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Legend Of The Sparks

Page 9

by Ophelia Dickerson

  “Well don’t that beat a pig on a stick,” Jed interrupted. “Little sweet Becky Sue hooked up with wild man Ray.”

  Becky Sue glared at him. Ray squeezed her hand and spoke before she could. “Yep. She’s mine alright. I’ve done put my wild ways behind me and started to think it’s time to slow life down a bit.” He slipped an arm around her. It was warm and inviting. If this was going to be how they’re going to have to act for a while, she was a goner. “I had her come out here with me today to try to loosen her up. She’s so uptight. I’ve been trying to get her to relax more. She works too much.”

  Jed leered at her. “Good luck with that. I tried to loosen her up once and it didn’t work, but that was before I really knew how. Now I know a secret way to get women to beg for it from me. If you have any trouble let me know and I’ll share it with you.”

  Becky Sue tried to keep her expression innocent and beguiling, when all she wanted to do was tell the sleaze ball where to stick it. When Jed had taken her to the Jr. Prom he’d assumed that going to the dance was also consent to take it further and when he’d tried make his move she’d bloodied his nose. As for now, she couldn’t see how any woman would want to touch him with a ten foot pole.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Jed. Here, what do I owe you for these lures? And you got any liver?”

  Jed produced a tub of liver and rang them up.

  Becky Sue followed Ray through the campground gate and around to the fishing area. They found a spot where no one could come up on them and listen easily.

  “Is Jed your lead?”

  “Unfortunately, I think so. He was too far gone today to get much out of him, at least reliable information. I don’t think he’s capable of running an operation the size of what we think this is either. He runs his mouth too much and can’t control himself.”

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “Tomorrow I’ll come back early and tell him you’re a tight old spinster who doesn’t give easily,” he grabbed her boob and pulled her to him for a kiss, “and ask him about his secret. Talk him up a bit. See what he knows.”

  “Hmm I don’t know if I like being the ‘tight old spinster’. Might give me a bad rap with the male tourists. You know I like to snag one for a good time at least once a year if I can.”

  “Why you wanna go look elsewhere when I got everything you need, and more, right here?” He took her hand and placed it on his cock. It was hard and burned with heat. Her body responded in kind instantly. She hated that she was so attracted to him. He brought out the worst in her.

  Except for the being a Spark thing, that might be kind of cool. But other than that all he did was bring out the animal. All she wanted was him inside of her, filling her with his cock. Stroking her wetness.

  He pulled her to him and kissed her again, this time with a little more tongue. She wanted to pull back, to slow down, but she had no restraint when it came to his call. Dropping his fishing pole beside him, he took her with both hands, one holding her to him, the other exploring under her shirt, rubbing her nipple until it was sharp enough to cut ice. His fingers danced down her stomach, under her waist band, and into her wetness. She moaned a low, feral sound. He bit her lip.

  “You’re ready and waiting aren’t you?”

  “I have no control with you. You bring out my worst.”

  He laughed a low throaty sound. “If this is your worst, I’ll take it. I don’t want you any better.” With that he slid a second finger into her wetness. She gasped and arched her back. His lips trailed down her neck. She needed him bad. She needed him now. And if he didn’t quit the next person that came along would find a sight they didn’t quite expect to see on the banks of the river.

  He nipped at her nipples through her shirt. Her insides were wound up tighter than a banjo string. If this was how he wanted to play, two could play at this game.

  She let go of her fishing pole, braced herself on her elbow, and used the other hand to massage him. It was already hard, but at his touch it grew harder. She slid her hand into his pants. The tip of his cock was wet. She massaged it with her thumb.

  “Becky Sue, I swear you’re going to be the death of me.”

  It was her turn to give a throaty laugh. It felt good to dish out what was given. Let his sex scream at him for release like hers was.

  She stroked his length firmly. He bit her ear. “Stop. Mercy. Stop. By all that’s good, don’t make me take you here for the whole world to see.”

  His hand retracted from her.

  “You started it.”

  A mischievous grin played on his lips. “I can’t help it. You’re my weakness. Like the forbidden fruit. Since I found out I can have you I can’t seem to get enough. I just want to be inside you and not come out.”

  “Sounds like a bad spot to be in.” But she felt the same.

  “Should we take this to a little bit more private spot?”

  She extracted her hand from his pants and kissed his lips. “Somewhere not too far I hope.”

  They quickly packed up their fishing gear and stowed it in his truck.

  “Where to Napolean?” Ray stood next to her, heat rolled off his body.

  Only a small part of the campground was visible from where they stood. It was easy to envision all kinds of little nooks to slip away into, but they needed to not be noticeable, or able to catch anything on fire, just in case the blue flame peeked again.

  She snapped her fingers. “I know a place. I’ll direct you.” They climbed into his truck. She scooted to the middle so she could play with him as he drove down the road.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning Becky Sue awoke to Sherlock patting her face, at least she hoped it was Sherlock and not Ray again. She saw only one cat so she felt safe in assuming it was the real Sherlock. Today was a running day, but she didn’t feel like it. She’d gotten plenty of exercise with Ray yesterday, once when their fishing trip had ended abruptly and then again before he left to go home last night. So far nothing else had burned and the sparks of fire had seemed to disappear. She hadn’t quite figured out what to think of that. Had their powers evaporated as fast as they’d shown or did that only happen when they received their powers?

  Sherlock ran ahead of her as she walked through the house to check his food and water. She topped each off and crawled back in bed. Maybe mornings were over rated.

  Thinking sleep would come back easily was a mistake. She lay there tossing and turning until finally she gave up. Her brain was awake.

  By the time daylight broke she’d managed to knock out some household chores that’d she’d been slacking off of for a week. But as the sun begun to rise higher, her thoughts turned to Ray. He was planning to go back to Jed and try to find out more about the drugs. She didn’t like the fact that he was going alone, but he was the professional. She had to trust that he could do his job without getting in trouble, or worse. In the meantime, all she could do was worry until she heard from him.

  After checking on her mom, she walked to work with her mind made up to focus on working on the patriotic star quilt. Theoretically it should be done by next week. But theories only work when there’s no distractions, and Ray was a big distraction.

  She hated that she felt so gullible. So attracted to him. She also knew nothing would ever come of it. It would never last. He’d go back to being the good guy saving the world and she’d stay here, tucked away in her little mountains, sewing and passing town gossip. Maybe if she could figure out if she had and how to use her new powers life might hold a little more interest around here. She sighed as she unlocked the front door to her shop, at least she could enjoy him being good in bed while he was around.

  The quilt was coming together nicely. It wouldn’t take long to sell. She was deep in concentration, making each little stitch count in the overall design when the door bells jangled jolting her, making her prick her finger. She bit back a curse and squeezed it to stop the blood.

  “Hello. Doing alright today?” Becky Sue cal
led out without looking to the door.

  “Hi. I’m fine. How about you?” The voice that spoke was all male and smooth as butter. She whipped her head around before she could set her quilt down. There stood the mystery man Ray had been talking to yesterday on the bench. He was even hotter in person.

  She blinked before catching herself staring. “I’m good. Can I help you find anything specific?”

  Sultry. That’s the word she would use to describe his eyes. Long, thick beautiful lashes swept across his dark brown eyes like a veil giving him an exotic look. His lips were full, but not overly dramatic. His face was all hard points, chiseled and tan. She couldn’t look away if she tried.

  “Actually, yesterday I was talking to a guy, I think it was your boyfriend, and he was telling me some local legend stories that sounded interesting. Said you had a book in here about them.”

  “Boyfriend?” She asked dumbly.

  “Yeah, probably just under six feet, body builder, short brown hair. I think he said his name was Ray?”

  “Oh, oh him.” Pull it together girl, you’re losing it.

  “He’s your boyfriend right?”

  “He’s my… we’re just… it’s complicated.” If this beautiful male specimen in front of her was interested she’d deny she ever knew Ray if that’s what it took to get him into bed. Screw Ray with his you’re my best friend, be my undercover girl friend. She wasn’t getting any younger and nature was calling. The attraction she felt towards Ray was probably just a spinoff of sharing the Spark with him anyway. A relationship couldn’t last just because of some strange, old magic gene they shared. Besides she was like any other girl. She wanted romance and excitement, not the scared for your life excitement that was bound to come with Ray, but the excitement of being found by someone and learning about them and them about you.

  He smiled, showing perfectly straight, white teeth. “I see.” Leaning against the counter he let his eyes linger as they took in her homespun look. For once, she wished she’d have worn jeans and t-shirt like a normal person rather than her homemade broom skirt and top. He didn’t immediately run for the door, so that had to be good.

  “You’re looking for a book right?” She sounded like a brainless rock. What was wrong with her this morning?

  “Yeah. Something about shape shifters. It sounded really cool.”

  “I know what you’re talking about.” Walking around the counter she retrieved Uncle Melvin’s book off the shelf.

  She hadn’t heard him move, but she could feel his presence next to her before she saw him. “This is it.” Handing him the book, she felt his energy and the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. Breath. Slowly. In, out, in, out.

  At 5’9” she was no shrimp, but he towered over her. He was easily over six foot tall and all lean muscle. Where Ray was built like a chiseled brick, he was built like a bow string, taunt and wiry.

  “So what do you know about these legendary people? Have you read this book?”

  “I’ve read it. I don’t believe it. There are some stories in there that have a grain of truth to them that’ve been recorded, like the mayor’s wife burning down their house.” Hold up, don’t get yourself tangled too deep in a lie. He knows Ray was reading one of the diaries yesterday. “Actually me and my friend have been arguing over whether the legends of the Sparkers were real or not. I borrowed some books from the library to prove him wrong the other day, but he’s determined to prove himself right. I mean who really believes people can change into animals? Or throw fire like Spiderman does his web? I can see how some cute parlor tricks could make people believe the fire throwing thing pretty easily, especially back then, but now? No way.”

  “I think it’d be cool if people could change into animals. Just think of the possibilities!”His eyes lit up and for a minute she wanted to tell him they could. But she didn’t. She had to protect their secret. At least until this drug ring was busted. She’d read enough of Winifred’s diary to know the dangers of the opposition knowing too much about the powers.

  “It would be kinda cool I guess,” she conceded, “but unrealistic.”

  “You’re boy’s right. You’re not any fun.” She wasn’t sure if he was teasing or being insulting.

  “I can be fun, but my magical powers are a little more realistic.” She was flirting hard, but she couldn’t help it. Her insides were coiled and taunt, the heat from his body a couple feet away was driving her crazy.

  “Oh? And what magical powers do you possess?”

  The bells above her door jangled. It was Ray.

  Mr. Hottie saw Ray. “How much do I owe you for the book?”

  As soon as he was out the door Ray asked, “what was that all about?”

  “He came in on your recommendation for Uncle Melvin’s book on Sparkers.”

  “Seems like there was a little more than that going on.” Ray actually looked and sounded jealous.

  “Um, no.” Because he hadn’t even told her his name or given his phone number.

  Ray only looked mildly pacified.

  “What’d you find out?” Change the subject before the interrogation went further.

  “Jed’s not the ringleader, that’s almost for certain. He’s just small fish.”

  “No surprise there.”

  “How do you feel about going camping? I need a way to keep an eye on Jed. An alibi and a pair of extra eyes wouldn’t hurt. I think he’ll lead us somewhere.”

  “Yeah probably to the nearest place he can find liquor.”

  “What do you say?”


  “Tonight and probably a few more days.”

  “What about my shop? I can’t just close down.”

  “Just sleep at camp, hang out in the evenings, and come back to do your normal day stuff.” He made it sound so simple.

  “Is there another option?”

  “Not really.”

  What the heck? She figured her chances with Mr. Hottie were over anyway. Sherlock would probably think she abandoned him. Her mother would probably end up moving in so she could keep an eye on her wandering daughter. The town would probably turn it into their honeymoon after they eloped. Chump change for busting a drug ring, right?

  “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  “I knew you would. You’re the best.” He brushed his lips across hers briefly. She refrained from reaching out and pulling him in. It would just be one more catastrophe in the making if she did. “Couldn’t do it without you. Just come out after work. I’ll be out at the campground somewhere.”

  He disappeared out her door as fast as he’d blown in.

  She didn’t feel like the best. She didn’t feel like much of anything. It was easy for him to say meaningless words when he didn’t have to stick around and be held accountable for them. It didn’t work that way for her.

  Becky Sue was still sulking when Cindy popped in. “You sure have a long face for having so many men in here this morning. What’s wrong, you and Ray have a fight? Was it over that gorgeous tourist that was in here? Was Ray jealous?”

  “What? No.” Her brain scrambled to keep up. Would Ray be jealous if she went out with Mr. Hottie? Would she even care if he was? “This is my thinking face. You caught me deep in thought.”

  “Mmmhmm. Thinking bout them men. Well, I just came over to drop these cookies I made last night. I’m glad I decided to bring you some. Men like their women curvy, and honey, you need some curves.”

  Great. Just what she needed, more positive outlook on her life. But she was right. At least there were cookies. Cookies made the world better. She accepted the cookies and Cindy breezed back out the door.

  Surprisingly, the rest of the day passed uneventfully. Becky Sue locked up her shop and walked home to check on Sherlock and pack her things. She should call her mom and let her know where she was if she needed her. But she didn’t. Maybe by some super cosmic power word of her and Ray camping out wouldn’t get to her mother for a few days, and even if it did, it was easier to deal with
it after the fact.

  The Ashburn campground was practically identical to the other half dozen or so scattered around. The only thing that made this a more popular site was the cabins and the fishing. The water here was deeper than much the rest, and even during the long waterless days of summer, there was still swimmable water and fishing.

  Becky Sue drove through the gates just as the last rays of light were disappearing on the horizon. She drove around and checked each camp section methodically for Ray, finally finding his truck parked outside a cabin. This wasn’t what she expected.

  She knocked on the door.

  Ray opened it and pulled her inside. “You’re just in time. I think. Were the lights still on at the bait shop when you passed?”

  “I think so.”

  “Good. Come on.” He stopped as he reached for the door. “Where’s your stuff?”

  “In the truck.”


  “I thought you said camping. Not cabin. I was just making sure before I hauled it out.”

  He shook his head like she was impossible. She followed him out the door and into his truck.

  “So what are we doing?”

  “We’re going to follow Jed and see where he goes.”

  “Was he less drunk today than yesterday?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t check.”

  “Don’t get too excited then. He’s probably headed straight home to a beer or a bottle.”

  They turned out of the campground just as Jed’s truck pulled out from the bait shop. They followed him for several miles. Jed drove down the road like grandpa Sunday, crossing the double yellow a couple of times before turning off onto a side road in the middle of nowhere.

  “Told ya he’s headed home.”

  Ray drove past the turn off then turned around and doubled back. Jed may’ve been drunk but that didn’t mean he was delusional enough not to know he was being followed.

  “He lives here?”


  “How far up is it to the house?”

  “Less than a mile, I think.”


  “Not since old man McCoy died.”


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