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A Mate to Match

Page 3

by Jeanette Lynn

  I was remembering the look on his face and all that jumping around.

  He looked completely ridiculous!

  Alfred's going to be sooo mad! I thought, grinning evilly.

  My smile vanished as I rubbed at my lips absently, remembering his kisses.

  I could still feel his lips pressing against mine, full and soft, but firm.

  My body's still throbbing with want from the pleasure his stupid kisses had prompted deep within me.

  I have to admit, the man can kiss like no one's business... even if he is a slovenly degenerate.

  My lips still tingled from it, body still humming pleasantly.

  I giggled when I thought about how pissed off he must be right about now, picking pie off of his crotch, probably cursing me to hell.

  Maybe Sally will help him, I thought and snorted. Kiss his boo boos.

  I tried to shake the momentary feelings of anger/jealousy at that particular thought and decided that denial was my best option at the moment.

  I popped a cd into my car's stereo and sang along, trying to block out any and all thoughts of 'Alfie' Alfred Lupenstein, if that's even his real name, and our disastrous date.


  "I'm so sorry, Miss De Vince," said the nasally voice on the other end of the line.

  "I thought for sure you two would mesh. Mr. Lupenstein was very adamant that he wished to see you again when he called this morning."

  I just bet he was, I snickered to myself.

  ...probably wants to tar and feather me for burning his chicken nuggets...

  "It says in your date review here that you found him to be a ... conceited, uncouth, obnoxious..."

  As my descriptions got more creative, she started muttering the rest under her breathe.

  I was a teensy bit upset when I wrote that review and I could just imagine her blushing over my colorful descriptions.

  "You know what, why don't we just move on? We really don't need to repeat the rest of that, heh, heh," she said hurriedly, an awkwardness to her laugh.

  "I hope you still want to stay with Made to Match. I can assure you we will do our utmost to ensure a better match with your next date," the Made to Match director's personal assistant said imploringly.

  "As long as I don't have a repeat of last week, that's fine," I told her finally, deciding it wasn’t really their fault my date had been so disastrous.

  She gave me the details for my next date and we hung up.

  When you get kicked off a horse, you’re supposed to get right back on, right?

  I looked at the paper in my hand with all my date info and tried to pep myself up for it.

  The woman from the agency, Margaret, gave me the address to a fancy restaurant to meet my date at.

  My stomach danced a little as I headed towards my closet to see if I had anything appropriate to wear stuffed in there somewhere.

  “This time will be different, you'll see,” I coached myself.


  I lucked out, I thought to myself, as I tried on the black dress I’d worn to my old roomy Perry's college graduation.

  It wasn't sexy or anything, but it would work, I decided.

  I paired it with a pair of black, wedge, peep toes that I just had to buy, but have yet to wear.

  I wiggled my toes in them in anticipation.

  Deep breaths... deep breaths... he’s going to be awesome. You’re going to have a great time...

  I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and held my head high as I straightened my dress and sucked in my tummy.

  I gave a flirty pose and blew a kiss at myself.

  Lookin’ good, Katarina.

  “Enough messing around! I have a date to meet!” I told my mirror self, then hurried out of the bathroom and down the hall.

  “I’m talking to myself in the mirror,” I chuckled. “Now you’re the one who’s going to have their date thinking they’re certifiable, Miss De Vince,” I snickered as I locked my front door.


  Thirty minutes later, I parked my car and checked myself in the mirror one last time.

  "This is as good as you're gonna get, old girl," I told myself and then got out of the car.

  I pressed the lock button on my key fob and headed into the restaurant.

  It’s kind of crowded in here tonight... I thought as people milled about, restaurant employees buzzing about like little busy bees.

  I looked around and chewed on my lip nervously.

  There doesn’t seem to be anything available.

  ...I hope he has a table already, I thought worriedly.

  My worry was all for nothing, though, as I gave the waitress my name and she ushered me to a private table in the reserved seating area.

  It's all so fancy, I couldn't help but think when I was seated and took in the ambience of the place.

  Romantic too, I pondered as the hostess brought chilled champagne and water to the table.

  I was perusing the menu when I heard a throat clearing from across the table.

  I looked up and jumped, completely startled when the man seated across from me caught me off guard.

  I must have zoned out or something, because my date was sitting in his seat, his menu lifted up as well.

  His elegantly masculine fingers were the only part of him I could see.

  He had thick, manly hands with calluses all over them.

  Must be a hard worker, I reflected as I sat there admiring what little bit of him that was visible.

  I bet they would feel rough running over my skin too.

  I shivered.

  My date, Sebastian, cleared his throat and slowly lowered his menu.

  I was stunned speechless.

  He's gorgeous, I thought, pleasantly surprised as I took in every yummy inch of him.

  I gazed at his proud chin, with just a hint of a cleft, slightly crooked nose- it just added to his masculinity- blonde hair pulled back from his face, with just a hint of a wave to it, and a pair of beautiful, ocean blue eyes.

  Apparently, he liked what he saw too if the wide grin and twinkling in his baby blues was any indication.

  "Well, hello there, darlin', miss me?" a familiar deep voice drawled.

  My mouth dropped open and an ‘eep’ squeaked out.

  I froze, my eyes popping wide, almost right out of my head.



  It couldn't be!

  But it was.

  I took him all in and realized it truly was him... a very cleaned up him... but still him.

  "Whaaaa, erm, what are you doing here?" I asked, still a bit frazzled.

  He just grinned wider, if that's even possible.

  "Ah, sugar, don't be like that. I might begin to think you don't like me."

  He winked and sipped at the glass of champagne intended for my date, drawing me out of my shell shocked trance.

  "You can't be here!" I hissed at him quietly from across the table.

  "Sure I can," he disagreed and started to look over his menu again, lifting it up as if he was dismissing me.

  I plucked it up and out of his hands, giving him the stink eye.

  "You need to leave," I said haughtily, glaring at him.

  "As even you can obviously tell, I'm waiting for someone," I continued.

  "About that..." he cut in, swirling his finger in a circle on the table, looking at me slyly through the corner of his eye.

  "He's not gonna be able to make it, darlin'. He got a little tied up at the... moment... it seems. You understand, don't you, sugar?" he said nonchalantly.

  "And how would you know this?" I asked incredulously.

  "Me and old Sebby got to know each other pretty well... not too long ago... and he probably wouldn't have been able to make it anyways, you know. He, uh…" He coughed, "he seemed really close to the man I saw him, uh...attached to..." he said haltingly, coughing ever so often, like he had a frog in his throat.

  I hope he's not contagious, I worried, searching my hand ba
g for sanitizer. Never can be too cautious, you know.

  If I didn't know better, I could swear he was trying to hide laughter instead of a coughing fit.... but that wouldn't make any sense.

  What's so funny about... oh, I get it... I realized as his 'close to a man' comment kicked in to my still numbed brain.

  Mock me for almost going out with a man who really likes men... oh, that's so not funny.

  I frowned at him.

  "Well, if he likes men, then he shouldn't have put down that he wanted to date women then, huh? But there’s no need to laugh about it. It’s not really funny, Alfred, and there’s nothing wrong with him liking men. To each their own, I say. He just shouldn’t have stated otherwise," I told him reasonably.

  “I wasn’t laughing about that.” Alfred frowned, suddenly serious.

  "Erm... well, Alfred... thanks for letting me know why he couldn’t come," I said a little awkwardly and got up from the table, making my way to the hostess to get my check and get the heck out of here.

  I am so embarrassed right now!

  I was stood up by my date so he could go ‘canoodle’ with someone else.

  And he didn't even have the decency to cancel first!

  A large, warm hand came up against my back and Alfred's voice was right next to my ear as he murmured, "Come on, sugar, I'll walk you to your car."

  He went a step further, taking the check out of the hostess’ hands before she could give it to me, paying for the bill himself.

  The hostess flirted with him ridiculously, the whole time.

  Maybe he's like a waitress/hostess magnet or something…

  I snorted inwardly.

  Surprisingly enough, this time, Alfred didn't flirt back.

  He kept his tone polite and friendly, but there wasn't any winking or sweet smiles sent in her direction.

  Hmmm... Maybe he doesn't like short, skinny blondes... I mused as the hostess grinned at him mischievously and flipped her hair over her shoulder, simpering at everything he said.

  Gag... hack... gag...

  I giggled quietly, enjoying Alfred as he seemed to get uncomfortable with all of Miss host-e-pants attention.

  He looked over his shoulder at me, but I just smirked at him and stayed right where I am.

  Alfred frowned, but then turned his attention back to the hostess, who seemed to be holding his credit card hostage.

  I looked around the room absently, admiring the atmosphere.

  It took me a minute to notice the admiring looks Alfred was receiving.

  Women were openly ogling him or if they were with someone, ogling him somewhat discreetly.

  …Trying to, anyways.

  He does cut a nice figure in that suit, I thought as I studied him from behind.

  ...and he has such a lovely behind in those slacks, I mused to myself, staring at 'said' behind as he paid the bill and deftly avoided any of the hostess' desperate man grasping hooks.

  I smiled at my wayward thoughts and chuckled a little.

  He turned around and looked at me, raising his brow in inquiry, trying to figure out what I was laughing at.

  I smiled innocently and waved a little in good bye, then turned, heading out the door to leave.

  Time to leave, Katarina. You’re starting to ogle his rump like a juicy steak! I scolded myself.

  He hurried to catch up and steered me towards my car, his arm sliding over my shoulders as we walked along.

  We walked that way in companionable silence, his fingers absently rubbing at my upper arm, swirling small circles on my skin that made me shiver and break out in gooseflesh.

  "So, can I have another kiss for being your knight in shining armor?" he asked as we reached my car.

  "Knight in shining armor?" I laughed, raising my face to look up at him, rubbing my arms absently to ward off the cold.

  "I figured you would hate me for what I did to you at the diner... maybe want to tar and feather me... cuss me out.... slash my tires or something... you know? Not kiss me..." I rambled, laughing nervously.

  He was much closer now and I could smell his cologne, or whatever it was he was wearing that made him smell so good.

  It was a good, musky type of smell, mixed in with his own scent of man and outdoors.

  When did he get so close?

  His arms were now boxing me in, shielding me from the brunt of the cold.

  "Oh, darlin', where I'm from that's flirting," he whispered huskily as he dipped down, his lips descending on mine in a fiery kiss.

  His lips were soft, but firm against mine, caressing at first, but quickly turned passionate as he nibbled and licked at the seam of my mouth, biting at my lower lip until I opened up for him.

  His tongue was hot and demanding as he pushed it inside my mouth.

  I felt my body melting into his as he pulled me closer.

  I pushed my fingers into his thick, blonde, silky locks, pulling him closer, his hair escaping its pony tail as I tugged at it a little, demanding more.

  The kiss got wilder, all lips and tongue as we stood there, for who knows how long, making out like two horny teenagers against my car.

  He pulled back a little and licked his lips, his eyes luminous, as if they were glowing, reflecting into the night as he stared at me with hunger and want in his eyes.

  "Take me home, sugar," he murmured demandingly.

  I think it was meant as a question, but somehow came out as more of an order.

  I came out of my lust induced stupor and shook my head 'no'.

  That would be a really bad idea, I reasoned with myself.

  He pushed me harder against the car and I whimpered as we intimately came into contact through our clothes.

  So good.

  He pushed himself against me again and I rubbed back, relishing the feel of our bodies together.

  "Take me home, darlin', or I'm going to take you right here, right now," he growled, tightening his arms around me.

  He thrust against me and I gasped, his lips locking with mine, kissing me wildly with every ounce of want he had in himself for me.

  At some point, and I'm not quite sure when, I had climbed him like a monkey, straddling him as I tried to grind myself back against him, tried to get more of him, more of that elusive feeling he evokes in me.

  He put his hands under my bottom to support me, kneading both cheeks through my dress, growling as he pushed me against him hard, rubbing me on his erection tauntingly.

  I reached around and grabbed his ass, squeezing his tight buns, leaning forward to nip at his chin playfully.

  He's so sexy when he growls, I thought madly, consumed, as he growled again near my ear.

  I could feel myself gush with wet arousal as the sounds he made excited me, making me want him even more.

  I ran my hands up his muscled back and his shoulders, squeezing to test everything as I went.

  He’s solid.

  He leaned into my touch and gasped as I ran my hands through his hair, tugging a little to pull his face down to mine.

  He pushed his face into my neck instead and bit lightly, nibbling along my neck and shoulder blade in his exploration of my body.

  I shivered and bit his earlobe, sucking it into my mouth to tease him a little more, eliciting another sexy growl from him.

  He nibbled and licked at my neck as I squeezed my hand between us, rubbing at the steel tent pole he had hiding in his pants.

  “Alfred,” I gasped, his teeth biting playfully at my sensitive nape.

  He pushed into my hand, thrusting and moaning as I played with him through his pants.

  “Oh, yeah. Just like that, sugar,” he moaned.

  His movements became frenzied and almost frantic, both of us pulling at one another's clothes in our madness.

  Alfred started pulling at my passenger door handle desperately, tumbling us inside once he’d gotten it open.

  He sat up, pulling me into his lap and tearing at my clothes.

  The light right by where I had parked was ou
t, so it was really dark and secluded in our little spot.

  He freed my breasts and pulled one up to his mouth, suckling on it hard, his other hand fumbling with his zipper as I gripped his hair, keeping him pulled tightly against me.

  I whimpered a little at the intense sensations I was feeling as he continued to bathe my breasts with attention.

  He released himself from his pants, still kissing my breasts, one tight nipple and then the other, over and over as I writhed and whimpered against him.

  He reached under the skirt of my dress and growled again, this time more ferocious than the others.

  Like an angry snarl.

  He pulled back a little, eyes narrowed to slits as he ran his thumb through my wet, naked folds.

  “Alfred!” I gasped in delight as his thumb grazed against my clit.

  My breath caught as two of his fingers circled at my core, dipping slightly in and then retreating.

  "Were you plannin' on givin' ol’ Seb some of this, darlin'? Good little girls shouldn't go on dates without panties, sugar. Might send the wrong message," he seethed, his accent more pronounced than ever, his fingers rubbing shallowly into me, thumb idly circling my clit.

  Sick little me was completely turned on by it all, my body priming itself for him as I creamed all over his fingers.

  "Mine," he growled possessively and yanked me over his erection, his grip on me almost bruising.

  It was untamed and rough, but, oh, how I liked it, my breath catching and turning into a moan as the head of his cock rubbed at my entrance, slicking across my slit.

  His eyes looked wild, feral almost as they glowed in the dim light shining in from the parking lot.

  He plunged into me suddenly, all the way to the hilt, without so much as a 'how dee do'.

  His lips pulled back into a vicious snarl as he ground his pelvis into mine.

  I gasped and then moaned, accepting all of him at once, my body already prepared for his possession.

  My eyes were wide with shock at the abruptness of his plunge and how thick and hard he was.

  He pulled me up a little and started to slide out, but then thrust back in again forcefully.

  Hot and hard.


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