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Tempting Maggie

Page 13

by KT Morrison

  Chapter Twelve


  Thursday, September 21st

  Jay sat on her bed. Sat where Max would sit when they would kiss before they made love. Sitting there with his muscular body, that big cock sticking up, slackly, stiff and straight, but leaning across a thigh. It was fully hard, long and thick and looking to sink inside the woman he loved. His own cock ached, ached just like Jay’s, just as hard, maybe half the size. He stifled a groan, exhaled roughly, wincing, watching this horrible event.

  His Maggie was enraptured. He could see it. She was breathy, eyes wet and glassy, mouth pouting, agape, she looked like she would come with a touch right now. He could see her chest heaving, her little titties thrust against the yellow cotton, two hard buds poking up from them. Her legs were open. Open to another man. Jay sat confidently, looking at what she had there. Seeing her pale pink flower in her smooth mound. She would be wet, maybe glistening like she would sometimes get.

  Jay said, “I’m going to touch you, Maggie. You want that?”

  She nodded, quickly, like she couldn't wait another second.

  He repeated, “You want that?” Saying it slow, controlling his desperate fiancée.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  Jay’s muscles rippled in his arm as his hand lifted off the mattress, headed over her loosely folded legs, disappeared under the T-shirt slung across her thighs.

  “Oh, aw,” she cried. Trembling, her face turned into passionate sorrow, pointing to the ceiling. Jay was stroking his Maggie’s pussy. Max jumped where he sat, the scene so erotic he almost came. He flexed his ass and chewed his lip, pushed away the urge to propel his seed into Jessie's closet. He streamed wet down his shaft.

  “It’s warm, Maggie,” Jay said, his voice low and cool. “So smooth, so’s perfect—”

  Jay’s fingers made wet smacking noises, ruffling her folds, touching her in her most intimate part. Max held his breath. Grew dizzy, felt like he was falling sideways.

  “Are you tight?” Jay said then, his forearm muscles flexing in striated blades and he stuck a finger inside her.

  “No, oh,” she gasped, her eyes shooting wide. She grabbed him, her hands jumping quickly and both of them clutching and holding his wrist. “No, not...inside.”

  They looked into each other’s eyes and Jay smiled. “You’re tight,” he chuckled. “Yeah, you’re tight.”

  “No, please...” she gasped, still gripping him, though his wet sounds were still filling the room, still stroking her pussy.

  “You want to help me come this time? You wa—”

  “Shh-sh, no, no, no,” Maggie whispered, letting his wrist go and rising up onto her knees, she put a hand on his mouth to stop him talking. Poor Maggie. Worried about what Jay might say about what they’d done. He knew already, knew but couldn't admit it, couldn't admit that he'd hidden and spied on her. He and Maggie both held their little lies, both had deceptions they were holding on to.

  Jay and Maggie were looking in each other's eyes again. Both of them glistening in the light from the window, Maggie's eyes trembling, darting back and forth over his. A lot going on there. He knew it was coming. Was ready for it. But when it happened he crumpled and sobbed silently, his back shaking while he watched. Their faces came together slow, tentative but inexorable. Jay’s head tilted to Maggie, his sharp jaw line pressing against his skin. Maggie's eyes lowered as the distance narrowed. Jay had plump lips, curled, soft things, almost feminine but set in masculine squareness. Maggie's lips parted, not open, but growing slack, tension easing from them, giving in to the passion he knew she felt for Jay. Their lips came together. They touched. Maggie kissed another boy. It was a gentle thing, a curious connection. Uncommitted, testing. She came back from it, eyes on his, and she sucked her own lips. Jay did too.

  Jay had beautiful eyes. His skin was a warm caramel, his features were Black, chiseled with a rocky masculinity, and in all that sculptured ruggedness were two soulful eyes, light in color, lighter than they should be. Bright, gray and honest looking, sometimes taking an icy blue in the right light. She sucked her lips. She’d tasted his. Touched their softness. So different than Max. Larger lips, firm yet so pliable. A strength in them too, something underneath.

  Those eyes watched as her hand came to his face, rested on his cheek, feeling those muscles, those angles. His eyes narrowed and he smiled. Her hand stroked down his strong, hard neck. She smiled too now. Breaking an awkward moment. She moved closer on her knees, took his face in both hands, put his ears in the V between thumb and forefinger and she lowered her lips to his again. They kissed. This time they explored a little—he sucked on hers, showing some of that strength in his lips, pulling and pinching. Her hands went up the shaved sides of his head, felt his coarse stubble, then up into his hair. It was so odd to handle another man with intimacy. To hold his head, to look in his eyes...gosh, to touch his lips with her own. And to have another man touch between her legs? ...She sucked her lips again, a cat-like moan coming unbidden to her, hips flexing, girl muscles tightening—she wanted his touch again.

  Close to his ear, she whispered, “Touch me...Jay, touch me, but don't go inside me...”

  The inside of her thigh was touched and she trembled. Jay had large masculine hands and they covered a lot of ground fast—the edge of his thumb pressing into her wetness quickly. It made a soft wet sound and she moaned and leaned to him, opened her legs wider.

  “Stroke it, Jay,” she whispered. Wanted to say it louder so Max could hear but she was strangely shy. She hated that she wanted to be touched. Loved it, loved the feeling, loved her desires being met, but so ashamed too. She humped her hips against his hand, stroked her own pussy against him, felt the slickness she'd produced.

  “You're so wet,” he said.

  “Mm, I am,” she sighed, humping his hand harder now.

  She struggled to stay in focus, to not be consumed. She imagined herself from the closet, how she might look... Heaped against Jay, his hand between her legs, hidden up under the bottom of her big T-shirt. Jay’s big T-shirt.

  “Ah,” she sighed, feeling an incredibly pleasurable surge between her legs from Jay's touch. She thrust her pussy towards him, arched her back and peeled herself out of the T-shirt, threw it on the floor. Naked now for Jay. Naked now for Max. She shivered, enough it shook her shoulders and made her shake her head. Her nipples sprang out, surging with a tingling excitement. She grabbed her own breasts, squeezed them.

  “Let's see them, Maggie,” Jay said.

  “Oh,” she sighed, looking in his eyes again, watching them lower, wanting to see her little breasts.

  “They're little,” she whispered, like an idiot, holding them, covering them with her hands. Jay leaned and sucked a big mouthful of the skin right between her breasts and her head fell right back. His touch was warm and wet and with his hand on the most intimate part she had, she was reeling, her brain and her tummy doing wild cartwheels.

  He made kisses on her chest, moving and pushing her hand away and sucking on her nipple. Clamping those lips on her, pulling, plumping, his tongue spreading over and then clamping again. His mouth made slick sounds against her. She reeled again, this time putting her hands back on his head, holding her to him like he was feeding from her and she gazed into the closet.

  It killed him to see his Maggie so overwhelmed by such passion. He was shaking with rage and fear and jealousy and his own rock hard arousal. Off the charts arousal. He could roar in here. He’d love it, just lean back and scream out every emotion he was brawling. Blast himself free of them all.

  Maggie caressed Jay's head, Jay sucked on her breasts, his hand slipping in between her thighs, muscles moving in his arm, his hand doing something to his sweet Maggie's pussy. Something incredible given her expression.

  She stared at the closet. Couldn't see him, but she was showing Max she knew he was there. It calmed the roaring lion. They were together. She was being driven crazy by her stud but she had not forgotten who'd al
lowed her this stud. He was a pretty great guy. Letting her have this. Yes, he got a lot too, as bad as it was. But this wasn't easy, it took gargantuan balls. Took something most guys wouldn't have.

  Maggie's eyes lowered again, being overwhelmed by her lover. Her Jay taking her away from him now. Claiming her attention again. His kisses traveled now to make sucking noises on her other breast. Maggie looked down over his cannonball shoulder, straight down to his lap and watched that cock of his. It was a ramrod straight thing. Dark, chocolate to the caramel of his skin, with a dusky cherry glans. She was going to touch it. That's what she was thinking right now. She'd thought about this guy’s cock a lot he bet, and now she was giving herself permission to touch it. Just building some nerve first.

  The two of them looked good together. Both of them naked, both of them beautiful. Maggie's porcelain skin next to his coffee. Both of them with flawless shapes, Maggie thin and small but oh-so-feminine, him so big and muscular and oh-so-masculine. Her sex was wet and pink and his cock was hard and huge. This was pure and meant to be. He was strangely happy for her. Hoped she was enjoying it, seeing she was, but hoping she could let go a little.

  She pried his head from her nipple now, holding him in her hands and pushing him away to look in his eyes again. Her nipple was plumped by his mouth, glistening wet. She kissed him again. That was hard to watch. Hot to see her have passion, but when their lips would touch it made him jump.

  Her hands went over his smooth skin, running over the hard ridges of his body. Her eyes locked on her pale fragile hands as they traveled his muscle. Over his shoulders, up his traps, around his neck, swooping down his massive chest. “I’ve dreamed about touching you,” she said absently, then went blush, embarrassed she'd said it out loud.

  “I thought about you too...”

  “Did you?” she sighed.

  “I did. I think about you all the time. You're the hottest talented...”

  He got her tummy quivering, her thighs clasped on his hand between her legs. It was slippery and it just kept moving, making her tickle.

  “Lean back,” she said.

  “You posing me?” he smirked.

  “Back on your elbows,” she said.

  He eased himself back, eyes on hers. Proud of what he had. Proud of his body and proud of what was between his legs. She liked his confidence. His strength was overwhelming. He was powerful, made her feel small, drew that feminine out of her, magnetizing her hormones to his.

  His body rippled in the sunlight. His abs deep and carved. He’d grown shiny from their excitement and the white light on his high parts looked like velvet. She kissed his ribs, kissed up to his chest. He cradled her head, his thumb brushing her scalp. She kissed his body, her eyes on the closet, a smile easing up one corner of her mouth. Between her and the closet, off to her left, was Jay’s hard cock. Fully erect now. A perfectly sculpted totem. Smooth skin, lustrous, dark and straight like an arrow. Pointing up and towards the window. Impossibly big. She wanted to touch it—had dreamed of touching it—now she would.

  Her hand swept the rugged plain of his hard midsection, low, low, over his belly button and below, into his tight curly pubic hair. She hesitated. His cock throbbed with his heartbeat. He ached to feel her touch. She ached to give it. And there was a boy she loved hiding in the closet right now who was probably screaming in his head Touch it! Her hand slid, bumped his base, her palm slipping up then, running over his shaft, pressing that long cock down against his thigh. Long enough the head extended past his hip. So beautiful. It was hot and steely hard. Under that thick and oily skin it was like a steel cylinder. She cupped her fingertips on his shaft, thumb along the top, four fingers on its belly, slipped her fingers right up to his glans. Ran her fingertips over that now, playing with all it flares, ridges and into his urethra.

  “Your cock is so big,” she said.

  “It’s big,” he agreed.

  “It's beautiful, too. It’s amazing. I liked drawing it. I wanted to draw it hard.”

  “That’s why you tease me with your bare legs?”

  “Maybe,” she said, eyes still on her fingers as they danced over him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Thursday, September 21st

  Max watched Maggie grip Jay’s cock with both hands and marvel at it. She held it in two fists, another handful poking beyond the top hand, his flared head like a bursting knot. She stroked him. He was so big. Fuck. Max touched himself. He said he wouldn't but he was going to scream in here.

  As soon as he held his own cock, he twitched and spasmed, spewed hot clear fluid over his knuckles. He didn't stroke himself. Just held it and watched his Maggie.

  She used both hands, eyes narrow and sultry, looking at this totem in her grip. “God,” she sighed, “it's huge...”

  She kissed it.

  He shook his head in bewilderment. It was unprovoked. Sudden. She stroked and watched, then leaned and pressed her lips right to the top side of his glans. Pouting lips pressing on that disgusting and so private part of another man. Oh Maggie. You're a dirty girl.

  She stroked and watched, kissed again, lower. Held it, squeezed it, her fingers flexing and feeling. His girth almost too much for her grip. Then her tongue darted out, licked him. Pressed its glistening pink shape to his top side, swiped up, rippling over the flange of his head, then she put the tip in her mouth. Sucked on him. Just the head, her mouth working, her cheeks going in as she gave him some pressure, plunged a little, then she chickened out and she was the Maggie he knew, shy again, looking at his cock like she just woke up and was surprised by what was in her hands.

  Jay sat up, lifted her to face him, her on her knees next to him, sitting on her heels. He kissed her again. More aggressively now. Mouth open, sucking and pulling on her lip, pulling her bottom lip right out, pinched with his teeth. She'd gone ecstatic again, glazed eyes watching. His hand took hers and put it on his cock, held it on his shaft and used her little hand inside his to jerk himself. She let him, her pale hand going up and down, smothered under his masculine grip. His hand stroked her thighs, touched her between her legs and she sighed into his mouth. He grabbed her sigh with a kiss, rose, loomed, pressed her backwards, and she fell on to her bed, her head thumping into the center of her pillow.

  “Oh Jay,” she sighed, suddenly surprised by her predicament. She thought they'd play, but Max knew Jay would fuck her. She would let him too. He knew it. The sounds of her wetness between her legs told him that.

  “Wait,” she said.

  He took her objection with his mouth, on top of her on his hands and knees, nudging her thighs to part. Maggie parted her thighs. She blurted objection around his kisses, frail little sissy sounds that wouldn't stop Jay. Her hands stroked his cock. Both of them, his monster pointed up between them; she was trembling with excitement. She shook her mouth from him now, looked fearfully into his eyes.

  “Jay, no...I’m engaged...”

  Her hands still stroked him, her chest heaved, her nipples stretched from her.

  His hand gripped her neck, making her squawk, he kissed her again, drew his hips back, the tip of his cock in the middle of her thighs now. She still held him, gripped him tight, stopping him from putting it where he wanted.

  “No,” she cried, “no...”

  “Maggie,” he smiled, thrusting his hips, fucking her hands. They stared into each other's eyes again. “Maggie, you know you want it.”

  “I can’t,” she whispered.

  He chuckled, a confident, mean sort of sound, kissed her again, then down her neck. She gave his cock up, her arms lifted up over her head, up to the headboard, stretching and exposing herself to him. She moaned and writhed as he sucked on her breasts again.

  “Oh God,” Max sighed in his closet. He was sweating now. A pulsing ache coming up between his legs, from his prostate up to the tip of his cock. “Oh Maggie...”

  Jay sucked her flesh, sucked her belly, his tongue dipping into her little be
lly button making her squirm in ecstasy under him, her eyes closed, her lips parted. Lower he went, lower down to where she once had hair, and he had Maggie jerking with anticipation.

  “Oh Jay, oh,,” her objections waning, her hungry pussy dominating her desires now, consuming her resolve, burning it to the ground. Wanting desperately to feel this man’s mouth taste her juices, part her with his tongue.

  “Oh no, Jay,” she sighed, “no, that’s too...oh,” she gasped as he touched her with his tongue. Max could see Jay’s wide tongue swipe along his Maggie's pink stripe, so wet, so eager. “Oh!”

  She was rocked, her tummy fluttering, her breasts shaking. Her breath stuttered and her hand came down at an easy pace, ran over Jay's head, she said, “No, Jay, please, don’t...oh, that’s for my boyfriend...”

  Jay persisted, one hand gripped her thigh, his fingertips pressing deep into her sensitive inner flesh, his other hand came between her legs, taking two fingers and stroking her while he explored her with his tongue. His tip, tickling, undulating, laying flat and smoothing up over her hood, coming back down again to tickle at her button. He slipped a finger in her. Just a little, barely inside her. His Maggie clenched, writhing still, her little hips dancing on her bed, her bare legs squirming with her lover's touch.

  “Oh Jay, oh stop, oh...this is so wrong...oh please...”

  That finger sunk a little deeper and she cried her objection higher, more breathy, but just as weak. Jay was smiling, watching his finger work deeper inside her. His hips gently rocked into her bed, humping his cock against her mattress, his big thing sideways up his belly, slipping along her sheets. Max wanted his Maggie to be fucked by him. Wanted to see his Maggie's face when she took that thing. Felt a real man fuck her.


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