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A Mate to Match

Page 4

by Jeanette Lynn

  I moaned.

  He continued with short, hard thrusts, pushing right inside of me where it felt best, then pulling out a bit and doing it all over again.

  I was gripping his shoulders, pulling at him, pushing him away, frantic in my motions, in my need, as he pumped in and out of me, hard, deep, punishing thrusts now, mastering me.

  He continued grunting and growling as we both reached completion, coming at the same time, my walls clenching tightly around him as he shouted my name and spilled his seed inside of me, his face buried in my neck.

  Leaning against each other, spent, we sat there for a moment.

  The only sounds were those of our heavy breathing as we panted, still trying to catch our breaths.

  I put my hand over his heart, relishing the frantic beating of it as it tried to slow down, smiling at the knowledge that I did that to him. Made him that frantic with need.

  I felt something trickling down my neck and touched it with my fingers.

  They came away smeared with blood and I gasped, shocked at the sight of it.

  I lifted my head, horrified, and tried to put my hands to my neck to stop the bleeding, little distressed noises escaping me as I tried not to panic and failed miserably.

  Alfred lifted his head, his lips smeared with my blood.

  My blood.

  I gaped at him as he pinned my hands behind my back, leaning forward, licking at the wound on my neck, where- guessing from the blood on his lips- he had apparently bitten me!

  I remembered feeling a sharp prick at my neck earlier as he’d buried his face in my neck when he came, but had dismissed it, seeing as to how it had only hurt for a moment and I'd been a little preoccupied at the time.

  He lapped at my bite marks a few more times, then pulled back, leaning back in the seat, licking his lips as he looked at me with a self-satisfied grin and glittering eyes.

  I wriggled a little on him, freaked out by what he had just done.

  Add to that, I’d also started to feel some latent remorse about everything that had just happened as well.

  I'm not the kind of girl who has sex with a practical stranger in her car in public!

  I squirmed around, trying to wriggle off of him, but he held firm, me still impaled on him.

  "Where are you hurrying off to, mate mine?" He smiled lazily, rubbing at my inner thighs with his thumbs.

  He was absently going in every so often with his questing fingers to manipulate my still sensitive clit, causing me to quiver, moaning a little, unconsciously.

  I wriggled even more to get free, embarrassed by my reactions.

  I pushed at his wrists and he stopped rubbing my clit, but kept his hands on my thighs.

  He kept rubbing them softly, coaxingly.

  I took a deep breath and tried to think of what I could do to get myself out of this jumbled up mess and get him out of my car.

  Think! Think!

  "Mate? I thought you were a little southern somewhere down the line not Australian, but whatever, let me up," I said with a false bravado I wasn't really feeling at the moment.

  He stopped rubbing me and looked into my eyes.

  He was staring at me possessively, like I belonged to him.

  Oh, boy, not one of those.

  I rolled my eyes mentally.

  "Look, I have to go and clean my neck. Antibiotic ointment, bandages, the whole spiel, so… I gotta get going, okay."

  I was starting to get a little panicky when it looked like he wasn't going anywhere.

  He reached up and rubbed my cheek caressingly.

  "Don't be afraid, my Kitty Kat, I won't hurt you." He smiled.

  My face flushed and I pushed off of him again, my hands shaking now.

  This time, he released me.

  "I'm not afraid," I scoffed.

  "Yes, you are." He tapped the side of his nose. "I can smell it," he said knowingly.

  I snorted disbelievingly.

  "Rrrrriiiigggghhht and I'm the tooth fairy," I snapped testily.

  "No, you're my mate. I would never mate with one of those bubble brained nymphs," he calmly stated, like we were talking about something as mundane as the weather.

  I frowned at him and searched his face for any sign that he was messing with me.

  "There's no such thing as the tooth fairy, Alfred," I scolded him, but kept my voice light.

  I was treading lightly here, on the off chance he was one of those weirdoes that believed in unicorns and crap.

  "Oh, they're real alright, sugar. You'll see when I take you home," he chuckled.

  I sat there, stunned, as I absorbed the fact that he really believed himself.

  He was completely serious and I felt sick all of the sudden, horrified now because I had obviously been seduced by a mentally ill man.

  I froze, trying not to panic and stay calm.

  He might be the violent type when he's angered.

  I smiled a weak smile and he just stared at me intensely, his smile fading as he took in a few deep breaths.

  "You don't believe me now, darlin', but don't worry, you will. You'll see," he said confidently, kissing me softly on the lips.

  I kissed him back, hoping he wouldn't figure me out as I tried to think of a way out of this.

  "Where's your car?" I smiled at him.

  "In the back, two down from you," he replied.

  "Why don't you go get your car and meet me over here? We can go home together. I don't feel comfortable leaving my car parked here over night," I whispered into his ear as I leaned in and licked his neck, biting a little on his shoulder.

  "Whatever you want, sugar," he said easily and started putting his clothes back to 'rights'.

  He kissed me one last time and hopped out, heading where he'd said his car was parked.

  I sat there until I couldn't see him anymore through the window.

  Satisfied that I was out of his line of vision, I locked the doors and hurriedly crawled between the front seats.

  I jumped into the driver's side and started my car, rushing out of there as fast as I could.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I hit the main road and took the long way home.

  Oh, my god, he's crazy beans!!

  I shook my head in disbelief.

  I screwed a crazy bean!!

  Oh, my god!

  No more dating sites! Screw that! I thought wildly. I’d rather be single if this is what was going to happen.

  Tooth fairy. I snorted.

  Whoo boy.

  I started to get a little sad at the thought that no one had noticed his problem and sought out help for him.

  Wasn't he close to his mother?

  Hadn’t she noticed he was delusional?

  I circled around the neighborhood, making sure no one was following me, just in case, and then called it a night, pulling into my garage.

  I went into my apartment and kicked off my shoes, depositing my keys on the small end table, discarding clothes as I made my way to the bathroom to take a nice, long, hot shower.

  The water was perfect, heating up quickly, so I jumped right in.

  I couldn't help but remember our wild romp in my car as I ran my soapy hands over my neck and shoulders, but the memories were overshadowed by his biting me and his current mental state.

  I rubbed absently at the bite mark he'd left on my neck.

  It must not have been as deep a bite as I had originally thought, I realized, because it seemed like it was healed.


  I finished up and got out of the shower, quickly dressing for bed.

  I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, not even noticing that the cap’s twist seal was already broken.

  I thought the water tasted a little bitter, but that could have just been the brand.

  I hopped into bed and surprisingly, fell asleep right away, dreams of running through the woods on four legs haunting me in an endless dream, my only thoughts as I slept heavily.


  She was fr

  I could smell it and it bothered me, but I couldn't do or say anything that would ease her fears when I was the one causing them.

  I could tell, through our newly formed mate bond, she didn't believe what I had told her. Which is understandable, but, silly me, it bothered me anyways.

  I listened to her as she spouted that complete and utter crap about our cars and went along with it.

  There was more than one way to take my mate home.

  I chuckled inwardly.

  I hopped out of her car and hurried to mine.

  I pulled out my cell and made a few calls.

  Who knew it would pay to have a cousin who lived in the Human realm, worked for the electric company and was willing to look up a customer's address for me.

  It was illegal, of course, but Rudy wasn't one to stand on ceremony when it came to helping a family member catch his elusive mate.

  I scribbled down the address and raced over to her place, parking across the street to help me go unobserved.

  It was quiet at her apartment and the lights were all out.

  I jimmied her door and slipped inside, unnoticed, taking in her place.

  It was small, but tidy, little personal touches everywhere and it seemed she liked to read, if the bookshelves lining the walls were any indication.

  I went to her kitchen and dug through the backpack I’d brought in with me, searching until I found the small pouch I liked to keep on hand.

  ...just in case.

  I measured out the dosage, careful of her current, fragile, Human state and poured the right amount into every liquid in her fridge.

  That way, no matter what she drank, I was covered.

  I have no intentions of leaving tonight without my mate.

  She is mine, I thought, and growled a little.

  I stopped abruptly as I heard a car turning in at the garages.

  I cleaned up quickly and slipped out of her bedroom window, hiding in the shadows on her fire escape.

  The sound of the key turning in her door hit my ears, loud and clear.

  I waited.

  I could hear the sounds of her moving around in her apartment and then she came into her room.

  I could just make her out as she walked past the bed and into the bathroom.

  My cock jumped and went instantly hard as I got a glimpse of her in nothing but panties and a bra.

  I cursed my cock lividly for its lousy timing.

  When the sleeping drought kicks in it will be kind of difficult to carry her with a massive boner.

  I willed my penis into submission, promising to make it up to him later, when I got her home.

  Where she belongs.

  She dropped off quickly after she hopped into bed and I hoped she wasn't too sensitive to its effects.

  I don't want her sleeping for too long.

  I have plans for my little Kitty Kat and sleeping is not involved.

  I snickered at myself.

  When I was sure she was completely out, I slipped back inside and packed as much of her stuff as I could, shoving it into trash bags and putting them by the door so I could easily load them up.

  I packed mostly bare essentials, clothes, accessories and of course, her books.

  Everything else, I could come back for later.

  I went across the street and drove my truck over to her complex, pulling my truck up close to her apartment, shutting it off and hopping out to load everything into the back.

  Last, but never least, is my precious bride.

  I bundled her in her thick comforter, placing her gently in the passenger side seat.

  I locked her place back up and jumped into my truck.

  I smiled gleefully at myself.

  Good job, Alfie!

  I gave myself a mental slap on the back and situated my little Kitty Kat so her head was in my lap.

  She looks like an angel in her sleep, I decided as I studied her sleeping form. Her breathing was soft and steady, head resting on my thigh, hair fanned out in a dark halo around her head.

  But she's gonna be hellfire when she wakes up!

  I grinned as I thought about her sharp tongue and dark glares.

  I started the truck and hummed happily as I drove towards where the veil between realms was thinnest.

  There was a thick, soup-like fog misting around everywhere as I drove through.

  I stroked her hair absently with my free hand, a feeling of contentment washing over me as I marveled at finally finding my mate.

  Several miles later, I pulled up into the gravel drive leading to my cabin in the woods.

  "Ahh, home sweet home," I sighed and put the truck in park.

  I ran up to the steps and opened my door, leaving it wide open to make things easier.

  I went back to my truck and scooped up my prize and carried her, softly snoring now, into the house, placing her on the king sized bed that took up a good chunk in the farthest corner of my open planned, spacious cabin.

  I hadn't gotten around to putting in too many walls yet, preferring to put it off until there was actually a need for walls... like, say... getting a litter on my mate.

  I smiled lasciviously at the idea.

  That thought would have to hold off a little bit longer though... I needed to get all of her things unloaded from the truck and get some much needed shut eye for the day to come.

  I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be a hell of a day.


  I woke up when I felt the bed move and shivered a little at the cold.

  I must have forgotten to turn the heater on.

  My eyes popped open as I recalled that something had woken me up by jostling me.

  I looked around my room, only to discover it wasn't mine.

  I jumped up, sitting on my knees, startled and panicked at waking in a strange place with no recollection of how I got here.

  It was a humongous cabin with an open floor plan. Only what appeared to be the bathroom was walled in.

  I heard the toilet flush and a very naked, very yummy looking, very familiar crazy bean came out yawning and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

  He grinned when he saw me and instantly popped a tent pole.

  Oh, my, guess they were happy to see me... very happy.

  My mouth dropped open wide in shock, my eyes mirroring my mouth.

  His cock bobbed along as he got closer to the bed, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

  He ran and jumped onto the bed, causing me to pop up and fall back on the bed sideways with an 'oomph'.

  He grabbed me up in his arms and gave my shocked self a smacking kiss on the lips, cuddling me to him possessively.

  I came out of my shock and tried to wrestle out of his hold, but he was having none of that.

  "Now, sugar, don't go getting all upset just yet. Ya gotta let me explain first," he murmured, smiling against my neck as he breathed in deeply and sighed happily.

  "What the hell is going on?!” I shrieked, kicking and scratching to get away from him.

  "Help! Help! Crazy man's kidnapped me! HELP!" I screamed.

  He 'tsk tsk-ed' me, rolling me onto my back, pinning me to the bed, pushing his body on top of mine, straddling my thighs.

  He looked down at my beet red face and frowned slightly.

  "You keep screaming like that and I'm liable to go deaf, mate mine, so quit it," he stated simply, wincing as I screamed again, bucking my hips up to try and buck him off.

  He growled at me menacingly, his eyes glowing bright yellow as his body bristled at me.

  His canines looked sharper as he snarled a little, his upper lip pulling back, giving me a flash of teeth.

  My traitor of a body, which should be scared spitless at his animalistic display, grew instantly wet and throbbing with want.

  He leaned down and breathed in deeply, shaking all over, like he smelled something heavenly.

  "Oh, sugar, are you ready for me?" he purred and kissed me roughly, our lips clashing, teeth nipping at each
other as I gave in and kissed and nipped him back.

  He reached down and tore the crotch of my pants open, pushing my legs open wide, touching me intimately, slicking two fingers through my slit to see if I was ready for him.

  I impaled myself on his fingers, pushing them inside me, riding them, trying to help dissipate the heat and need I felt suddenly rushing through my body.

  It felt like I was on fire, like I needed something or someone to put out the flames.

  What's the matter with me? I panicked, adrenaline pumping through me.

  "Feel so hot, please... I need you...” I pleaded, rubbing myself all over him like a wanton.

  "It hurts, please," I begged, desperate now as it intensified, pulsing through me now in waves of heat.

  My clit was throbbing and my labia felt swollen and hot.

  I needed something, and somehow, I just knew, only he could give it to me.

  "Hurts? Hurts how?" He paused.

  I grabbed his hair, tugging viciously at it, pulling him down.

  "Need you...need you...NOW!" I snarled into his surprised face.

  He grabbed my wrists and pinned me back to the bed again, studying me as I cursed and thrashed at him, pissed at him for denying me.

  He flipped me over onto my stomach and I instinctively pushed up onto my knees, putting my head down, shoving my ass high into the air, wiggling a little to push up against him.

  He put his hand on my back and held me there like that.

  I felt something at my entrance and relaxed, waiting for him to enter me and make everything better.

  I don't know what's wrong with me or how I know he can fix it, but I just do and felt no need at the moment to question it.

  Instead of him entering me, though, I felt his nose go up against my wet slit and then a second later his tongue as he licked me all the way from my clit to past my slit, around the tight little rosette of my backside.

  I moaned and he growled.

  He licked me a few more times, this time concentrating on just my wet, wanting folds.

  He was eating at me, entering me with his tongue repeatedly in a mimic of the actual act its self.

  I pushed myself against his tongue, going wild with the feelings he was inciting in me.

  He reached over and pinched my clit and that was all it took, I came, shrieking and thrashing against his face as he continued to lap at me, eating voraciously and growling against me, causing aftershocks to tremor through me.


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