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The Teflon Queen PT 3

Page 13

by Silk White

  “I would never let anything happen to you and you know it,” Scarface said defensively. He may have not been the best man in the world, but one thing he took pride in was taking care of and protecting Shekia. “Baby come home please…”

  “I can’t,” Shekia said looking down at the ground. “I can’t live like this no more.”

  “It’s because I might be going back to jail isn’t it?” Scarface asked. “Be honest.”

  Shekia looked at him like he was insane. “I don’t believe you just said that.”

  “Well that’s how it feels.”

  “Well it’s good to know how you really feel about me,” Shekia said shaking her head. The fact that Scarface could possibly be facing some time had nothing to do with why she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him. The truth was this wasn’t the type of life that she wanted to bring a child into.

  “I’m just saying everything was fine until I got locked up and then all of a sudden you started to change,” Scarface said. “What’s up with that?”

  “I’m pregnant!”

  Scarface stood for a second to let what Shekia had just told him register. Out of all the things that he had going on in his life, this was the best news he’d received in a long time. A part of Scarface was happy and another part of him was sad. He was happy that Shekia was pregnant and carrying his baby, but he was sad that she was carrying his baby, but no longer wanted to be with him. “So you gon up and leave me while you’re carrying my baby?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Then what’s it like?”

  “I don’t want to live like this no more!” Shekia yelled as tears streamed down her face. “You almost got me and your child killed the other day! I’m scared! I’m scared that one night you won’t make it home! I’m scared that one day I’ll have to explain to our child why his father is gone and he’s never coming back!”

  “Listen,” Scarface said. “Me being a father is one thing you never have to worry about and what you need to realize is that I’m trying to turn my life around and that takes time.”

  “Well I don’t have no more time,” Shekia capped back.

  “That’s your word?” Scarface asked. “So that’s it. You just gon give up on me when I’m trying?”

  “I don’t want to do this no more,” Shekia cried. Scarface looked at Shekia, turned and left her standing there alone. Her words had just crushed and taken the life right out of him. He couldn’t believe what Shekia had just told him and deep down inside he still felt that her sudden change of attitude had to do with the murder charges that he was facing. He slowly walked over to his car, hopped in, and pulled off. That was it. Scarface and Shekia were officially done. From here on out she no longer existed to him. He would now have to cut all ties with Shekia and flush her out of his system once and for all and move on with his life. It would be a hard thing to do, but this was something that had to be done.

  * * *

  Shekia stormed back into Sandy’s apartment and cried her eyes out. She knew that once Scarface had walked off they were officially done and that there was no coming back. Of course she loved him, but at the end of the day she knew that her being with him wasn’t safe. Things were beginning to spiral out of control and she just hoped and prayed that Scarface could get out before it was too late.

  Sandy sat hugging Shekia and rubbing her back while she cried on her shoulder. If she could she would have kicked Scarface’s ass for hurting her friend the way he did. As the two woman sat hugging, a loud knock at the door caught them off guard.

  “Tell Scarface that I don’t want to talk to or see him right now,” Shekia sobbed.

  “I got you girl,” Sandy said hopping to her feet and rushing towards the door. She couldn’t wait to curse Scarface the fuck out for upsetting her friend like this. Sandy snatched the door open ready to act a fool when instead of Scarface standing on the other side of the door she saw two men dressed in all black. “Ummm, can I help y’all?”

  Mike Murder roughly pushed his way through the door sending Sandy stumbling back inside the apartment. Before Sandy had a chance to protest Bone had back slapped Sandy down to the floor with the butt of his gun knocking her out cold. Bone stood over Sandy, raised his leg, and stomped down on her head. Her unconscious body jerked from the impact.

  Mike Murder entered the living room and spotted Shekia sitting on the couch with a shocked and scared look on her face. “Is this the bitch right here?” he yelled over his shoulder. When Shekia saw Bone step into the living room she almost shitted on herself.

  “You don’t look happy to see me,” Bone smiled. Shekia looked a little different from the last time he’d seen her. She had gained a little weight and she wore her hair in a different style.

  “Bone I don’t know what you’re thinking but I don’t have nothing to do with what you and Scarface got going on,” she said with her hands up in surrender.

  “You have everything to do with this,” Bone replied. His plan was to hit Scarface where it hurt and that was in his heart.

  “Bone listen you don’t have to do this,” Shekia said as tears ran down her face. “You never used to be like this. When me, you, Capo, and Kim were working together we were like a family.”

  “Bitch fuck you, Kim, and Capo! Ain’t none of y’all no family of mines,” Bone spat. “Where’s Scarface?”

  “Bone I’m pregnant,” Shekia pleaded. “Please don’t hurt me or my baby... Please…”

  Bone looked Shekia in the eyes. “Not my problem,” he said as he fired a bullet into her chest. Him and Mike Murder watched as she wheezed and tried to breath. Shekia sat wide eyed as her entire shirt turned dark red. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She couldn’t believe that she had just been shot, couldn’t believe that her life was draining from her body. Where was Scarface when she needed him? Why was this happening to her?

  Bone stood over Shekia, shook his head and put a bullet in her head splattering blood all over the wall. “Fuck that bitch,” he said as him and Mike Murder made their exit leaving Shekia lying dead on the couch.

  * * *

  Scarface sat at the red light cursing Shekia out in his mind. He couldn’t believe how she could say the things that she had said to him. It was as if all the improvement that he was making was going unnoticed by her and she was the only reason that he was trying to change. Scarface also knew that Shekia’s man bashing friend Sandy had put a lot of bullshit in her head, because that’s what she did best. It was always the ones who didn’t have a man that always tried to tell you how to have a successful relationship or someone who didn’t have a dollar in their pocket trying to give you financial advice. The more Scarface thought about the situation, the more furious he was becoming. “Fuck!” he cursed as he hit a U-turn and headed back towards Sandy’s apartment. A part of him wanted nothing to do with Shekia and another part of him wouldn’t allow himself to go out like that especially while she was carrying his baby in her stomach. Scarface decided to put his pride to the side and man up for his child. The last thing he wanted to do was look like he was bowing down to Shekia’s demands, but at the moment this whole situation was bigger than Scarface and Shekia. It was about the unborn child that floated around in her stomach. When Scarface pulled up and saw the apartment door left wide open he immediately knew that something was wrong. He snatched his 9mm from off the front seat and ran inside the apartment. The first thing he saw when he stepped inside the apartment was Sandy sprawled out in the middle of the floor with a bullet hole in her throat. Her eyes were staring up at the ceiling. “Oh my God! Nooo!” Scarface said as he moved on throughout the apartment and found Shekia lying dead on the couch with her brains blow all over the wall. Scarface walked over and rubbed Shekia’s stomach as he just stood there and cried. It was as if his entire world had come crashing down in a matter of seconds. “I love you,” he whispered looking down at Shekia’s lifeless body. Scarface knew that this was all his fault. If he would have just listened to Sheki
a from the beginning and dealt with the whole Bone situation alone from the beginning none of this would even be going on right now. “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he cried like a baby. It was as if his feet were stuck in place and he couldn’t move. Scarface dropped down to his knees and hugged Shekia’s lifeless body. This was the last time that he’d ever be able to hug her again. As Scarface sat hugging Shekia he heard several footsteps entering the apartment. Thinking it was Bone and his goons, he turned and aimed his gun and fired.

  Several police officers stormed in the living room. “Drop the weapon! Sir, drop the weapon!” they yelled before opening fire on Scarface, filling his body with bullets. Scarface’s body rocked and moved from side to side until the police were sure that he was dead. Scarface lay dead with his head on Shekia’s lap.

  Chapter 27


  Mr. Clarke paced back and forth chain smoking cigarette after cigarette while Ashley sat at the dining room table eating dinner. Several armed guards stood close by just in case little Ashley began to feel a little froggy. The more time that passed, the more Mr. Clarke worried about not having that thumb drive in his possession. He knew what was on the thumb drive could put him away for the rest of his life and that’s what worried him the most. The fact that a total stranger held his life in their hands didn’t sit well with him.

  “Why don’t you sit down before you give yourself a heart attack,” Frank said entering the dining area.

  “Well I’d take a heart attack over spending the rest of my life in jail any day,” Mr. Clarke countered.

  “Well if Angela ever decides to show up we have men all over the property,” Frank told him.

  “You think I should leave the country?”

  “For what?”

  “Just in case that thumb drive falls into the wrong hands, you know?” Mr. Clarke asked in an undecided tone.

  “Yeah I think you should leave first thing in the morning just to be on the safe side and let me kill the little girl,” Frank suggested. Really all he wanted to do was kill the little girl because he knew it would hurt Angela and he wanted her to hurt the way she made him hurt when she murdered his wife.

  Mr. Clarke thought on it for a second. “Fuck it; if Angela doesn’t show up tonight the little girl is all yours.” As soon as the words left his mouth, all the lights in the mansion went out. About twenty seconds later the backup generator kicked in and lit the entire mansion back up.

  “She’s here!” Frank said as he pulled his 9mm from his holster with a snap. “Keep a close eye on the girl!” he ordered as he went to go see what was going on.

  * * *

  Two guards patrolled the front area of the mansion. They weren’t the best guards money could buy, but they were decent. The problem was they had been guarding the front of the mansion for so many years without an incident that they began slacking on the job.

  “Hey Sam I’ll be right back. I’m going to take a leak,” Ryan said as he headed inside the mansion. Once he was gone Sam heard a light splash in the beautiful lake that rest two hundred yards from the front of the mansion.

  “What the fuck was that?” Sam said to himself as he went to go check out the noise. As he reached the lake, something inside of him said that something wasn’t right. He leaned over and looked down into the water to see if a fish or something would be swimming around. As he looked closer down into the water his reflection stared back at him. Without warning a figure dressed in all black sprang from the water and jammed a knife deep into the side of Sam’s neck and then quickly snatched him back down into the water with them.

  Minutes later Ryan returned from the bathroom and stepped foot outside and was shocked to see that Sam was nowhere to be found. “Sam!” he called out. “Quit fucking around! Where are you!?”

  A masked head broke the lake’s surface, peering around to ensure that nobody was watching. Confident that the struggle hadn’t been noticed, the black-clad assassin quickly pulled itself from the water, holding an M-4 rifle in their hands. Angela looked through the scope and waited until Ryan was in between the cross hairs before pulling the trigger. The bullet made Ryan’s head explode like a melon. His body collapsed seconds later.

  Dressed in an all black ninja suit Angela tossed the M-4 over her shoulder and ran full speed towards the mansion. Instead of using the front door, Angela decided to climb up the side of the house and creep through one of the windows. Angela jumped up and began climbing using the same technique she did when rock climbing. Her fingers reached out and found a hole. She pulled herself higher with her other hand while her feet probed for a new cranny. Once Angela reached the window, she quickly pulled herself inside just as another guard patrolled the area where she just was. Inside the room that Angela climbed into, it was dark. Angela took a second to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Before she took a step through the room, the sound of loud sirens blaring could be heard. Angela quickly rushed over towards the window and peeked out. An entire convoy of police cars and F.B.I trucks came to a screeching halt directly in front of the mansion. Immediately Mr. Clarke’s men opened fire on the police setting off a serious gun battle. Once Angela spotted the police, she knew that was Detective Washington giving her back up, which only meant she had a little bit of time to find Ashley and escape the mansion. Angela crept out the room and eased out into the hallway where she spotted three guards standing at the end of the hallway enjoying a good joke. Angela aimed her M-4 in their direction and fired off three shots killing all three of the men instantly with head shots. Angela continued on throughout the mansion. She rounded the corner and ran across three more guards. Again she raised her M-4 at the first gunman’s face and pulled the trigger killing the man before he even knew what had hit him. By the time either of the two other guards registered what was happening; Angela had already fired off another shot at the second guard. The guard was clawing at the bullet wound that had just exploded through his sternum like magic. The third man was raising his rifle defensively when a bullet ripped through his left eye. He collapsed without getting a single shot off, having never seen his killer or heard anything besides the briefest of whistling as the bullet sliced through the air on its way to his face. Angela continued to move throughout the mansion making little to no noise what so ever.

  Another guard strolled through the halls as the sound of loud gun fire erupted from the ground floor. He quickly ran towards the action and then stopped short when he spotted one of his fellow henchmen lying dead on the floor. As he stood to inspect the man’s wounds, a blinding shriek of pain shot through his right lung and he found himself gasping for breath as he fumbled with his rifle. Before his brain could even figure out what was happening, Angela slid behind him and slit his throat.

  Angela crept through the mansion, but then stopped short when a room door came flying open. It was a door to a room that she didn’t even know existed. An armed guard quickly ran pass her and towards the sound of gunfire, eager to engage in the gun battle. Angela dropped down to one knee and aimed at the moving target. The bullet caught him in mid-stride and he gurgled as he fell, and then moaned before laying still. Angela hoped that nobody had heard him, but then saw the same room door open again and another figure exited holding a rifle. In a fluid motion she pulled a throwing knife from the small of her back and sent it whistling towards his head. The knife caught him in the jaw and stabbed through his mouth, protruding through the back of his head and imbedding itself in the wooden wall behind him. He screamed, a jarring raw sound, prompting Angela to launch another knife at him, this one piercing his heart.

  As Angela went to stand up two more gunmen came running up the stairs. Not having too much of a choice, Angela quickly sprinted inside the room that the two men that she’d just killed came out of as bullets tore through the wall right above her head.

  The tallest out of the two gunmen entered the room first. Once through the door, there was almost no light, so they waited a few seconds for their eyes to adjust to the da
rkness. A sound came from further in the depths of the room. The lead man pointed at the light switch. His partner shook his head, no. Light would make them sitting ducks. Right now they had the same darkness to contend with as their adversary. The gunmen knew they weren’t dealing with an amateur so they moved with caution. The door opposite them burst wide open as Angela exploded from the storage closet in a blur. The first gunman hardly registered her arrival when he dropped his weapon. Blood leaked down his back from where she had driven the sharp blade into his heart from behind. Angela held the man’s body up and grabbed his hand that still held his gun in it. She quickly squeezed the trigger pumping the gunman’s partner full of holes. The black ninja suit she wore made it hard for the gunmen to locate her in the dimly lit area. Angela picked up one of the gunmen’s assault rifles from off the floor and exited the room. With a big gun fight having broken out, Angela knew that she had to move fast if she wanted to save Ashley. With all the gunfire that was going on, she just hoped and prayed that Ashley was still alive and in one piece.

  Angela moved throughout the mansion like a lost puppy. She had no clue where she was heading and with all the rooms in the mansion there was no way she would have time to check all of them. If Angela planned on saving Ashley she would have to come up with a plan. As she crept throughout the mansion, a man twice her size appeared out of nowhere and caught her with a rabbit punch to the back of her head. The punch stunned Angela and caused her to drop her weapon. Before she got a chance to recover, the big man was all over her. He threw a three punch combination and two of the blows landed flush on Angela’s chin, but she was able to weave the last one. The big man charged Angela running full speed. He didn’t want to allow her a chance to get herself together. The big man hit Angela hard lifting her up off her feet as the two went crashing down the stairs. Angela and the big man tumbled and flipped over and over again until finally reaching the bottom landing. Fortunately for Angela she landed on top of the big man. The big man reached his arms out and went to strangle Angela, but a knife being shoved into his Adam’s apple put an end to all of that.


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