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Black Sun Academy: Witch Hunter (Volume Book 1)

Page 8

by R. J. Rogers

  “Ha, ha, not at all.”

  Just as Natalie is about to walk away it dawns on me that she would know where I could obtain clothing and what not. “Hey Ms. H., how do I go about acquiring clothes, shoes and bathroom products?”

  “You mean Dominic didn’t show or tell you what to do? That boy. I really wonder where his head is sometimes.” She questions as she shakes her head. “Anyway, go straight down this hall, out the door at the bottom of the stairs and directly across the street to the corner market. Everything you need will be there. Just tell them to bill it to me.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I let the door shut behind me and walk the opposite direction as her. Clean clothes, especially a pair of jeans, had me nearly speed-walking down the hall.


  I have never felt more popular than I do at this moment! I am surrounded by four of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen in my life. Each one of them looking hot in their own way. All sporting varying colors of tee shirts and dark colored jeans; though Devon is trying to look like his older brother as both he and Dominic sport white tee shirts and black jeans. Nic however has added hotness because of his black leather jacket, combat boots and a chain that hangs from his belt loop to the wallet in his back pocket, giving him that bad boy look.

  All of them are vying for my attention, trying to outdo the others. I laugh, I giggle, and I smile to all of their antics. We are currently inside the movie theater; some popcorn is being tossed at Dominic by his brother Devon. I am stuck in the middle of the bigrade of popcorn raining down on him. I raise my arms and try to cover my head in hopes of avoiding the popcorn landing in my hair, but I feel as though I am failing miserably.

  As the previews for new movies due out begin to play, we get shushed by the other patrons in the theater. We try to quiet our laughter which only makes us all laugh harder in turn. Finally, the movie starts and we (for the most part), find composure enough to get sucked into the film. Half way through the film my body begins to shiver. I have a pink light-weight cotton tee-shirt on and a pair of ripped jeans, but I didn’t bring a jacket with me because the weather outside is unusually warm for the beginning of November.

  I didn’t take into account that air conditioning would be blasted throughout the building while we watched the movie. “Hey,” Dominic whispers to me as he nudges my arm with his. “Are you cold?” In between shivers and chattering teeth, I nod yes. Rustling can be hear next to me and I look over to see what Nic is doing. Trying to move without making noise or disrupt those around us, he wiggles out of his jacket and hands it over to me. “Here, put this on so you can get warm.”

  “Thanks.” I whisper and then slip it on. I sit back in my chair once the soft black leather loveliness is wrapped around me and zip it up. I am swallowed up by the coat because Nic is so much more muscular and broad-shouldered than I am, not that I’m complaining mind you. I just snuggle down into it, prop my feet up on the back of the chair in front of me and inhale deeply the scent that is Dominic; a combination of wet dirt in spring, Irish-Spring soap and leather.

  An hour and a half later we are walking out of the cinema. I can hear Chris and Riley arguing about who was the better actor and which was the best fight scene. I decide to chime in, “well if you ask me, James Dillan is hot!”

  “What?” Dominic says in mock shock. “I’m not hot?” He puts his hand over his heart, trying to look appalled by my statement. However, before I can retort, Devon says; “Hell no you’re not hot. That’s just, ew!”

  Riley flops his arm over my shoulders before adding; “it’s okay Alina, you can admit it. You think I’m the hot one of the group.”

  “You wish.”

  “Yeah, keep dreaming.” The boys all quip at once.

  Dominic winks at me and shoves Riley in the shoulder. “Alina, would you like to get some ice cream before we he` ad back to the apartments?”

  “Um, I would love some. This will be the first time that I’ve ever had any, so I’m down.”

  A collective “what?” is uttered from the guys. I think all their mouths fell open simultaneously in shock because of what I just said.

  “You can’t be serious?” Chris asked.

  “Totally serious. We weren’t allowed to have any sweets or junk food at the Academy.”

  Nic takes my hand and practically drags me down the sidewalk to the ice cream shop. The shop is called Scooped and is the magazine worthy picture of any ice cream parlor from the 1950’s.

  “Wow.” I say in awe. “This place is awesome!” Looking around I see that it’s not large in diameter, but quaint just the same. There are booths lined along one wall and free-standing tables and chairs towards the front end by the large window front. Most of the room is occupied by a long bar and attached to that a very large freezer that houses an insane amount of ice cream flavors.

  “What flavor would you like to try?” Devon asks me excitedly.

  “Oh, um, surprise me” I say with a smile.

  A very disturbing grin creeps upon his face. “I know just what to get you!”

  Chris and Riley lead me to a booth and we sit down while Nic and Devon place our order. Less than five minutes later Nic walks over and sits down by me with his, Chris’ and Riley’s ice cream. I look around curiously to see what’s taking Devon so long and see him coming to our table with the largest bowl of ice cream I have ever seen.

  “Holy crap! What is this monstrosity?”

  The guys all laugh at me before Devon says, “this is the Belly Buster.”

  I stare at the insanely large bowl of mixed colors of ice cream, whipped topping, chocolate drizzle and a maraschino cherry on top. My spoon hovers above while I try to decide which scoop I should go for first. I choose the pink one first and am pleasantly surprised to find it taste like strawberry. “This is delicious!” I exclaim. They of course all laugh at my reaction and watch me as I spoon-hop to each flavor. Eventually I must admit I can’t eat the entire bowl by myself and ask the guys if they want to share it with me. That was a BIG mistake! They all dive right in and within minutes, the whole thing of ice cream is gone.

  “This has been the most fun I’ve had in forever,” I state as we head back to the apartments near the church.

  We all walk through the town which appears to close at precisely 9 p.m. each night, nothing but street lamps to light our way home. All the guys continue to make me laugh even as we enter the apartment building. We ride the elevator up to my floor. As the elevator chimes, indicating we have reached the third floor, Dominic and I step out and watch as the doors close leaving just the two of us alone.

  Nic takes my hand in his and swings it back and forth while we walk to my door. “Did you really have fun tonight?” He asks as he gazes into my eyes. I look adoringly into his silver-blue eyes and give him a smile.

  “Probably one of the best nights ever!” I say, the excitement evident in my voice. “Though maybe next time, it could be just the two of us?”

  An adorable silly grin sneaks across his lips before he asks ‘innocently’, “what? Like a date?”

  I punch him playfully in the shoulder, “yes, you dork, like a date.” As I laugh, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me as close to him as two people can possibly be. “What are you doing, Mr. Salvino?” I ask as a devilish smile makes its way across my mouth.

  He offers a sneaky, sly grin of his own before saying; “this…” and then leans his head forward ever so slightly until his lips are pressed against mine.

  “Oh,” I whisper against his mouth and then he deepens the kiss. Dominic runs a hand up my back and tangles his fingers into my hair, tipping my head just so, for optimum kissing. In turn I wrap my arms around his neck and entangle my hand into his silky soft hair as well. Nic presses me up against the wall next to my apartment door. Not quite satisfied with this position, he lifts me up, wraps my legs around his waist all while still kissing me. A blue haze of what I’m assuming is this soul mate, magical bond thing of ours, begins to filt
er out from us, encasing us in a world all our own.

  Just as I maneuver my hands, placing them under his shirt because I need to feel his skin, to be even closer than we currently are we suddenly hear the elevator chime. Right before the doors slide open, Nic drops me to the floor and we break a part. Seriously, current status of my cheeks is, crimson red! And quickly travelling down my neck as well.

  “Soo embarrassing,” I squeak to Nic as I peek around his arm to see who might be getting off of the elevator. I burst out laughing. “Well, unless you guys have ghosts living here, I would safely say that we just had ourselves a very close call.” Looking over his shoulder to peer down the hallway as well, he turns back to me and presses his forehead to mine.

  “Well, this has been a fun night,” he says as he smiles and leans back in to kiss me again.

  I duck under his arm and turn to my door. Unlocking it, I open it a bit and then turn back to him. “I, um, I should probably go inside and get some sleep, so I can be alert for my history lesson with High Priestess tomorrow.”

  He nods but pulls me toward him, brushing his lips briefly against mine once more. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Meet me in the diner for lunch?”

  I smile and nod agreement. “Bye,” I say shyly and then enter my room. With my body I shut the door and then lean against it. What are you doing Al? I question myself even though I have the stupid grin plastered from ear to ear, I was shocked at myself for having such a P.D.A. moment in the hall with Dominic.


  Waking quite suddenly, I wrap my arms around my stomach and groan. “Ugh, my stomach feels like a ball of twisted nerves,” I mutter to myself. Jumping from my bed, I dash to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. I’m not sure what kind of sickness is going to hit me, but I know it’s going to be wicked.

  Since I didn’t have a watch on, I couldn’t say how long I was stuck in the bathroom. I’m finally feeling better however and open my door. I grab a clean pair of jeans and what not, change quickly into the fresh outfit and begin to make my way to inner-sanctuary where I was told I would find the High Priestess.

  Raising my right hand, I go to knock on the white painted door in front of me. I hesitate for a moment as an internal battle rises within to stay or run away? Taking a deep breath, I tell myself; “I can do this,” and then placing my hand upon the door, I knock. I feel as though my knock upon the inner-sanctuary door echoes throughout the entire building. I hunch my shoulders feeling like I can hide within myself if I do so. As I stand waiting for a response, I begin wrapping my ponytail nervously around my fingers.

  Beyond the wooden door I hear a voice say; “you may enter, Alina.” I take a deep breath, wipe my hands down my shirt and jeans hoping I don’t look frumpy and then releasing the air from my lungs slowly, I turn the brass knob and push the door open and enter the office of the High Priestess.

  “Um, good afternoon High Priestess,” I respond hesitantly, unsure of how to address her. Looking around me I take in my surroundings, observing three walls stocked with very ancient looking books, a desk set off to one side and a window with a killer view of their quaint town beyond.

  High Priestess smiles gently at me and asks me to be seated. Looking at the chairs offered, I take one of two red velvet cushioned, high back seats and look up at her. “I’m not quite sure why you have asked for me, but Natalie said it was to share a bit of the witch’s history.”

  “She would be correct my dear. I wanted to share our history in hopes of opening your mind, to show you we were never the bad guys, but the ones constantly being persecuted. In the process of this history lesson, I will also be able to explain the importance of you being here and the role you will play to end this never-ending war.”

  I fidget and squirm in my seat as I listen to her. I still am not able to fathom the thought that I am this important person that everyone claims me to be. Anxiously, I watch her pace the room for a moment as I wait for her to begin her tale.

  She is now leaning against her desk as she contemplates where to start. “I am sure you are aware of much of our history because it is your history as well. However, I want you to keep in mind that there are always two versions of every story ever told; and those who prevail tend to out shine their story over those who are compelled to hide and unable to share their side. We are the ones whom were forced into hiding and unable to share that second side of the story.

  The witch community has been around for as long as the sun has risen. As humanity began to develop and travel further than their own camp grounds, different versions of religion were introduced. Our religion has never swayed from the first of our covens, and the first-born witch Hekate. Because the outside world could not convince us to conform to their beliefs, we became their focus of discrimination. They could not understand our ways, which led to hate which turned to us being thought of as devils, demons-evil.”

  Her words ring true in my mind. That is what we have always been taught. “But don’t witch’s use magic to cast spells, causing plagues, famine and harm to others?”

  She laughs a genuine heart felt laugh. “Oh, child, no. We have only ever done spells to help, heal, and grow. Be it food, animal or human, we are attuned to mother nature and all things connected to her.”

  I sit dumbfounded for a moment, completely at a loss for words. “S-so,” I stamper, “how did I get sucked into all this? Why me of all the witch’s and hunters in the world am I the one chosen to end this, whatever?” I ask lifting my arms and waving them in a circle like the whole world is sitting within this room.

  High Priestess looks at me as she considers her words. I feel very emotional at this current moment and try as I might, I can’t keep from letting a couple tears slip out my eyes and down my cheeks.

  “Because dear, you are the very last of your lineage. Where the Hunter’s Association began with your great—great grandfather, it will now end with you. There is a prophecy that has been written and said for centuries within the world of witch’s that this hold the Hunter’s held over the humans would finally come to be no more.”

  Swiftly she is suddenly standing upright from her perch upon the desk. I watch as she walks over to a particular wall of books. As she scans the shelves, I notice her appearance for the first time. She is wearing a beautiful loose fitting white silk blouse that is paired with a black skirt which hits just above her ankles. As I stare in awe of her, I realize that she is probably one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my life. Her silver hair is bound up in clips and where one tends to think of old and humped over crippled people when thinking of silver hair, she is the exact opposite. The more I stare at her, the more I realize she is quite young, probably right around twenty-five.

  Her voice makes me jump, drawing my attention to the book she now holds in her hands. It was probably a very dark brown leather when it was first bound, but currently it looks a light tan due to aging. “Just the book I was looking for!” She exclaims.

  She flips pages to nearly the very last portion of the book before she stops. With her index finger she scrolls down the passages until she locates the one she wants and then she begins to read the words aloud;

  “A prophecy foretold

  The one to save us will not be

  like we; yet doused in history.

  Destined to see what

  Should be.

  Fated to death to set us free.”

  Did I just hear her correctly? ‘Fated to death?’ Um, hell NO! I jump from my seat and say, “I have to go” and then turning away from her, I rush out through the office door, through the sanctuary and back to my room. Shoot, I forgot to ask about this transformation I’m supposed to go through, I think randomly. My emotions consuming me, I still have so many questions but cannot find the will to go back to High Priestess to ask them. The word ‘death’ keeps flashing through my mind, hindering me from anything else I might think about.

  In my room, I pace the length of it as the words High Priestess had spo
ken swirl through my mind. “Fated to death to set us free,” that phrase has me in a frantic state of panic. On a whim I turn about, fling my door wide open and looking like a maniac, I run through the halls until I find myself standing in front of Ms. H’s door.

  Taking a few deep breaths to calm my heart rate, I raise my left arm and go to knock on the dark colored oak door. I slam my fist against the wood three times and then step back and wait… tears begin to trickle down my cheeks and a sob escapes my lips in my distress. I bang a second time pleading silently for the door to open. Still nothing. Leaning my head against the frame I sigh and slowly sink to the ground, exhaustion wrapping around me like a comforting blanket.

  Now the tears are flowing freely down my face, I close my eyes. With my knees pressed against my chest, I rest my head against my knees and apparently fall asleep.


  Standing in the middle of an abandoned room, I am surrounded by darkness. I begin to wander around the room slowly for fear of running into the unknown, and the unseen. As I walk, lights start to flicker into existence and a dark dense fog slithers past my feet, brushing against my ankles and causing the hairs on my arms to rise, producing goosebumps.

  At first, I assume I’m standing inside a cathedral, the ceilings are so high and the room, such an open space, but as the lamps around continued to pop on, I realize I am standing in the center of the largest library I have ever seen. As I continue to spin around on my foot, I can tell that I have never been here before. Honestly, I can say I don’t have a clue where ‘here’ is at this moment in time either.

  I let go of the air from within my lungs, trying to decide if I should be nosey and take a look around; try to see if I can figure out exactly where I might be. With a shrug of my shoulders and one more calming breath, I begin to wander in between the floor to ceiling shelves of bookcases.

  One of my turns through the aisles leads me to the center of the room where I come upon a monument with words inscribed upon it. ‘This monument is dedicated to Reverend John Lothrop, the founder of this establishment: The Sturgis Library. Constructed in 1644, the first public library in America.’ Brushing my hand across the letters, I let the words soak in, 1644. I am literally standing in the middle of history, mind blown!


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