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With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4

Page 26

by J. L. Langley

  Gadget picked up something on the swing. He held up Matt’s phone. “He was here.”

  A half-empty water bottle sat on the ground below the swing. Aubrey retrieved it. “It’s still cold.” A shiver racked his body. He took a deeper breath. There was another scent mixed with Matt’s. Another wolf. Did he leave with a fellow pack member? “There was someone with him.” He stepped off the porch, trying to follow the scent trail. The other wolf’s odor was strong in the bushes. He’d been there a while. But why would someone hide in—?

  Oh shit. Aubrey recognized the scent. Bile rose in the back of his throat and his chest constricted, stealing his breath.

  Boskie hadn’t sent those pictures.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I knew something about that Jordan guy was off. Damn it!” Using the heel of his hand, Aubrey pressed on the burning pain in his stomach. He stopped in front of the bushes next to the back porch and inhaled. It was easy to pick out Matt’s scent even though it was almost imperceptible. Closing his eyes to hang on to that smell, he moved the phone to his other ear. “How can I use my senses to find him? Don’t we have some sort of nose thing? You and Dad are both good at following scents.”

  Keaton sighed over the phone. “If you’re asking if our third form gives us some special sniffing power or something, the answer is no.” Keaton groaned. “You know that’s your problem, you never did trust your sense of smell. Just follow the scent trail…and find Matt.” Keaton’s voice cracked a little.

  Aubrey pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded even though his brother couldn’t see him. He was afraid too. “I will. We found Jordan’s last name and cell number in Matt’s phone, so Bambi’s on his computer looking for info. Gadget says Bambi is a programmer and knows how to find things on the internet. And I’ve already called Jake. He’s on his way over.”

  “Aubrey?” Gadget’s head popped up from behind the shrubbery, followed by two of his sons, Logan and Chris. Gadget shook his head. “There’s nothing here, not even discernible tracks.”

  There was some rustling over the phone, and Keaton said, “If anyone can find him it’s Jake. He’s a damned good detective.”

  That was true. Aubrey had first met Jake when he’d come to Georgia with Keaton last year. It hadn’t taken Aubrey long to become friends with the man or to detect his competence.

  Logan and Chris disappeared around the side of the house, studying the ground, looking for tracks.

  Gadget still held Matt’s phone in his hand like a lifeline. Mumbling, he wandered around the bushes. “Matthew is nothing if not responsible. He’d never up and disappear without telling someone.”

  Jake Romero, Matt’s Alpha and friend of the family, walked through the back door followed by another big guy with a neat, closely trimmed beard and short black hair.

  “Keaton, I gotta go. Jake’s here.”

  “Call me when you find out anything.”

  “I will.” Walking toward Jake, Aubrey hung up and stuffed the phone in his pocket. He held out his hand. “Jake.”

  With a grim look on his face, Jake shook Aubrey’s hand. “Aubrey, good to see you again. Congrats on your mating. Sorry about the circumstances in which I’m finding out though.” He indicated the big man, and Aubrey noticed the gun on Jake’s hip for the first time. “This is my Beta and business partner, Rhys. Remi’s on his way. He was leaving the firehouse when I called to tell him Matt was missing.”

  Rhys offered his hand to Aubrey. He had a firm handshake and huge hands. He also wore a gun. It was in a shoulder holster on his left side. “I haven’t gotten a lot of info yet, but I’ve got feelers out. Bambi’s in the house still looking for a money trail. He’s a damned good hacker and has found things for me before. We’ll find them.”

  Aubrey nodded. “Thanks.”

  Dipping his head in acknowledgment, Rhys continued. “What I do know is that Jordan Ackart is from Tennessee. He’s twenty years old and an only child. His father is a stockbroker. His mother is an elementary school teacher. He’s a member of the Chattanooga pack, and he’s been at Georgia State for two semesters. No criminal record, not even a speeding ticket.” Rhys shook his head slightly and frowned. “Matt has a good head on his shoulders, and he keeps calm in a crisis. He’ll be okay.”

  Jake’s brows pulled together. “Why does that pack sound familiar to me?”

  Rhys shrugged.

  Aubrey shook his head. “I don’t know. None of that rings a bell. I just know when Matt introduced me to him I picked up a real hostile vibe from him.”

  “Hostile toward Matthew?” Gadget asked, coming back around the corner of the house.

  “No. Hostile toward me. He was a little too friendly toward Matt for my tastes.” Aubrey tried to think back on his one meeting with Jordan. Had the man said anything that would give them a clue as to what this was about?

  “For some reason I feel like this has to do with the Chattanooga pack.” Jake slapped Gadget on the back as the other man climbed the steps. “How’re you holding up?”

  “I’ve been better.” Gadget smacked Jake on the shoulder and dipped his head at Rhys in greeting. “I could give two shits about Becky, but I want Matthew back. Hell, I want blood over Matthew being taken in the first place. What’re our options as far as pack law? Have you contacted the guy’s pack yet?”

  “Not yet. I wanted to talk to you and Aubrey first and see what motive we could come up with and try to figure out what we’re dealing with.”

  The fierce look on Rhys’s face intensified. “You’ll get blood over this, I promise you.”

  Damned right he would because Aubrey was going to personally kill the guy when they found him.

  “Aubrey, do you think this has to do with some obsession over Matt?” Rhys asked.

  “It might.” And that terrified Aubrey to death. He tried not to think about it. He had no idea what kind of psycho they were dealing with, or more importantly what kind of psycho Matt was dealing with at the moment. What if the son of a bitch raped Matt, or…killed him? It was a little more difficult, but not impossible, to kill a wolf. Aubrey closed his eyes and took a steadying breath. He hadn’t apologized to Matt or told him he loved him, or— Please be okay, sugar.

  Jake’s nose twitched as he walked over to Logan and Chris, who were still searching the perimeter. “The guy’s scent is strongest over here. I can barely smell Matt.” He turned back toward Aubrey with his forehead furrowed. “Why can I smell the other guy better?”

  Aubrey shrugged. “I don’t know.” A pang hit him right in the chest. He wanted Matt back…now. “I was hoping to pick up a scent trail to locate them, but the trail stops.”

  Closing his eyes, Rhys tilted his head and lifted his face as if he were concentrating. He leveled his gaze on Aubrey. “You have three forms too. Keaton never mentioned it.” As if he hadn’t said a thing, he closed his eyes again, turned toward the bushes and dismissed Aubrey completely.

  Aubrey blinked in surprise. Rhys was either sensitive to power or very perceptive. Aubrey had made such a habit of hiding his power that he hadn’t stopped just because he’d been found out. Concealing his abilities was second nature to him.

  Jake’s eyebrows shot up. “I hadn’t realized.”

  “I hide it well.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I caught a bit of his scent when we got here. It stops in the front. The guy must have been in a car,” Rhys announced without turning toward them. “He was scared.” Swiveling around, he focused on Jake. “Is that fear? Is that what I’m smelling?”

  Jake nodded. “I think so.”

  “That makes sense as to why his scent is stronger than Matt’s.” Aubrey walked around to where Rhys stood. What did that mean? That Matt wasn’t scared?

  “Okay, so the guy was scared. Of what?” Jake stepped behind the bushes where Logan and Chris stood watching him.

  “That he’d get caught?” Logan asked.

  “This has to do with Aubrey,” Rhys said. “The pictur
es were sent to him. The man wants Aubrey to fear for Matt’s safety.”

  Jake snapped his fingers, garnering everyone’s attention. “Keaton’s ex was from the Chattanooga pack.”

  No. Aubrey froze. Bile inched up his throat again. “You think this has something to do with the psycho who tried to kill my brother?” Could it? His dad had smoothed things over with the other pack. They’d agreed that Jonathon had overstepped himself, and the Alpha had even offered a formal apology to Dad.

  “Could this Jordan be an alias for this other wolf?” Gadget wanted to know.

  “No, sir.” Aubrey shook his head. “I killed the man after he shot Chay. There was no conflict with the other pack over it because Jonathon had broken pack laws.” Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he dialed Reynolds Hall. The knot in the pit of his stomach tightened. Gawd, please let Matt be okay. This is all my fault.

  Keaton picked up on the second ring. “Did you find him?”

  “Not yet. Get on Dad’s laptop and find me the number for the Chattanooga pack Alpha.”

  Bambi stepped into view just inside the open sliding glass door. “I found a car and a cabin rental under the name Jordan Ackart. I know where the son of a bitch has Matt.”

  It was odd how clear things became when a person’s life was in danger. Aubrey’s neglect in telling Keaton about their mating didn’t seem so bad now. Neither did his assurance to his mother—which he’d made no move to uphold—that he’d get married. Matt crossed his arms over his chest and rubbed his arms with his trembling hands. Maybe Howard had been right all along. Aubrey would come around eventually. All Matt needed was patience. Unfortunately, it appeared that he’d run out of time.

  “Are you cold?” Jordan asked quietly while fidgeting in his chair. The smell of his unease had increased steadily since they’d arrived at the rented log cabin. He hadn’t been overly hostile, but the gun he held in his lap was hard to ignore.

  “Do you care?” He wore a T-shirt and pajama bottoms, but the chill wasn’t entirely due to his attire, or lack thereof. His pleas for freedom had been met with silence thus far.

  Jordan nodded. “If I didn’t, I’d have killed you already.”

  A shiver zinged up Matt’s spine and the hair on his arms stood up. He suppressed the fear as well as he could, though he knew a little of it leaked out in his scent. Since they’d arrived, Jordan had paced and mumbled to himself, ignoring Matt except for pointing a gun at him when he’d tried to leave. So far all Matt had learned was that this had to do with some sort of beef with Aubrey. Oh God, will I ever see Aubrey again? If Matt could understand what precipitated the current hostage situation, he was certain he could reason with Jordan. “Why are we here? Why are you doing this?”

  As per his habit since arriving here, Jordan ignored the questions. He stood, crossed the tiny one-room cabin, went over to the bed and ripped the bedspread off it. “Here.” He tossed it at Matt. “Wrap that around you. It will keep you warm.” Sitting back in the chair opposite Matt’s, with the little dinner table between them, Jordan sighed.

  “Jordan, I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.” Matt draped the bedspread across his shoulders. If he got out of this, he was going to return Aubrey’s calls. And he was going back to Georgia.

  Squeezing his eyes closed, Jordan turned his head away. He rested his elbows on his knees, holding the gun between his legs.

  The pinched face combined with the smell of fear gave Matt hope. Unless Jordan was acting, that wasn’t the expression of a heartless man. Whatever this was about had Jordan torn up inside. Perhaps he’d been telling the truth when he said he cared. At any rate it was better to die trying than to just give up, so Matt seized the opportunity. “Jordan, my family is going to know you took me. I have to know why if I’m going to help you stay out of trouble. I don’t want you to get hurt, but you’ve got to talk to me.”

  For several moments, Jordan did nothing. Then he started shaking his head and tears streaked down his face.

  Matt’s stomach clenched tight and his lungs refused to work. Had he made a breakthrough or pushed an already insane man over the edge? He wasn’t sure where the courage came from, but he stood and touched Jordan’s shoulder. When Jordan didn’t move, Matt squeezed. Surprisingly, his voice didn’t even crack when he spoke. “It’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on. Tell me why you kidnapped me. You know I’d have helped you if you’d just talked to me. Talk to me now and let me help.”

  Jordan looked up at him with red eyes. The corner of his lip lifted slightly, but he didn’t actually smile. He put his hand on top of Matt’s, but Matt was intently aware of the revolver clutched in Jordan’s other fist. Was Jordan going to turn the gun on him now?

  Matt’s hand grew sweaty beneath Jordan’s, but he kept his voice low and hopefully sympathetic. “I’m guessing this has to do with Aubrey, but I don’t see how it involves me.”

  “God. You’re just too good to be true. I’ve held a gun on you, abducted you, and you’re still trying to help me. That bastard doesn’t deserve you.” He turned to face Matt. Resting the gun in his lap, he grabbed Matt’s hands and caressed the tops of them with his thumbs. “You should be with someone who is proud of you. Someone who isn’t afraid to let the world know you belong to him.” The scent of his anxiety lessened.

  Matt shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  “Don’t you? I know he’s your mate, Matt. I saw the text your brother sent.” Jordan squeezed Matt’s hand.

  Oh crap. Matt swallowed down the lump that had risen in his throat. “I wondered if you saw that.”

  Jordan continued as if Matt hadn’t spoken. “Reynolds killed my mate.”

  A chill swept through Matt and he gasped. His fear spiked. Was Jordan’s mate the man Aubrey killed to protect Keaton? It had to be. Aubrey didn’t just go around murdering people. “You want vengeance.”

  “No!” Jordan’s shoulders slumped and he glanced down. “Yes. I did, but now I don’t know.” Tears filled his eyes. He set the gun on the table, tugged on Matt’s hands and pulled Matt into his lap.

  Matt didn’t know what to do. Should he struggle? What would help him get out of this alive? He didn’t want to piss Jordan off, but he didn’t want to encourage unwanted attention either. He sank onto Jordan’s lap and let the other man hug him, but he didn’t hug back. He had to make Jordan see Aubrey like he really was, and not the monster Jordan’s mind had turned him into. “Your mate tried to kill his brother. Aubrey would never kill someone unless there was no other way. You have to trust me on this. He’s a good man.”

  “No, he isn’t. I’ve been watching him for several months. I befriended you to get close to Reynolds. I knew the minute you moved in with him. When I saw you at school, I saw a chance to get more info on Reynolds. I didn’t know you were his mate at the time. When I found out you were his mate, I was given the perfect opportunity to make him suffer like I’ve suffered.”

  “All along you’ve planned on killing me.” A piercing pain settled in Matt’s chest and his whole body quivered uncontrollably. “So why haven’t you?” He took a deep breath, trying to hold it together.

  Jordan touched his cheek. “Because I can’t. I’ve never met anyone like you.” He nudged Matt out of his lap, stood and turned his back. “Jonathon was an ass. I admit that now, but Reynolds is just like him, Matt.”

  Matt reached for the gun.

  “Run away with me.” Jordan dragged his hands through his hair.

  Matt’s hand froze over the gun.

  “Forget about him and come with me. He’ll never commit to you. He’s just like Jonathon. Jonathon never wanted me. I don’t think he ever felt anything for me but our mating bond. He never intended to claim me. Furthering his career and amassing money was all he cared about. Trust me when I tell you all you will get from Reynolds is heartache.”

  Dropping his hand, Matt stood. His heart ached for Jordan. Not only had he lost his mate, but his mate rejected him. Aubrey wasn’t li
ke that. He had his faults, but he wasn’t cold. If anything it was just the opposite, he cared too much. He didn’t care about the money, unless it affected the people he loved. Matt touched Jordan’s shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll help you. I can’t just leave, Aubrey and my family—”

  “It will be hard and it hurts physically not to have your mate, but you can get over it.” Jordan’s voice wavered a bit. “I’ll help you… We’ll help each other.”

  “I can’t leave, but I won’t let them punish you. I’ll tell everyone I came with you willingly. I can still help you and be here for you, but I have to give Aubrey a chance. Just come back with me. It’s not too late.”

  Jordan turned and smiled down at Matt. The tears ran down his cheeks in streams. “Yes, it is.” He cupped Matt’s face and kissed him on the nose. The acrid, nervous smell disappeared entirely. Drawing back, he stared at Matt with a serene expression on his face. It gave Matt the creeps, and he realized he should’ve taken the gun when he had the chance.

  “I’m going to miss you, Matt.” Jordan strode past him and picked up the revolver.


  Aubrey pulled his brother-in-law’s truck up in front of the cabin behind Jake’s SUV. He and Gadget got out and the first thing they heard was Matt’s voice full of fear. Terrified, Aubrey darted from behind the cover of Chay’s truck toward the door.

  A gunshot rang out, stopping him in his tracks. Everything grew silent except for the pulse thundering through his ears. Oh gawd no! Aubrey sprinted toward the cabin.

  Rhys tried to grab him and someone said, “Aubrey, wait,” but he paid no heed. He didn’t give a damn about his own safety. He had to get to Matt.

  Aubrey’s entire focus narrowed on his destination. He ran as fast as he could, but it was like wading through knee-deep mud. Anguish like he’d never known swamped him. “Matt!” It came out in a strangled whisper instead of the holler Aubrey intended. If that son of a bitch Jordan killed Matt… Panic joined Aubrey’s fear.

  He hit the door full force, putting his shoulder into it and busting it wide open with a resounding bang. The overwhelming metallic scent of blood burned his nostrils, and the acrid taste of bile rose in his throat. A cold sensation ran down his spine to his feet. It took only a second for his sight to adjust to the dark room, but it was the longest second of Aubrey’s life.


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