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Tempting Maggie

Page 9

by KT Morrison

“Do what? Masturbate?” he said.

  She whispered, “Shave me.”

  His smile dropped. This was real now. His Maggie was being kinky. Getting into this. Aroused by the prospect, yet engaging him. His heart swelled in his chest.

  “Really? That’s kinky.”

  “I want to be kinky,” she laughed.

  “You do?”

  “I want you to be involved. I want you to prepare me.”

  His eyes widened. “Fuck, Maggie. Oh, my God, that’s so hot.”

  “Prepare me for my lover,” she said, and put an arm around his neck, forehead coming to touch his.

  It made him shake. It aroused him so much. Maggie was great in bed. She was a creative person. Imaginative. Yet her strict Chinese and Dutch parents seemed to close her sexuality in a box. Kept her from having boyfriends, kept her from having sexual experiences. The thought that she had kinks and fantasies was suddenly overwhelming. More important than anything he was doing at school, more important than their impending wedding. If Maggie wanted to be freaky that was all he wanted to deal with right now.

  “Tell me that again,” he said, making his tone lustful and serious.

  “I’m going to have sex with Jay and I need you to groom me. Make me pleasing to him.”

  “You're going to fuck him?” he said, his voice trembling. She didn't answer him, watched him, point-blank, faces almost touching, eyes blinking, lips smiling.

  “Should I shave my armpits too?”

  “Probably,” he said.

  “No, tell me...”

  “Jay will want your armpits to be shaved. I’ll shave them.”

  “Shave them for him.”

  His stomach tightened at what she wanted to hear.

  “I’ll shave your pussy, Maggie. Shave it for Jay. I want him to be happy with your pussy.”

  “You think he’ll like it?”

  “You have a beautiful pussy, Maggie. I mean it. It’s perfect.”

  “Am I...tight?”

  “You are tight, Maggie. He's going to love your pussy.”

  “Feel me, Max.”


  “Feel me,” she said, and she took his hand and led it to her waistband. She was wearing cotton drawstring pants and his hand slipped over her warm tummy, fingers turned down. His hand went into her pants, found her without panties. His fingers wove through her wild pubic mane, feeling her warmth.

  “Feel me...”

  Her pussy was soaking wet with her sticky dew.

  “Oh Maggie,” he said. His fingers slipped through her folds and she whined, her fingers scratching at his neck.

  “You are so wet, Maggie.”

  “Groom me, Max,” she sighed.

  “I want to fuck you.”

  “No. You have to groom me for my lover.”

  “Your lover?”

  “Jay is my lover, isn't he? That's what you want?”

  “Shit, Maggie, you are bad.”

  “I think I want to be bad.”

  “You'll do it?”

  Again she didn't answer him. She lay back against her pillows and pulled him to her, his lips going over hers, his hand stroking her wet pussy, two fingers stroking and gently plunging but not penetrating.

  She whispered, “Max, I bought a shaver...”

  “You did?”

  “Shave me for him...”

  “Mm,” he groaned, a painful surge in his belly, his cock ached in his pants. He wanted to fuck her right now. Forget about shaving, he had a monstrous urge to wrench her pants down and shove himself inside her.

  “Where?” he asked, enjoying the tickle of this dark game.

  “In my drawer.”

  “Take your pants off for me.”

  He felt dizzy as he rose, blood pumping like a piston from his heart, going everywhere but his brain. He sat on the edge of the bed and opened her drawer. Her pink stockings were balled up in there, the ones she had bound Jay with. “Ungh,” he groaned again at the sight of them. Maggie struggled behind him, kicking out of her pants.

  He found the shaver in her drawer, brand new, stinking of plastic and oil. She’d bought it, opened it, put batteries in it, and left it here at the ready. A kinky game for her Max. He huffed with laughter.

  “What?” she laughed behind him.

  “Nothing. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she said.

  “Your top, Maggie. Take your top off. I want you naked.”

  “There’s a sheet, a plastic sheet, rolled up in my closet. Get it.”

  He left the shaver next to her and went to the closet, opened it. Saw it was like a mirror of Jessie's where he hid. This one, his Maggie’s, also filled with props and things he would call junk. But Maggie's was ordered. Chaotic items arranged in a tidy system. Maggie sat on the bed, her hair tumbling around her naked body as she peeled the shirt off herself. Her little breasts jumped and jiggled as she threw it aside. She sat there watching him with a dirty smile. Her hand absently stroked her thick thatch of hair between her legs.

  The plastic stood in the corner, three feet tall, loosely rolled. He brought it to the bed.

  “We’ll save that for the razor,” she said, took it from him and leaned it in the space between the bed and the night table.

  “Take your shirt off too,” she said.

  He did, pulled it over his head and she loosened his belt but kept his pants done up. He jumped when she ran her palm up his pants and over his cock.

  “Shave me first, then you can fuck me,” she said, looking up at him with sexy lustful eyes he hadn't seen from her before.

  “Lift your arms up, Maggie,” he said, kneeling over her and taking up the shaver. He fiddled with the buttons, finding how it worked. It was dark gray, a cylinder, the gyrating teeth sliding in silver blade at the one end. He found a speed that worked, the faster the better, he figured.

  Maggie was below him, smiling and watching. Her amber eyes blinking, warm expression, and underneath it that new thing. That libertine thing.

  Her arms were up over her head, bent at the elbow, her thin forearms tucked under her thick head of natural auburn hair. Her face was exquisite. Her Asian features, her narrow eyes and thin brows, but pupils wide and expressive. Her pouted mouth and her perfectly formed round nose. He ached for her. Absolutely in love with her.

  “You're so beautiful, Maggie.”

  “Shave me, Max, hurry...”

  She had a thin and sexy thatch of hair in her underarm. Her arms, her ribs, her breasts were perfectly youthful and feminine, the juxtaposition of her hair there an exciting shock. Sexy though, the surprise of it part of the thrill. He got the shaver humming, lowered it to her slowly, built up her anticipation, her eyes turned to watch, her mouth twisted up in a funny way, chin tucked into her shoulder. She got herself giggling.

  “Don’t move around, Maggie,” he said.

  “I’m no—”

  The shaver zipped quickly up her pit, making her laugh and jump.

  “Oh Max, it tickles.”

  He did it again, did it firmly so it wouldn't tickle her and she watched again, her lips smiling wide. Then she gave him the other pit, this time, no smile, her eyes watching his. She’d pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, and the look was lusty again. Her pink nipples had condensed to hard buds, clenching the skin tight around them, her skin getting goose bumps. He breathed her in. A musk coming from her. The smell of her desire. Between her legs, under her arms, her wet lust exhaled. He took her nipple in his mouth, his tongue slipping all over its hard shape. He had her sighing. Kissed his way to her underarm then. Kissed the ticklish hair there that played at his nose. Said goodbye to it. Zipped up that underarm again, her eyes watching his hand and now she was stubbly. He kissed those spiky spots.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “We wouldn't want Jay to be disappointed would we?”

  She sighed, her eyes closed at the thought, her chest rising as she inhaled. “Oh, Max, shave me. Shave my pussy now.”
  “Get on your hands and knees, Maggie.”


  “Do it.”

  She smiled again, curious and aroused. Rolled to her tummy, and he watched her bare cheeks jiggle as she brought her knees up then and onto her elbows, her ass up in the air.

  “What are you doing?” she said into her pillow.

  “Making you into a beautiful gift for Jay.”

  “You're giving me to him?”

  “He can do whatever he wants.”

  “I hope he likes what he sees.”

  “I’m going to make you so clean for him, Maggie.”

  “Do you think h— Oh!”

  He touched her anus with his middle finger.

  Her hips dove away from him.

  “Come back, Maggie.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “You need to be shaved.”

  “Back there?”

  “You never look back there?”


  “Jay wants your asshole to be shaved.”

  Her hand swept up and she covered herself. “Is it hairy?”

  “It’s sexy, Maggie.”

  He moved her hand gently, pulled it away. He stroked her again, his middle finger running up that spot between her pussy and her anus He found her slickness there, brought it up and slipped the tip of his finger into her anus.

  “Oh,” she moaned, “oh, Max...”

  He tucked it in and out gently, til he got her muscles relaxed, feeling loose and prepared to be touched back there.

  “Max, have you had anal sex before?”


  “We haven’t...”

  They hadn’t. He'd like to, but it never seemed the right time. She wasn't that bashful about herself back there...he did use his mouth a few times when he went down on her, swiping his tongue low enough to get that copper off her. She squirmed but she didn’t fight it.

  “Did you want to? ...with Jay?”

  “No...Max, no...”

  “With me?”

  “Yes, with you. Maybe Jay sometime, you first though.” Sometime? Did she think this was more than one time?


  “Not tomorrow. Do you think he’ll hurt me?”


  “With know...”

  “Maybe. I don’t know.” He was feeling a little sullen now.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You're stalling,” he said and he set the shaver to buzzing again.

  “Okay,” she gasped.

  He ran the teeth up one side careful of her sensitive skin, coming back down the other side. He could see the twitching it put in her. Her sphincter worked in and out. He smiled imagining how much it must tickle. Her hands came up and coddled her own ass, her little fingers digging into her flesh and pulling herself apart for him. He shaved her clean, even accidentally letting his knuckle graze her sopping folds a few times. He got himself back in the mood.

  “Over, Maggie,” he said.

  She fell to her hip, her eyes on his again, rolled to her back and let her legs fall open. He looked at her familiar little sex. Her flesh was shining with her excitement, her wrinkled folds pink and lively and looking for action. They were ruffled and parted, eager for something to plunge past them. He wanted to throw the shavers aside and hike his pants down and get this over with, the tension was going to make him explode.

  “Shave me, Max. Shave me for Jay.”

  His brows went high and his lips vibrated with an ecstatic exhale. She got him again. Put a sexy slim dagger through him, through his heart.

  “I’m going to miss my Shaggy Maggie,” he said.

  “Shave me, Max. Jay wants me clean...”

  Her eyes were narrow and lusty again. Her words were sultry, shaped by her pouted lips to provoke him.

  He fingered her lightly, making her legs move in and out and her eyes close. Remorse went through him, a feeling like he didn’t want her shaved. Shaved Maggie was someone else’s Maggie, and despite the thrill it was giving him he didn’t want her to be someone else’s Maggie.

  “Do it, Max,” she sighed.

  He touched those warm wet lips again, up and down, her hand coming down and rubbing her thighs while he did.

  Got the courage then, clicked the shears back to their vibrating and he set the teeth on her bare belly just above her patch and he worked his way down. Revealed her bare sex, took away all of it, and exposed the part that most made her a woman. Swipe after swipe, taking away those Maggie curls and revealing her pale skin, her cheery red mound, her brown, and her pink sex. He left patchy stubble but he had her bare. He had her exposed.

  She let her legs fall wide for him, her eyes on his, watching him watch her bare sex in her sunny bedroom in the middle of a school day. Her hand slipped between her thighs now, her fingers tucking through her lips and making sticky wet sounds.

  He undid his button on his pants and she said, “No, not until I’m bald, Max. You have to use a razor first...”

  “Maggie, I’m going to explode.”


  “Seriously, I—”

  There was a thump at the door, someone turning the handle and pushing their weight against it and finding it locked.

  “Shit!” Maggie laughed, her knees coming together, hiding herself. Max dove next to her, the shaver switched on and falling somewhere between them.

  Keys jangled, metal key slid into metal lock on the other side.

  Maggie called out “Jessie!” but she was laughing. Max grabbed the duvet and whisked it over them as he heard the door open.

  Jessie’s voice then, rising as a question, said, “Maggie?”

  Maggie shook with silent laughter next to him. The shaver still hummed, definitely sounding like a vibrator. Their bare feet stuck out below the duvet.

  Jessie was laughing now too. He heard her close the door behind her. “What the fuck, guys?” she laughed.

  Maggie was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. Max struggled to find the shaver and silence it.

  “Hi, Jessie,” Max said from under the cover. He found the shaver and shut it off. He heard Jessie still laughing, throwing her book bag onto her bed.

  “Put the handkerchief on the door, Maggie,” she said. “I thought you were out.”

  “It’s missing,” Maggie said.

  That was on him. He’d ejaculated into their handkerchief. Thrown it out somewhere in a trashcan in the quad over by Samuelson.

  Jessie said, “You guys hold that position, I’ll just be a second and I’ll get out of here...I just need my Neo-Classicism book...”

  “It’s okay,” Maggie said, “hold on...”

  She came under the covers to get face to face with him. Her cheeks were flushed and she whispered, “Take me to the showers...”

  “Where?” he whispered.

  “Fourth floor. Co-eds.”

  “Okay,” he whispered, getting suddenly even harder now.

  Maggie said through the duvet, “Jessie? ...can you give us two minutes? You can stay...we’re going to get out of here.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “It’s okay, we’ve got plans.”

  They heard her moving around, her feet on the floor, a drawer opening, papers being flipped. His hand came up her thigh and she giggled.

  “Don’t,” she whispered. He touched the underside of his fingers along her wet pussy and he got her to gasp. “Ha, oh,” she sighed.

  “I’m leaving, I’m leaving,” Jessie said.

  He kissed Maggie’s shoulder and they listened, waiting to hear her go.

  Maggie said, “You can come back, just let us get dressed, we’re getting out of here...”

  “Okay,” they heard her laugh and then she was out the door, the metal on metal sound of it closing behind her.

  “Oh my God,” Maggie said, covering her face with both her hands. “That’s too funny...I thought she had class...what time is it?”

��s gotta be after five now...”

  “Oh,” she laughed. “Take me to the shower and shave me?”

  “Fucking yes,” he said.

  Chapter Nine


  Wednesday, September 20th

  They got themselves completely naked—she already was—but she had Max strip down to nothing. His cock stuck straight up between his legs looking like it might burst. She laughed when she saw it. They got robes on, big fluffy things, both hers, grabbed toiletries, put slippers on, an extra pair of hers squeezed onto Max’s feet. Hand in hand, they calmly strolled the hall, her toothbrush stuck in her cheek and her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  Walked down to the end of the hall, past the metal doors, and up four half-flights of stairs. The windows in the stairwell, looked south over the parking lot and Woolworth Hall and the Athletic Field, the fiery fall wooded hills of Vermont beyond. It was a nice day out there. The weather like a sign of promise. Matching this new direction in her relationship with Max. Something of promise. She wasn’t going to have sex with Jay. But it sure was fun to pretend. It got her so wet to imagine. And to know Max would be okay? ...A little weird that he was aroused by it. Kinky though, and she was starting to think she might like kinky.

  They opened the blue metal doors of the fourth floor and went through that hall. Busy at this time of day. More than a few people headed to the showers as well to get ready to go out tonight and have some fun. There were two bathrooms on the fourth, both co-ed. It could depend on the year whether it was or not. The floor could be co-ed but the votes cast could make the two bathrooms segregated. Somebody said that hadn’t been the case for about ten years now.

  She’d never been in a co-ed bathroom before, but Jessie said she was in one last year over in West Jacob. Said it was no big deal. They had private stalls and guys mostly covered up, but that you were bound to see a dick or two. No big deal, she shrugged.

  They still held hands as they passed through the door into the washroom. There was a line of five people in robes, waiting, and she started to sweat that this wasn’t going to work out. She made faces at him, like, Oh boy, and, We’re going to get caught, and he made them back. She squeezed his hand, mouthed, I’m so itchy! and made her knees knock together.

  She was itchy. The stubble needed to be removed or she was going to go crazy. Her crotch felt like sandpaper right now and her underarms, too. Her ass as well which was kind of embarrassing. She liked not shaving, but somehow, getting her hair noticed back there was discomposing.


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