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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 19

by Audra Hart

  Luca sits in the other chair and watches as she quickly drinks the blood. He takes the empty container to the trash and returns to her. She is drinking the coke and watching him thoughtfully. He can tell that she is trying to sort something out. Something that is eluding her.

  Realization lights her face and she sets the coke down on the small table beside the bed and rises to hold his beloved face between her hands. “I hear another heartbeat don’t I?” When he nods and stands, she gasps in amazement and drops her head to his chest.

  She gasps again when she hears the slow erratic thumps of a beating heart. She can hear blood moving through the heart, being pushed out to other parts of the body. She stands like that for several minutes, listening to his beating heart, air moving in and out of his lungs. Tears of joy spill from her eyes as she clutches her beloved tighter to her. And then she hears what sounds like his stomach growling. She pulls back and looks into his eyes. “Can it be? Is this real?” When he nods she says, “Baby, I think you might be hungry.”

  “Maybe,” he concedes, “But love, I know you are tired. I can see it in your face. Lie down and I will lie with you.”

  “But you need food,” Morna insists.

  “Not nearly as much as I need for you to rest and be well, sweetheart.” Luca says firmly as he puts her on the bed gently. “Besides, I don’t feel hungry. I just want to lie with you right now.” He stretches out beside her and draws her to him.

  She snuggles into his hard body and sighs her gratification. “I love you Lucian Michaels.”

  “As I love you, Morna Michaels. Now rest my beloved” Luca whispers as he gently rubs her swollen belly. Once her breathing and heart rate have leveled out to the point that he knows she is sleeping deeply, he smiles and closes his eyes to contemplate this latest miracle in their lives. At some point she stirs next to him and murmurs his name in her sleep. He opens his eyes and looks at his beloved. He kisses her cheek gently and sighs happily.

  That is when he notices the clock beside the bed and is shocked at what he sees. Forty-nine minutes have elapsed since he closed his eyes. “Is it possible? Did I really go to sleep?” He lies there contemplating the impossibility of what is happening to him. He realizes he must have slept because he was actually feeling a little tired when he closed his eyes and now he feels refreshed and eager to be doing something productive.

  That’s when he decides to check on everyone. He contacts Elias and finds all is well at Airendell. He contacts Heimdall and learns everything is calm in the realms under his watch. Luca extends his senses out and can tell all the members of their household are fine. Reluctantly, he contacts Annie telepathically to tell her that Morna is resting and she should report back to him when they are through interrogating Rolan.

  “Sorry Lucian,” is Annie’s response. “But Bronwyn and I are on our way to you right now, we have disturbing news. Morna will want to know immediately.”

  “Very well, I will wake her when you arrive in Asgard,” Luca says reluctantly.

  “We just stepped off the Bi-frost. We will be at your home in minutes.” Annie informs Luca.

  Luca contacts Tena and asks her to show Annie, and Bronwyn to their sitting room when they arrive. He also asks for her to bring food and drink for Morna. He then contacts Ingrid and tells her to come to their sitting room. He reluctantly wakes his mate and tells her that Annie and Bronwyn are on their way with important information. Morna nods sleepily and gets up to dress. “No need to dress right now love. Just put a robe on. Hopefully, you can go back to bed soon. You really need some rest”

  “Okay love, it sounds like they are almost here, let’s go see what’s so important,” Morna says tiredly.

  When Tena arrives with Annie and Bronwyn, Ingrid is coming down the hallway to join them. Once they are seated in the sitting room, Morna is gratified that Tena has brought her a cup of that tea which she prefers and a slice of that lemon meringue pie. She offers pie and tea to Morna’s visitors, but they all decline. Morna laughs and says, “Leave the tray. I may eat it all myself.” She says with a chuckle, but looks at her mate with a secretive smile on her face.

  Once Tena leaves, Morna looks at her friends, and says, “What is wrong? What did you find out from Rolan?”

  “Morna, he told us that his real last name is MacQuahae.” Bronwyn says quietly.

  Morna gasps, “So he’s a dimension jumper?”

  “No, somehow he didn’t get the talent. Not all of the children of Tarvish’s clan and outsiders got the gene. He said that Valgullveig has arranged to have many of her supporters worm their way into the clan. They have a total of twenty-five jumpers in her group that have the gene. And they have allied themselves with Kieran Gregory‘s clan of outlaws,” Annie informs Morna and Luca.

  Morna sighs, “I wonder if all of the attacker’s had the gene or if they jumped dimensions as pairs. Eurig can take up to two riders with him to other dimensions, if there is physical contact. I suspect it works similarly for human dimensional jumpers. Either way, I suspect we put a big dent in her dimension jumpers. You know some of those invaders smelled… off. You think they were Shape Shifters?”

  “Possible, even likely I would say. I can have MacGregor look the bodies over and tell us for sure,” Luca says.

  Morna nods and rubs her face tiredly. “Okay, this information is important, but I suspect it is not the reason why you wanted to wake me up. What is the rest of it?”

  “Rolan said that he believes your children have the gene.” Annie says quietly. “He also said that he believes that Valgullveig had attached a tracer spell to each child in infancy. She came to see each child in the hospital when you were separated from them.”

  Morna jumps to her feet; “So that witch can come to my children anytime? She actually held my babies?” Morna gasps. Terror grips her heart and she feels nauseated. “She could have a dimension jumper carry her to our babies anytime she wants?” Morna gets up and starts pacing in agitation. Finally she stops pacing and looks at Luca, “We must figure out a way to take the fight to her. We can’t let her catch us unprepared. We must figure out a way to protect them.”

  “Morna, love we have already attached warriors to each child, if a jumper takes them to another dimension, the tethered warrior will follow. Then we can weave the finder spell and follow on Eurig.” Luca reassures Morna.

  “Yes, but that vile bitch can murder them before we can get to them,” Morna says in a terrified voice. Morna looks at her mate and says, “Part of me keeps insisting she wouldn’t hurt them…but I am so scared for them!”

  “Morna, Brian, Enya and myself will all volunteer to stay with the children, we too could be tethered to the children. Brian will stay with Kyle, Enya will stay with Aiden and I will stay with Nora. We will not let anything happen to your babies,” Bronwyn says with confidence.

  Morna hugs her old friend and says, “Please send for Brian and Enya. And then have Aideen perform the tethering spells.”

  “Brian and Enya are already on their way. I spoke to them before I left Airendell, in case you chose this option. With their grandfathers, and brother in law watching them and us, hopefully we can provide enough protection for the children,” Bronwyn says optimistically.

  Morna nods and says, “That will have to do. I guess that’s the best we can do for now. Okay, well…”

  Annie takes Morna‘s hand and meets her eyes, “Morna, there’s more, and you are not going to like it. Rolan has claimed his right of Paternal Bond. He wants the children brought to see him,” Annie says softly.

  “Like hell!” roars Morna, her face contorted with rage. “I will disabuse that little shit of that notion very quickly!”

  Morna heads for the door, intending to go beat Rolan into submission, when Luca’s calm voice stops her in her tracks. “Morna, you know you can’t break the law. We must respect the tradition, the law of Paternal Bond. Only the children can break it, and we should not ask them to do it. It is unfair to them. Morna, you know what is
right in this; follow your conscience.”

  “Like that bastard that I married followed his conscience? He knew who I was, he knew I was mated to you and still he wed me and had three children with me,” Morna yells in rage. “He is father to those children only by deception! He has no rights!”

  “Morna you know he still has rights under the Paternal Bond,” Luca says quietly.

  “Luca, why are you standing up for his rights? He knowingly led me to break faith with you. He made children with me when he knew that I belonged to you. He should have told me,” Morna says with finality.

  “Morna, you were mortal, with no knowledge of magical matters or immortals. What makes you think you would have even believed him if he had told you? Morna, you did nothing wrong. You married and had children, that‘s what people do. And think of how much those children mean to you. You love them deeply. They gave you a reason to live. Rolan wasn’t honest with you, but he is the biological father of those children. He still has rights,” Luca says logically. “Besides Morna, I am deeply grateful for the children. I too love them. You know that.”

  Morna takes a deep breath and looks her mate in the eyes. She knows that what he is saying is right, but she still desperately wants to deny Rolan‘s rights.

  “Mama.” Morna turns in surprise to find Nora standing in the doorway, “It’s okay, Mama. We will go see him. But we have rights too. We can choose to walk away from him.”

  Morna rushes to her youngest daughter and takes her into her arms. “Nora, I am sorry. I know it must sound like I am being mean to your father, but I only want to protect you from him.”

  “I know Mom and you will. But I also know how I was conceived. Mama, I see not only what is to come, but also what has come before. And I understand that you are angry with him, I don’t blame you. But look at it this way, perhaps we can get him to help us. Or at least we might be able to get useful information from him,” Nora says reasonably.

  “My seven year old daughter is wiser than I.” Morna kisses her daughter. “Pumpkin, how did you know we were talking about this?”

  “I didn’t Mom. I woke up and wanted to come crawl in bed with you. I have missed you.” Nora admits.

  “How come I didn’t hear you?” Morna asks in confusion.

  “I used Aiden’s stealth spell. He was worried that he was too clumsy and noisy, so he came up with a spell. I like to practice using magic. It works pretty good, huh?” Nora says with a giggle.

  “Pretty good indeed!” Luca says enthusiastically. He takes the small girl into his arms and kisses her cheek. “Pumpkin, you are truly amazing. Mama is going back to bed, by all means, join her.” He hands the little girl back to her mother. He kisses his mate and says, “Morna, go back to bed. Aideen will weave the tether spells. I will keep a close eye on the boys, but you need to sleep.”

  Morna nods and thanks Bronwyn and Annie. She suggests they sleep soon too. Morna looks at her mate and says cryptically, “We should drop by and see Mordir when I wake.” Luca nods his agreement and kisses his girls before they go back to bed.

  “Come on Pumpkin, let’s get some sleep.” Morna takes her daughter to her bedroom. She sits her on the bed and says, “Be right back.” She goes and gets a pair of shorts and a tank top out of the closet and changes before joining her daughter in bed.

  The mother and daughter snuggle up together and quickly drift off to sleep. After a while Luca comes to check on them and stands joyfully watching them. “Lie with us, darling,” Morna mumbles and scoots over to make a little more room for him. He readily complies and holds his mate for over an hour. Eventually he rouses from his catnap because he can hear the boys rousing in their rooms and goes to check on them. Aiden still looks tired and Luca suggests that Ingrid should take him to the Healer’s Hall to get checked out.

  “I am not ill Dad, I just didn’t rest well. I had several strange dreams. One of which was about my Da… Rolan.” Aiden tells Luca.

  “Aiden, if you want to call him Dad it doesn’t bother me. He is after all your true father,” Luca says softly.

  “No, he isn’t, Dad. You love me more than he ever did. But yeah, I admit it feels weird to call him Rolan.” Aiden says with a smile. “You are my Dad. But I may slip and call him that occasionally, and I am relieved that it doesn’t bother you. But another dream was about you. Are you okay?” Luca smiles and nods, but Aiden continues to look at him quizzically.

  Before Aiden can ask any more questions, Vali who had been in the yard practicing the fine art of sword warfare with Damian comes in to check on his great grandson. Aiden smiles when he sees him and says, “You didn’t sleep long on your cot. I told you that you should have taken the bed.”

  Vali chuckles and says, “I never sleep much Aiden. Never fear. But I have been nearby. Tena gave me this to help me keep tabs on you.” Vali indicates a baby monitor attached to his belt. “I came in when I heard Luca in here with you.”

  Luca scratches his head and says, “I didn’t even notice the baby monitor by his bed. I am really distracted. That worries me. What else am I missing?”

  “Nothing Luca. Rest easy. We are doing all that we can,” Vali says confidently. “Valgullveig will not harm these children.”

  “From your lips to God’s ear. Aiden, do you need help getting dressed?” When Aiden says no, Luca continues, “Well, I am going to check on Kyle and then go help cook breakfast. Join us in the kitchen when you are ready.” Luca pats his son’s shoulder and nod’s his gratitude to his mate’s grandfather before leaving the room.

  He stands outside Kyle’s room for a few moments before knocking. He can hear Valliant and Kyle chatting quietly and doesn’t really want to interrupt. When he does enter his son’s room he is concerned, the teen looks as exhausted as his younger brother. “Kyle, did you not sleep well?”

  “No Dad, I didn’t. I kept dreaming about Rolan and you. I can’t believe he is so much on my mind.” Kyle says. He rubs his face and then says, “I am going to shower and then go help Auggie with the cooking.” Luca smiles proudly before he turns to walk towards the kitchen

  Valliant catches up with Luca and asks; “How is Morna after the latest healing rite?”

  “She is much stronger this time, but tired. Right now she is sleeping with Nora. I hope they sleep for a few hours. But we really need to tell these boys about Rolan. Nora kept it to herself, but yet her brothers are dreaming about him. I wonder if it is some type of attack.” Luca says thoughtfully.

  “Magic isn’t really my area, but I suspect it has more to do with the fact that Nora knows and the boys are empathic,” Valliant says calmly, “Gullveig is here too. We stayed in the room across from Nora’s last night. We can ask her what she thinks.”

  When they arrive in the kitchen, Gullveig is there and Luca tells her about his concerns. She agrees with Valliant. “Nora radiates emotions that are so rich and detailed that they are almost like pictures. I am sure that is why the boys are dreaming about Rolan. Maybe they feel disloyal thinking about Rolan and that is why they are dreaming about you.”

  Luca feels very uncomfortable at that comment but chooses to ignore it. “Well, I would appreciate it if you would check the children for curses, just to be safe. Perhaps you can find a way to break the tracer spells your daughter reportedly put on each child. I am also going to ask Mordir to come examine Aiden. He looks very tired this morning.” Luca says.

  Gullveig nods and smiles at Luca. She is watching him speculatively. “You truly love those children, don’t you?”

  Luca smiles happily and says, “I do. They are exceptionally fine and talented children. But I would treasure them regardless, just because they are the children of, my Morna.”

  “I know that, Lucian.” Valgullveig says. “Is Morna resting?”

  “She is,” Luca confirms. “Nora is sleeping with her. Morna is convinced that we need to figure out how to take this confrontation to your daughter and stop waiting for her next move.”

  “I understand that reaso
ning, we might be able to catch her off guard.” Valliant says. “But I fear forcing a confrontation. I don’t want to lose either of my daughters.” Valliant looks like a man being tortured. “Perhaps I should confront Val. Maybe I should have taken a stronger hand in her life all along.”

  “She probably would have just resented the interference Valliant. You know how strong willed she has always been. She has always resisted when you tried to get closer to her.” Gullveig says honestly. “Don’t blame this nonsense on yourself. She chose this path. This mess is not your fault.”

  Auggie, who had been quietly working on preparing the meal speaks up now. “Lady Valgullveig was destined to take this path. Lord Valliant, you could have done naught to change her course. I am just not sure that she is truly responsible for her actions. There is a dark force at work here… I just don‘t understand it.”

  Luca looks at Auggie speculatively. “Auggie, Morna says that she detects very strong magic in you, but we have not seen any evidence of how that magic is manifested. May I ask what your area of strength is?”

  “I am a seer,” Auggie says quietly as she turns back to the counter where she is preparing scones for baking.

  “Auggie?” She reluctantly turns back to Luca and he continues, “May I ask what you have seen pertaining to Valgullveig and my mate?”

  “My visions about those two are constantly changing. I think because they both keep making decisions that change the outcome. Right now, I see a lot of pain for all who love them both if we can’t change the overall course that they are on. If they meet on the Assylian plain, I believe they will both die. I think that might be the plan. I think someone is using those girls like chess pieces. There is another player in the shadows, one who hasn‘t revealed himself or herself yet. And it is definitely another persona directing things, not Valgullveig.” Auggie says sadly.


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