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Page 8

by Sidney Wood

Noah touched her face, tracing her cheek, her neck, and down the side of her breast with his fingertips. His hand continued southward to her hip, where his dexterous fingers looped under the waist band of her panties and tugged.

  Ulie’s head swam when his lips drifted down her neck, licking and sucking gently. He moved to her chest, teasing her pert nipple with his tongue. Using his fingers, Noah softly pinched and rolled the other breast’s pink bud, making Ulie moan. His other hand still pushed at her waistline, forcing her panties farther down as he kissed his way lower, over her smooth stomach to her navel. Noah pushed the delicate lace panties past her feet to the floor, returning quickly to grasp her waist in his sturdy hands.

  Ulie clung to the sides of Noah’s head in a panic. They were first time lovers. What if he didn’t like the way she looked or tasted? She couldn’t bear it if he rejected her.

  Noah continued kissing and nipping at her skin, sucking and teasing her with his tongue until Ulie’s craving conquered her anxiety and she let his head go.

  His lips and tongue danced still deeper down one side of her body, massaging her hip and resting on her inner thigh. Ulie clutched the sheets on either side of her and held on. It had been years since a tongue had touched her there.

  “I don’t want to wait anymore.” She moaned, spreading her legs wider

  Noah’s mouth moved higher along her thigh, tasting her as he went. His tongue slid over side of her labia, sending shivers through her body. Delicately, he licked down the other side, driving his tongue into the fold just outside her sweet spot. Positioning his mouth over her opening, Noah flattened his tongue, licking Ulie’s flower up the center, the tip barely penetrating her slit as he moved higher.

  Ulie’s whole body tensed and released, bending in a convulsion that surprised and thrilled her. She tried not to laugh or scream as he satisfied one of her deepest desires.

  He circled the hidden pearl at the top of her most sensitive place, first licking it up and down, and then using his tongue’s slick underside to rhythmically slide back and forth and side to side. At the same time, one of his thick fingers carefully entered her. Palm up, Noah rubbed the delicate ridges on her top wall, deep inside the opening. In and out, Noah masterfully pulsed with his finger, as he licked her.

  Ulie grasped his head with both hands again, trying not to cry out as he devastated her senses with raw pleasure.

  Noah didn’t let up. He fingered and tongued her with a steady rhythm, until Ulie reached her peak. Her silky thighs squeezed against his head and the muscles inside of her clenched his finger. She stopped breathing. Noah continued licking and gave her one last length of his finger. All at once, her legs opened, and the muscles squeezing his finger began to flutter, pulsing like withering heartbeats as she rode the wave of ecstasy he conjured within her.

  Noah rose to his feet and unzipped his jeans while Ulie, body still thrumming, remained on the bed. She watched eagerly, not knowing what to expect. She had seen pictures of Noah’s manhood during their secret message and photo exchanges, but pictures can be misleading. Holding her breath, Ulie watched as Noah pushed his jeans and boxers down.

  Noah’s rod bounced out, rock hard and swollen.

  Ulie’s eyes widened and she scooted to sit on the edge of the bed. “Okay, the pictures didn’t lie,” she said.

  Noah stepped closer, his eyes smoldering, filled with smoke and lust. As he moved to lay Ulie back down, she pressed a hand to his chest, stopping him.

  Ulie held his gaze as she dropped to her knees and took Noah’s member in her mouth. With one hand she stroked his shaft as her lips and tongue enveloped the head; she teased his scrotum with the other. Noah groaned; his primal sounds thrilling her and enticing her to please him more.

  Ulie rose to her feet, still stroking Noah’s shaft with her hands. “Lie on the bed, handsome.”

  Noah positioned himself in the center of the bed and sat as Ulie, ravenous, climbed on and pushed his muscled chest. He lay back. Ulie followed him down, eager to resume pleasing him. Starting at the base, she licked Noah’s root as she squeezed the top of his staff with her hand. She teased his scrotum with the flat of her tongue and licked up the length of his shaft and around its flared crown. The head pulsed as she closed her lips over it and sucked. Down and up, she slid him to the back of her throat and up to the brim of her mouth, again and again. Her hand steadily stroked his shaft, slippery with her saliva. Noah rubbed her breasts and reached for the purring kitten between her thighs. Ulie turned and his finger found her center again while his other hand massaged her breasts and teased her nipples. A ticklish buzz hummed through her body each time he touched her. She hoped it would never stop. Ulie felt his teeth playfully bite her ass, and she moaned breathlessly. Noah growled.

  Ulie worked harder, enthralled by his body and sounds. Noah’s thighs stiffened and his stomach tightened. “I’m going to cum,” he warned, straining to maintain control. He turned to get up.

  Ulie pushed his hips flat, stroking with her hand as she loved him with her mouth. Noah let out a deep, growling moan, followed a second later by pulsing streams of liquid bursting into her mouth. Ulie massaged his twitching shaft, taking every drop. She had never done that before, not even for Chuck, and it excited her.

  Satisfied that she had it all, Ulie hurried to the bathroom and spit the messy load into the sink. She rinsed well with cool water, splashing some on her face too. In the mirror, Ulie smiled at her reflection. As exhausting as it had been to make Noah cum, she had plenty of energy to do more exploring and experimenting with her new lover. She wanted more. Her kitten purred for his touch. Unfortunately, in Ulie’s experience it worked differently for men. If Noah operated anything like her husband, the fun had finished for the day. At best, they could start again after a long break and some food, and by then her drive would have waned. Ulie resolved to give him time. She switched off the light.

  Returning to the bed, Ulie’s heart nearly stopped when she discovered Noah still fully erect. She stared at him, hungry for more of his kisses, the warmth of his body pressed against hers, and more of the resilient muscle standing at attention in front of her.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he growled.

  Ulie’s squealed and jumped on the bed to join him.

  Taking her in his arms, Noah rolled on top and stared into her eyes as he positioned his hips to enter her. His searching eyes seemed to be asking for permission.

  Ulie smiled. Reaching down, she took hold of his rigid shaft and guided him into her opening. Noah pressed slowly and firmly, backing out slightly then pressing into her again. Still wet from their first encounters, Ulie welcomed him in, gasping as he stretched her, diving deeper and deeper. Ulie wanted to cry and laugh all at once. Gentle and caring, Noah seemed to want her as much as she wanted him. He satisfied her emotionally and physically. Before Noah, Ulie gave up on those things, thinking they must be impossible.

  They made love most of the afternoon, finally falling asleep together. When they woke, Ulie and Noah took a long, sensual shower. Being so close to someone, yet knowing it couldn’t last, left a bittersweet residue on Ulie’s heart. They held each other silently, soaking in as much of the other as they could. As Miranda’s bedtime drew near, Noah gave Ulie a ride home in his pickup. The night had grown too cold for riding. With one last kiss, soft and enduring, Noah dropped her off at the end of the driveway to avoid prying eyes. She waked up to the house, her arms wrapped tightly around her body, still high from Noah’s lips and scent.

  As luck would have it, they were not able to spend any more time alone before Ulie’s return home. They saw each other briefly, on two more occasions, but in public with the kids present. They pretended like the meetings were accidental and introduced each other as old high school friends when the kids asked. Miranda and Luke got along okay, and during their second meeting at a local bookstore, Ulie and Noah stole a kiss while the kids were checking out books together. Their secret afternoon together, and that final stolen kiss
, kept Ulie smiling for the rest of her stay.

  The vacation ended much too soon for Ulie.

  Ulie closed her eyes as the plane lifted into the sky, recalling the sweet sensation of Noah’s warm lips softly colliding with hers.

  Chapter Twelve (Last day of September)

  September had to be the worst month Noah endured as a divorced parent. At every turn his ex-wife undermined him, and against all reason, Luke bought into her crap. The boy took her side, dishing some serious attitude at Noah.

  “Give me your phone,” Noah demanded.

  “Fine! Mom will just give it back on her week.” He tossed the phone to Noah and slammed his bedroom door.

  Noah caught the phone and resisted kicking the door down. “It’s my house,” he reminded himself. “If I break it, I’m the dumb ass.” He took a calming breath and tried again.

  “Luke, I’m not asking for much. Go to school and do your homework, and maybe help me with a chore now and then. That’s all you have to do, bud. I hate grounding you all the time.”

  Utter silence.

  Noah shrugged and walked away. “It’s going to be a long week.”

  Round two began the next morning. Noah knocked on Luke’s door. “Luke, you up? I didn’t hear your alarm and the bus will be here in twenty minutes.”

  After waiting for a reply, Noah opened the door. “Luke?”

  “Ugh, I’m not going to school.”

  Dumping the mattress and Luke onto the floor seemed appropriate, but instead, Noah opted for a tactful approach. “Are you sick, or is there some other reason you don’t want to go to school?”

  “Geez, Dad! Leave me alone!” Luke pulled the blanket completely over his head and rolled over, away from Noah.

  Losing his patience, Noah pulled the blanket back and barked, “You’re going to get out of bed and get ready for school. Be downstairs in fifteen minutes if you ever want to see the light of day again.”

  Luke glared at him.

  Glaring right back, Noah repeated the order. “I said get up.” Noah’s tone left no room for doubt. He meant business.

  “Fine!” Luke rolled out of bed and stormed to the bathroom.

  Curling his hands into white-knuckled fists, Noah walked downstairs to wait. He’d talk about this with Luke’s counselor. There had to be a better way to handle the boy’s attitude, but it seemed impossible; like rolling a boulder uphill. So far, the counselor had been a mixed bag. Luke liked him okay; an improvement over the last one, but for all the talk and “wisdom” the guy wasn’t making any noticeable headway. If anything, Luke’s volatility increased.

  Fifteen minute later, Noah watched Luke get on the bus. He waved goodbye, knowing he wouldn’t get a response. One day things would improve, maybe settle down, but he worried about Luke until then. What if his son lashed out at the wrong person or at the wrong time? He could be seriously hurt.

  Noah climbed into his truck and drove to work, the one place he could go to get his mind off the trouble at home. Turning wrenches could be mind-numbing at times but solving problems and fine-tuning those incredible two-wheeled machines never got old. Each motorcycle represented a work of art to Noah, and he immersed himself into making every part he touched as perfect as possible. That is why his customers loved bringing their Harley’s to him. Nobody put as much care into their work as Noah did, and it showed.

  In the parking lot, he checked his phone out of habit. He saw a message from Ulie, which stirred a sad smile.

  “I was just thinking of you, handsome. Have a great day. I love you.”

  “If only things were different,” he whispered. Noah knew in his heart that he loved Ulie. How could he not? He had fallen for her long before her trip back home to Alaska. She embodied everything he ever wanted in a woman, and then some. But she belonged to someone else.

  After her visit, she had been unresponsive for a while and that really hit home. As their regular chats resumed, Noah struggled to reconcile the feelings in his heart with the logic in his head. “She’s not mine to love,” he had come to realize. Ulie had a husband whom Noah disrespected and undercut with every secret message. She had a daughter whose future Noah jeopardized each time he tempted her mother. “I have no right to take her from them.”

  It ate him up inside that she professed her love for him almost daily and he couldn’t bear to push her away. An honest man would stop tempting her and encourage her to fix her marriage. Noah couldn’t do that. He loved her too much, and he wanted her to want him. He needed it.

  Maybe he didn’t love her after all. If he did, wouldn’t he want the best for her? The conundrum tugged at the back of his mind.

  Noah wanted to fight for her, to let go and give himself over. He wanted to commit and throw himself into their relationship, but he had already caused too much damage. Ulie belonged to someone else. She had pledged a life-long commitment, and Noah couldn’t live with himself if he wrecked her marriage and destroyed her family. No way.

  Still, every time she sent him a message, he replied; and on the days he missed her or caught a buzz after work, he reached out. Noah typed a response, “I will baby. You have a great day too. I love you.” Send.

  Grimacing, Noah stuffed his phone back in his pocket and went inside. He needed work today.

  “Hey Bill,” he called across the shop.

  “Noah,” Bill grumbled in return.

  “I’m thinking about downloading that app. Can you show me where to find it?”

  Bill’s head shot up over the Dyna-Glide he tinkered on. The look of shock plastered on his face transitioned to joy as realized Noah meant what he said. “Heck yeah! Bring your phone over here brother.” Bill wiped his hands on a shop towel excitedly.

  Noah chuckled at Bill’s enthusiasm. It helped get his mind of Ulie and lifted his spirits. He unlocked his phone and handed it to Bill, letting the old techie work his magic.

  With glasses perched on the end of his nose, Bill held the phone at arm’s length and typed something into the app store search bar. He tapped the screen a couple of times and paused, looking confused. “Ummm,” he mumbled. Clearing his throat, he handed the phone back as he peered over the top of his glasses at Noah. “You uh, you have a message.”

  “Oh shit,” Noah said. Snatching the phone, he grimaced as he saw the message. Plain as day, stretched across the screen were Ulie’s bare breasts with the words “Wish you were here” typed over the top.

  Unable to keep a straight face, Bill busted out laughing. “Now that is a hell of a good morning!”

  Still grimacing, Noah shoved the phone in his pocket and walked to his workstation. “Yeah, well sorry about that. We better hold off on the app for now.”

  “I’m not sorry!” Bill declared. “Hell, as a young pup, I had girls doing that in person.”

  “Yeah right,” Noah chuckled as he sorted through his tools. “Anyway, she doesn’t live around her so don’t get any ideas. She won’t be dropping by.”

  “I’m just glad to see tits and not some dude’s junk on your phone! You never know with you millennials,” Bill guffawed.

  “I’m not a millennial, old timer.” Noah gave him a frown to emphasize his distaste at being lumped in with the younger generation.

  Bill made a loud raspberry noise with his lips.

  Noah went back to inventorying his tools. As the day dragged on, his thoughts kept returning to Ulie. “Should I cut her loose?”

  Losing her would be awful, but what if he ruined her life? Hurting her and her daughter would be worse than anything he went through. But he wasn’t completely sold on the idea of chivalry. “It’s her choice, right? This can be okay, as long as I don’t encourage her or outright ask her to leave her husband. If she decides to do it on her own, then it’s not my fault.”

  Noah put himself in her husband’s place. “How would I feel if someone stole my wife away from me?” He knew the answer, and it made him feel terrible.

  That evening, Luke refused to eat supper with Noah. When
Noah said his choices were to eat at the dining room table or not at all, Luke stomped angrily to his room. Swallowing his frustration, Noah put Luke’s food in the fridge and reclined in the living room with his own plate. He watched an episode of the Punisher on Netflix and drank a beer, letting the day’s tension ease out of him.

  Before bed, Noah warmed up Luke’s plate of food and brought it to his door. “Hey, buddy. I warmed up your plate. If you’re still hungry, you can eat it in your room, just don’t make a mess.”

  Noah thought he heard a subtle movement, like the shifting of a foot. He waited. Nothing.

  He knocked on the door and leaned closer. “Luke?”

  Noah heard weak moaning inside the room.

  “Luke? Open the door.” Noah tried the knob, but his son had locked it.

  He heard Luke whimpering softly.

  Dropping the plate, Noah stepped back and kicked the flimsy interior door. His foot nearly broke all the way through. The jolt dislodged the locking mechanism and Noah pushed it open as he wrenched his foot free of the hole.

  Luke lay on the carpet near a puddle of vomit. His body partially covered a large black square drawn on the floor with “KILL ME” scrawled in permanent marker. Noah detected the odor of bleach mixed with the pungent smell of puke. An empty cup sat next to a bottle of bleach on Luke’s bed. Noah panicked.

  “Oh shit! Son! What did you do!” Cradling his boy in his arms, Noah raced downstairs and out to the truck. He fumbled the door open and placed Luke in, feet first. Shaking, Noah climbed onto the seat, putting Luke’s head in his lap. He shoved the keys in the ignition and peeled out of the driveway, spraying gravel.

  With one hand he dialed 911. The dispatcher, a no-nonsense lady with a southern drawl, tried to keep Noah calm as he drove toward the hospital. When he arrived at the Emergency Room, a nurse met Noah at the curb. Still trembling, Noah walked next to the gurney as they wheeled his son into a room. He looked so small and pale. Noah wrung his hands and clenched and unclenched his fists. He wanted to punch the wall.


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