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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 18

by Audra Hart

  Luca readily turns the water off and wraps her in a soft bath sheet. He takes another towel and dries her hair for her, stopping frequently to kiss her nape, temple, forehead, eyes and lips. He uses another towel to dry off quickly and picks her up and carries her to bed. He sets her on her feet by the bed and gently pulls the towel from her and seats her in the center of the bed and hovers over her to rub her belly gently as he kisses her. He pulls back slightly and reaches for the tall glass and hands it to her. He then picks up the gauze and redresses the still open wound on her arm.

  He sets back on his haunches and watches her drink. “Morna I am, as always, amazed at all you do. I never thought I would see the day that I saw my warrior goddess, so great with child, defending those she loves with such skill and agility.”

  Morna laughs and starts to disagree. She looks deeply into her mate’s eyes, remembering her promise to stop dismissing his compliments and just kisses him. She puts the empty glass down beside the bed and lies back. “You know what I have always thought of your skills as a warrior. You are the only warrior I would truly ever fear if you were to genuinely seek to do me harm,” Morna confides in her mate.

  Luca laughs at that as he stretches out to lie beside her, but squelches his mirth instantly when he reads her utter sincerity. “Never!” He vows passionately and kisses her gently, adoringly as his skillful hands lovingly minister to her eager body.

  “You know Mordir sent me home with the same prescription as yesterday,” Morna says with a giggle and then she rolls her mate over onto his back and straddles him. She effortlessly mounts his erection and shudders with pleasure as a small orgasm ripples through her body. “Oh that is sooo good!” She laughs wildly when he sits up and grasps her hips firmly. He nuzzles her neck and nips it gently. She moans and entwines her fingers in his hair. He is firmly kneading the yielding flesh of her hips and gently moving her up and down.

  “Love, you know I need more than a nip to help my body generate more antibodies.” Morna says quietly.

  “I know baby.” Luca says reluctantly. He moves his mouth to the fleshy part above her collarbone and bites. He pulls back and looks into her eyes because she gasps quietly.

  “It’s alright. We’ve been over this darling.” Morna assures her overprotective mate.

  “Morna, my heart, my life…” he sighs and returns to the bite and drinks slowly savoring the luscious flavor of her precious gift to him. His mate clutches his head to her shoulder, not wanting him to stop. After several moments, he firmly pulls away from her shoulder. He kisses the bite and looks deeply into her eyes. She lovingly strokes his face as he firmly kneads her hips before grasping her determinedly and increasing the speed of her movements on his erection. She seizes his face between her hands and greedily kisses him deeply, savoring the flavor of her own blood mixed with his unique taste and they both moan in pleasure. Morna quickly achieves an orgasm as Luca watches the bite heal spontaneously.

  “Love, you are healing so quickly, I don’t think another bite will be necessary.” Luca says softly before planting another kiss on the healed bite.

  “That depends on your definition of necessary.” Morna says with a lusty laugh before moving his hands from her hips to her breasts. Luca smiles and starts to caress them gently. Morna puts her hands over his and squeezes decisively.

  “Ah, so it is a ‘firm hand’ day?” He asks with a laugh. Morna smiles and nods.

  When Luca begins to knead Morna’s breasts with more vigor, she moans contentedly and moves to caress his face. She drops her mouth to his to kiss him deeply, moaning her pleasure as she inhales his scent. She moves her mouth down his neck and sighs, “You smell and taste sooo good. You are exquisitely and wondrously made my love.”

  Luca chuckles and Morna pulls back to look at his face with an irritated look on her face. “Lucian Michaels, do not laugh at me! You have no idea how deeply you affect me.”

  Luca smiles indulgently and strokes her face as he says, “Beloved that is simply the hormones talking.”

  “No it’s not!” Morna hisses empathically as she sits up rigidly. “I have always found you perfect and beautiful. Your smell, your taste, your touch has always drove me out of my mind with wanting you. I yearned painfully for you to decide you were attracted to me as well. It was a very long two years before you declared your love for me under our oak tree.” Morna leans in again and licks his neck and trails her tongue down his shoulder as she shudders in delight at his taste.

  Morna rears back and gazes lovingly into her mate‘s eyes and continues; “When you started undergoing warrior’s training, I would hide behind a spell and watch you practice. I am ashamed to admit that I would even watch you bathe and sleep. I have always been so powerfully drawn to you. I have never been able to admit these things to you before, but lately I feel so impossibly connected to you that I am finally able to bare this part of my soul.”

  “Baby! It didn’t take me two years to decide I loved you. I think I knew I loved you a week after I met you. It just took me two years to gain enough confidence to tell you,” Luca admits.

  Luca cups her face; “Morna, I wanted to spend my life loving you, but I knew that I was not your equal. I struggled, nay I still struggle to be worthy of you.”

  Morna laughs and says, “Lucian, you have been superior to me since before you fell through the gateway into my lap.”

  “Nonsense,” Luca laughs. “But thank you for saying so.”


  Morna pushes him back onto the bed to kiss and caresses his body. She inhales deeply of his scent and tastes his skin again. Suddenly she stops and raises her head and meets his eyes. “Something has changed! You have changed!” Morna says fearfully. “You smell and taste differently. Not a lot, but different.”

  “I am not surprised, baby. I have felt something changing ever since I first drank deeply of your blood. I think your antibodies are having an effect on me too,” Luca tells her softly and then claims her lips for a passionate kiss.

  Morna tears her mouth away from his and says frantically, “Oh God, Luca, what have I done? What have I done to you?”

  “Morna, I don’t understand it, but whatever is happening is making me stronger, faster, more perceptive, more real, and more alive! I actually feel like a living being again!” Luca says joyously. “I actually felt a flutter like a heartbeat earlier when I was drinking your precious blood. I think that I even dozed a little this morning as I held you. I am coming back to life!”

  Trepidation grips Morna’s heart. “What if I am weakening you?” She whispers fearfully.

  “No way baby! I feel stronger than ever,” Luca assures his mate as he claims her lips again. “I desperately want to love you again, right now!”

  Morna searches his eyes again and asks, “You are sure that I am not harming you in anyway?”

  “I am sure, my love. I don‘t know what‘s happening to me, but I feel great. I feel alive again!”

  Morna moans and returns her mouth to his body. She lovingly works her way down and takes his hard cock into her mouth. She relaxes her throat as she takes his length deeper and deeper. She savors the feel of his hard flesh in her mouth. She relishes his musky taste and the appealing texture of his skin. The fire in her body rages as his hardness fills her mouth and throat and molds to the contours of her. She delights when he growls and grasps her head with both of his hands and entwines his fingers firmly in her hair. He guides her movements firmly as she takes him in and out of her mouth. His hips thrust forward each time she moves down his length, pushing deeper into her throat. She is on her knees as she hovers over him to minister to his shaft with her hot mouth. Her own hips move in rhythm with her mouth. She moans happily as she moves him faster and deeper in and out of her mouth.

  She marvels at the intoxicating sensations that this act of loving is producing in her body. She wants more and more, and her heart soars when she hears him moan her name and feels his body tense, then go rigid as hi
s seed spills into the back of her throat. Her own orgasm rips through her body violently as he continues to thrust into her mouth a few more times as she eagerly receives him.

  Suddenly he pulls her away from his semi flaccid member and drags her face up to his own. He strokes her face fearfully and searches her eyes. “Morna, did I hurt you? I am sorry! I didn’t mean to lose control like that.”

  Morna smiles wantonly and says, “Of course you didn’t hurt me. But I think you rather enjoyed it.”

  “Enjoyed?” Luca croaks. He pulls her closer and kisses her deeply. “Baby I think I just lost my mind for a while. Did I choke you?” When she shakes her head no and smiles he asks, “I didn’t hurt you at all?”

  “No love. I have been trying to get you to let me do that for centuries and you always stopped me before now. I am very pleased that you allowed me to finish this time.” She kisses him again and straddles his stomach before resting her head on his shoulder. Her back is arched uncomfortably because of her swollen belly but she still sighs at his nearness and is immeasurably pleased over the pleasure she gave him.

  He has wrapped his arms around her body lovingly and is holding her tightly. “Beloved, had I any clue what pleasure you could give me that way, I would have agreed long ago. I always just felt like I was losing control when you tried to do that and would stop you so that I would not hurt you.”

  “I know love, but I suspected that if you could give me so much pleasure with your mouth, then I could give you immense pleasure with mine as well. I just assumed that you didn’t enjoy it that much and that was why you resisted my attempts. The other lovers you had before you met me, none of them ever did that to you?”

  Luca laughs and says, “No. Once I asked a barmaid I was tumbling to do it and she told me I was too big and would choke her to death. So I assumed it wasn’t a good idea.”

  Morna purrs as she flicks her tongue across his nipple. She can feel the need rising in her body again. “I just hope you don’t resist me again next time that I try.”

  “No way!” Luca vows, and then laughs at himself. “But I have been selfish. Your needs have not been satisfied.”

  “I came when you did. But I would happily submit if you want to help me do it again,” she says with a giggle as he gently rolls her onto her back and starts kissing her throat. He starts kneading her breasts gently and she brings her own hands up to cover his and squeezes hard.

  Luca laughs and says, “Yes, yes love. I know firm hand.”

  “Not just firm, rough!” Morna pants.

  Luca pulls back and looks into her eyes. He knows her desire for him is making her wild, but he fears hurting her.

  Morna grasps his face between her hands and pulls him down and kisses him deeply with the all consuming passion that is raging in her body and soul. She finally releases his mouth and growls, “Lucian, my body is strong and my passion for you is strong. Please do not hold back.”

  Luca searches her eyes for a few more seconds and then nods with a smile on his face. “Your wish is my command, beloved. But first I am going to go get you some more blood. You look a little pale.” He captures her lips again and kisses her deeply and then is gone before she can protest. Morna sits up and moves to the edge of the bed. She is stretching leisurely when he returns several seconds later with two bags of blood. “Sorry, baby. The glasses have not been restocked. Do you mind drinking directly from the bag?”

  Morna shrugs and takes a bag from him and he lies the other on the bed within her reach. He kneels before her and lovingly rubs her legs and hips as she easily bites the neck off the bag and starts sucking the blood from the bag. She has it emptied in seconds and smiles as she removes the bag from her mouth and tosses it in the trash can by the bed. Luca is staring at her raptly and she wonders what is wrong. Luca groans and leans in slowly and licks the blood that had dribbled from her mouth as she fed from the bag. He sighs and licks her lips and begins to kiss her deeply. He plunders her mouth savagely with his tongue as his hands roughly knead her breasts.

  Morna gasps in delight and clutches his head roughly and kisses him back, matching his ardor, thrust and stroke. Morna whimpers when Luca stops kissing her and pulls back to look into her eyes. “I love you, you glorious creature,” He vows as he caresses her lovely face.

  “I love you, Lucian Michaels.” Morna says as she tries to capture his lips again.

  Luca pulls back and grabs the second bag of blood. He hands it to her and says breathlessly, “Drink this one too.”

  Morna takes the bag from his hands without looking away from his eyes. He is holding her enthralled in his luminescent gaze. She quickly bites the neck off the bag and giggles when it splatters down her chin and onto her breast. She drinks most of the blood then she pinches it closed at her lips and pulls the bag from her mouth. She moves the bag to his lips and whispers, “Drink.” He complies wordlessly and instantly drains it. He tosses it in the trash can.

  Morna smiles and leans in to lick the tiny bit of blood at the corner of his mouth. He groans and licks the blood that had spattered down her chin. He kisses her deeply and then moves down to lick the crimson liquid that had splattered onto her breast. He kneads the other breast roughly and then suckles deeply on the one that was blood splattered. Morna hisses and whispers, “Yes.” And twists her fingers in his hair and holds him firmly to her breast. After a minute of hard suckling he pulls back intending to move to the other one. He gasps when he sees that the entire nipple and a large area around it are bruised and swollen.

  “Shush.” Morna whispers. “Look love, it’s already fading. It is not harming me and it feels incredible,” She assures her mate as she strokes his face lovingly.

  He watches incredulously as the bruise fades and swelling goes down right before his eyes. Morna tugs his head toward her other breast and says, “Please darling. Again.” He looks into her eyes and smiles. He kisses her tenderly and then nods and lowers his mouth to her other breast. He eagerly draws the hard nipple into his mouth and sucks forcefully. He kneads both breasts as he sucks and chews. Morna purrs like a mountain lion when his venom spreads the burn and tingle through her breast. He eagerly sucks more of her breast into his mouth. After another minute Morna growls salaciously, “This is glorious but I want more, baby.”

  Luca releases his hold on her breast. He watches for a few seconds as the bruise and swelling fade. When he is satisfied it is returning to normal he grasps her hips and pulls her closer to the edge of the bed. “Lie back a little, love,” he rasps as he trails his mouth down her swollen belly to her pubic mound. She leans back with her arms behind her, supporting her weight. She pants as her beloved mate eagerly kisses the soft flesh beneath the sparse curls and nips it roughly with his venomous teeth. “Yes!” she moans as she opens her legs widely and plants her feet on the edge of the bed.

  Her scent quickly fills his nostrils and he growls deep in his throat as he moves his mouth lower. He gently exposes her erect clitoris and stares at her beautifully swollen sex for a few seconds. Her scent beckons as does the obvious wetness he sees there.

  “My beautiful, tender, fleshy rose.” He whispers before he licks the clitoris and she moans in pleasure. He moves his mouth a little lower and savors her juices. Morna is gently bucking into his mouth and she wants to grasp his head but her position is too awkward to allow it.

  Luca smiles because he knows she doesn’t like that at all, that she can’t touch him with her hands, but she isn’t complaining because what he is doing feels too good. Besides, she is breathing so hard and her heart is racing so fast she couldn’t talk anyway. He enjoys listening to her heart race as he greedily savors her womanhood.

  He hears the baby’s heartbeat as well… and something else. An erratic, weak thud. He focuses his mind on the thud and realizes it is his own heart! “Amazing! This glorious woman has actually brought me back to life!” He wants to shout his joy to the heavens but he also wants to finish giving her the release she desperately craves.

  Her body is tensing and he knows she is nearing a massive climax. He inserts two fingers into her vagina as he sucks on her clitoris. He works them in and out of her hot, slick, eager body. Thrusting deeply each time and is deeply gratified at how eagerly she meets each thrust. She is panting “yes” as she readily meets each movement of his hands. Just as her climax washes over her, and her muscles tighten around his fingers, he moves his mouth slightly and buries his teeth into her fleshy mound and drinks deeply of her blood as she moans “Yes Lucian! Yes! Drink!”

  After several seconds he stops drinking because he realizes that she has passed out. Fear grips his heart and he rises to look at her face. She is pale, but looks so blissful. She is breathing rapidly but it is starting to slow. Her racing heart rate is starting to return to normal as well. He gently positions her in the center of the bed and lies beside her, stroking her face.

  Concern for her wellbeing is a ravenous beast gnawing at him. He rests his hand above her beating heart to assure himself that she still lives and that he didn’t kill her. He smiles at his own foolishness. It was obvious she lives, he quickly acknowledges to himself that he simply worries too much sometimes about her.

  After about a minute her eyes flutter open. She quickly focuses on his face and smiles. He kisses her desperately as the last of the unfounded fear for her leaves his mind and heart. She wraps her arms around his neck and eagerly kisses him back. Finally she pulls away slightly and says, “You just had to do it didn’t you?” When she sees a devastated looks of self-recrimination on his face, she rushes to say, “You just had to outdo me, didn’t you? You had to give me more than I gave you,” she chuckles when she sees relief flood his face. She kisses him again and says, “That was the hottest damned thing I have ever experienced.” She assures him.

  “Try to sit up Morna. I was afraid I had killed you.” Luca says quietly.

  Morna laughs and sits up easily. “I need the necessary and I am thirsty.” Morna announces as she slides off the bed quickly and dashes into the bathroom. Luca smiles when he sees the utter devastation she has wrought on their bedspread with her teeth and hands. He gets up quickly to go get her more blood and a coke. He’s not sure which she was thirsty for. She comes out of the bathroom. She smells like toothpaste, soap, blood, sweat, sexual arousal, and him. He is amazed at how pleasant that combination of smells is to him. He breathes deeply as he takes her into his arms. He moves her quickly to the chair near their bed and holds up the coke and the bag of blood. Morna laughs and says, “I think I need both. But let me have the blood first.


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