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Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1)

Page 7

by R. J. Rogers

  A couple of tears slip out of my eyes, coursing down my cheeks dampening my dress. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to be cursed like this? My body begins to shake, and I scream. How has this become my life? I mean really, my own parents once they find out where I’ve gone will be on the hunt to destroy me! The tears that were trickling a moment ago are now freely flowing down my face. I curl up on the bed, my Cinderella ball gown bunching up around me as I scrunch my body into the fetal position and cry myself to sleep.


  With a gasp I sit up in my bed looking around me as I try to figure out where the heck I am. I reach over to grab my cell phone before lowering my hand, realizing I’m not in my dorm room. I have also just realized that I don’t think I even brought my phone with me. “Ugh.” Getting out of the bed I think to myself, well first thing first, I’ve got to get out of this dress! I begin to rummage through the closet in hopes of finding anything to wear.

  I locate a blue tee-shirt and some grey sweat pants neatly folded side by side on one of the two shelves inside. Fingers crossed, I slip the sweats on. They are a little big around the waist, but nothing I can’t handle with a tightening of the drawstrings. Now however, I’m in another situation completely as I remember that Ella helped me into this dress.

  Groaning loudly, I know there is no way I’m going to get out of this dress on my own. I go to the door and poke my head into the hallway. “Of course, the only person who would be walking the hall just now would be Nic,” I grumble to myself. In a loud whisper I shout his name, trying to get his attention. “Psst, Nic! Over here.” I giggle as I watch him look around. I open my door further so that he can see me before waving him over. He smiles when he sees that it’s me calling out for him. I can’t help but return the dorky smile.

  “Hey Ali, what’s up?” He questions curiously as he comes to my door.

  “Um, well,” I bite my lip as I figure out how to ask him to help me. “I really need you to help me with something.”

  “Sure thing, whatever you need, babe. I’m here for you.”

  I can’t help but laugh, “Nothing that serious, I promise. However, it is a bit embarrassing to ask…”

  He arches one of his well-defined eyebrows, his curiosity spiking further. “Um, okay. What do you need me to do?” Before answering him, I grab his hand and yank him into my room, quickly shutting the door behind us.

  I look into his eyes and then I say; “don’t laugh at me, but I need you to help me get this dress off. I can’t believe I was able to sleep in it last night. Right now, though, I’m completely stuck inside it.” He grins, and I slap him playfully on the arm. “Don’t get the wrong idea Mr.! I seriously need help.”

  “I promise to behave,” he says as he lifts his hand in the Boy Scout solute. God, I hate him and his adorableness! He always manages to make me smile. “Turn around so I can loosen the back of your dress.”

  I take a deep breath and then do as he has asked. Closing my eyes, I think to myself; Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I’m letting him undress me. I can feel my cheeks heat up. I feel my waist relax as the corset is released from its binding and I can properly breathe once again.

  He then runs his hand across the top of my dress where my back is exposed, sending a shiver down my spine. I can’t help it, I lean into his chest, needing his strength. He kisses the side of my neck and whispers; “you are so beautiful.”

  I smile to myself before turning around and planting my lips firmly on his. Nic deepens the kiss and I feel his tongue brush against mine. I sigh into him before gently pushing him to arm’s length. “Okay, I’ve got it from here, Doctor Smooth.”

  He offers me a toothy grin, “but are you sure? I mean I’m more than willing to stay and assist you…” I glare at him until he throws his hands up in surrender before he winks and says, “I’m leaving. I’ll see you down stairs in the lounge for breakfast in a little bit; Okay?”

  I nod and wave him out the door. Shutting it behind him, I press my head against the door and close my eyes for a moment trying to calm my body down from the intoxication of emotions that he makes swarm inside me. Turning back to my bed, I grab the tee-shirt and slip it over my head as I let the gown slip down to the floor. Stepping free of the dress I scan the room in hopes of finding some shoes or slippers but to no avail. I shrug, eh, what the hell? Who cares. I fling my door open and saunter down the hallway barefoot.


  A gavel is slammed against a wooden slab that rest upon the mahogany table where the Association has gathered inside the west wing of the Grand Hall. As the president lays his gavel upon the table, he peers across the room looking at each one of the members before resting his steel-grey eyes upon Beth and James Hopkins.

  “We are officially stating within these four walls only, that both Alina Hopkins and Dominic Salvino are currently missing from the Academy. The information we have been able to gather does not indicate that Miss Hopkins was kidnapped but rather, a willing participant in her departure of our establishment. It is unclear as to why she has left but we feel positive in claiming that the Silver Heart Coven is behind it.”

  Embarrassment floods Beth Hopkins’ face at this statement making her cheeks flame red. How could she bring such shame upon our family? She thought as she looked around to the other members as they all began to pass their judgement upon her and James.

  The members speak all at once. Questions vocalized, slowly turning into shouts as everyone tries to be heard above the others. “We will reconvene in two days’ time at which point we will begin our plan of attack against the Church of Covens.” The president states with a fierce bang of the gavel.


  “This just cannot be, James! Why would she do this to us?” Beth asked her husband. She paced impatiently across their plush beige carpet that lined the floor of their entire suite style bedroom. Her black pencil skirt hitting against her knees with the movement. “The shame she has brought upon our family…” her voice trailed off as she choked up, thinking about the disgrace that had been shed upon them.

  “Why would she leave with that boy? I knew he was no good from the moment we met him!”

  “You must calm yourself, dear. Now isn’t the time to be worrying about that.” James replied as he loosened his crimson red tie from around his neck.

  “It isn’t. Then when? How are we going to attend anything further with the Association? With everyone staring at us, judging us for the actions of our daughter? I don’t think I can bare their whispered opinions and judgmental looks.”

  “BETH!” James shouted, giving her an icy glare that he had never done before. “For once in your life, stop being so self-centered! This is not about you and the appearances you portray. This is about our daughter and what will happen to her if she is found by the Association. They will kill her! You do realize, that right?”

  Stunned into silence, Beth sits on the edge of their bed and stares at her husband as she tries to gain her composure. “How dare you speak to me that way, James? She is no daughter of mine, first of all. The moment she left with that boy, I had disowned her. My family does NOT sympathize with witches and I will have no one think otherwise!” And with that, she stormed out of the bedroom.

  James now sat on the bed. With his arms propped up on his legs, he slumped his head into his hands. Releasing a deep sigh, he shook his head and thought; what have you done, Alina?


  Wandering the corridors, I finally come out through a door that opens up into a city. Astounded, I gawk at the scenery before me. There are brick buildings scattered about, simulating its own small-town atmosphere, homes with white picket fences interlaced throughout and then like a fort around it all, there are sky scrapers and office buildings.

  I do a 180, spinning on the ball of my right foot trying to understand the world my eyes see. It is literally its own little world. I go to question how this is possible but then think; duh, they’re witches! Magic is their forte. So, I chuckle to my
self, shake my head for the ‘dumb’ moment and wonder how I’m going to find the lounge for breakfast.

  As I sigh out loud for the perplexity that is my life, I feel an arm drape over my shoulders before I hear Ms. H. say; “Alina, how are you my darling?”

  “Well, at the moment I seem to be a bit lost,” I respond as I turn my face to hers. “I am supposed to be meeting Nic in the lounge for breakfast, but I apparently took a wrong turn or two.”

  She smiles, and I can’t help but relax. I don’t feel so alone here with her near. “If you want, I can walk you over to it. It will give us a chance to chat.”

  I nod my head, excepting her offer. I am very intrigued to hear how she has led such a double life of sorts. “So…” I hesitate, “have you always been a witch?”

  Genuine laughter erupts from Ms. H. “Oh, sweetie, I’m not a witch.”

  I stop in my tracks, shock evident in my wide eyes. “What do you mean you’re not a witch? How long have you been working for the witches? I can’t imagine why you would want to work with them let alone live among them. How can you tolerate their evil ways?”

  Ms. H. takes my hand, entwining our fingers. “Darling, everything you were ever taught or led to believe about the witches has been lies. They are nowhere close to these evil demons we were taught to believe they are.”

  “Bu-but,” I stutter, currently undecided as to whether I should laugh or cry. My entire life has been based on lies apparently. I mean I know Dominic isn’t evil and that should probably have been my first clue that the hunters’ are wrong, but having been told for eighteen years of my life otherwise, well let’s just say it is ingrained within my brain.

  “Alina sweetie, everything will be alright. I promise.” Ms. H. says as she slowly rubs my back in a circular motion. I realize we have stopped walking and go to question her, but before I can utter a word, I hear someone shout my name.

  “Ali, over here.” I see Dominic waving his arms in an arch formation.

  Looking to Ms. H., so many questions floating in my head I debate leaving her or staying by her side and getting the answers I so desperately crave. “Go to him. He is concerned about you. I will stop by your room later and we can chat privately, Alina.”

  I accept her words for now and then we part ways. As I walk towards Nic, I feel everyone staring at me. My fight or flight instinct kicks in and I literally have to force myself to continue walking to Dominic because my body wants to do the exact opposite and dash from the room as fast as it is able to.

  When I finally come to stand by him, he drapes his arm across my shoulders pulls me into his side and kisses my cheek. “Hey guys, this is Alina.”

  I look around the group surrounding Dominic and smile shyly to them. In unison they all say hello to me and I can’t help but laugh out nervously to their response. Huge smiles plaster their faces and they chuckle at me. One of the guys actually puts his hand out to shake mine; “Well since Nicky isn’t going to do proper introductions, I guess I will.”

  He has the same color eyes that seem to twinkle when he smiles, just like Dominic’s. Upon closer look I see that he does in fact resemble Nic quite a lot. He has the same dark hair as Nic, same chiseled facial features and muscular build. He is however, a couple inches shorter than Nic but as far as I can tell, that is the only differing factor. As he shakes my hand he says, “my name is Devon. I’m Nicky’s younger brother.”

  “Nicky, huh. I thought your name was Nic?” I glance at him, trying not to laugh.

  Dominic punches his brother in the arm before saying, “yeah the butt head knows I hate being called Nicky. He just calls me it to try and antagonize me.”

  To my left a stocky bleach blonde surfer looking dude sticks his hand out to be shook. “Hi, my name is Riley.” Nudging Nic in the ribs he adds; “no wonder you didn’t bring her back any sooner, Dom. If I met someone as gorgeous as her, I wouldn’t want to share her with anyone else either.”

  That statement has my face turning beat red in an instant. Even my ears feel the blush. I smile and look to the next guy. One of the last two who hadn’t yet been introduced chimes in just then, “wow D., she’s even cuter when she blushes! Let’s see if we can make her blush some more.”

  “Shut it, Chris. Leave the poor girl alone.” Nic glares at the tall, thin, brown shaggy haired guy that is Chris before offering me an apologetic look but before he can say anything further, the only girl within the group speaks up.

  “I don’t know why you guys are fawning all over her. She’s just a stupid hunter! She doesn’t even look like she can harness magic, let alone be our ‘savior’.”

  Devon is quick to jump to my defense. “Dang, Jessica, that was way rude of you dude.” Jessica flips her poker-straight, jet black hair back, shrugs her shoulders in response and then saunters over to another group of girls where they instantly begin to whisper about me. We all stare after her before the guys draw my attention back to them.

  “Don’t mind her, she can be a real bitch when she wants to be but once you get to know her, she’s cool.” Riley says laughing at the shock upon my face.

  “Yeah,” Chris adds. “She’s just jealous. Since your arrival, she hasn’t been getting the attention she’s use to. Everyone has only been talking about you and how excited that they are that you are finally here.”

  “But why is everyone so focused on me being here? I don’t understand.”

  “Okay guys,” Dominic interrupts the conversation. “Alina and I have got to head out. High Priestess is expecting us shortly.”

  “She is?” I am surprised by his statement. Nic nods and then takes my hand, trying to steer me away from the group.

  “Oh, okay,” Devon chimes in. “Hey Alina,” he shouts a second later; making us stop in our tracks. “we were planning on going to the cinema tonight. You wanna go watch a movie with us?”

  With a smile I nod, “yeah, that sounds fun.” Nic then takes me by the hand again and continues to lead me out of the lounge. I find myself once again walking through the bizarre magical town but with Dominic by my side, I don’t feel near as lost.

  “Why does the High Priestess want to see me?”

  Nic offers me a mischievous yet very adorable grin before answering me. “She doesn’t actually want to see you. I just needed an excuse to steal you away from my friends.”

  “What! Really? But I was having so much fun chatting with them, Nicky…” I laugh so hard when I see the expression upon his face. I grab his face in between my hands, say some gibberish noises like you would to a baby and then pull him in close for a quick kiss.


  As 4 p.m. rolls around, I hear a knocking on my door. Thinking that the only person who would be coming to visit me is Nic, I fling the door wide and state; “about damn-, uh…time.” Yeah, totally not Dominic standing in front of me! “Oops. I’m-I, uh, sorry Ms. H. I wasn’t expecting it to be you.”

  “Darling, it’s quite alright.” Ms. H. giggles, yes, I said giggles at me, making me realize that she is totally younger than I had originally thought. “By the way, I was thinking, why don’t you call me Natalie? Ms. H. is so formal and since we are no longer at the Academy, it isn’t necessary.”

  I agree with a smile. “I would like that a lot.” Stepping back from the door way, I realize I haven’t invited her in yet, “would you like to come in?”

  She glances around my room before choosing to sit on my desk chair. I sit opposite her on my bed so that I am able to see her face and of course, because it really is the only other place to sit on besides the floor.

  “So, what brings you by?” The curiosity evident in my voice.

  “I said I would swing by, silly.”

  Yeah totally forgot she said as much.

  “How are you doing? Are you getting used to your new surroundings?”

  I shake my head yes, but I add, “it is definitely a different atmosphere than what I am used to; that’s for sure.” Feeling slightly nervous for some reason, I give my hands busy
work by pulling my hair back into a pony tail.

  “Oh, I will agree with you on that. The Hunter’s world and the Witch’s world are just that, two completely different worlds, each with their own teachings and beliefs of the way they think the world should work. And yet somehow, we all manage to live in the same realm of earth unbeknownst to the rest of humanity. It is quite astonishing if you think about it.”

  “How is it even possible that these two worlds can coexist without the world knowing what is happening around them?” I stare at her dumbfounded.

  “The world is full of secrets, we just happen to be a very well kept one. By the way, High Priestess wishes you to stop by the inner sanctuary tomorrow. She would like to give you a brief history lesson of the witch’s way of life and explain why we are so excited to have found you and have you here with us.”

  “I think that might be fun, or at least interesting to say the least…” I trail off not sure how I actually feel about seeing the High Priestess.

  She offers a half grin like she knows what I’m thinking. “One last thing before I head out. Your magical emergence isn’t complete yet. Just a head’s up so there are no more surprises for you. I can’t tell you what will happen during the final transition because it varies for each witch. Most have told me that it is not a pleasant experience. I’m confident though, that High Priestess can offer more details when you visit her tomorrow.”

  I bite my lip nervously, I feel like I cannot personally endure much more change without having a complete mental breakdown. However, I keep this thought to myself and stand as she does and then I walk with her to the door.

  “I will see you later dear. Have a good evening.”

  I smile before saying; “thanks. I think it should be a good night, Dominic’s brother and friends invited me to go to a movie with them.”

  She chuckles. “Oh goodness, you’ve met the ‘crew’.”

  “Should I be worried?” My forehead creases with as I concern as I look at her.


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