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A Heart Reborn

Page 10

by BK Harrell

  “Don’t worry about it now. You have Thanksgiving and a wedding to deal with before Christmas. Let’s just enjoy the time together, and deal with what comes up when it happens.”

  Sarah thanked her mom, hugging her before trudging upstairs to her bedroom to finish getting ready for Harry’s game.

  The game went as they usually did with Harry outshining his teammates and the competition, but still she found herself getting the silent treatment from her son. After a long tension filled day, Sarah found herself staring at the walls of her bedroom. As she started to peel her clothes off, a strange thought entered her head. She didn’t really want to be alone right now, and she needed someone other than her mom for company. Sadly, the only person she wanted to be with was Coop, but how long could she keep up this charade with him about Harry. Being around him with people in the room was hard enough, but she seemed to be inviting trouble if she was alone with him. Maybe they could meet for a drink and talk. That way she wouldn’t be alone with him, just surrounded by strangers. Picking up her phone she sent him a text.

  S: You busy? Your GF over at your house? ;)

  Coop was sitting on the veranda enjoying the first vestiges of fall when his phone rang. He had a great day visiting with Rhett, Alexa, and baby Emily. After looking at his phone he thought it might just be about to get a little better.

  H: Nope. She just left. JK. Told you I wasn’t seeing anyone and haven’t in a while. What’s up?

  S:Wanna get some coffee and dessert?

  Coop’s heartrate jumped up and his hands started sweating. Sarah wanted to see him outside of work. Holy shit. Maybe things were changing for the better.

  H:I could eat. What do you have in mind?

  S:Café Intermezzo ten o’clock.

  Coop looked at his watch and then replied.

  H:I can do that. See you at ten. Thanks

  S:Why are you thanking me?

  H:Because you want to spend time with me.

  S:You might not be thanking me in time. Can’t wait to see you.

  Sarah had a little more time to get ready than Harrison, but she couldn’t wait too long or she was afraid that she’d lose her nerve. Sarah changed clothes to look a little more presentable, than her current baseball mom look. She chose a pair of black leggings and a red scoop neck sweater that she paired with a nice set of black wedge boots. The wedge would put her a little closer to Coop’s height. Wiping her sweating hands on her leggings she grabbed her purse and headed downstairs receiving a raised eyebrow from her mother.

  “Booty call?”

  “What the hell, mom. I don’t ever want to hear you say that again. You’re too old to be talking like that.”

  “Well, you are leaving the house at nine-forty at night. You changed clothes and look really nice and added a nice perfume to match. So, it’s either a booty call or you want to see a certain young man and talk to him. I hope it’s the latter, because I’m pretty sure you still have that born again virgin thing going on since last year.”

  “UGHHHHH!!!! Really, mom. Born again virgin. No, I’m not going out for a ‘booty call’, but I’m going to meet Harrison for some coffee and dessert. I love you, but I really need to see him right now.”

  “Good for you. Just remember to double wrap that shit this time, because we all know he is one virile man.”

  Sarah covered her ears and shouted “LALALALALALALALALA” before turning a scorching gaze to her mom. “Seriously, mom. Dessert with other people around. No need to ‘double wrap that shit’ because there won’t be anything to wrap.”

  “Don’t know what you’re missing,” her mom said in a sing-song voice.

  “I’m going to try and pretend you didn’t just say that, and try to bleach that thought from my brain.” Sarah walked out to her car still having full body shivers from the conversation with her mom. Ewwe. Just ewwe. She thought. Thankfully the traffic was calm for a Friday night and she didn’t have any trouble getting to the restaurant. Unfortunately, the closer she got the more the butterflies in her stomach started doing circus acts. Sarah gave herself a few minutes to sit in her car and try to get her nerves under control before facing Coop. What was I thinking, she thought as she made the walk from the parking lot? Sarah walked through the front door and saw Coop stand up from a table and wave her over. As she approached, she walked into Coop’s embrace and accepted a kiss on the cheek. She immediately felt the heat race from her cheek to her panties and an overwhelming desire pooled there, begging to be released.

  Coop felt the desire from holding Sarah in his arms shoot straight to his groin. He quickly released her and pulled her chair out for her to sit. Even though he was excited to see Sarah, he had to tamper his feelings. He had no idea what she wanted, but the fact that she asked was enough to send him running right to her. God, she looked amazing in her outfit. She always did look stunning in red and black.

  “Sarah, you look amazing tonight. Not…not that you don’t normally look amazing…I mean shit. I’m just so nervous.” He watched Sarah smile and it went straight to his heart. Her smile could still light up a room.

  “You’re nervous. I’m feeling the women’s gymnastics team, practicing in my stomach. I honestly don’t know why I texted you other than I needed someone, and you were the only person that came to mind. Thanks, for meeting me.”

  “Anytime. You call and I’ll be there. So, what had you so upset tonight that you needed someone to talk to?”

  “Just family stuff. I don’t really want to talk about that, I just wanted a friendly person to talk to about anything but my family.”

  The waitress came over and took their orders for coffee and crème brulee. She was still amazed that Harrison remembered the small details about her. She guessed she shouldn’t be surprised, since she remembered everything about him.

  “Okay then. How was your day off? Did you get some rest?”

  “More than I usually do. Since tomorrow isn’t a work day, I could sleep longer and spend the weekend recovering. How do you do it with work? I mean you mostly work at night, and I know you don’t finish a game and go straight home.”

  Harrison laughed at her question. “No, sweet Sarah. I usually go out with a couple of teammates for a really late dinner. Then, I’ll usually finish off the night on my veranda with a bourbon or scotch and a cigar. I usually wake up early and workout then take a nap around lunch before heading down to the stadium for batting practice. I don’t have much of a life during baseball season. The truth is, it gets harder each year. It would be great to have someone to share it all with, but for the time being, it’s just me and my family.”

  “Your schedule seems a lot like mine when I’m on call. You’re right about it getting harder. I love my mom, but she’s not who I envision going home to every night. I…I thought…never mind. Not important. Why haven’t you ever…you know married?”

  Harrison was thankful that the waitress picked that time to deliver their order. He watched as Sarah cracked the crust of her dessert and her tongue teased the crème off the end of her spoon. Coop had never wanted to be a spoon more in his life than he did right now. Watching her eat, sent waves of pleasure down to his groin. The little moans that came from her with each passing bite seemed to intensify his erection.

  “So, good. Not hungry?” Sarah asked pointing at his desert.

  “Sorry. I was just enjoying watching you eat. You still savor your food like it is the best thing you have ever had.”

  Sarah blushed. “Sorry. I just get so into the food and tastes exploding on my tongue.”

  Coop sat there and stared straight ahead because at that moment he wanted nothing more than to explode on her tongue himself. Subtly shifting around in his chair, Coop tried to relieve the intense pain he was feeling in his groin. He really needed to change the conversation, or he was going to be in pain for a while.

  “Wait. What were you going to say? You started something and said never mind, but it must have been important.”

really not, but you seem to be avoiding my question.”

  “Just allowing you to finish your statement before I answer your question.”

  “Fine.” Sarah lowered her head and, barely above a whisper, said, “I thought I’d be married to you.”

  Coop was shocked to hear Sarah utter those words. How did he respond? Should he say well we would be if you hadn’t run? No. Tonight, wasn’t about the past. Tonight, was about the present, and he wanted her with a ferocity that he hadn’t known in years.

  Coop simply nodded at her statement. He watched as she slowly raised her head and noticed the tears in her eyes. He absentmindedly reached across the table and used the pad of his thumb to wipe away the stray tears. “It’s okay, Sarah. It simply wasn’t our time. To answer your question though, I only wanted to marry you. You’re the one I have been waiting for to get married.”

  Sarah was shocked into silence. She had just dropped a bombshell on Coop, but the one that he dropped back was even bigger. Sarah didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t speak so she just took his hand in hers and held it to her cheek. She was suffused with warmth at his tender touch. Sarah wanted to kiss him right now and the consequences be damned, but she didn’t want to make an ass out of herself in a public place.

  “Can we get out of here?”

  Coop raised his hand and yelled “Check please.”

  Thankfully the waitress was nearby and dropped off their check. She nearly fainted when she saw the hundred-dollar tip that Coop left. He was in such a hurry to get Sarah out of there, he would have dropped a thousand if it meant getting her alone. Stepping outside, Coop looked at her and said, “Where do you want to go?”

  “I’m going to sound like a tramp when I say this, but your place is too far and we can’t go to mine, so the Marriott is close.”

  “One car or two?”

  “Two. Definitely two.”

  They drove to the hotel and after quickly securing a suite on the top floor, they took the elevator to their room.

  Coop opened the door and pulled Sarah inside before slamming it closed. He pressed her up against the door and let out ten years of pent up frustration as his lips crushed hers. He felt her arms wrap around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. There was nothing gentle about their kiss. No hi, I’ve missed you, or let’s get to know each other again. There was aggression from both parties in that kiss. Teeth gnashed, tongues dueled, and lips bruised. Coop broke the kiss struggling for breath. He looked into Sarah’s dark chocolate eyes brimming with desire. Her lips were swollen from their kiss. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, because if we start, I don’t think I will be able to stop.”

  “God help me, Coop. I want you.”

  Coop reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head exposing the creamy expanse of skin hiding under there. Her black and pink lace bra set off her glowing skin. He could see her nipples puckered under the demi-cups of the lace. Coop pushed the cups down, exposing her hard nipples. He watched her skin pucker as the cool air blew through the room. Coop took the turgid nipple into his mouth and gently bit down eliciting a gasp from her. His hand massaged her left breast as he attended to the right breast. Releasing her nipple with a pop from his mouth, he turned his attention to the other one. His hand reached behind her and unclasped her bra, pulling it down her arms and tossing it to the ground. Coop started working his way down her abdomen leaving light kisses as he trailed down. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her leggings and pulled them down her legs forgetting, in his haste to taste heaven, the boots. He made quick work of her boots and then pulled off her leggings. He was riveted by the pink and black lace of her panties. God, did women know how sexy men thought a matching bra and panty set were. His mouth watered as her scent wafted through the air to his nostrils.

  Coop continued his journey south kissing each hip bone, which he noted were fuller than before, and then over her panties as his tongue stroked the aroused skin between her folds. He kissed down her legs and back to the spot behind her knees that still made her squirm and moan at the same time. His patience worn thin, he ripped her panties off in one swift motion.

  “Ummm…I was going to need those in a little while.”

  “I’ll buy you a hundred pairs.” Coop spread her legs and kissed each inner thigh dragging his tongue to her center. His tongue swiped her bottom to top and then his lips latched onto her clit suckling the bundle of nerves. He placed his hand on her stomach to hold her still while he continued his slow tortuous journey. As his lips and tongue continued to taste her musky nectar, he inserted two fingers into her tight channel and curled them into her g-spot. He felt her tighten around his fingers before she finally exploded around them.

  Sarah lay there panting, trying to catch her breath. Finally, with heavily lidded eyes, she looked at Coop and said, you’re still over-dressed.

  Coop stripped faster than he ever had before. He plucked his wallet out of his pants and grabbed the condom that he thought he had stupidly stashed in there. Well, at least his planning paid off. He felt Sarah reach out and grasp his hard cock. Her slim fingers felt like velvet around his shaft, but he reached down and pulled her hand away. “Sweet Sarah, if you keep touching me like that, it’ll be over before it even starts.” Coop sheathed himself and pushed Sarah up the bed so her head was resting on the pillows. He rubbed the head of his erection over her wet opening before entering her. God, he had never felt anything so good. He slowly pushed forward allowing her time to adjust to his size. Once he was all the way in, he slowly withdrew and thrust back home.

  “Dammit, Coop. I’m not some porcelain doll who’s going to break. Stop screwing around and fuck me.”

  This was a different Sarah. She’d have never talked dirty during sex and if possible, it made him even harder. He slammed back home and set a blistering pace driving them to the edge. He felt her nails bite into his shoulders with each thrust, and her moans drowned out the sound of his breathing. He had never wanted anything more than he did right now. This is where he was supposed to be, with this woman. He couldn’t hold out anymore.

  “Come now, Sarah.” With his words, he heard Sarah cry out his name and felt her fall over the edge. As she clenched around him and milked him he finally lost the battle and followed her over. Not wanting to crush her, Coop rolled off of her and quickly disposed of the condom before pulling Sarah to his chest. He allowed his fingertips to trail up and down Sarah’s back. He could feel warm tears coating his chest as he kept rubbing her back.

  “What’s wrong, baby? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, Coop. I’m just so happy right now. I’ve thought about this for so long.” Sarah had to fight herself from shouting out that she was still in love with him. Instead, she snuggled in closer trying to absorb all his body heat and warmth.

  Coop pulled the covers back, and covered over them. He didn’t want to fall asleep because he was afraid he would wake up and this would’ve all been a dream.

  Sarah looked up at Coop and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to turn into a booty call.”

  Coop laughed at her. “Baby, that was the last thing on my mind when I ran out of the house tonight. I was so excited just to spend time with you. I’m not complaining, because that was incredible. I think it was more incredible than when we were together before. Don’t over think this. We’ll figure it out in time.”

  Sarah laid in his arms and glanced over at the clock seeing that it was three in the morning. “Shit, Coop. I need go. I wish I could stay, but I should get home. Thanks for the evening. Would I sound too slutty if I said I wanted to do this again? Maybe next time you can show me your house.”

  “I’d like that too. I’ll even cook dinner for you, but I won’t be around for a few weeks. I’m heading to Arizona to help evaluate and teach some of the prospects. However, I promise you we’ll try to talk every night. You can even sex skype with me.”

arah, laughed. “When do you leave?”

  “Monday. Unfortunately, I have a family thing tomorrow and even though I’d love to take you with me, I fear that it would be too much too soon for you.”

  “You’d be right about that. Anyway, I have a family thing on Sunday also. I’ll call you later tonight and we can talk. You still owe me panties, mister.”

  “Anything you want. I’ll set you up an account at Victoria’s Secret. Just as long as I’m the only one who gets to see them.”

  “That’s an easy promise to make.” Sarah pulled herself out of bed and collected her clothes. She couldn’t wait to have to explain this to her mother. With her luck, she would be sitting on the couch reading a book and drinking some tea when she walked in the door. When Sarah reached the door, she felt Coop come up behind her and turn her around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him good bye, but this time it was more of a see you later.”


  “Good night.” Sarah did the walk of shame out of the hotel, but she didn’t feel any shame in what had just happened. She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she drove home. When she pulled into the driveway, she noticed the living room light on, and hoped that her mother had just left it on for her safety. As she walked up to the front door, her hopes were dashed as she heard the low murmur of the TV. Opening the door and walking in she saw her mother sitting there sipping her tea, reading a listening to the TV.

  Her mother’s eyes looked up and gave her a questioning look. “Not a booty call?”

  Sarah couldn’t stop blushing at her mother’s statement. “Dammit, mom. I thought we talked about this.”

  “You’re glowing, sweetheart. You’re smiling, you lips are swollen, and you’re sneaking in at three-thirty in the morning.”


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