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Switch It Up

Page 27

by Sara Brookes

  “I’d appreciate if we kept this news under wraps for a little bit. Give me a chance to sort shit out.” Kochran knew Saint wouldn’t go blabbing the news, but he needed to get through the next week at least without worrying about the fate of his club.

  “Members aren’t going to care what the fuck you do, Kochran, if that’s what you’re worried about. They just want to know they can count on you to give them a good show and that you are capable of competently running a BDSM club. The rest is—”

  “Icing,” Kochran finished. Still, confessing his submissive needs wasn’t something he was ready for beyond his circle of friends. He hated that he needed them so much. Perhaps someday he would be able to cut off that self-preservation mode and just be. “Thanks. You guys didn’t have to come.”

  “Soon as Grae told us, we knew this is where you’d be.” Saint gestured to the house. “Adelita needs this. She needs you right now because we both know your parents are going to fuck with her world.”

  “My mother will, yeah. I can’t shield her completely from that wrath. I can be a buffer for a little while, though.” Kochran wished it could be forever.

  “Adelita is a strong woman, Kochran. Just be here to get her through this, all the rest will happen like it needs to.”

  As Kochran and Saint came back into the house, they saw Adelita’s sister closing the front door. Charlie dropped her bag and headed right for Adelita. Yeah, this was the best place for Adelita right now, surrounded by close family and friends who wouldn’t judge and scorn her for her choices. But Kochran knew he faced some contempt as soon as he stepped across the threshold of his parents’ house. Especially if Tory had followed through on her deathbed threat.

  * * *

  “Thank you for coming, Steve.” Maddy lightly kissed her business partner’s cheek. “Sorry it’s under such bad circumstances.”

  He squeezed her hand, his gentle smile warming his boyishly innocent face. “How are you doing?”

  “Worried.” Watching someone she loved in so much pain made her ache as though something was broken inside her. Her heart twisted with the fear that Kochran would pull away or put her and Ezra at arm’s length so he could deal with his grief in private. If that happened, Ezra could drift away as well. The tangle of emotions went deeper, but she kept her worries buried in order to give support where it was needed the most.

  Steve pulled her into a tight hug. She relaxed against him, his chest vibrating against her ear as he spoke. “I can tell. Why do you think I’m here? Hate to see you hurting. Speaking of, how is your friend doing? I was worn out from a full day of work and travel, so I headed back to the hotel last night before I could ask if you guys needed anything.”

  Kochran’s method of coping with his initial grief had been an explosion of emotion that hadn’t returned, but the threadbare edges of his patience had begun to dissolve two days ago. Maddy and Ezra had been able to diffuse most of the tension by ensuring Kochran wasn’t left alone with Noelle for long periods of time, but they’d known the funeral could be the breaking point for the family.

  Maddy glanced over her shoulder to watch people offer their condolences to the Duke family. She attempted a lighthearted smile. “You saw how bad the tension was between Kochran and his mother at the wake.” As expected, Noelle wouldn’t allow the general public to know of the tension surrounding the Dukes, but cracks in her facade had started to show. Maddy and Ezra had been the victim of more than a few of Noelle’s disgusted looks when she thought no one would notice.

  “This family makes mine look like angels.” Steve shook his head. “Think they could all put it aside for a few hours.”

  Her heart clenched. “Is Will still mixed up with that bad batch of friends?”

  A glimmer of sadness crossed his face. “Mom called the other day to tell me he was in jail again. Drugs or something. I don’t know. Owes someone a lot of money. I tune it all out now.” Though their relationship had been brief, Maddy had met most of Steve’s family except for his older brother because of his time in and out of jail.

  His expression cleared as Ezra joined them. “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself. Steve O’Doyle.”

  “So you’re the other half of the business. Honored.” The men shook hands. “Also honored you guys signed a contract to pair up with Noble House for the long term. Maddy has been a great asset to us.”

  Steve shook his head. “Always knew this one was meant for greater—” he dropped his voice to a whisper “—and kinkier things. Hear you guys rooted out a bad seed Maddy had the misfortune to encounter.”

  “Purged him from the system thanks to her dedication and loose morals when it comes to federal postal laws.” Ezra smirked, tilting his head closer. “You’re welcome to pay another, legal visit to the club anytime, Steve.”

  “Ah, no thanks.” Steve held up his hands in mock horror. “I saw enough to last me for the rest of my life when she got in the system the first time. No kinky stuff for me.” He cleared his throat. “If you’ll both excuse me for a moment, I want to pay my respects.”

  As Steve joined the line to offer his condolences to the family, Ezra gathered her up in his arms. Though she was equally comfortable with both men, she sagged against Ezra. “I’m worried about Kochran.” Maddy hugged Ezra tighter. “He hasn’t said more than five words to anyone all day.” Just that damn indifferent mask that hid the brewing internal war. Kochran had kept a lid on his displeasure with his mother’s choices for Tory’s arrangements, opting to keep the peace instead of calling her to the carpet.

  “He’ll be all right, Mads. We just need to get through the next twenty minutes.”

  Each of those minutes crawled by, but finally Kochran’s father slipped through the front door to escort the last visitor out. Maddy started to rise, anxious to leave, but sat again when Noelle stepped into the room. The face she’d painted on for the general public had been replaced by a mask of hatred.

  “Get out,” she demanded as she folded her arms. “Don’t think I didn’t see you wrapped around that other man earlier, little girl. Absolutely repulsive the way you’re using my son.” Her gaze flicked to Ezra, her eyes narrowing as she looked him over. “And you, allowing yourself to be taken advantage of, all because she spreads her legs for you. Just like a man, thinking with his penis instead of his brain.”

  Maddy grit her teeth as she and Ezra stood at the same time. Kochran stepped in front of them, his body vibrating with restrained fury. “This isn’t the time or place, Mother.”

  “This is my home, I will do anything I damn well please.” Her tone brooked no argument. “At least tell me that you will sell that dreadful, sinful place you run now.”

  Kochran’s body stiffened. “What?”

  Noelle waved her perfectly manicured hand, dismissing Kochran’s palpable ire. “Your sister thought she was telling me something I didn’t already know about when she wasted her last breath with her confession.” She fluffed her hair, flicking away a strand that had landed on the shoulder of her expensive black pantsuit. “Honestly, I don’t know what it is about the two of you. Tory dating that...woman, you owning that damned disgusting club, or the fact you choose to fraternize with people who are only around for their piece of the family money.”

  Ezra tightened his hold on Maddy’s arm as her annoyance reached boiling point. “They need to hash this out,” he whispered into her ear. “Long time coming.”

  Though she agreed with Ezra, watching this unfold made her uncomfortable. She wasn’t easy to anger, but listening to Noelle break down one of her lovers had caused her to think nasty thoughts about the woman.

  “Your father and I have kept quiet long enough about you whoring yourself out for these people.” Her disapproving gaze flicked to Maddy and Ezra again. “It’s time for you to grow up and act like a Duke for once in your life.”

  Kochran’s back went rigid as he drew himself u
p to his full height. “Let’s just cut through all the bullshit right now, Mother. Adelita loved Tory more than you will ever comprehend. More than you will ever hope to understand. Yes, I whore myself out. People pay me to have sex.” Kochran’s words came out fast and barbed, cutting straight through to cause the most pain. “Lots of sweaty, filthy sex, because I’m very good at what I do. I get off ordering people around, because I’m exceptionally good at that as well. And you know what I was recently reminded of that I’m extraordinarily good at?”

  Kochran turned, grabbed the lapels of Ezra’s suit and muscled him closer. For a second, Maddy thought he was going to kiss Ezra, but instead, he dropped his hands to his sides. Gaze on Maddy, he sank down on one knee and bowed his head. She heard the whispered “Master,” but she wasn’t certain Noelle did. It didn’t matter—the meaning was clear.

  As Ezra set his hand lightly on the top of Kochran’s head, Maddy accepted the other hand Ezra offered her. He straightened before he said, “That club you speak of with such disgust is my home. It’s your son’s life. He built it from nothing, putting his heart and soul into the very foundation so others could have a safe place to go. You’ve spent Kochran’s entire life trying to convince him he was insignificant. Unworthy of your love. And he was too damn proud to ask you to accept him—faults and all. You may find this hard to believe, but Maddy and I love Kochran, and we are prepared to spend the rest of our lives showering him with the devotion you denied him. Why is it so fucking hard for you to love him exactly how he is?”

  Noelle’s face colored. “I love my son.”

  “No you don’t,” Ezra said quietly.

  “How dare you accuse me of such a thing!”

  “I want Kochran to achieve whatever he sets his mind to do. Want him to embrace his desires, no matter how twisted and kinky they are. I want to protect him from people that have set out to tear him apart, like you. I love him for everything he is, Mrs. Duke. You hate him for it.”

  Ezra pulled Kochran to stand, and used his body to shield him. “With the utmost respect, Noelle, I speak for all three of us when I say fuck you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Maddy stood in the hallway on the third floor of Noble House. Those double doors that had taunted her from the first day called to her once again. Only, this time, as soon as she set her hand on the knob, she found that the locks hadn’t been engaged. There would be no barrier to stop her from crossing over the threshold.

  Kochran had been tenaciously vague when he’d delivered the invitation to her on high-quality card stock and printed in his neat, elegant handwriting. The love and care he’d taken with the gesture was sweet. Nervous energy pinged inside her like a pinball as she thought about the notes of affection he’d hid for her to find recently. Made her head feel fuzzy with how fun it was to show him just how much she appreciated each and every one of those pieces of paper.

  The dreamy heat of arousal arced through her, her body in a perpetually heightened state thanks to Ezra and Kochran. The month since the funeral and his mother’s outburst had been hard on Kochran, but he hadn’t turned a cold shoulder to her or Ezra. In fact, he spent so much time with them, the general membership had to have certainly gotten a few ideas about just what was going on between the threesome. Since Kochran insisted he wasn’t prepared to share the news of his status change, they’d confined their play to their houses, steering clear of the club.

  Even though she loved the exhibitionism angle of the scenes they’d once shared, the choice gave the trio the freedom to explore their desires at their leisure. To peel away one vulnerable layer at a time until they were naked, stripped and raw, with nothing left but their love. But tonight would be different. She didn’t know precisely how, but the fact Kochran had asked her to come to the room meant something was about to change.

  Her two favorite men were waiting for her.

  As soon as she stepped through the doors, she forced herself to wait one endless moment before she made eye contact with Kochran. He was settled comfortably in an oversized chair positioned on a raised platform looking very much like the man in the video the night she’d hacked the website. That cool arrogance stared her down. For a single, heartbreaking second, she thought she’d imagined the past few weeks. That she’d dreamed up the connection the trio shared. The sinful days and nights where they found solace in each other’s arms, and comfort in their bodies.

  Ezra sat to his left, his posture relaxed, though it gave her no indication of what was going on. Saint and Boyce shared a nearby couch with Grae nestled comfortably on their laps. Judging by her faraway gaze, they’d already been there for a while. They’d postponed their wedding ceremony after Tory’s death and were set to exchange vows in just two days.

  Nearby, Enver sat on a couch with a dark-haired man Maddy recognized as the bartender of Screwdriver and another man whose arms were covered from wrist to shoulder with an elaborate network of tattoos. Several other members Maddy recognized but didn’t know filled every seat in the room.

  The atmosphere was markedly different from Court, the semi-private rooms, the lounge. In Kochran’s private room of kink, the level of respect was tangible. These people didn’t come to the club only to play or get off. They were friends. The kind of family not built on blood, but on the solid foundation of admiration and honor. They looked out for one another during the good and the bad.

  She turned back to Kochran to find an intensity she hadn’t noticed before. She’d been so busy focusing on other things, she’d missed the honed, sharp edge of his stare. The one that made her blush. Made interesting things happened to her body, her mind.

  “They’re here for you, Madeline. And they’ve been invited to the Keep because I trust each and every one of them implicitly. With my life, even.” Kochran drew himself to his full height as he spoke, joining her in the center of the room. “Noble House has always been a safe place for anyone to explore their deepest, darkest needs and desires. The Keep is my private space inside that world.”

  “A personal playground of kink?”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “I shuttered the doors a while ago because I realized it wasn’t a true representation of who I really am.” Movement over Kochran’s shoulder caught her eye as Ezra joined them. Kochran touched her chin. “But thanks to my gorgeous little hacker, I have everything I could ever need.”

  “Almost,” Ezra said quietly.

  Kochran nodded. For one terrifying moment, she thought her world was spinning away from her. But the pain wasn’t reflected in their expressions. Instead she saw the promise that they would burn the world for her if they had to. Their complicated relationship didn’t make any damn sense, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. They would all keep going, one foot in front of the other, for as long as they could.

  She caught a glimmer and dropped her gaze. In Kochran’s palm was a perfect circle of gleaming silver. The solid metal was beautiful, elegant and eye-catching, everything she’d once been convinced she wasn’t. She hadn’t found those strengths in herself because of the men, but for the men.

  For a long time, all she could do was stare at the item. An eternity collar. No end. No beginning. An unbroken circle that was the ultimate representation of the bond between Dom and sub. It meant permanence and connection Absolute, unwavering trust.

  “My turn.” Ezra picked up the collar, located the hidden lock and opened the mechanism with a special key. He slipped a pendant onto the circle and held it up for her inspection. Looking closer, she noticed the border was in the shape of two men and a woman, all naked, hands and feet touching to form a heart. Despite the small size, the level of detail was astounding. In the center, a sparkling blue gemstone mimicked the heart shape, the letters E and K etched in silver on the gemstone’s surface.

  The stark reality finally hit her right between the eyes. They were really going to add a binding layer of unbreakabl
e commitment to their relationship. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about we ask the question first?” Ezra gave a quiet laugh. “Maddy, will you do us the honor of wearing the collar we’ve selected for you? Openly display your devotion and commitment to us every moment that this is around your neck while you’re at the club?”

  It was the moment of truth. The instant where she had to open her heart or walk away from them forever. The collar would mean more than her agreement to surrender to them. More than simply a visual display of their union. It signaled she truly belonged to them heart and soul.

  Maddy reached out with trembling fingers, and set her hand over the necklace. “I’m done spending my life holding back or being scared of how I really want to live. You’ve both instilled in me the courage I need to do that. You’ve given me so much I feel I don’t deserve. Because of you both, I don’t have to hide behind my awesometastic hacking skills or hide the unique love I have for you both.”

  Her eyes burned, words catching as her throat grew tight. “We’re going to make a messy, complicated triad with Ezra as our Dom and Master, but I don’t care. I want what the three of us have more than anything else I’ve ever wanted in my life. I would be honored to accept your collar.”

  She unconsciously leaned into their touch while they placed the collar around her throat. As they engaged the lock, she knew there would never be anyone else for her as long as she wore the piece. The heart settled in the hollow of her throat, tickling her skin every time she took a breath to serve as a constant reminder of their love and trust. Though she had nothing for them in return, she knew it wasn’t necessary.

  Instead, she looked at them and whispered, “I love it.”

  Kochran hooked his finger around the hoop, tugging her close until their lips met. “So do I.”

  As she fingered the metal roping her neck, she gasped. “Oh, Kochran, I’m sorry. So, so sorry. I didn’t mean to out you like that.” She bit her lip to prevent further confession. “That wasn’t my secret to tell. I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted—”


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