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Legend Of The Sparks

Page 10

by Ophelia Dickerson

  Ray parked the truck off to the side of the rutted dirt road in the deepest shadow he could find. “We’ll walk from here.”

  With a full moon a few days earlier, it was still bright enough to see, mostly. The road began to lightly ascend.

  “Are we going to be hiking uphill the rest of the way,” Ray whispered after it felt like they’d walked a mile uphill.

  “I don’t remember.”

  The road veered to the left before leveling off some. A small light shown through the trees. They slowed their pace.

  “He have any dogs that’re going to give us away?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t make it a point to keep up with him.”

  “As much as that information would be helpful, I’m glad you don’t keep up with him that well.” He grabbed her jacket and pulled her in for a kiss. Like every time before when he touched her fire seared through her veins.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” She meant it for the moment, but realized she was talking about more than just a kiss and sex.

  He kissed her again, a little harder and with a little tongue. “I don’t plan on it. Just not here.”

  A small, dilapidated house sat in the center of a clearing. Light was coming from two of the front windows. Off to the side a single wide trailer house was falling in on itself. Most the roof was caved in. the front door was missing. Only half the windows remained. While it would provide good cover and get them close to the house, she didn’t want to go anywhere near that place in the daytime, let alone in the dark.

  They skirted the edge of the clearing trying to get a better look. Only Jed’s truck was parked in the yard. No dogs raced around the house to eat them or blow their cover.

  “Sure would be nice to know how to use our powers that way we could walk right up to the front door and he’d never suspect,” Ray said.

  “I’d become a lizard. That way I’d crawl right up to his window and peek in.” She smiled as she pictured herself as a lizard peering into Jed’s window. “Did a cloud just cross the moon? It got dark suddenly.”

  “What’re you talking about? Becky Sue? Where’d you go?”

  “I’m right here. I haven’t moved.” She reached out to poke him, but something was covering her. “What the …” She felt a moment of panic. Then she realized she was standing on all fours. “Oh no.”

  “What happened?” Ray’s whisper was concerned.

  A small pinprick of light was to her left. She moved towards it. It got bigger. She was free. Except she’d nearly ran into a tree. No, not tree, blades of grass. She looked down at her body. It was shiny in the moonlight. Her tail shimmered blue. “I’m a lizard.” Her clothes lay in a heap next to her. She’d been trapped under them when she changed. “And I’m naked.”

  Ray was tall. Really, really tall from where she stood on the ground. He looked down in the general direction of her voice. “I don’t mind the naked part. Where are you?”

  “Don’t move. You’ll step on me.”

  “Wave or something so I can see you.”

  “Wave? Are you crazy? Hold still for a minute.”

  She looked at her little lizard feet. Here goes nothing. She climbed onto his shoe, up his pant leg, as soon as she got to his shirt he started to squirm.

  “Don’t wiggle. You’ll knock me off.”

  “You’re tickling me.”

  “I can’t help it.” She scrambled on to his shoulder.

  He turned his head to her and smiled. He was huge. “There you are. Cute. I like the new look.”

  Becky Sue rolled her eyes. She was a little breathless. That’d been like climbing a hundred foot rock wall.

  “Well, now that I’m a lizard I might as well make myself useful. Can you get me up closer to the house? That’s a long way for somebody with such short legs.” She felt the vibration in his body as he held in a laugh. “Glad somebody thinks this is funny.”

  He crept up to the side of the house and set her on the small porch. She scaled the nearest wall of peeled paint and peered in the first lit window. It appeared to have been a kitchen at one time, but was littered with empty food packages, beer cans, jugs from Chester’s home brew, bait and tackle boxes and roaches. It was disgusting. Did roaches and lizards get along? She hoped so.

  She made her way over to the next lit window. Jed sat on an old run down love seat. The original color or pattern was beyond faded and covered with stains. He was staring intently at the TV. A beer can looked like it was about to tip out of his hand. Was he passed out drunk yet? He wasn’t moving.

  She sat and watched, waiting for something to happen.

  “Psst. Becky Sue, can you see anything?” Ray whispered from the side. She shook her little lizard head. “Can you find a way to get inside and go check it out?”

  Scrambling off the window sill, she ran across the porch to where Ray hunkered down on the side. “He’s in there on the couch. Looks like he’s gone for the night.”

  “Can you find a way in and check it out? See if you can find anything?” He asked again.

  “Are you kidding? There’s roaches and spiders in that house bigger than me! And what if I flip back to my human form by accident and he catches me? Then what?”


  “No. I’m a lizard. I’m scared and I run.”

  “Alright, we’ll go check the other windows and if we don’t see anything we’ll leave.”

  She crawled back onto his shoulder as he snooped around the house. Nothing seemed unusual given the little they knew of him. No bags of drugs were stacked in the corner of any of the rooms.

  “Go check one more time then we’ll leave.”

  “You’re gonna make sure I make up for not running today aren’t you?”

  Ray grinned. Becky Sue took off across the porch and peered in the window one last time. Jed hadn’t moved. She raced down and back to Ray’s shoulder.

  “No movement. Let’s go. I’m tired of being a lizard now. I’m ready to be a human.”

  “I’m ready for you to be human too. I had plans for us tonight.”

  She could just imagine. She closed her eyes as he walked and pictured herself naked under him, his cock rock hard plummeting her.

  All of a sudden she felt herself falling. She caught a shriek of surprise before it came out. Ray grunted. She hit the ground, hard. They were nearly to the edge of the clearing. The cool blades of grass tickled.

  “I’m human! I’m human again!” Becky Sue lay in the grass where she’d fallen off Ray and examined her hands, her arms, her legs. “And I’m naked!” She crossed her chest with one arm and covered her lady parts with the other.

  “Yeah.” His eyes raked her. “You could’ve given me a little warning though before you turned yourself back into a human while you were on my shoulder.”

  She giggled at the image that came to her mind. Naked woman on his shoulder and him toppling like a lego tower.

  “Sorry I didn’t realize I was going to do it.”

  “How’d you do it?”

  “I’m not sure, and can we have this conversation after we find my clothes? Please.”

  “Do you have to put your clothes back on?”

  “Yes. I’m freezing.”

  They crept around to where she thought she’d changed into a lizard, all the while glancing over her shoulder hoping Jed didn’t wake up and decide to look outside.

  Chapter 10

  “What’s our next move?” Becky Sue asked Ray he drove them back to the campground.

  “To get you out of those clothes again.” He placed his hand on the inside of her thigh. Every time he touched her there was heat, but was it because she wanted to bed him or was it their Spark energy connecting?

  “I mean with your assignment. Jed looks like a dead end. What’s next?”

  “I don’t think Jed is a dead end, but he’s not big fish either. We need to keep an eye on him from the time he gets up to the time he sleeps at night. I’m sure there’s a thread there
to follow, we just have to figure out how to pull it.”

  “So what you’re saying is you’re going to be following around a drunk pervert who spends most of his day smelling like dead minnows until something happens?”

  He crinkled his nose into a disgusted face. “Basically, yeah.”

  “You know, suddenly your job doesn’t sound so fun and exciting anymore.”

  “Why do you think I brought you along?” He squeezed the inside of her thigh and rubbed his fingers over her pants between her legs. She jabbed him hard in the ribs. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. But this may turn out to the most fun surveillance work I’ve ever done.”

  They turned into the campground. Becky Sue retrieved her overnight bag from her truck and followed Ray inside. When she’d come in earlier she hadn’t been able to really look at the place. She did now as she set her bag inside the door.

  It was warm and cozy. A cold fireplace took up most of one wall. A sturdy wood framed couch with double stuffed cushions lined the side near the door. A TV across the room shared a wall with one doorway that looked like it might be a kitchenette. The final wall featured a doorway to a bedroom and a nature painting.

  Ray appeared out of the bedroom in sock feet. “Why don’t you bring your stuff in here and then we can relax on the couch for a little bit together.”

  Becky Sue emptied her bag, laying her clothes out in attempts to avoid wrinkles. By the time she made it to the couch, Ray had a bag of popcorn made and was flipping through channels.

  She sat close enough to snitch popcorn, but far enough to keep the heat from building between them, which was probably a lost cause, but she had to try.

  “What do you think about this animal shape shifting stuff? Did you figure it out when you were a lizard,” he asked, still absently channel surfing.

  “Not really. I’ve been thinking it through, but don’t know if it’s really how it works or not.”

  “Shoot. What do you think?” He sat there all ears.

  “I think it has something to do with wishing you’re an animal and/or possibly visualizing it, because I remember visualizing myself as a lizard peeking through Jed’s window.”

  “What about coming back to human form?”

  She fought down a rising blush as she remembered what she had been thinking when she suddenly felt herself falling. “Same. I was picturing myself like this.” More or less.

  “Like that or like this?” He closed the gap between them, leaving the popcorn behind, and wrapping his arms around her.

  “Close enough.” The heat their bodies produced was intense. His touch invigorated her. Made her feel invincible. She could take on the whole world, as long as he was connected to her. Maybe that’s what attracted her to him was the feeling of power he gave her. That and there was some unexplainable pull to him, that she’d always felt, a closeness and kinship that she didn’t have with anyone else. Perhaps it was the blood of the Sparker in them that pulled them together.

  He kissed her slow and gentle. She relaxed into him, enjoying the feel of his hard body pressed against hers.

  “I wonder if we can turn ourselves into animals and have sex,” he suddenly said as he trailed kisses down her neck.


  “Do you want to try to shift into animals and have wild animal sex?” His voice was husky, sexy, dripping with temptation.

  “Uh, what did you have in mind?” he reached for her boob, and twirled her nipple between his finger. The warmth between her legs was already intensifying.

  “Well, I like doggie style. How about if we start simple and try it as dogs first and see how it goes?” He bit her lip as a hand slipped into her wetness. How was she supposed to tell him no?

  “I… guess.” He nibbled his way down her neck before pulling her shirt up over her head. She had no idea what she was doing, and didn’t really care as long as it got him inside of her, soon.

  She pulled his shirt off and reached for his pants at the same time he reached for hers. Stretching out across the couch, she pushed at him to enter. She could feel his cock pressing against the edge of her, teasing her. Was she to resort to begging? She nipped at his ear again and nibbled down his neck. He was so warm. His scent intoxicated her.

  Thrusting her hips upward she begged for him to enter. He gave in. She grabbed his ass, prodding him deeper. He suckled her left nipple, twirling it around on his tongue, making it hard enough to cut diamonds. She was clenched down on him. It wasn’t time for gentle and easy. She needed hard and wild. Her breathing was already ragged and irregular. When bodies were in tuned with each other so well, foreplay was just a word in a book somewhere.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. I thought we’re going to have a little fun with this,“ he breathed into her ear.

  Ah, crap. She had no willpower to argue. She was too needy.

  He slid out of her and sat back. “Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. What kind of dog are we going to be?”


  “What kind of dog? We probably need to be the same breed because if you end up a big dog and me a little or vice versa, this may not turn out so well.”

  “I didn’t think of that. How about a beagle?”

  “I can do that.”

  “Want to take my hands?” He held out his hands to her. They were thick with layers of muscle. She studied his sausage fingers. No wonder they felt so good massaging her feminine parts.

  They clasp hands. “On the count of three. One, two, three. I wish to become a beagle.”

  Becky Sue pictured Chester’s little beagle, Daisy, and opened her eyes just in time to see a tongue going straight to her face. She turned her head away as the licking persisted. Had it worked? The beagle on the couch next to her looked a lot like Lucky, another of Chester’s dogs. He was wagging his tail happily.

  “Nice fur coat you got there,” said the dog in Ray’s voice.

  Paw, claws, fur, the works. They’d succeeded. Ray licked her face again and surprisingly she was still wet and willing. She turned around showing him her ass.

  Two paws touched her back, lost balance, fell and came back. After several failed attempts, Ray said, “I think we’re going to have to try this on the floor. I can’t keep my balance.”

  They jumped off the couch. It was her turn to lick his face. Her tongue against his fur felt rough and overly textured. He rolled over on his back. His cock hung out. She licked it. He let out a low moan that was half howl. She licked it faster. It got harder. He was panting. His back feet kicked in gleeful pleasure. He flipped back over onto all fours. She turned her back to him again.

  This time his aim was straight and true. He entered her wetness and filled her. Her moan came out more howl. His cock increased in size inside her. It pressed against every wall. Thick. Full.

  He danced around, his back legs unsteady, as he rammed deep. She kept them balanced, four feet on the floor.

  “Damn, I didn’t know doggie style could feel so good,” he panted. “You’re like a wet rubber band around me. Tight and wet as hell.”

  He came in record time. She felt every pulse on every wall.

  “Holy shit.” She released as he throbbed inside.

  As they caught their breath he tried to pull out. He pulled again. This time it tugged on her femininity too hard. She whimpered. She was wrapped too tight around him. His cock was too large to pull out. “I can’t move.”

  “I know and it feels so good, as long as you don’t yank too hard,” she breathed airily. His cock flickered inside as it thought about getting hard again.

  “I don’t know if I have it in me for another shot right now. Especially if I stay in you like this.”

  “Then I think we better get back to human form. From what I’ve seen of dogs humping we could be stuck like this for a while.”

  “Alright. Count of three again.” She nodded. “One, two, three. I wish to be a human again.”

  Becky Sue envisioned what she looked l
ike naked, on her knees, Ray behind her, inside.

  Fleshy hands gripped her hips. She felt looser, saturating wet. Ray slid out.

  Straightening up, she took in his near perfect body. “That was… interesting. But I think I like to feel your flesh better than your fur.”

  He pulled her to him, sliding his fingers inside her as he did, kissed her and breathed out, “this was amazing.” He wiggled his fingers. “I don’t know if I’ve ever felt anything so tight. I’m also pretty sure I haven’t cum that fast since I was a teenager.”

  A throaty laugh erupted from deep inside her. “Serves you right. Next time I’m going to find an animal that bites off the males head after mating.”

  “You mean you’d do this again?”

  “Maybe… if you can persuade me.” She pressed her lips to his and probed his sensuous mouth with her tongue.

  “You really are an animal aren’t you?”

  “Just wait till I figure out how to use my fire powers.” She bit at his lip.

  His cock was hard again pressing against her leg. He lifted her up by her ass, wrapping her legs around him, and carried her to the bed.


  It was criminal to have to get out of the warm bed next to her, especially at this hour. The sky hadn’t even begun to turn grey in the wee dawn hours yet, and here he was crawling out of bed to go follow a drunken idiot who was selling drugs on the side. Maybe he should go with a tried and true method of roughing him up to spill the beans about his supplier, but just the thought of putting his hands on Minnow Breath repulsed him.

  He stopped long enough to drink a cup of coffee, grabbed some protein bars to keep him going the rest of the day, and left the cabin.

  Now that he knew more about how to shape shift he was anxious to try it out as he watched Jed today. He pulled off the road a little past the turn off to Jed’s place and parked his truck. Glancing around to make sure no early risers were wandering about, he hid his keys, chucked his clothes, and thought bear.

  As he ambled up the road he briefly wondered what would happen if someone shot him while he was in bear form. Would it kill him like a human or would it depend on the caliber like any normal bear? Maybe he should’ve picked something less hunted, but he wanted to watch Jed piss his pants when he caught sight of him


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