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A Mate to Match

Page 2

by Jeanette Lynn



  No cause for me to be rude too, right?

  You don’t find me irresistible?


  Conceited much, is he? I thought as a million things raced through my mind all at once.

  I shook my head 'no' at him and cleared my throat a couple of times.

  I studied his face, looking for any sign that this was some sort of joke on his part.

  I couldn’t find a one.

  Oh, boy...

  He is dead serious.


  What to do, what to do...

  Just go with blunt and honest, Katarina, I told myself.

  "You're kidding, right?” I gestured at him. “You're covered in grease, you're rude, you have no manners, and you alluded to being a 'mama's boy'," I told him bluntly, making air quotes with my fingers to emphasize 'mama's boy'.

  "Oh! And you also admitted, and I'm quoting you here, 'I'm not your type' and 'you don't really want to be here'. You tell me, darlin'," I mocked his drawl, "What exactly should I find so irresistible?" I asked incredulously.


  Geez, she's a real straight shooter, this one, I thought elatedly.

  And damn me if she isn’t cute when she's mad too!

  I was a little surprised when I first glimpsed her through the diner window, thinking she would probably end up like all the rest, but, damn, was her packaging awful pretty.

  She’d been tapping her fingernails along the table, looking around nervously, fidgeting, making me wrongly pin her as another shy, acquiescent mouse, like all the other times I'd been through this.

  I figured she was another silly little thing that would eat like a bird in front of me, wouldn't speak more than two words the whole time we were here and probably blushed like a virgin at everything I said, whether it was sexual or otherwise.

  At first glance, though, I couldn't help but think she looked pretty as a picture in that blue clingy top, her breasts perfectly outlined and showcased as it clung to her curves so lovingly.

  She’s wearing her long black hair all fixed up in loose curls that went down her back, some over her shoulder as she unconsciously played with the ends.

  Her lips looked as if they were perpetually in a pout as she’d frowned down at her watch for the umpteenth time.

  I saw all this as I spied on her through the diner window from the safety of my truck, debating if I should even bother to go in and meet her or just say 'fuck it' and leave.

  She'd gazed out the window, looking right past me as she stared off towards the woods lining the old diner.

  I'd noticed her large beguiling eyes in her heart shaped face as she turned and gave me a full view of her, a stubborn little tilt to her chin.

  I wasn't particularly interested in meeting another one of Mama's blind dates, but this time there was something about her that drew me in and made me want to approach her.

  Something about her called to me, made my heart race a little bit as I memorized everything I could about her from my safe distance away.

  I remember thinking, 'Hey, if all else fails, I could always put on the charm and at least get myself some pussy, right?'

  Or so I’d so wrongly assumed.

  She’s nothing at all like I’d contemplated she would be.

  That woman is more likely to stab me than have sex with me!

  Little Miss Kitty Kat has claws hidden under that sweet looking exterior of hers, I thought excitedly, a smile slipping past again.

  This little darlin' aint afraid to just say it like it is, I mused as I thought of her blunt manner of speaking and the saucy tilt to her mouth whenever she delivers a verbal punch to the nuts.

  Straight to the point, this one is.

  The icing on the cake for me, though, odd as it sounds, is her initial lack of interest in me and my current state of dress.

  Add to that, her no shit attitude at my rude behavior... sweet baby Jesus! I think I'm in love!

  Give me a minute to let me explain here, so I don't sound like a complete and total masochistic moron.

  I'm a werewolf, you see, and werewolves have a kind of aura about them that attracts the opposite sex... kinda like flies to honey at times... and sometimes the ladies affected by it can be a little wonky when it hits them. Really accommodating...

  Putty in my hands, so to speak.

  So, even if I come in acting like an ass and looking like yesterday's leftovers, the women are still willing and ready to bite.

  Ready to romp with ol’ Alfie a time or two.

  God, I'd love to ride her a time or too... or her ride me... I'm not real picky about the position... as long as I'm buried to the hilt in her, I thought as I eyed her currently pursed, beautiful pout.

  I bet her lips would be real soft...

  My little buddy jumped up excitedly in my pants at the idea and I found myself unconsciously licking my lips a little.

  I feel like she's got the hold on me, not the other way around.

  I wonder if that's even possible.

  My cousin earl says he thinks the attraction to werewolves by Humans is probably some kind of pheromone we give off that Humans don't. Something to help us attract a mate, he says.

  He's a pretty smart, scientific type guy, so I'm inclined to believe him.

  He's the brainiac in the family, not me.

  Normally, I could have walked in here, looking like this, and had her ready and rearing to go before you could say, 'check please!'

  But, apparently, this little filly is different.

  She appears slightly mortified by the whole situation.

  I don't think I helped that too much with the whole weight misunderstanding a little bit ago.

  Nice one, Alfie! Now she thinks you’re an asshole!

  I don't know why she'd think her curves would be an issue. I love me some woman. A real woman. Not some twig I'd have to worry about breaking if things got a little rough.

  No, she was made for lovin'.

  All lush curves... plump, full breasts, well rounded hips... and from the glimpse I got when she stood up when she'd tried to leave, a very generous derriere.

  It's not just her body I find so pleasing, though.

  Her over all sassy attitude and blunt speech has my interest piqued as well.

  I'm completely intrigued.

  Her obvious disdain for me just adds to it, makes me want her even more.

  I love a good game of chase, I thought grinning to myself.

  I got tired of the easy acquiescence from the women affected by the 'were-mones,' or whatever it was Earl liked to call them, a long time ago.

  This little pistol is right up my alley.

  Now I just have to do damage control.

  Hmmm... Probably wasn't wise to take the last half of her sandwich either, I chuckled to myself.

  What was it Granddaddy always said when Granny was mad?

  Oh, yeah! 'Don't poke the bear'.

  I think I might have done just that.

  "Why don't we just start over, forget all the other stuff, huh?" I asked earnestly.

  "No," she replied, almost immediately, not even taking a minute to think about it.

  "Aw, darlin', if I say I'm awful sorry and I wanna start over, will you at least reconsider? I'll be a perfect gentleman, swear," I implored, my hand up as if I was taking an oath.

  She grimaced and thought about it for a moment.

  It seemed like she'd come to some kind of a decision as she lifted her head and looked me directly in the eyes, straightening her shoulders back as she slowly nodded her head, looking like she didn't really want to, but was worried about being rude.

  So, not only is my little spitfire plain speaking and curvy in all the right ways, I reflected as I studied her, but she has manners too.

  Thank you, Mama!

  "You have to buy me pie though..." she said after a moment, picking up the pie pamphlet they had between the salt and pepper shakers.

  "It's the least you
could do, you know." She glanced at me, giving me a look that dared me to argue with her.

  "After all, you did just eat most of my food...." she said, her voice fading into a mutter on the last part.

  Of course, I heard it all, my hearing being what it is, but I just pretended otherwise.

  Hot damn, woman! Boss me around some more!

  She's down right adorable when she's demanding...

  So sexy.

  I inhaled a slow, deep breathe to take in her scent, shuddering when the sweet smell of Miss Kitty Kat went through my nostrils and shot straight to my brain, then detoured to my groin.

  She smells wonderful, I sighed, my mouth watering as I licked my lips a little in anticipation.

  Her scent reminds me of sweet honeysuckle.

  Mmmm... I love honeysuckle.

  I wonder what her skin tastes like, I thought idly, studying the graceful, smooth line of her neck.

  "Um... Ahem. Do you want to order first?" she asked a little impatiently, shaking me out of my reverie, her hand unconsciously rubbing at her neck where I'd been staring at it.

  I looked up and realized the waitress was standing there to take our order. She must be the new waitress on shift because the other one was nowhere in sight.

  "Can I get you anything... anything at all?" the young new waitress asked between chomps of her gum, smiling at me invitingly, batting her lashes flirtatiously.

  I grinned at her, winked, and ordered.

  "I'll have the cherry pie. Heat it up a little first, would ya?"

  The waitress tittered and continued to flirt with me, running a lock of hair around on her finger, giggling and carrying on.

  There was a snort from Kat and then a low muttered, "Oh, brother, this is just sad... someone stick a fork in me, I'm done."

  She tried to order as well, but it looked like the waitress was a little too busy trying to score herself a slice of Lupenstein pie, to notice.

  Kat finally had enough of being blatantly ignored and clapped her hands together to get the waitresses' attention.

  "Excuse me, Sally, is it?" she clipped, reading the name tag, but Suzie or Sally or whatever, still wasn't listening.


  This is ridiculous! The little tart of a waitress is staring at him like he's an ice cream and she would just love a lick.

  "You know what, forget it, I'm good. Thank you for the offer, but I really must get going. Can I just have the check, please?" I asked sharply, looking directly at the waitress.

  ...who still isn't listening.

  Oh, this is ridiculous!

  "Oye, pop tart!" I barked, smacking my hand on the table.

  "The check." I glared at her when she finally looked over.

  "Here you go," waitress tart-y pants said with a patently false, saccharin sweet smile.

  She looked directly at Alfred...or Alfie....whatever his damn name is, and touched his sleeve caressingly.

  "I'll be right back with your pie." She winked.

  "No," he cut in, "put mine to go and one for her too. What kind you want, sugar?" he asked, giving me a small reassuring smile.

  "Pecan, please," I said, not in the mood to debate any of this anymore.


  He wants to buy me pie, be my guest.

  I'll get the damn pie and then I'll go, no biggie.

  I just want to get the heck out of here!

  Worst date ever!

  We got our containers and Alfred insisted on paying the bill.

  Although I was a little uneasy about it, I let him, ready to get out of here and get home.

  "She didn't mean nothin’. No need to get jealous, darlin'." He grinned at me as we left together.

  I choked on my own saliva, sputtering and gasping, my face turning pink at his egotistical assumption.

  Of all the...

  Jealous, my left foot!

  "You completely misinterpreted that," I finally choked out, "I was not jealous of you playing with that... pop tart. I was more upset at her lack of customer service," I huffed indignantly.

  He gave me a look like he didn't believe me, but didn't say anything else.

  "In fact," I said haughtily, "make sure you get her number. I'm sure she would just love to spend some time with you, grease and all." I gestured at him, waving a hand at him and his current state of dress.

  "Sugar," he said, affecting a wounded expression, "Now that's just plain mean."

  He put a hand on his chest and looked at me with the most ridiculously pitiful expression I'd ever seen on a fully grown man.

  I let him know what I thought of his little display as my lips pursed and I gave him a look, my hand tightening on my pie container at the same time.

  "You know I only have eyes for you," he said, smiling wolfishly.

  He turned fully towards me and started to close the gap between us, but I backed up, hoping he didn't touch me.

  The last thing I want is Alfie getting any funny ideas...

  Plus... I really like this shirt... minus grease stains...

  "Um, stop, that's far enough," I ordered sternly, putting my hand up to stop him.

  He stopped, of course, the second he brushed up against my hand, pushing his torso onto my palm, the warmth of his skin permeating his shirt and into my palm.

  The girl in me gushed at the feel of all the hard planes of his pectorals. The warmth of his solid muscular body... all that power and strength hidden underneath a ratty old shirt...

  Hhmm... He must work out...


  Focus, Katarina! I chastised myself.

  We don't want the dumb ass!

  "Look, I'm sorry you're... delusional, but I'm not interested... at all... so, bye," I said quickly and turned away from him.

  I hurried to my car and tried to unlock the door.

  Alfred snuck up behind me, putting his arms on either side of me, boxing me in as he leaned in a little.

  "Oh, darlin’, don't I even get a kiss goodbye?" he murmured close to my ear.

  Maybe I'm just being paranoid... but I think he sniffed my hair...

  No, no, I'm imagining things.

  ...that would be too creepy.

  I turned around slowly, pie container still in hand, and leaned in to give him a quick peck on the cheek.

  He didn't deserve it, but I decided to consider it a 'thank you' for the pie.

  His head turned at the last minute and captured my lips with his.

  I was surprised at first, though I really shouldn't be.

  Really should have had the forethought to contemplate that he'd try some cheap trick like that.

  Alfred grabbed me to him and groaned, licking at my lips hungrily as he pulled me closer to him.

  I tried to squeak out in protest, but anything I could have said was muffled by his eager lips.

  My body flooded with heat as he kissed me passionately, my mind blanking instantly as I lost myself in his kiss for a moment.

  He murmured my name against my lips and my eyes popped open wide.

  Katarina! What the hell are you doing, girl?!

  He's an ass, remember?!

  I snapped out of it and tried to squirm against him, biting at his lower lip to get his attention, but that just seemed to turn him on even more.

  He growled deep in his chest, a deep rumbling growl that made me jump a little and sent a frisson of fear trickling through me.

  “Alf...” I yelled at him, but he muffled it with another kiss.

  I stepped on his foot, but he just grunted and moved his foot out of the way.

  Stubborn man!

  I tried to purse my lips shut, squeaking when he grunted at me and bit at my lips when I wouldn't open.

  He gripped my hips and lifted me up a little, earning a squeaked yelp from me as I grabbed his shoulders.

  He set me back down quickly and pinned me between himself and the car, his tongue sliding into my mouth as he took advantage of my flustered state.

  I growled at him in frustration,
only kissing him back for a minute... or two.

  Gripping his shoulders, I pushed him back a little.

  "Alfred!" I barked at him, "Contain yourself!"

  "God, I love it when you get all sassy like that, sugar," he purred at me, his eyes an unusually brighter shade of blue.

  It almost looked like he had yellow streaking through them now... but that couldn't be right... I could have sworn they were completely blue.

  "Wait! I was going to kiss you on the cheek, not let you maul me against my car!" I haughtily pointed out, glaring at him when he just growled and leaned in closer.

  What's with all the growling?

  "Your mouth says, 'No', but, darlin', your body's screaming, 'Yes'."

  He leaned in and stole another heart stopping kiss.

  "No, no, no! I couldn't poss..." I started, but was abruptly cut off by my randy companion as he kissed me and rubbed himself suggestively against me.

  I loved every damn minute of it... but it's not right! I want to jump his bones, yet he makes me insane.

  He's rude... uncouth... a flirt... the best damned kisser ever...

  No! No! No!

  My mind was all over the place as his kisses grew more urgent.

  I panicked, terrified at the war raging on in my subconscious as he made me feel things I hadn't felt in a while.

  I pushed at him as hard as I could, but he didn't budge.

  Damn it! Well, fine!

  He doesn't want to move... I'll help him... he asked for it!

  I reached between us and pulled at the front of his jeans, unbuttoning the front enclosure.

  He got really excited by this, licking at the seam of my lips to get me to open up for him again as I tugged his pants open as wide as I could get them.

  Old Alfie boy was excited, I amended. That is, until I opened up my pie container and dumped my pie down the front of his pants.

  Take that!

  He yelped and jumped away from me, smacking the crotch of his pants, making weird, howling type noises as he tried to save his manhood from my too hot pecan pie.


  Must have been a little too fresh when they got it ready to go.

  I hurried into my car and locked the doors, starting it and backing the heck out of there, peeling rubber as I sped away.

  I started laughing hysterically when I drove down the road a little ways and got to a red light.


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