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Tempting Maggie

Page 10

by KT Morrison

  The walls, floor to ceiling, were white square tile, white porcelain sinks with stainless fixtures, and reflective metal as mirrors. Just like her floor, only this one had boys in it. They were covered up, like Jessie said, but it felt uncomfortable to be in here. If she didn’t have Max here, if she were alone—she would back out for sure.

  She saw a dick. As the line dispersed, got them closer to the shower stalls, they could see down the porcelain alley—two sides with private stalls facing each other. A stocky guy with black hair took his robe off in the stall closest to them before he slung his curtain across. He was hairy, and she saw his penis swing between his legs for a second before the curtain closed.

  It was exciting to be here. Thrilling. They were going to do something crazy together. Sex in the alley was hot and wild. They’d done things like that before. But what was on today’s docket was titillating to say the least. She turned to Max, went to her toes to whisper him a secret and he tilted his head to hear it. She bit his earlobe and slipped her hand under the flap of the robe she’d loaned him. Grabbed his cock. Excited out of her mind to find it hard as a rock still. She stroked it a little, pulled it out and let it poke between the terry flaps where anyone could see it. She resumed waiting at his side. He laughed and she saw him in her periphery pull the robe closed over it.

  Fuck, that thing Jay had couldn’t be hidden. Not when it was hard. He was so big.

  Now they were at the front of the line. She looked back. Got a smile and a nod from a familiar face. They were all familiar faces. From the building, from class, but she didn’t know any names up here, she didn’t think. Four people behind them. Eight shower stalls. If no one else came in line there shouldn't be anyone standing here too long to notice that she and Max were in the same stall and they were in there for a gosh-awful long time. She smiled and squeezed his hand again, sizzling with excitement.

  A tight little blonde came out of a stall on the left, long tanned legs and a pretty face and her gut clenched. Didn’t like the idea of Max in a coed bathroom, that was for sure. The girl tied her robe up and nodded a smile to Maggie as she passed.

  It was her turn. “See you,” she said to Max and she went ahead, walked the wet alley and stepped into the empty stall. She ran the hot water, got naked, hung her robe up on the hook and looked again at the hatchet job that had been done on her privates.

  Max had shaved her well but the shaver was bought at the Student Store and they weren’t the best. There was patchy stubble, some longer, some short, some spots shaved bare. She needed a razor. Her fingers touched herself in the center. She was wet. So turned on right now. She needed him so bad. Got under the spray, her eyes down low watching the space below the curtain and the tiled lip of the stall. Saw a set of feet in flip flops walk past, headed towards the exit and got a tingle. Max would come now.

  Put her head back under the spray and felt the hot water rush over her, mat her hair down and over her shoulders. She ran her hands up her body to scoop it behind her and felt how erect her nipples were.

  The curtain was whisked and Max was there. She bubbled over. “Max!” she hissed, laughing.

  He kicked the slippers off, struggled because they were hers and they were tight. Opened his robe and his iron cock wagged as he did. She grabbed it and pumped it and he almost fell. Like his legs lost their function.

  “Oh fuck, Maggie,” he whispered. “Oh my God, I’m so ready.”

  He pushed her back against the tiled wall under the nozzle and spray hit him in the top of his head, pushed his hair down around his ears and she kissed his chest, got lower, put his cock in her mouth and sucked him. He fell to the wall, his hands holding him up. She ran her hands over his thighs and she felt the tremble in him.

  She popped back up and said, “You have to shave me first,” and gave him two firm taps on his cheek.

  He moaned painfully, “Mm, Maggie...”

  “That’s what we’re here for, Max, I’m so-o itchy...I mean it.”

  He had the shave can already, spraying foam into his hand. She raised her arms and his eyes narrowed and he fell against her, his mouth locking on her nipple and sucking her. He spread the foam onto both armpits and took the razor and went up and up again, scoring her flesh. His hands were shaky.

  “You better not cut me...”

  “I won’t,” he said.

  Feet went by out past the curtain and she held him to stop him for a second. They waited, saw girl-feet in sandals cross and go to the stall past them. He rinsed her pits and now she was bald under there. He kissed her skin and it felt so odd and so cold.

  “My pussy, Max, hurry,” she whispered. Now she was running out of time. Now she wanted him. Every movement he made had his wet hard tip grazing her thigh and her belly and she just wanted it inside her right now.

  She thrust her back to the wall again, opened her legs in a rather garish manner, but he needed access, and she pulled the skin of her mound so it was exposed to his hand spreading lather. “That’s it,” she sighed, “shave me for my lover.”

  He doubled over, wincing.

  “You like that? You like that, Max? You’re shaving me for another man...”

  “Maggie, you’re bad...”

  “Does that turn you on, Max?” she said as he prepared the razor again.

  “Yeah.” He nodded eagerly, looked in her eyes. “Yeah, it does, Maggie.”

  “Okay,” she said, wondering what to make of that.

  When the warm blade touched her, her head fell back to the tile. It felt so incredible. He scratched that blade up and down her, making her smooth like she was when she was a kid, before sex was even a thing. Back in the time when she did math two hours a night, practiced the cello seven night a week, read two Classics a month. All under the narrowed and watchful eye of Mrs. Carol Becker, Tiger Mom. There was lots of fun that bald little pussy missed out on. Lots of nights spent working instead of partying. Lots of boys that came calling but were turned away. It was for the best. Her education was worth it. Her Max was worth it. But if Max wanted to introduce her to some of the things she’d missed—maybe she wanted to try. If the man who loved her wanted to hold her hand and show her some of the things she missed, well that might be the most incredible thing she could ever imagine. It was selfless and selfish and that made it kind of perfect. It was a gift to her but it was also an excitement for him too. She didn’t think she would have sex with Jay, but, wow, what if she did?

  She could play around a little. She could have fun. But sex? His penis in her vagina? That was crazy. She was going to get married. And even if the man she loved wanted it and was watching that just seemed like it might be a little too wild—even for this kinky new Maggie Becker.

  “You’re trembling.”

  She looked down, saw her Max with the razor, stubble studded foam dripping from it. Her hands were clenching open and closed, her legs were trembling.

  “Finish me. Hurry.”

  “Show me your ass,” he said.

  She turned and faced the wall and thrust her ass to him, bent at her waist and couldn’t believe this pose she was in. Her boyfriend swathing a razor between her open cheeks. Her hands formed wet slippery claws on the tile and she watched her fingertips go white as she clutched the wall. Max poked her, stroked her, and she felt like she might go out of her mind.

  “Max, please, hurry,” she said.

  “I’m done, I’m done,” he said and his mouth was at her ear, his chest pressed to her, his cock poking the small of her back.

  He was stroking himself behind her, she could feel his hand pumping. “What are you doing?” she whispered but he didn’t answer her and kept her pressed to the wall.

  “Shh-sh,” he said. “Open your legs wider.”

  She did, felt then his hardness, so slippery, sliding between her cheeks.


  “It’s okay, Maggie...”

  “What are you? ...”

  His tip poked at her anus.

��Ah,” she gasped, wanting to say no and wanting to feel it right now.

  He slipped into her. It was painful. A familiar sort of feel, one she was used to but not like this. Not so sexual. “Oh Max,” she sighed, “oh, it’s good,” she encouraged him. He sunk deeper, she felt him spread her in a way she’d never been spread before. She shut her eyes, her fingers digging into the tile again.

  He whispered in her ear. “I want to be your first before you sneak around and give this to another man...”

  “You are my first Max...”

  “Do I feel good?”

  “You feel so good, Max,” she sighed, looking down now, watching her own belly roll with her heaving breath.

  He touched her pussy and she almost fell. His hand swept down and his fingers parted her folds. She was completely smooth down there. Wet from her insides, wet from water and soap, and his hand glided across her, driving a frantic tickle through her brain that squeezed her heart and short-circuited her cerebral cortex. It felt out of this world. Her shaved pussy was so vulnerable, so exposed—so prepared for a man. She’d always kept it hers. The way she wanted. Now it had been made over to please a man. Not just any man but the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen in real life.

  “Make me come, Max, make me come...”

  “Tell me what you’re going to do tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know yet...”

  “Tell me you’ll take him.”

  “Ah, I-I might...”

  “Tell me you’re going to take his big cock.”

  “I’m going to, Max. I’m going to take his big cock deep...”

  “Ah, fuck, oh, that’s it, Maggie...”

  His hand buzzed over her. Back and forth across her button. His cock inside her in that bad place was so wrong. Doing it in this stall was so wrong. Other students passing so close, just on the other side of the curtain. A breeze could reveal them. A boy could come in here, see her Max’s bare ass, her pinned to the wall. A girl...

  “Oh, Max, oh,” she whispered and gasped, squinting her eyes so hard she saw twinkling sparks in the darkness. She was going to come. She bit her lips. Sucked them in. Snorted out her nose. Lost it for a second as she imagined her own sexual voice unleashed in here, echoing off all the tile, revealing them to the others. They could get suspended, kicked off campus...

  She pushed it away, pushed it away like she was getting very good at, and focused on the now; the real. She was going to come but she would do it into her mouth, bite those sounds in two before they leaped out of her, let them fall in pieces onto the tile in all the splashing water. Her hands joined in, one over Max’s, the other slipping a finger inside herself. Max pinned her with his hips, drove his steel deep into her ass and she came like that, head thrusting and banging on wet tile, snorting out her nose, spitting her own lips out and drooling.

  “Apflt, shit...ah...” she choked. Max tensed against her, knowing she was coming and letting her ride this thrill.

  She held her breath, her sensitive sphincter jacked on his slippery cock, squeezing it to death. It was wild, her orgasm ripped through her like something lost, now found, buoyant and excited, jumping and licking at her, overwhelming her while she tried to keep herself from showing the same joy.

  “In the corner,” she gasped.

  “What do you want? ...”

  “Take me,” she gasped again.

  She spun around and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her legs climbed his hips, hooked over the top of his skinny butt. She said, “In the corner, against the corner, fuck me, Max...”

  He slid her across the ceramic, her back thumping over the rounded edges of the tile until they both slammed into the corner of the stall. “Ah,” she grunted. “Your cock,” she said.

  His forearm supported her rump on one side, and he bent his knees, his hand coming down and fumbling around for his cock.

  “Hurry, Max!”

  He poked it into her and she cried, caught it, gulped it back. He stabbed himself into her, awkward and shallow at this position but feeling so good just the same. He kissed her neck and her collar while he fucked her and she wriggled her hips against him. They did their best and it was good but not like it was in the movies. It was difficult, slippery, his penis squeaked and stuttered through her folds. She wondered how Jay might fuck her in the shower. Jay would hold her high, he would be strong, his muscle would be solid under her. His cock... it would go deep. Even like this she would feel him. Not poking, but deep inside her. She got wet and it made her gasp. She opened her eyes and saw Max, squinting as he fucked her, looking down, kissing at her chest.

  “Oh Max,” she sighed, and she ran her fingers into his thick wet hair.

  Thinking about Jay had made her wetter. Max slipped again, in and out, and she grunted for him, let him know her love and excitement. Her forearms clambered on him, over his neck, hugging herself even tighter. She whispered, “Max, I’ve seen him...”


  “...Seen him hard.”

  “You did?”

  “I did. Ah, so-orry I lied.”

  “Did you make him hard, Maggie?”

  “Mm...he got hard while I drew him.”

  “So you already saw it hard?”


  “Did you touch it?”

  “What? ...No. I wouldn’t do that.”

  He struggled with her, tried to shove himself deep. “Was, big?”

  “It was, yeah. Max?”

  “What? ...ah, mm...”

  “Max, are you small?”

  “Maggie...” he said, he pressed himself inside her.

  She whispered, “Is Jay big or are you small?”

  He groaned, “Maggie...”

  “I saw another the shower across...and it was big too...”

  He gasped, “You think I’m small?”

  “I don’t know. I draw them sometimes, and I wonder...”

  “You do?”

  Her nails scratched at his back, feeling his urgent fucking, feeling how hard she was making him. “I bet Jay would fuck me so good in here like this...he’s got that big cock...”

  “Oh, ah, Maggie...”

  Her Max trembled against her, his arms shaking. She held him tight and got close to his ear. “Jay has an exciting cock. I saw it hard, Max, it was so long...”

  He cursed, “Fuck, Maggie, I’m going to come...”

  Her fingers raked his hair and she whispered, “You like that, Max? Like hearing me talk about my lover. He’s going to ruin my pussy for you. Take it now, this is your last chance to feel the sides...”

  “Oh God, oh God,” he grunted.

  “I feel your little penis now, Max, but maybe not tomorrow...”

  “Oh, Maggie, God, that’s so bad, it ...oh, wow...tell me...” he humped himself against her, his breaths coming so fast now.

  “I think I’m going to like it. My body tells me I will. I get wet when I think about his cock, Max... oh, fuck me...Max come inside me, please...”

  He grunted then and stabbed, making furious anxious thrusts into her and she felt him going off. Felt his wet shooting into her, felt it running out of her and along her crack.

  “Oh, yes, Max,” she cooed, “oh that’s it, I love you,” she said and she smoothed his hair back from his face and she kissed him.

  He held her pinned to the tile, felt himself still surging and leaking inside her. His heart pounded drums in his ears, out of control and dangerous. He huffed and wheezed into her neck. She had given him a powerful orgasm. Astoundingly powerful. Unexpected. Talking about his size just as he was ready to come. It tickled him where he didn’t like it. Made him jump and wriggle but he didn’t run away. He flinched but he let her keep tickling, bad as it was.

  He stood with his light Maggie hanging over his hips, most of her weight pushed against the tile and she gently stroked his head, her face buried in his neck.

  They’d just fucked in public. Like the alley, but this one far more dangerous.
Today there were people all around. People waiting to use this very stall. Now filled with pubic hair and pussy and semen. He started to laugh, shaking her against him.

  “What’s so funny?” she laughed, pushing at his face with her fingers so he’d look at her.

  “That was crazy.”

  “I loved it.”

  “I did too,” he smiled, then leaned close, whispered right against her ear, “Did you like it in your ass?”

  She flinched back, his breath tickling her, she nodded with enthusiasm.

  She did it to him now, whispered, “Did you like me saying you were small?”

  He gave her a pained face. “I don’t know. I think I did,” he said, wincing.

  “I don’t think you’re small, Max,” she whispered.

  “Jay’s just big?”

  She nodded again.

  He whispered, “How do you like your bald pussy?”

  She giggled. “It’s cold. How do you like my bald pussy?

  “I love it, Maggie. Jay’s going to love it too.”

  She moaned and squeezed her girl muscles and she squirted his dwindling penis right out of her.

  “Ope!” she exclaimed, feeling him shoot out, and she giggled again.

  “We better get out of here,” he whispered.

  “We got away with it, Max. We’re just two people in the same shower now...”

  “We’re crazy...”

  “We’re in love,” she laughed.

  He let her down, let her slip along his thighs so her feet would touch and she stepped away from him and under the spray. He watched her, leaned in the wall of the shower and watched his Maggie Becker. Her pretty figure, her tight body, perky bosom. She was so pretty, so striking and unique. Somewhere between Asian and Caucasian. Pale skin, bright amber eyes, auburn hair. She was a beautiful anomaly and he was the luckiest man on earth to be with her. She was creative and talented, a genius with a rocket-ship IQ, but down to earth and funny and unpretentious. He would share her. He was getting used to the idea now. Not when they were married. But right now. Over the next ten months maybe Maggie Becker would like a little wild ride. He’d like to hold her hand through it. Be the one who sat with her while she experienced it. She was kinky. There was some dirty anfractuous thing under all that porcelain skin goodness. If he could reveal it, he could benefit from it. They had great sex before. But today...yesterday? ...their passion was taking big steps here and he liked it. He laughed now, watching her wash her pussy. Thrusting her hips forward, her legs spread, trying to get the spray to sprinkle her on her shaved mound.


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