Forever You're Mine

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Forever You're Mine Page 7

by K. Langston

  “Wow…do you really think it’ll come to that?”

  “Bitches be crazy, Cora. Especially the ones with daddy issues who have nothing to lose.” Maddie gave me a pointed look.


  I’d met my fair share of crazy bitches, but Alexis Davis, she was in a league all her own. A whole other breed of crazy. She’d not only screwed Katy’s ex while they were together, but she’d also tried to sabotage Maddie and Holden’s relationship when they first met. The thought of her and Cannon together made me nauseous. What the hell did he see in her? He knew she was batshit crazy.

  Shit, everyone did.

  I reached for Maddie’s bowl of Jolly Ranchers. She kept them all over the office, likely to quell the nervousness people often felt when faced with life’s stressful situations. The sweet burst of watermelon definitely took away the sour taste in my mouth.

  I pocketed a few extra ones for later. “So how long are you stayin’ at Cannon’s?”

  I shrugged. “Until I find something else I guess.”

  “Let me talk to Holden,” she said. “I’m sure we can help you find something that will work with your budget.” Before I could reply, a knock sounded at the door.

  I twisted in my seat to see Barrett Shaw walk through the open frame. Barrett was Maddie’s partner and one of the most successful lawyers in the country. They’d both been helping with my brother’s case.

  “You ladies start without me?” he asked, taking a seat next to me.

  Tall with a lean build, he had the dirtiest blonde hair I’d ever seen on a man, but his eyes…those were his best feature. You knew just looking at them he did not fuck around. They were sharp as a tack and hard with the promise of justice. When Barrett Shaw spoke, you listened. When he said he would do something…

  He did it.

  “Nope, just girl talk. I didn’t wanna tell her until you got here.”

  “Tell me what?” I asked.

  Barrett’s eyes met Maddie’s with a knowing smile before he brought them back to mine. “We finally have a court date.”

  I gasped, my hand flying to cover my mouth. I looked to Maddie for confirmation and she nodded with a wide smile. “Really?”

  “Yes.” Maddie answered.

  Hope surged in my chest and I thought it would explode from happiness. But I kept my excitement in check until I understood what they were telling me. “When?”

  “Three months.”

  I still couldn’t believe it.

  “So what happens now?”

  Barrett sat forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “We will push for the court to overturn the conviction completely or remand the case for a new trial.”

  New trial?

  God, could we go through that nightmare again? Back when Winston was charged, it was on everyone’s tongue, so much judgment, so much contempt. Being a mixed race from the bad part of town already put two strikes against him, but it was the media who charged the tension and tone of the trial.

  Racism is certainly not dead in this country.

  It’s alive and it thrives on the souls of those who hate anything unlike themselves. Winston was protecting his family. He was protecting me.

  Simple as that.

  I tried not to think about the fact that if it hadn’t been for me, he wouldn’t be there. I have to stop thinking that way. It wasn’t doing me or Winston any good. There was no way to change what happened in the past. All I could do was think about the future.

  I nodded in understanding. “Maddie and I have discussed it and we’ve agreed to take on the case pro bono.”

  “What?” I breathed, not believing my ears.

  “By the time it’s all over, this will be a landmark case for the state, hell for the country. Wouldn’t feel right taking money for that kind of recognition. Also, a firm out of New York has taken interest in the case with the recent news coverage, they’ve already given us all the resources we need.”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  Barrett stood from his seat, shoving his hands deep into his pockets before he gave me a confident smile. “Winston should be home by Christmas.”


  Christmas was less than 5 months away. Would he really be free by then? How could he be so sure?

  As if he could hear my unspoken questions…

  “I always win, Cora. Always,” he said as he exited the office.

  The wilting root of hope in my heart strengthened as it grew wildly inside my chest. “Um…so did that just happen?” I asked, wiping the edges of my eyes, tears of joy streaming down my face. “And I can’t believe I’ve been here for almost a whole hour and you didn’t say a word!”

  Maddie rounded the desk and took the seat next to me, reaching for my hand. “I’m sorry, honey. Barrett wanted to be here when I told you. This case is so important to him, to both of us.” I sniffled, unable to hold back a quiet sob as I silently counted my blessings. “Listen, I’m gonna talk to Holden and see what we can do about findin’ you a place to live. A home for you and Winston. He’ll need stability when he gets out.”

  I nodded, knowing full well I couldn’t afford any of the houses Maddie and Holden rented. Maybe I would do some looking around myself too. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. Finally, after seven long years, my brother was coming home. “What did Winston say when you told him?”

  Maddie gave me a weak smile as she returned to the other side of her desk. “He’s a man of action, Cora. Words mean very little to him, and considering what he’s been through, it’s completely understandable. But trust me, if I’m good at anything…it’s proving others wrong.” I smiled to myself thinking how right she was. Words had never had much effect on Winston. He gauged others by what they did instead of what they said.

  He swore it held more truth.

  Maddie pressed a few keys on her computer then looked at me once more. “When his ass is home, only then will I expect a thank you. Maybe even a hug.”

  I moved in quick, eager to give thanks now. I squeezed her tight, prompting her to wrap her arms around me. “Thank you, Maddie. I don’t know what I would do without you,” I whispered, fighting the lump in my throat.

  “Oh sweetie.”

  It would take me more than a lifetime to repay the debt of gratitude she was due, but I would spend the rest of my days trying.

  I owed her so much.

  All my life, my heart has yearned

  for a thing I cannot name.

  ~Andre Breton

  She clocked back in from lunch twenty minutes late with a smile on her face. I didn’t even have the heart to get on to her about it. I’d loaned her my truck so she could go run an errand. I didn’t think much of it, I’d let her drive my pickup before, but now I was wondering where the hell she’d been.

  It was incredible, the way her eyes danced with so much happiness. Each time she swung them to mine, I was burned by the spark inside. Was it because of me she was smiling this way? I found that hard to believe. Although I had to admit, the last few days had been nothing short of fucking perfect. Making out had become a new hobby and kissing her had become my favorite thing to do…but it was more than that. It was just being with her that made me feel like there was finally hope. Like I could get past all this shit in my head and find some fucking peace.

  We were treading on dangerous water and I was terrified of drowning. Hell, I was already drowning. After all, I was taking her home to meet my family. Even if I was taking her for my own selfish reasons, I was still taking her and that was definitely a huge step for me.

  Maybe I was drowning, but for some crazy reason, I could finally breathe.

  I was on my way to the bar to find out who or what had put that smile on her face when he walked in. Shit, why didn’t I think of it to begin with? He must be why she’s so happy.


  By the time he made it to the foot of the bar, she was there, talking a mile a minute. I caught only a few words…

ton… Christmas… happy”

  His hands moved to her face with a wide grin, cupping her jaw the way I liked to before I kissed her, turning my blood ice cold. Those were my lips now.


  I got there in time to see a look of guilt staining her cheeks, but it didn’t do shit for my anger. My hand connected with his chest, twisting him by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the bar.

  “Oh shit, Cannon NO!” Cora yelled, but I ignored her, shutting out everything around me.

  “You ever put your hands on her again, I’ll kill you. Understand?”

  He tried to play it cool, but I watched him swallow more than once before he finally spoke, a slight tremble in his voice. “Get your fuckin’ hands off me bro.”

  I twisted my hand tighter, lifting him higher, rage loud in my head. “I’m not your fuckin’ bro.”

  He looked to Cora, who had now taken her place next to me. “Wanna call off your dog?”

  I wanted to break him into a million tiny little pieces for many reasons, the least of all being his insult.

  What the hell did she see in this guy anyway?

  “Cannon, let him go now!” Cora ordered, tugging on the hem of my shirt. I didn’t move anything but my chin, dipping it toward my chest to look down into her eyes.

  She was pissed.

  At me?

  “Fucking fine,” I said with a hard shove, his ass skidding across the floor. Then I turned around to face Cora. “You have exactly five minutes to get rid of this asshole and get back to work.”

  She gave me a hard glare, her eyes firing with rebellion as she walked towards the exit.

  I stalked off, heading straight to the office, putting as much distance between me and him as possible. Otherwise, I was going to lose it. I immediately pulled up the parking lot cameras to find him parked right out front. Their conversation looked calm at first but then quickly turned heated, with Cora throwing her arms in the air and him slamming his hands on the hood. I was on the verge of going back out when he got into his car and sped off. Cora’s head fell into her hands and I knew she was out there crying.

  Over him.

  Jealousy was a new thing for me and I didn’t like it. Not one goddamn bit. Nor did I care for all these other fucking feelings I had swirling around inside. Things I didn’t want to feel. Things I did. I wasn’t sure what to do with any of it. Before, I was able to fuck or drink through just about anything. Now, I was being forced to deal with it all, head on.

  It was more than a little overwhelming for me.

  We didn’t speak the rest of our shift and the ride home was filled with nothing but awkward, pissed off silence. As soon as we were inside, Cora went to take a shower while I let Hope out, thinking about how I wanted to handle this. I was at the point where I would do anything to have her, but knowing damn well I didn’t deserve her.

  I was none the wiser when I came back inside. I made myself a drink, a big one, then took a seat on the couch, tossing Hope’s stuffed bunny across the room. She eagerly fetched the fluffy, pink toy and obediently brought it back to me. I bent forward, stroking her soft coat and patting her behind. “Good girl,” I praised, tossing the bunny again.

  The whiskey was beginning to warm my blood and numb my mind by the time Cora emerged from the hall. But there was no amount of alcohol that could numb the effect she had on me. Wet from a shower, her eyes swollen and red, she walked around the front of the couch and knelt to scoop up Hope, but I snagged her wrist before she could, pulling her down next to me.

  Finally, after a while, she spoke. “I went to see Maddie at lunch today. We finally got a court date for Winston.”

  “So is that why you were so happy when you got back from lunch? Or was it because of him?”

  “I had no idea he was even coming by, Cannon. I haven’t talked to him at all.” She lifted her head, tears swimming in her soft green eyes. “He wants me back.”

  A wave of anger surged through my veins, but thankfully the whiskey kept it in check. “Is that what you want?”

  “No. That’s not what I want.”

  “I’m happy about your brother,” I said then took another drink. I was going to need it to ask my next question. I swallowed hard, the alcohol doing nothing to settle the thrumming of my blood. “Do you still love him?”

  I’d never experienced such fear. Not when I was in the war. Not when my best friend was killed. Not even when I thought about taking my own life.

  I blinked as Cora reached for my glass and watched, fascinated by the curvy line of her throat. My dick twitched with appreciation because yeah…it was already hard as a rock anyway. She threw back the remainder of my drink, which was a damn good bit, and she set the empty glass on the table before dropping a knee to the other side of me. Her eyes were clear but I could see the whiskey dancing along the edges, turning her beautiful eyes hazel instead of green. Or were they always hazel and this was the first time I’d noticed?

  Her soft locks draped around us, tickling the skin of my neck and arms. Her cold hands wrapped around my neck, her forehead meeting mine. “I want you. I need you, Cannon. Hold me until he’s nothing but a memory. I wanna be yours.”

  I moved to take her mouth but she took mine instead, pressing me back into the couch.



  A kiss I never expected, and one I could have never prepared for. Far better than any of her kisses that came before. My mind shut down, completely blocking out any thought. The need to be inside of her was so strong. I wanted to own every part of her because it was clear…she was still very much his. My heart beat mercilessly against my chest, begging to be hers, screaming to make her mine.

  Watermelon and whiskey, the perfect combination of strong and sweet. I was drunk off the first drink. No wait, I take that back.

  Fuckin’ wasted.

  There was a small voice in the back of my mind that questioned this newfound level of need. But I ignored it as I pushed up from the couch, Cora instinctively wrapping her legs around my waist as if they were made for that sole purpose alone. My hands gripped her ass, but my mouth stayed locked with hers, taking more and more with each swipe of my thirsty tongue. I couldn’t get enough.



  “I want you so fuckin’ bad.”

  “Me too,” she breathed.

  “If you don’t stop this now, I’m about to fuck you against this wall right here. I can’t wait another goddamn minute to have you.”

  “Yes, I want that too,” she said against my lips.

  “I’m serious,” I said, stopping right in front of the bare wall.

  “So am I.”

  “You have no idea what you’ve just given me permission to do.”

  She wrapped her arms tighter around my neck. “I just gave you permission to fuck me, Cannon, now do it.”

  The faint sound of drywall cracking penetrated the thick fog of lust just as my lips caught hers, capturing the air that had been forced from her mouth upon impact. I was fueled by that sweet rush of breath, and decimated by it. I was about to ask if she was ok, but the second her hands pawed at my face and neck, I knew she was fine.

  It was me who wasn’t ok.


  “Release me, babe.”

  Her legs came unwound and I sighed at the loss of her hold, but recovered the second I got her tiny shorts and panties down around her ankles. She stepped out and my hands drifted up her smooth legs, beneath her tank top, caressing her belly and breasts. I buried my nose between the V of her thighs and found what would prove to be my undoing.

  So fucking soft.

  So goddamn beautiful.

  “Cannon,” she gasped.

  So raw and deep, the potent flavor of her desire invaded my bloodstream in a slow, steady burn.

  It left me weak.


  I knew if I fed from her, I’d be done.


  The motherfucking end.<
br />
  Her smell was driving me insane, and so were the harsh breathy sounds above my head, begging me for more.

  I teased her clit, dragging my tongue back and forth, savoring the taste of her. “You,” I whispered across her flesh, knowing there would be no coming back from this. “Taste so fuckin’ good.”

  I could die right here. A million painful deaths could never compare to this slow, sweet demise. “I’m gonna eat you ‘til you scream, baby,” I informed her, wondering if I would ever be able to stop.


  Desire swirled like a hurricane inside my body, dangerous and deadly. I had no control whatsoever when I gripped her hips and smashed her ass to the wall, my face following like a starved animal.



  I bathed her sweet pussy with every inch of my tongue, drowning in her praises. “Holy shit…your tongue is…oh my fuck…it’s amazing!”

  I growled, willing myself to pull away so I could bury my cock inside of her, but I couldn’t seem to stir up enough strength.

  My name shredded her throat just as I slipped my tongue inside her heavenly heat. Because let’s be honest, if heaven were a place on earth, it would be nestled right here between this beautiful woman’s quivering thighs.

  So this is why God made women? He wanted men to have a taste of heaven on earth.

  Clever bastard.

  Cora shuddered, unleashing a bounty of satisfied mewls and moans that had my dick begging for release. She attempted to shove my head away, the orgasm racking her body wave after wave, but I didn’t let her go until I’d drank every last drop.

  Now that I’d tasted her…

  “Ready to get fucked?”

  Smiling, she trembled beneath my hand. “I don’t know? Am I?”

  “Oh, I know your pussy is ready, babe. Your need for me tastes so fuckin’ sweet. What I wanna know is…” I stood from my knees to cup her warm cheeks. “Is your heart ready?”

  Wherever you go, go with all your heart.


  My heart?

  It was fluttering with excitement over the possibilities behind his words.

  “I just want to make sure we’re clear on what this is.” He brushed his rough thumb lightly across my cheek. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”


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