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The Teflon Queen PT 3

Page 14

by Silk White

  Angela winced in pain as she stood to her feet and pulled a silenced .380 from her holster and continued on throughout the mansion. On Angela’s right she spotted a cop spring from behind a wall with a rifle in his hand. Without thinking twice Angela fired once in his direction and put him down with a shot to the throat. She had one mission to accomplish and she wasn’t leaving that mansion until she accomplished it.

  * * *

  Ashley sat still at the dining room table as a gun fight between Mr. Clarke’s men and the police broke out. She didn’t know what was going on, but whatever it was it had to be bad by the way Mr. Clarke and his people were panicking. One of the guards roughly grabbed Ashley by the collar of her shirt and yanked her up to her feet. “Move!” he barked, as he rushed Ashley down the hall. Ashley slowed her pace a bit and when the guard went to give her another shove, Ashley surprised him. She swiftly snatched the guard’s handgun from his holster, aimed it down, and blew a hole through his foot. The guard howled in pain as Ashley spun around and fired two shots into the guard’s chest. The guard hit the floor hard like he had just been tossed out of a window. Ashley quickly walked over and grabbed the two extra clips from the guard’s waist band and shoved them down into her pocket. Her adrenaline was pumping as she moved on throughout the mansion. This was Ashley’s first time ever killing a person and to be honest she loved it. She loved how powerful the kill made her feel and she couldn’t wait to kill again. A loud noise erupted from behind Ashley. She quickly spun and aimed her gun in the direction of the noise. One of Mr. Clarke’s guards limped in her direction looking like he was trying to get out of harm’s way. When the guard looked up and spotted the little girl holding the gun he quickly came to a halt. He threw his hands in the air in surrender. “Come on now put the gun down,” the guard said in a nerves tone. He looked in the little girl’s eyes and saw no fear. “Trust me, you don’t want to do this,” he said inching his way towards Ashley. He planned on getting as close as he could so he could take the gun from her and beat her to a pulp with it. “Hand me the gun and I promise...” the guard’s head exploded like a tomato silencing him forever. Ashley shot him in the head and continued on throughout the mansion as if nothing had ever happened. The mansion was so big that it felt like she was moving in circles. Throughout the mansion it seemed as if she had spotted dozens of dead bodies. All of the dead bodies only told her one thing, and that was that Angela was somewhere inside the mansion.

  * * *

  Frank eased up behind an officer and put a bullet in the back of his head dropping the officer where he stood. Frank moved through the mansion like a ghost taking out officers left and right. He positioned himself in a dark area and stood taking police officers out. He took pride in killing the officers. If it was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was a snitch and a cop. Frank heard a sharp noise coming from his right. He quickly threw himself onto the floor of the hallway and fired close quarters at the silhouette hulking in the door frame. A grunt came from the shooter before his body crashed face first into the hardwood floor. Frank quickly hopped up to his feet and removed his suit jacket as he continued on throughout the mansion. He knew Angela was somewhere in the mansion. All he had to do was locate her and kill her. There was no way he was going to let her get away with killing his wife. The police had started to over power Mr. Clarke’s men as more and more cops showed up and entered the mansion.

  Out of nowhere a muscular police officer sprang from around the corner and slapped Frank’s gun from his hand. He took a fighting stance and then moved towards the assassin. This was a stupid move. Frank fired off a quick sharp ten punch combo. Now the officer was suffering blow after blow, bending, grunting, bleeding, and going down hard and fast. Ten hard and fast blows from Frank’s right hand to his face and ribs left his face broken beyond belief. If the officer was lucky, he’d wake up pissing blood, a tube in his nose, and a shit bag strapped to his hip. Frank picked up the officer’s gun and moved on down the hallway where he spotted two more officers. The one with the A.K. was Frank’s first target. He suffered a quick headshot and so did the man standing to his left. Both men toppled face down into the floor, souls evicting from their bodies before they realized what was going on. As Frank moved throughout the mansion, he spotted a figure standing at the end of the hall. A figure dressed in an all black ninja suit stood waiting. From the silhouette, Frank could tell that the body at the end of the hall belonged to a woman.

  Chapter 28


  Angela stood at the end of the hall with a silenced .380 in both hands. Her eyes set on her final target coming down the hall towards her. All types of thoughts ran through Angela’s mind as she watched Frank walk towards her in what seemed like a slow motion. The closer he got, the more Angela wanted to kill him and get this over with once and for all.

  “So finally we meet face to face,” Frank said standing a few feet away from Angela. “You know I could of shot you from all the way down the hall right?”

  “And what fun would that be?” Angela capped back. She knew that Frank wanted to look in her eyes before he killed her because of what she had done to his wife.

  “So how do you want to do this?” Frank asked. “Hand to hand or you want to shoot it out?”

  A smirk danced on Angela’s lips. “Hand to hand of course,” was her answer.

  Frank smiled, but deep down inside he knew a hand to hand battle with Angela wouldn’t be a walk in the park. She didn’t become the number one assassin for nothing. “Well let’s get this party started shall we,” he said tossing his weapon down to the floor.

  “Where’s Ashley?” Angela asked as she ripped the black mask from her face and tossed it down to the floor.

  “I personally put a bullet in her pretty little head,” Frank said letting out a strong laugh that came from the bottom of his gut. That last comment drove Angela over the edge. She tossed her guns down to the floor and took off full speed towards Frank. Angela tackled Frank. She hit him hard and took him off his feet as the two went crashing out the window. The two floated through the air and then grunted as they both hit the ground hard.

  Frank made it to his feet first and charged Angela. He came at her hard, threw elbows, and fist hard enough to break a person’s nose. Angela blocked as many of the blows as she could while a few of them slipped in between her guard. Angela grabbed both of Frank’s arms to stop the blows from raining in as she delivered a sharp knee to the pit of Frank’s stomach causing him to double over in pain.

  Several police officers gathered around Angela and Frank. Before they could separate the two assassins and arrest them, Detective Washington stepped in. “Let them handle their business and we’ll arrest them when it’s over!” he shouted. With that being said, the police formed a circle around Angela and Frank and enjoyed the show.

  Angela tried to break Frank’s nose with a knee to the face, but he blocked the knee and landed a stiff hook to her ribcage. Angela stumbled back a few steps before taking her stance. Since Frank was in attack mode she’d figure it’d be easier if she tried to counter him instead of fighting him head on. Frank threw a stiff jab at Angela’s face, but when the punch got there, Angela’s face was no longer there. Angela weaved the punch and landed a sharp kick on the lower part of Frank’s leg. Frank’s eyes looked down at his leg and that was the split second that Angela needed. She lunged through the air and landed a flying elbow in the center of Frank’s face turning his face into a bloody mess.

  Frank touched his face and his fingers came away bloody. He paused for a second and then in a blind rage, he went after Angela. She didn’t back down. Instead she moved towards the fight, not away from the man who was twice her size. She landed a hard blow to the side of Frank’s head. He ignored the blow, grabbed Angela and lifted her over his head, then tossed her down to the ground as if she was a piece of trash. Angela crashed hard, landing on unforgiving rocks and concrete. Before Angela got a chance to make it back up to her feet, F
rank kicked her in the face as if he were kicking a field goal. He then hopped on top of her and began to pound away at her face. Angela lay on the ground trying to block as many blows as she could, but she got hit with so many punches that she felt like she was getting jumped.

  Detective Washington stood on the sideline watching Frank pound Angela out. He felt so bad for Angela and he wanted to jump into the fight and see if Frank would be as successful doing a man the way he was doing a woman. But all he could do at the moment was cheer Angela on. Thoughts of shooting Frank in the head crossed his mind the more he watched the man beat up on Angela. If the fight didn’t turn around soon, he would have no choice but to get involved. Angela defended herself the best she could from down on her back. She grabbed a hold of Frank’s arm and flipped around on the ground applying an arm bar trying the snap his arm at the elbow.

  “Arrrgh!!!” Frank growled as his eyes widened with pain, until finally he heard his bone snap. Once Angela heard Frank’s bone snap she quickly hopped to her feet and delivered field goal like kicks to his face.

  “Come on motherfucker!” Angela growled. Her face was now a bloody mess and she could only see out of one eye, due to the fact that Frank had swollen her eye shut with all of those punches. Angela yanked her belt from out of the waist of her suit as she watched Frank stumble back to his feet. She wrapped the belt around her right hand and snapped it out. The belt buckle stabbed like a knife striking Frank in the eye like the bite of a cobra. Angela swung the belt with bad intentions as she battered Frank’s head, hands, and face.

  Having no other options Frank ran and went airborne, taking his knee straight to Angela’s wounded face. He hit Angela hard, and then went down even harder. The knee to the face forced Angela to drop the belt down to the ground. With only one arm, Frank would now have to change his attack method and use his legs more. When Angela made it back to her feet, Frank landed a skipping side kick. The kick hit Angela flush on the chin putting her down. Frank patiently waited for Angela to crawl back to her feet and then landed a roundhouse to Angela’s face. She partially blocked the kick, but the side of her head took most of the impact. The kick didn’t drop Angela, but it left her dazed and somewhat dizzy. Frank quickly followed up with a chop to Angela’s throat and then a powerful kick that landed directly in the pit of her stomach.

  Angela stood with a stocked look on her face as she held her throat with both hands. The blow to her throat did something to her windpipe that prevented her from being able to take in any air.

  Frank smirked when he saw the look of defeat in Angela’s eyes. He then charged Angela, grabbed her as he hit her hard, lifting her up, both of them airborne, crashing down where the lake water began. Frank landed two stiff punches to Angela’s face and then she felt the rush of the lake water. The water was freezing and the salt was stinging. Angela struggled to get a lung full of air, tried to hold her breath while Frank pushed her head under the water and held it there. Angela’s world quickly vanished as she was forced into a liquid darkness. As Angela’s head was held under water her life began to flash before her eyes. She saw all the fun times she’d had with James, then her mind drifted to The White Shadow, then drifted to all the training she’d done all throughout her life, then her mind drifted to Mr. Biggz, then to Ashley, then finally it drifted to the man that had her head held under water. Angela’s eyes widened as she could no longer hold her breath any longer. The sound of a gun being fired sounded off loudly then suddenly Frank released his grip.

  Angela’s head sprang from out the water like a jack in the box as she quickly sucked in as much air as she could. She looked up and saw Frank staring at her with a hole in the center of his head. He toppled down on top of Angela in slow motion. Behind Frank stood Ashley holding a smoking gun in her hands.

  Ashley dropped the gun and ran to Angela’s aid and helped pull her out of the water.

  “I knew you would come for me,” Ashley said with a big smile on her face. Not knowing what to say back, all she could do was cry. Her mind and body had both been through a lot, and at that very moment she was so happy to see little Ashley.

  “I saved your life,” Ashley kept repeating over and over. “I saved The Teflon Queen’s life,” she said proudly.

  “Thank you,” Angela cried as she hugged Ashley tightly. She knew she was soaking wet, but she didn’t care. At the moment she wanted Ashley to know that she loved her and would always treat her like a daughter. “Thank you so much!”

  “I was there for you,” Ashley said as tears began to escape her eyes. “I was there for you! I told you I could do it! I told you!” she kept saying. Just as Angela was about to tell Ashley how proud of her she was, two F.B.I. agents roughly slammed her over on her stomach and cuffed her hands behind her back.

  “Noooo!” Ashley yelled as she went to attack one of the agents, but Detective Washington quickly restrained her.

  “Calm down,” Detective Washington whispered in Ashley’s ear as the both of them had to watch Angela being shoved in the back of an unmarked car. In the car next to Angela sat Mr. Clarke. He too was in handcuffs.

  Angela sat in the back of the agent’s car and knew that this would be the last minutes of her being a free woman. She had been on so many wanted lists that she knew they would more than likely put her under the jail. Of course she could have easily picked her cuffs, but at the moment Angela was simply tired of all the ripping and running. That part of her life was now officially over. She mouthed the word, “I love you” to Ashley as the agents drove her away.

  “I love you too!” Ashley cried as she watched the Feds take Angela away.

  “Everything is going to be alright,” Detective Washington said as he rubbed Ashley’s back.

  “I’m never going to see her again am I?” Ashley asked in between sobs.

  “I don’t know,” Detective Washington mumbled as a tear escaped his eye. He felt bad for Angela and Ashley. After getting to know Angela he realized she wasn’t a bad person, but just a woman who had made some bad decisions in her life. He felt even worse for Ashley. With both of her parents dead she was destined for a life in the system and he knew the system was no place for a little innocent girl like Ashley to grow up.

  “What’s going to happen to me now?” Ashley asked looking up at Detective Washington with tears in her eyes.

  Detective Washington looked down at the floor and said. “I don’t know.”

  “I’m going to a foster home aren’t I?” Ashley asked in a knowing tone. She may not have known much, but that she did know.

  “I’m not sure,” Detective Washington lied. He didn’t have to heart to tell her the truth. The entire scene was breaking his heart.

  “Is there any way that you can get Angela out of jail? She really is a good person,” Ashley said.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Detective Washington said. He knew there was nothing that he could do to help Angela. Too much had already been done and nothing could be taken back or over looked.

  “So I guess this is it then huh?” Ashley said wiping her eyes dry.

  Detective Washington nodded his head and then mumbled, “Yes.”

  Chapter 29


  Detective Washington sat in front of a steel table in an empty room at a super maximum security woman’s jail out in the middle of nowhere. He’d been trying to get up to the jail and visit Angela for the past three months and finally they allowed for him to do so. Detective Washington sat for thirty minutes before several guards finally escorted Angela into the room. She sported an orange jumper and on her feet were a pair if cheap slippers. Chains hung from her wrist, ankles, and waist. One would have thought that she was some kind cruel monster. The officers helped Angela down into her seat and then stood directly behind her.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Detective Washington told the officers.

  “You got ten minutes!” the red faced officer barked then left the room leaving Angela and Detective Washington alone in
the room.

  “How have you been holding up in here?” Detective Washington asked.

  Angela chuckled. “How do you think I’m doing? The judge gave me triple life.”

  Angela wore her hair pulled back into a ponytail and one long thick braid hung down her back.

  “That’s better than the needle.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  “I’m going to do the best I can to make sure that you have everything you need while you’re in here,” Detective Washington told her.

  “Why are you helping me?” Angela asked.

  “Because sometimes even the strongest people need a little help,” Detective Washington replied.

  “I appreciate it,” Angela said as tears began to stream down her face. “How’s Ashley been holding up?”

  Detective Washington broke eye contact before he answered. “She ran away from her foster home two months ago and no one has seen or heard from her since.”

  Those words cut through Angela like a knife. After getting to know Ashley she knew how much of a good kid she was.

  Detective Washington slipped Angela a picture. “I know she would of wanted you to have this.”

  Angela looked down and saw the picture that she and Ashley had taken right before Mr. Clarke’s men had bum rushed the house. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Detective Washington said. “The last time Ashley’s foster parents saw her they said that Ashley had told them not to call her Ashley anymore, but instead to call her The Teflon Princess.”

  “I have a safe house that has close to five hundred thousand dollars in it. Write down the address,” Angela said giving Detective Washington the address. “I need you to send me money every month and you can use the rest of the money on whatever you need for yourself. I won’t have much use for it in here anyway.”


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