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Switch It Up

Page 26

by Sara Brookes

  “I think we’ve established we’re anything but clean, dirty, dirty girl,” Kochran said, his words slightly slurred.

  She couldn’t fight her smile.

  Ezra’s entry was rough, awakening nerves as her mind fuzzed. He pulled back, thrust home again, denying her from being filled with him completely. The shallow movements caused her to draw a shaky breath, release it with a near sob as everything inside her came alive. He withdrew a few inches, holding himself there over her, keeping his weight on his hands and knees. For a moment, the three of them were frozen, hanging in the moment where they’d all become beings of pleasure.

  Ezra slammed so hard into her, she curled her toes against the sheet. He hissed, driving his hand under her ass to lift it, angle her so he could thrust deeper. “Fuck. Just like that.”

  Each thrust pushed her against Kochran’s dick so it was nestled between her ass cheeks. It moved with ease against her skin, his precome lubricating the path so Ezra’s every thrust slid Kochran’s slick cock against her.

  “Come for me, baby. Come around my dick.”

  The tension collecting where they all connected finally hit breaking point and released. She dug her fingers into Ezra’s back as she shattered. She bucked against them, rapture sweeping her away. Ezra groaned long and loud, his movements becoming jerky and erratic as he slammed into her over and over. His body suddenly stilled, and with a rough snarl that Kochran swallowed as Ezra kissed him, he came.

  His release triggered another small but still powerful climax, and she cried out as it overtook her. Her senses opened, welcoming the all-out assault on her system as the pleasure of the joining boiled inside her.

  She watched as the two men parted. “You have no idea how hot that is.”

  Kochran chuckled. “Oh, I think I do.” To illustrate, he pushed his erection against her butt.

  The movement awakened something inside her even though she was spent.

  Ezra growled, his eyes narrowing as she clenched around him again. “You should see how hot it is when he swallows my dick.” He pushed his pelvis against hers, grinding against her oversensitive clit. Small aftershocks assaulted her system, revving her for another round. She whined when Ezra withdrew, sitting back on his knees. The position framed his softening penis, the glistening sheen of her arousal coating him.

  “God, you’re both so fucking beautiful like that. Maddy thoroughly ravished. Kochran utterly frustrated.” Ezra gave a sly grin. She’d thought seeing him hunched over the keyboard hard at work was hot, but this...damn.

  “I think we could say the same about him,” Kochran whispered in her ear.

  She nodded as she touched the tip of her tongue against her top lip. She rose, overworked muscles groaning in protest as she went up on her knees and angled forward to kiss Ezra, tasting the flavors of Kochran on his tongue. She glanced over her shoulder, noting the angry red flush of Kochran’s shaft. Despite that, he still wore a blissful smile. Amazing how he could still find pleasure out of all this when he was obviously in pain.

  “You want him, don’t you?” Ezra whispered in her ear. “Want his big, beautiful cock inside you.”

  “Please, Sir.”

  “I want nothing more than to watch you two fuck, but maybe in a little while. How about we both use our hands instead?”

  The disappointment that had flared quickly vanished at the new proposal. They touched Kochran at the same time, Ezra’s hand wrapping around the base, hers near the top fitting just under the flared head. The lube Ezra had slicked on made it easy to glide her hand, loving the heat pulsing against her palm. They worked in tandem, only taking a few strokes before Kochran’s entire body tensed. The cords in his neck stood out as he fought, his fingers digging so hard into the pillows propping him up, Maddy heard the fabric give. She marveled at his control, admiring the sheer force of will necessary to withstand the orgasm that had to be clawing its way free.

  “Give us your release, Kochran,” Ezra said as he flipped the latch on the cock ring.

  Kochran came with a roar, spurting all over his chest and abdomen, along with Maddy and Ezra’s hands as they continued to fuck him with their fists. His voice echoed through the broad space, the only sound as Maddy and Ezra held their breath as they watched.

  Ezra scooped her up, dumped her on her side next to Kochran and disappeared around the corner. He came back a minute later with two washcloths and proceeded to tenderly wipe everyone down. When he was finished, he discarded the rags on the nightstand and curled up behind Maddy, pressing her harder against Kochran. They filled the bed, leaving nothing between them but satisfaction and the promise of what they could all discover together. She tried not to think about what could happen when the afterglow faded.

  * * *

  Kochran’s bed had never been this brimming with bodies before, and damn, did it feel glorious. He moaned as he sat up, saw the remains of the night scattered around the area like broken dreams. He knew there would be more of the same by the shower. In the main seating area. Evidence his two lovers had held nothing back.

  A thrill surged through him as he remembered. They’d rested for a time before Ezra had finally given Maddy her wish. Kochran’s dick twitched as the phantom touch of the hot warmth of her mouth sucking him off ghosted over his skin. Ezra had positioned her on her knees, driving inside her just as Kochran had been coming all over her tongue.

  They’d showered after that, a task that had been made remarkably difficult as both men had traced her luscious curves with their soap-covered hands. They barely made it back to the bed before Kochran had finally, finally gotten inside her. Everything had melted into a colorful, chaotic kaleidoscope of sex where bodies tangled and roles had dissolved in a euphoric free for all.

  He pressed a kiss to Maddy’s shoulder as he rolled out of bed. Sliding back on into a mentality he hadn’t embraced since his twenties had been remarkably simple. Then again, the pull toward Ezra made him comfortable enough that he could do anything. Be anything. Maddy strengthened that bond more than he’d ever imagined.

  Kochran reached for his cell phone on the nightstand, found it under a pile of damp washcloths. When he scooped it up, he frowned at the screen.

  Ten missed calls.


  Kochran rubbed his dry eyes, hoping the count on his phone was a mistake. A result of a late night with a near total lack of sleep thanks to Ezra and Maddy.

  Ten. Not an error.

  His heart gave a powerful thump against his ribcage. Bile coiled through his stomach, burning a path up his throat. He swallowed, but the acrid tasted wouldn’t diminish. He glanced over his shoulder, noting Ezra and Maddy had adjusted for his absence already. He snagged a pair of sweats before moving off to the kitchen. He needed to find out what was going on instead of worrying, but calling meant the news he suspected was real. That the worst fear he’d lived with for the past few years had finally arrived.

  He poured hot water into a mug, dumping a tea bag in to steep. He picked up his phone again, noting the sweat coating his palm. The burn in his chest and throat flourished as the words on the screen blurred. Ten. Missed. Calls.

  Ten chances someone had been trying to reach him while he’d been busy tangling with Ezra and Maddy. Finding his happily ever after. That kind of joy never came without a price. He closed his eyes, trying to push away the guilt settling into his gut. A cold sweat erupted over his body as he thumbed the phone screen and saw nine of the calls had been from his mother. The tenth call was the one that made his blood run cold. He tapped the button to return the call, his breath scraping against his throat as he waited. When the caller answered, all the oxygen had been stripped from the room.


  “Son. Thank god. You had us worried.” The raw, broken tone of his father’s voice told Kochran all he needed to know. “She’s gone.”

  A long pause, filled with th
e raspy breaths that reminded Kochran of his father’s age. Maybe he’d assumed wrong. Maybe the news was something else—

  “About two this morning.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Kochran ended the call and let the phone drop onto the table with a clatter. Tory was gone. Dead. He hadn’t been there like he’d promised. Hadn’t been at her side to hold her hand. To crack jokes as she slipped away. To shield her, protect her like he’d sworn to do all those years ago when she’d been diagnosed.

  Rage that he’d kept restrained inside him suddenly ripped forth and out his throat. He beat his fists against the cheap table, a satisfied crack of wood reverberating through the space. He screamed again and again, beating the wood over and over. The resulting cracks fueled his anger and his need. He shot to stand, kicking back the chair. He slammed his knuckles against the cracks, growling when the split deepened and lengthened. Caught up in the harsh grip of rage, he continued to pummel the table, pleased with each resulting shot of pain that fired across his knuckles and up his forearms. The wood gave with a loud snap as he pounded down, and the table fell to pieces.

  He reeled around, an animal gripped tightly by a fury that knew no bounds. He spotted the counter Tory had helped him pick out. The appliances she’d insisted on paying for. Tory’s mark saturated the room. He picked up the metal chair and started beating it against the counter, the fridge, in a desperate attempt to rid himself of the pain. The pings and cracks only fueled his ire.

  A tight grip on his bicep prevented him from launching the chair at the stained-glass window mounted over the sink. He tried to wrench free, but the persistent fucker just held on. Kochran blinked, the red sheeting his vision bleeding away until he realized Ezra was the one holding him. Rocking him. Whispering soothing words to him. Something warm and soft molded against his back. Maddy. She added to Ezra’s calming influence, breaking away the chaos screaming through his head.

  The fight left Kochran, abandoning him to find a worthy adversary. The tears fell then. Hot and painful as each one tore itself free. His body collapsed, but still—Ezra and Maddy held him in their combined embrace. Offered their support without asking why he was falling apart. Anger gave way to utter desperation as he finally discovered what it felt like to have his heart break.

  * * *

  Kochran rapped his knuckles on the front door for a third time.

  Maddy touched his arm. “Maybe she’s at your parents’?”

  “Doubt it.” Kochran jiggled the handle again even though he’d already tried. “Adelita? It’s Kochran. Let me in.”


  “She’s not here.” Despite Ezra’s statement, Kochran didn’t move.

  “Yeah she is.” Kochran left Ezra and Maddy to make his way to the backyard. A quick glance through a hazy window confirmed Adelita was sitting on the couch in the living room, just steps away from where he’d been ready to pound the door down. The paint on the screen door was weathered and peeling, and the lock gave easily with a bit of force.

  He didn’t slow until he’d reached the sofa and scooped Adelita up into his arms. She clung to him like a monkey climbing a tree, terrified of the predator stalking it on the ground. He sat, taking her with him and listened to each and every one of her gut-wrenching sobs as she finally unleashed the same restraint he’d used for the entirety of Tory’s illness. Unshed tears fell as he rocked her, soothing her as she trembled in his arms.

  A shadow darkened the kitchen doorway and he glanced over to see Ezra and Maddy. A knock sounded on the front door and triggered a fresh torrent of tears in Adelita. She clung tighter. “She’s gone, Kochran.”

  “I know, sweetie.”

  Maddy touched Kochran’s shoulder as she passed. “I’ll answer it.” The quiet murmur of voices accompanied the front door opening, and then silence a few seconds later as she closed the door with a snap.

  Kochran didn’t know who it was, but the press of more people entered the room. He wrapped his arms tighter around Adelita as he turned to dismiss whoever it was. He stopped short when he realized it was Saint and Grae. Grae’s pale face was red, tears streaking down her cheeks.

  Thank you, he mouthed to her. She gave him a half smile before Saint ushered everyone out of the room. After a few minutes, Adelita sat up. He pulled a few tissues from a nearby box and offered them to her. She stared at them as though she didn’t recognize what they were. He gestured her closer, and helped her blow her nose.

  “Why are you here?”

  Kochran gave her a level glare. “Because I knew the last place I’d find you was at my parents’.”

  “You should be with them.”

  “I’m right where I should be.” His phone buzzed in his pocket. He knew without looking it was his father again. No doubt his mother questioning when he’d arrive and knowing he wouldn’t take her calls. “I’ll go see my parents later. Right now you need us more.”

  Grae appeared with two glasses of water. “Thought you guys could use something to drink.”

  Adelita turned as Grae came close and held out her arms. Kochran nudged Adelita out of his lap and the two women clung to one another as the quiet sounds of their hushed whispers filled the room. He signaled toward the kitchen and Grae waved him away.

  As Kochran entered the kitchen, Saint gestured toward Kochran’s hand. “You’re bleeding.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” That earned him a trio of grimaces. He flexed his hands, biting the inside of his cheek at the flare of pain that caused black spots to dance across his vision. “Nothing is broken, I think.”

  Saint tossed him a gallon-sized bag filled with ice and some water. “What did you do? Try to beat down her door with your fists?”

  “Kitchen table,” Ezra offered as he handed Saint a mug of steaming coffee. “Dented the fridge, stove and dishwasher. Cast iron sink won the battle, though.”

  “Jesus,” Saint said quietly.

  Kochran barely remembered any of it. “Sorry.”

  Ezra waved his hand as he set another mug on the counter by Kochran’s hip. Maddy appeared at the back door with an armload of groceries. Kochran knew the details from the past hour were hazy, but he hadn’t been out of it long enough for her to go shopping. Boyce stepped into the kitchen seconds later, a few bags in his arms.

  “What is all this?” Kochran asked.

  “We have to eat.” Maddy started opening cabinets and drawers as she familiarized herself with the layout. The shelves were shockingly bare. Of course they were, he realized. Adelita had been spending all her time at the hospice with Tory. She’d probably lived off cheese fries and greasy burgers, a fact he should have realized earlier.

  “Thanks.” He crossed to Maddy and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I should have realized she needed all this stuff.”

  She paused, setting her hand on his jaw as she gave him a sweet smile. “You can’t do it all, Kochran.”

  “What you did. Getting to her like that?” Ezra stepped against them, pulling them into his embrace. “That is exactly what you should have done.” He kissed Maddy’s cheek, then Kochran’s lips before he snagged the boxes of macaroni noodles. “I’ll get these started.”

  Kochran turned to find Enver darkening the back doorway. His longtime friend smirked. “About damn time, man.” He pulled Kochran into a tight hug. “Really sorry to hear about Tory, though. I know it’s been tough.”

  Saint pointed at the back door and Kochran and Enver followed him outside. “You need anything?”

  Kochran glanced over his shoulder to see the silhouettes of Maddy and Ezra working together at the stove. “How do they know?”

  “What?” Enver struck a match, the flame glowing orange against his face as he lit a cigarette.

  “To do that? To know Adelita didn’t have any food. To know—shit.” Heat stung Kochran’s eyes.

yourself a break, man.” Enver blew out the match he’d used. “You just lost your sister. You can’t be expected to remember all the details. To be thinking clearly. Let them do what they need to so you can deal with your grief.”

  “You’re their Dom, Kochran. They want to take care of you.” Saint gestured toward Enver, wrinkling his nose. “You haven’t given those up yet?”

  “You have your vices, I’ve got mine.” Enver took a long drag on the cigarette, clearly enjoying the act.

  “I subbed to Ezra,” Kochran blurted as he glanced between the men, looking for some indication he’d shocked them. “I’m not... I’m not the head Dominant in this relationship.”

  Enver blew out a steam of smoke. “Like I said, it’s about damn time.”

  Kochran scowled. “Don’t give me one of those bullshit speeches about how you’ve always known.” He glanced to the house again to see Boyce had joined Maddy and Ezra with the meal prep.

  “No, I meant it’s about time you do something to make yourself happy.” Enver picked the cherry from the cigarette with his fingertips, stomped on it a few times to make sure it had gone out, and palmed the spent filter. “Switch it up all you want, man. Go fucking crazy. Just...let yourself love them.” Enver clapped him on the back as he clomped back up the porch stairs and disappeared into the house.


  The word was foreign and...right. He hadn’t sought it out, but he’d opened up to them like he’d never done for anyone. Yet there he was, a tangle of emotions because of Tory’s passing, and these two people he needed most in this world were taking care of him. Not because he’d given into his desire to kneel as a slave to Ezra. Not because he still wanted to dominate Maddy. Because they were his as much as he was theirs.


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