’t know how the hell that had happened.

  “Do you need anything?”

  I nodded, exhaling.

  “I’ll take two.”

  I handed him the two other cards. I’d nearly handed him one of my aces. But that seemed wrong somehow.

  The next two cards were unremarkable. It was still a great hand. A winning hand.

  I looked up at him. He was deep in thought. I knew I was going to win. I wanted to call a halt right now. I wanted to get up, make an excuse and start all over again tomorrow.

  “I’ll stay.”

  I almost groaned.

  “We don’t have to do this. We can just call it a draw.”

  He looked at me, his eyes dark and serious.

  “Not a chance, Sexy Lexi.”

  Then he laid his cards out.

  He had a royal flush.


  Ten of hearts, jack of hearts, queen of hearts, king of hearts and ace of hearts.

  My eyes lifted to his, utterly amazed. He wasn’t smiling in victory though. He was staring at my mouth.

  He looked… hungry.

  Without a word he grabbed my hand, pulling me down the hallway.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Shhh… you don’t want to wake the patients.”

  I noticed that his limp was barely there. I smiled. Perhaps this was good for his recovery after all.

  Then he pushed me inside a supply closet. He smiled at me, blocking the doorway with his body. Then he used his foot to shut it behind him.

  We were alone. In a closet. My heart started beating double time.

  I stared at him, no clue what he was up to.

  “Trent. Is this… your idea of a joke?”

  He stared at me.

  “No joke

  “I don’t get it. I need to go-”

  “Are you welshing?”

  I sighed. I wasn’t. But this was a very, very bad idea. Whatever it was he was planning.


  He grinned at me, clearly relieved.

  “Good. We just need a timer. Does your phone have one?”

  I nodded, pulling it out.

  “Set it for seven minutes.”

  I did, holding it up to show him.

  He reached backwards and locked the door of the supply closet. Then he hit the light switch.

  We were in total darkness.

  That’s when I felt him. His hands were on my hips as he dragged me towards him.

  His lips came crashing down on mine, silencing my protest. He kissed me like he was dying of thirst and I was a cold glass of water. He kissed me like I was the last girl on Earth.

  So help me, I kissed him back.

  Chapter Eight


  Lexi’s back was pressed up against the heavy metal shelves on the far wall. Even with the lights off, I knew where everything was. I’d made sure of that before I flipped the switch.

  I even knew where the blankets were. Three feet to my left, on the middle shelf.

  You know. In case we wanted to get horizontal.

  I sure as fuck did.

  It was crazy but just kissing her was giving me that same glow I got after cuming. I groaned, imaging how fucking amazing that would feel. All the things I wanted to do with her.

  And to her.

  That train of thought made all the blood in my body flow straight to my cock. I wasn’t just hard. I was diamond hard. I ground my massive boner into her, raising her leg with my good arm so I could get closer.

  It was awkward, trying to get closer to her with the massive cast covering half of my upper body.

  But I was up to the challenge.

  Nothing was going to stop me from getting at her.

  Her hands were on my shoulders. At first I’d thought she was trying to push me away. But she wasn’t.

  She was holding on for dear life.

  I knew it. She wanted me too. I smiled in the darkness, letting my lips slide to her neck… that perfectly kissable neck that I’d been staring at for a month now.

  Wanting to bite it.

  I took a little nip.


  I grinned, trying to lift her top up. I only had one hand to do it with. So I used my teeth.


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