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Tempting Maggie

Page 14

by KT Morrison

  Jay worked her, he penetrated Maggie. One finger first. Max’s once protesting fiancée now eager to feel his thick finger deep inside her, he toyed with her clit, his tongue tip flicking and dancing on her. One finger became two; two thick fingers on his big wrestling hands shoved deep inside her tight hole. Her pink folds squirmed against him. Max could see the light from the window slip and squiggle across her wetness. She was so eager. She didn't want this but her body did. Her body was so hungry. Her fists formed white knuckles as she clenched his blonde clumps of hair, her hands shook as she went out of her mind at what he was doing to her. So wrong, so taboo, cheating on her fiancé, being finger-fucked by the hottest guy she'd ever seen, the man she loved watching it all, hiding and cheering for her.

  She bucked. Her hips shooting off the bed and bumping Jay's lips, which he just clamped then tighter on her. Her eyes fluttered and she croaked. Another man made his fiancée come. Another man had played with her pussy, had riled her heart til it exploded in ecstasy.

  Her hands lifted off his head, thrust onto her bedsheets and grabbed handfuls of bedding, gripping it until she shook, twisting and wrenching, her face screwing up like she was in pain, her mouth working to say something, no sound...then she burst an exhale, a string of silvery spit flailing from her lips, and on to her chin. “Oh, oh, oh,” she gasped, her body relaxing, her breaths coming now urgent and out of control. Her sweaty chest heaved in and out, her ribs pressed her skin, her tummy sucked flat.

  “Oh Jay, oh, that’s…oh...incredible,” she stumbled. She covered her face with her hands.

  Jay gave her no time, crawling up her body and peeling them away. He kissed her lips again. Smiling and confident, his cock laying on her belly. They made out. Kissing, arms around one another, hands feeling, smoothing, grabbing. They twisted and rolled in the sheets. A building passion. Maggie wasn't going to say no. She couldn't. He was too hot, and she was too wet. They wrestled for control. Playing. Kissing and biting at their mouths, their flesh, each other's nipples. His cock dragged all over his Maggie's body and she loved it. Loved it being pressed to her body. She grabbed it and stroked it, pressed it against him with her belly.

  She wanted Jay to fuck her so bad. Her brain was screaming frantically. Rolling with him in her bed was incredible. His body was so hard and so masculine. He was so aroused. His cock touched her all over and she loved its heat and hardness on her skin. She kissed at his chin. It was broad. Solid. She held his cock in her left hand, stroked it. So thick and wide, even at the tip. Max's came to a point.

  She pressed it downward, had to shoot her hips back to get it between her thighs. She raised a leg and let his cock slip through the gap between her legs, its length running along her creases. She thought she was going to die. Her heart beating a Royal Tattoo in her chest, her vision shook itself blurry with the excitement. She could feel his cock against her sex. Felt the hard back of it press up against her hot wet flesh. She moaned into Jay's kiss. He thrust it through the wet space where her thighs met her sex, and she felt his kiss turn to a smile. She smiled too, point blank, their eyes just inches apart. Like boyfriend and girlfriend. So intimate, so personal. She humped him roughly while she held his gaze. Flicked her sex across him, shoved her belly against his hard stomach, making herself grunt. His cock slipped and slid on her, she could feel the end of it parting her ass cheeks he was so long. What would this feel like inside her?

  “Maggie, you feel so fucking good.”

  “Jay,” she sighed, “oh, you feel so amazing...”

  His hand swept her waist, went behind and grabbed her ass. Squeezed her hard. His finger probed from behind and they looked in each other's eyes as he slid a finger into her anus. Her eyes narrowed but she kept them open. Her mouth fell wide. She was lost in it. Didn't notice that he'd angled his hips and the point of his glans pressed her folds now, mushed and spread her pussy.

  “Oh Jay, oh no, Jay, no...”

  “Yes, Maggie, you want it, don't fight it.”

  “Am I bad? Am I a bad person?” she cried.

  “Do you feel bad?”

  “Yeah,” she gasped.

  “You are're so bad, Maggie...that's what I like. I like my bad Maggie.”

  “I'm bad?” she gasped, her hips wriggling, making the huge head of his cock swirl in the pouch of hot nestled folds, threatening to part her, threatening to sink inside her. She could do it. Max wanted it.

  “You're my bad girl,” he laughed and slipped his finger in and out of her little anus.

  “Oh Jay, ah, that's incredible...God, your cock feels so amazing.”

  She opened her legs wide like a butterfly's wings, her ass showing to the closet, her lover's cock clearly visible, stroking its immense size over her pussy, her lover's finger clearly sunk up her ass. She wanted Max to see her, see how bad she was. See that she was Jay's bad girl.

  “Put the head of your cock inside me,” she said.

  He smiled wide, eyes sly and narrow. He groaned and he pressed it in.

  “Oh no,” she said, changing her mind, “no, don't, I can't.”

  “Mm,” he chuckled, “Maggie, Maggie, don't fight it. You're going to make this last forever. We're going to fuck. Maggie, I'm going to fuck you. You want me to fuck you.” He sunk himself deeper. He felt so good. So wrong, but so amazing. He was not Max. He didn't have Max's cock. He had Jay's cock and she liked Jay's cock. It felt so different. Not like her Max at all. Big, thick, just the glans was spreading her, pushing her lips wide. Not painful, he didn't hurt, he just felt so good.

  “You feel so good, Jay,” she said. “You feel so big.”

  “You like it?” he said, holding himself inside her. Not plunging just letting her muscles squeeze at the little he gave her.

  “You feel so different than my boyfriend. So much bigger.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Yeah,” she said. “A little more.”

  He gave her a little more. Let her feel some more of his shaft. The shape of his flared glans pushed through her like a swollen knot. She could feel the edges of it spread her wet insides.

  “Okay, that's it, Jay, no more, please, I can't...”

  “It's already in you, Maggie. What does it matter?”

  “It matters, Jay. This is okay. I'm not cheating yet.”

  He dragged it out and she gasped, “No,” and he plunged it back in, the same depth he'd withdrawn. “Ah, oh,” she cried. “Oh, again...again.”

  He did it again. Pulled back an inch and plunged an inch. She was begging for more.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Thursday, September 21st

  He loved watching his bad girl. Loved watching her discover herself. He hated watching Jay. Hated the sight of his cock pushing inside her.

  Maggie wrestled with her actions and his heart swelled with love. But Jay was sharing something with her and he didn't like it. Didn't like how they looked in each other's eyes. Definitely didn't like all the kissing. He'd wanted more of a wham-bam sort of thing. Wanted Jay to just hold her down and fuck her and Max could watch her face, watch her pussy get spread. This had been a bit more intimate than he expected. It hurt. But Maggie was inexperienced and to her sex was love and intimacy, and kissing Jay and looking in his eyes was how she did this sort of thing. She'd never just fucked to fuck. She tied sex with emotion and Max did not like her sharing emotion with Jay.

  “I want you to take me, Maggie,” Jay said.

  “Take you? ...I can't...”

  “Once. The whole way. This is killing me, Maggie.”

  “The whole way?” she gasped, then moaned as if this was a real hydra.

  “Yes, Maggie, take me, take me deep...”

  “Oh Jay...I...”

  He took his finger from inside her ass and he held her arm. In one easy move he was on top of her, gripping her arms and pressing them into the mattress, their faces almost touching, their eyes looking into one another.

  “Ah Jay,�
�� she sighed, a breathy protest, and her calves stroked his thighs, coming up to his hips and crossing over his buttocks. “ want to? ...”

  “Take me, Maggie...”

  “Put on a condom.”

  “No, Maggie,” he said. “I'm not going to wear condoms with you.”

  “Jay, I bought condoms for case...I bought big ones, Jay...please...”

  “No, Maggie. I trust you. You're my bad girl, but outside this room you're good. I wear condoms, but with you I want to feel your pussy... I want to feel your insides on my cock...”

  “Oh fuck, Jay,” she said, her voice trembling.

  “You trust me?”

  “Jay, oh, yes-ss,” she cried in tremulous warble.

  “Tell me...”

  “Fuck me, Jay...fuck me with your bare cock.”

  Max's hands clenched to fists. Shaking balled things, objects of rage and hate and suffering. “Oh Maggie,” he whimpered quietly. It was terrible. It was more than sex. They had trust, they had passion. Jay was so much more than Max. Maggie could see it and now she would feel it. It was so wrong, such a mistake. The look on her face as she felt every thick inch Jay had sink inside her...broke him. It was too much—it was terror to him, his mouth dropped wide like he was watching her being killed. In some ways she was—the Maggie he knew being wiped away, replaced by a Maggie with experience, a woman who knew more now than she did this morning. An experienced adulteress sampling the flavor of another man, one who provided much more. He lost himself in the moment, forgot all the things that had brought him to this closet to watch. Forgot why he ever wanted this, forgot what was in it for him.

  Maggie squinted, her lashes fluttered, she gasped feeling Jay breach her. Her mouth fell open like his but it was in ecstasy, in pleasure, she was enjoying how Jay felt. She liked another man, liked his body, liked his masculinity, liked his cock, liked the dirty things he said.

  “Oh fuck, no, no, no,” he whispered, a sad quiet mantra as he sat and did nothing and watched another man fuck his fiancée without a condom.

  The third penis she'd ever had was now inside her body. No condom. Bare hot skin muscling apart her membranes, making flatulent mucus sounds as she was spread like she had never been spread. He didn't hurt. She thought he might because he was so big. She couldn't be wetter though. She'd never, ever, ever been more aroused. She could feel his size but he made her full, not sore.

  Her hands went over his body, touching his shoulders, his neck, feeling his muscle and his strength, exploring his fantasy body. The kind of body a girl dreamed of. It was hers. For the afternoon this body was hers to do with as she would. So she felt him while he slipped deep inside her. Her hands admiring every hard edge, every rock hard slab.

  “Kiss me, Jay,” she said. “Kiss me while you fuck me.”

  His lips came to her, took her and she held his head again between her hands. They kissed while he eased himself in and out of her. He was careful and considerate, moving with ease and his muscles danced under her hands. His cock stayed shallow, he didn't keep pounding deep, just gave her a wonderful fraction of what he had. In and out of her smooth shaved sex, each thrust bringing her heartbeat faster.

  “Oh,” she said, gasping around his mouth now, suddenly overwhelmed with a rising pleasure. “Oh, whoa, oh Jay, you feel so fucking good...”

  “Take it, Maggie, take me in that tight pussy...”

  “You like it?”

  “You're amazing,'re so tight, so hot...”

  “Fuck, oh Jay, oh, a little more,” she cried.

  He gave it to her, gave it deeper and she liked it. He felt miles away from her Max. His body was steel, his cock was steel. He was full blood-pumping strong, muscular and hung—she couldn't believe she was having sex with him...she felt lucky.

  Her eyes opened and took him in. His handsome face so close. Not her Max. His big traps and shoulders, her frail hands on them. The size of his cock in her—it felt foreign, felt wrong. He wasn't Max. No matter how amazing this was, this was wrong.

  “You feel so good, Maggie,” he grumbled, “fuck, no condom, my cock touching your insides, you feel like heaven…”

  “Oh, Jay,” she cried, feeling herself sway, feeling Jay take her away again. Just like Max wanted. This was what her Max wanted. This was allowed.

  “Fuck me, Jay,” she whispered, loud so Max could hear. “Jay, I can take it, fuck me, please...”

  Max's hands covered his face and he watched the horror from between the V of his open fingers. “Oh no, Maggie,” he mumbled.

  As ugly as it was, and despite the spike that was struck through his heart—like Jay's straight and hard cock was struck through his Maggie—the more he watched the more he was accustomed. Every thrust made his heart squeeze, her sexy sounds pushed his brow lower and he watched now through squinted eyes. Her pussy made wet protests, struggling to accommodate something of a size she wasn't used to. Her belly rolled with Jay's thrusts, heaving and roiling as the cock made magic inside her body. Got her sweating and gasping and squeaking.

  “Oh Jay, oh Jay,” she squeaked now. Jay built his passion, his hips banging into her, slapping sounds filling her quiet room. The bed started to bounce. Maggie's legs climbed him, her ankles crossing over at his waist. “Oh, oh,” she moaned with his vigorous thrusts.

  “Oh God,” she yelled and she balled her fists and she bumped his chest lightly. Her face squinted like she was hurting or struggling, she shook her head, her hair dancing around her face.

  “Wait!” she hissed. “Wait,” again, a serious tone that slowed Jay.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her. She scrunched her face up and she put her hands over to cover. “Maggie,” he said, “did I hurt you?” His hand peeled her fingers, but she resisted, wanting her face hidden. “What is it?” he said.

  His hips pulled back and she took her hands away, her face was open and scared, but she stopped him. “No, don't take it out, no. Just wait,” she said. She reached between them, gripped his cock by the base and stopped him from pulling out.

  “Whats going on?” he asked.

  “Am I a bad girl?” she asked

  He smiled and sucked her lower lip, said, “You're my bad Maggie.”

  “I have to confess something.”

  “What?” he said, arms thrust into the mattress on either side of her, a smirk visible on his handsome face.

  Her hands covered her flushing neck and she pushed her head back in the pillow, her eyes rolled up to the ceiling, pupils moving from side to side, thinking about something.

  “I’m bad, aren't I?” she said again.


  She spoke loudly then, said, “Jay, you and I have never had sex, right?”

  “What? Maggie...”

  “We haven't, right?”


  “But we...messed around...”


  Her head rolled towards Max, not looking into the closet but facing his side of the room.

  “Did I watch you masturbate?”

  “Yeah,” he laughed.

  “I did. Twice,” she said. “And I touched...held your balls too.”

  “Yeah, you did, so?”

  “That’s all we ever did?”

  “Did we do something else?”

  “I’m confessing my sins, Jay,” she said.

  He laughed, “To who? God?”

  “I’ a way I’m looking for a sign...I want to know if that’s not okay...” She faced the closet, eyes wet and blinking, her face sombre like she was listening or waiting. His pounding heart went to her. She was his good Maggie. She was just a sweet kid who was lost. At once he was consumed by love and joy for her. Then crashed, knowing he wouldn't confess his sin. He wouldn't tell her that he hid, watched her. He wouldn't tell her that he sat in the closet and watched her masturbate. Wouldn't tell her that the whole time he developed a plan to have her sleep with Jay it was like he was manipulating her. He had mo
re information than she did. He preyed on her. Bent her own dirty curiosity to his perverted will, made his good Maggie spread her legs for another man. He was disgusted with himself. He was shit for doing this to her. He was lying if he thought it was for Maggie. This right now was for Max. Maggie was on her back with her legs up because of him. She might never have cheated.

  He blew her a kiss because it was the only quiet thing he could think to do that had any meaning right now. He loved her so much.

  “I forgive you,” Jay laughed. “You're absolved,” he kissed her cheek.

  “Jay, I want...I want to fuck you every Thursday til I’m married.”

  “What?” he laughed again.

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to lie...”

  “To who?”

  “I guess to me...”

  “What if I make you love me?” he said.

  Her head spun on the pillow, looking him in his eyes, shock passed her face. “Jay!” she said.

  Max was punched again. Every Thursday? Love? He was washed away by a typhoon of emotions. His cock surging, dripping all over Jessie's closet floor, his heart wrenched in a Jay-sized masculine fist. His Maggie so small, so vulnerable to this man. This man could take her, couldn't he? If he wanted Maggie, what would Max offer her that would keep her? Four years together? Was that enough? She was young, she had so much to learn. He'd given her a taste, what if she wanted more? What if she wanted to take more than a taste, what if she wanted the whole thing? Jay could take her...

  Jay pulled his cock out and he helped Maggie to her knees in front of him, his big hands taking up most of her upper arm. “You're smart. You're beautiful. You're sexy. Talented. I've seen your work, Maggie. You think I'm here to fuck you? You think I go to other rooms and pose naked because I love the arts? I pose for the class and that's it. I don’t sleep around. I’m here to see you. Just being in the same room with you drives me wild...your smell...your skin. You make me so hard, Maggie. You make me crazy.” He kissed her then. Pulled her bewildered face to his and kissed her and she gave herself to him, closed her eyes and let him do it.


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