You and Me: Together duet book number two
Page 18
“Wait, the whore who cheated with your fiancé? How the hell is that your fault?”
“No idea. But, he wanted me out of the way, so David would stop trying to get me back. He didn’t seem to care that I had no interest in David anymore, he wanted me dead.” She shivers as a chill runs up her spine.
“Drink your tea, dear. You’ve had a terrible day.”
“That’s an understatement,” I say as Ella sets a cup of coffee in front of me. I nod my thanks, and she smiles making the wrinkles around her eyes deepen.
“How did you get cut?” Leeza asks.
“He drugged me when I was on the phone. He was on the building team that remodeled my apartment, and he made a pass-through into the vacant apartment next door. He could come and go anytime he wanted.”
Leeza gasps. “Oh my God, you’re lucky to be alive, Aria.”
“I know. If Roman hadn’t sent my friend, Brandon, over to check on me, I might not be.”
“He called looking for you. I had a bad feeling, so I told him to check on you. I was on my way, but he was closer. When I arrived, I heard Kevin talking through the open door of the apartment next to yours. I went in and saw the hole, but you didn’t see me. I left and went back out into the hall and unlocked the door for Brandon. I disarmed the alarm system, so he wouldn’t know we were inside and gave Brandon my gun. I told him about the hole and my plan to ambush him, and that was that.”
“That was what? What was your plan?” Leeza asks like he just left her on a cliffhanger in a romance novel.
“I went back into the other apartment and through the hole to rush Kevin at the same time Brandon came in and held him at gunpoint.”
“And then he nearly beat him to death,” Aria adds.
“You’re damn right I did. He is the lowest of the scum on earth, not to mention that he cut your neck. He could have killed you with that knife.”
“The police arrived, and that was that,” I say wanting this review to be over. It was a frightening experience, and I don’t care to relive it again.
“Wow, that’s insane. So, they put him in jail?”
“I think he’s in the hospital. He was pretty messed up. An ambulance took him away. I saw my ex-friend in the lobby of the police station. She didn’t look good.”
“Serves her right causing all this trouble. If she’d kept her legs closed...”
“Leeza, I think Aria’s had enough for one day,” Julia cuts in.
“No, it’s okay. She’s right. Lynn was the cause of a lot of problems, but I know her, and I have a feeling it was David who led her down this path of destruction. He has a way of manipulating people into doing things they don’t want to do. I let him manipulate me into thinking we were happy and in love, meant to be, when it couldn’t have been further from the truth. If they get back together, they deserve one another.”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen,” I say.
“Really? What do you know that I don’t?” Aria asks taking a sip of her tea. Her teacup is trembling in her hands.
“Maybe this isn’t the best time. Why don’t we go on upstairs so I can put you to bed?”
She glances down at her shaky cup. “No, tell me what you know. I’m fine.”
“Savage,” I mutter under my breath, and everyone smiles, including my Aria.
“It appears David has gotten himself into some serious trouble with loan sharks in Vegas. He’s cleaning up his act and trying to pay them back before they take matters into their own hands. He went to gambling rehab and seems to be putting more effort into his career again.”
“And you know all this because of your spy, Anthony?”
“My private investigator, Anthony, yes.”
Aria rolls her eyes. “Tomato, tomahto,” she says.
“Anyway, he must have told Lynn it was off, permanently, and that’s why she’s looking so torn up. Which is what prompted her criminal brother to stalk you. I still don’t understand that part.”
“Why? It’s his little sister. Wouldn’t you do that for me, big brother?” Leeza says with a saccharine sweet tone.
“No, I wouldn’t. It’s insane. But he hardly knows his sister. She didn’t communicate with him when he was in prison, and he was locked up when she was a little girl,” I say.
“Maybe he was trying to make up for lost time,” Julia adds.
“Who knows what goes on inside the mind of a crazy person?” Leeza looks at me with raised eyebrows. “What? I’m not crazy.”
“If you say so, Mufasa.”
“When were you going to Mexico again?”
“Trying to get rid of me, big brother?”
“Only temporarily.”
“I think Aria and I deserve some peaceful time together after all that’s happened.”
“And you want me to shuffle off to Mexico to give it to you?” I don’t answer with words, but she reads my expression. “Fine, yes, actually I’ve booked a ten-day vacation starting next week, and Mother is going with me, so you two can get kinky all over the house whenever you want.”
Aria blushes, and my mother clucks her tongue. “Will Pierre be joining you both?” I have a bad feeling about that guy. My mother may be smitten, but I don’t like her sneaking around with someone. If he were the real deal, she would have brought him to meet me long before now.
“No,” she sighs. “I told him this isn’t the right time. I still enjoy his company, but I want to focus on the three of you for a while. If he can’t understand that, he’s not the man for me.”
“I think that’s very sensible of you, Mother.”
“Thank you. If I change my mind, I’ll invite him to dinner so that you can give your approval.”
“Or disapproval,” I add.
“Or that, yes.”
“Roman, lighten up. Your mother deserves to find a good man again,” Aria says covering my hand with her small, soft one.
“You’re exactly right. She deserves a good man.”
“Uh oh, Roman has been playing Sherlock Holmes again,” Leeza says leaning back in her chair to cross her arms over her chest.
“You act as if me looking out for you is a bad thing. Yes, I’ve looked into Mom’s boyfriend, and I will do background checks on anyone either of you date, your friends, co-workers—if you ever get a job—and anyone in your life, so get used to it.”
“It’s not that we don’t appreciate you looking out for us, it’s just that sometimes it’s nice to get to know someone on our own and make a decision on whether or not to date them based on our opinions, not a report,” my mom says. I don’t understand that at all. It’s the same thing Aria said to me.
“Why waste all that time on someone not worthy of your attention?” I ask.
“For the same reason, you didn’t try to break up David and Aria when you fell for her from afar. You wanted things to happen organically. You didn’t want to intrude,” Mom says standing with her teacup. “I’m going to rest. It’s been a stressful day. I recommend you two do the same,” she says to Aria and me.
“That’s where we’re headed next,” I say.
“I guess I’ll go shopping for a new bikini to take to Mexico.” Leeza sighs like it’s a chore she’s going to loathe. Shopping is her favorite way of wasting away a day.
“Have fun, buy lots of sunscreen, too. The sun there is brutal,” Aria says.
“Will do. I don’t usually burn, but I know the sun is stronger there. Thanks.”
“Ella, thank you for the tea,” Aria says when we stand to leave the kitchen. “Oh hey, what happened with Champ?” she asks. I had almost forgotten about the dog as well.
“He’s outside sleeping in the sun by the pool. I didn’t want to bring him inside without permission,” she says, and I swear the expression on her face says she’s hoping I will tell her not to let him in.
“Oh, well, of course, he can come inside,” Aria says heading to the French doors right away. Poor Ella sighs in defeat and returns t
o cleaning the kitchen.
Aria steps out onto the patio and calls Champ’s name. In no time, the beautiful collie is bounding toward her. She crouches down, and he proceeds to kiss her entire face.
“Oh my gosh, you’re a beauty!” she cries. “Look how pretty you are all cleaned up!” Champ’s entire body wiggles, and Aria falls back onto her butt laughing. It’s the most beautiful sound in the world. Making this woman happy is my main goal in life, and her laugh is my reward.
“He likes you,” I say stating the obvious.
“I like him, too. I wonder if he had a microchip.”
“The vet said no chip,” Ella says from inside the house.
“No chip. I guess he’s ours then unless someone steps forward to claim him.”
“Really? We can keep him?”
“Anything that makes you this happy is welcome in our home.”
She stops scratching the dog and stares up at me. I lean my shoulder against the doorframe and smile down at her. “You said our home,” she says quietly.
“Yes, and?”
“This is your home.”
I haven’t thought about her living here since she was so insistent she live in her new apartment, but I can’t imagine her anywhere else but here with me. “Aria, you can’t possibly want to go back to that apartment now, can you?”
She looks back at the dog wiggling in her arms. “No, I don’t.”
“Then it’s settled, you’ll move in here, and before you say it’s too soon, you can forget it. We’ve been through more in the past two months than most people handle in years. Our situation is unique, and I don’t care what the world says or thinks. We belong together and not just now or for a while but forever.” I crouch down and receive a few of Champ’s kisses myself as I take her hands in mine. This sure as hell isn’t the way I wanted or expected to do this, but nothing about our relationship has been, why start now?
“Aria Savage, my beautiful second chance at love and life, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and live here in this big old house with my family and this obnoxious dog forever?”
Tears well in her eyes and spill over onto her cheeks, and Champ darts between us to lick them away. She laughs and nods her head twice sharply. “Yes. I can’t believe I’m agreeing to marry someone again so soon, but you’re right. What we have is unique, and we can’t worry about what others think. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything or anyone in my life, and what we have feels so right it can’t possibly be wrong. I would love to marry your bossy ass and live in this big, dusty house with your family and this beautiful dog.”
She launches herself into my arms, and I cover her mouth with mine trying not to think of the dog licking her face only moments ago. The kiss doesn’t last long with Champ darting around us barking. “Okay, okay, she was mine first, you know. I just asked her to marry me, the least you can do is let me kiss her properly,” I say, and he pounces at me giving me a quick lick on the cheek. “Yuck,” I say wiping it off.
“That’s love, Roman, don’t say yuck,” she says giving Champ a big hug.
“Did I just hear you say you asked Miss Aria to marry you?” Ella says from behind me. I turn and sit on the concrete patio with Aria and the dog.
“Yes, you did, and she said yes.”
“Oh, sweet Jesus in heaven! I can’t believe it!” Ella shouts.
I have never even heard Ella raise her voice let alone shout. “Oh, my goodness, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice,” she says covering her mouth.
“It’s all right,” I laugh and stand up taking Aria’s hand to bring her to her feet. “It was unexpected. I think we’re all excited.” That’s an understatement. I am beyond elated. I’d expected Aria to make me wait years before accepting a marriage proposal after what she went through with David.
My proposal may have come out of nowhere, but I have wanted her to be my wife for over six years. They say love at first sight doesn’t exist. I beg to differ. The moment I laid eyes on Aria, I knew she was mine. Not because she resembled Millie either, it was more than that. Her eyes were so full of warmth and kindness, they called out to me like a siren song that day in the bank. She is my other half, my soulmate, my one true match. It’s heartbreaking that I had to lose my first wife and child to find her, but the universe works in mysterious ways that I will never understand.
“I know it will be difficult, Ella, but can you keep this to yourself until we have a chance to tell Leeza and Mom?”
“Oh yes, of course, Mr. Forrest. I won’t say a word.” She makes a cross over her heart with her fingers.
“Thank you. Come, let’s go rest upstairs. Are you bringing the mongrel?” I say nodding at Champ.
“Yes, come on, boy,” she says patting her thigh, and we watch him trot into the house and stand at her side. “I think he’s been to obedience school,” she says.
“They forgot to teach him not to kiss another man’s woman.” She elbows me in the ribs, and I give her a small smile. We start for the stair with Champ walking right on Aria’s heel.
“You’re the jealous type, huh?”
“Absolutely. Don’t test me either, or I’ll have to punish you.”
One side of her mouth rises in a smirk to end all smirks. “I don’t think you should have told me that.”
“Why? Do you enjoy being punished?”
“I think I do.” She bites her lip and blushes.
“Hmm, in that case, you’ve been a very naughty girl.” I swat at her round ass, and Champ barks at me when my hand contacts it.
“Ooo, you might have a little competition, Forrest,” she laughs, and I give my new furry friend the evil eye.
“You’re no competition for me, remember that, Champ. She’s mine.”
Forever and always.
Every morning since Roman asked me to marry him, I roll over and pinch myself. And then I hold up my hand and admire the diamond engagement ring that Roman gave me a week after proposing. We shopped for it together, and it took hours. He kept choosing giant stones and ridiculously expensive settings, neither of which I would ever wear. Finally, we settled on a simple princess cut solitaire and a wedding band with a row of diamonds. I preferred the simple platinum band, but he put his foot down and insisted on the band with diamonds, and I have to admit, it’s gorgeous.
“I wish you would have let me get the five-karat stone,” he murmurs into my ear when he finds me turning my hand this way and that watching the sun bounce off of the stone onto the sheets and comforter in a kaleidoscope of colors.
“Why? I love this one so much.”
He snuggles in behind me pressing his hard cock between my legs right under my butt. “As long as you’re happy.”
“I am blissed out with happiness.”
“Good, you should be it’s your wedding day.”
“Second wedding day,” I remind him. We were married last week by the justice of the peace in Chicago, so our wedding would be legal in the states. Today we are having our real wedding in Mexico at the same resort where we fell in love a few short months ago.
We convinced Leeza and Julia to postpone their trip and asked them to plan our wedding instead and plan they did. I didn’t think they could pull it off so quickly, but Roman says you can do almost anything with the right amount of money. I wasn’t comfortable with that, but, as usual, he insisted. He said he couldn’t wait to marry me, and he didn’t care how much it cost, and well, who can say no to that? Not me.
“Actual wedding day, Chicago was a formality. This is what we will remember for the rest of our lives.”
I roll over, and he pulls me into the curve of his body until we are a lump of tangled limbs. The sun is streaming in through the French doors that lead to the beach where the rolling ocean waves and the smell of the salty air bring back so many memories of our first visit to the Coconut Bay Resort. Roman wanted to change the name of the resort to Ariana Bay, after me, but I wouldn’t allow
it. Coconut Bay is where my life changed forever, and I wanted it to stay exactly the same.
“You’re right. I will remember this place for as long as I live, but not only because of the wedding. This is where I found my soulmate, the person who I’m truly meant to be with.”
“Aren’t you glad I bullied my way into your life that week? If I’d left you alone to cry in your soup for ten days, we wouldn’t be getting married on the beach today.”
“I’ll admit, your obnoxious bossiness is what got us here. If you’d been any less demanding, I would have locked myself in that room and never come out.”
“I would have pestered you back in Chicago until you relented. One way or another we were going to be together. I am grateful you made it easy on me, though. I’d been waiting long enough.”
I tilt my head back and peck him on the lips. “My persistent man.”
“Damn right. Now, how about a little premarital sex before we get up and start this hectic day?”
“You’re asking? Hmm, that’s new. Is this the new married version of Roman Forrest? Because I think I prefer the commanding, single Roman better.”
“If you prefer domination, that can be arranged. Open your legs and lay on your back.”
“Yes, sir,” I say, a shiver of anticipation running through me. Now this is more like it. I roll away from him and spread my legs wide. Already naked from last night’s lovemaking, there’s no need to undress.
He throws off the sheet, and without preparation or warning, buries his face between my legs. His hot tongue darts over my clit, and I grab hold of his hair on either side of his head. He licks and teases pinning my legs to the mattress, but I’m not complaining. Far from it.
The first time I come, it’s sharp and long and hard. My orgasm lasts forever as he continues to lap and suck along my entire crease. He flips me over propping me on my knees, ass in the air, to make me come from behind. He enjoys me at every angle, making me come so many times I lose count before he slides his thick, throbbing cock into my soaking-wet core.