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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 72

by Laura Acton

  Lexa winced viewing his slow, deliberate movements and refrained from saying more. She learned Dan responded best if she didn’t push too hard or make too much of a deal out of his aches and pains. A trust hard fought for which she never wanted to break. “Made us turkey and swiss sandwiches. Need to go shopping tomorrow. Anything, in particular, you want for dinner?”

  “Whatever you make will be tasty.” Dan popped the tablets in, and since he was not going anywhere, he washed them down with beer.

  Lexa lifted her sandwich and after one bite realized how hungry she was. In short order, she devoured the whole thing. It was only as she wiped her mouth she grasped Dan had yet to lift his. He is hurting more than he is letting on. Without a word, she picked up half of his and held it to his lips. His widening eyes spoke of his surprise, but he took a bite, and the corners of his mouth turned up as he chewed.

  She fed him the entire thing, offering sips of beer in between bites. The act simple yet extremely intimate as neither spoke, only gazed into each other eyes. Lexa wondered if this is what true love felt like. This was not the fiery passion which ignited when their lips met, and their bodies craved one another. This was more … something deeper … a sharing of a soul.

  Dan sighed and sunk lower into the inviting tub as he finished the last bite. Never had he thought something as unassuming as being helped to eat would stir emotions so deep in his soul. This is love. Fire and passion are only a small part of what I desire with Lexa. I want the thousands of little connections … the being in the same room doing inconsequential things and building a life together.

  Reaching out, Lexa caressed Dan’s face and carded through his damp hair. “Water’s getting cold. Time to rest.”

  “I can always run more hot water.”

  “Nope, you’re prune status now.” Lexa shifted to the front of her tub, turned off the jets, and pulled the plug.

  As the water drained, Dan remained sitting not wanting to put forth the effort to rise and half considered sleeping here. He blew out a breath and prepared to move. “Toss me a towel, please.”

  Lexa rose and went to the rack, pulling off the soft bath sheet. When she returned, she noted he still had not moved an inch. “Need help?”

  Dan peered up. “No, just …”

  She pushed the seat closer to the tub. “Sit on the stool and dry off. I’ll go pull the blankets back on the bed.”

  After Lexa left, Dan groaned as he pushed up. Looser than before, the soak did wonders for his aching muscles, but having a couple of days off for recuperation would be beneficial because tomorrow he would hurt more. Lowering himself on the little stool, he dried off and peered at his upper body in the mirror. Same rainbow as his legs. Forcing himself to stand, he moved to the sink and brushed his teeth before shuffling out to the bedroom.

  He appreciated she didn’t hover and crawled in bed already. He grinned. “Flannel PJs. You cold?”

  “Not for long.” She patted his side of the mattress. “My personal heater is on his way to join me. I’ll be toasty soon.”

  Dan sat, scooted into place and pulled the covers over them. He smiled and closed his eyes as Lexa curled into his uninjured left side. Lexa is my Heaven.

  April 3

  Farmstead Foods – 3:30 p.m.

  Well rested after two days of doing absolutely nothing but lounging around Lexa’s home, Dan perused the wine selection at the local grocery store near her place. Although Lexa had intended to go shopping yesterday, neither wanted to venture out. Instead, they spent a lazy day on the couch, enjoying being together and doing not much of anything except calling for pizza delivery for last night’s dinner.

  Used to eating out, Dan enjoyed it when Lexa cooked for him, didn’t matter what, even the grilled cheese sandwiches she made for lunch were better than anything he could grab on the way home. Well, the only exception would be one of Jarmal’s burgers, the Five Alarm burger would satisfy him any day.

  An hour ago, they finally dressed and decided to go to the store so Lexa could gather the ingredients to make green chili chicken enchiladas. She was off finding the stuff, and he was tasked with selecting a wine to go with supper. Not a huge fan of fermented grapes, he stared at the varieties wondering what she would prefer and tried to recall what kind should be paired with chicken. If up to him he would grab a six-pack of beer and be done with it, but for Lexa, he braved the spirits aisle and endeavored to pick one out.

  Striding to the alcohol section with purpose and a smile on his face, Ray stopped when he spotted his teammate. Dan doesn’t live anywhere remotely close to this store. Why is he here? He noted a lost look on Dan’s face and moved forward. “Hey, Dan. What ya doing here?”

  Swiftly clamping on a mask to hide his surprise at Ray’s presence, Dan’s eyes darted around hoping Lexa remained engaged elsewhere. He chose a nonchalant answer given with a slight grin. “What does it look like?”

  Ray chuckled. “Well, to be honest, you appear lost.”

  Dan rolled his eyes and chuckled himself. “My lack of knowledge shows that much?”

  “No, I was referring to you being on this side of the city.” Assuming Dan had a date, Ray added, “You trying to find something special for your date?”

  Latching on to the supplied reason, Dan nodded. “Yeah. Thought I would bring wine. She is making a chicken dish. No clue what would be best.”

  “Well, Lexa is the connoisseur on our team, but I can offer a suggestion.” Ray’s eyes roved over the selections. “Something for chicken? What type of cuisine, Italian, French, …?”

  “Mexican. Chicken with green chilis I think. What brings you here?” Dan shoved his hands in his pockets as he glanced around hoping Lexa didn’t show up. He didn’t lie about his date, only omitted the lady was Lexa. It will be problematic if she comes strolling up while Ray is here.

  Ray selected a bottle and turned to Dan. “On my way back to Loki’s for dinner. Between his ma and mine, I probably had my quota of mother-henning for the entire year in the last two days. Glad Maurita isn’t here … or … well, truthfully, I wouldn’t mind a little attention from her.” Ray grinned.

  Reaching for the Pinot Gris Ray chose, Dan smiled in agreement. I could get used to a little fussing from the woman I love.

  “Dan, I’m—” Lexa abruptly halted as she rounded the corner and spied Ray standing next to him.

  Into the void, Dan quickly ventured before she could say something which would give them away. “Hi, Lexa. Wow, is it old home week in the wine aisle?” He showed her the white wine. “Ray said you’re the expert, do you think my date will enjoy this one?”

  Recovering, Lexa peered at the label. “Excellent choice if you are having chicken.” She glanced at Ray’s wrist. “How is your hand?”

  “Fin … great,” Ray chuckled at how their use of fine changed since they learned of Dan’s usage. He grabbed one of the same bottles and said, “Mrs. B. is cooking chicken alfredo tonight.”

  An awkward silence descended until Dan said, “Well, catch y’all tomorrow.” He headed for the checkout making it appear he and Lexa had not come together.

  Lexa waved bye to Dan before addressing Ray. “Say hi to Loki for me. I’m gonna go finish my shopping.” She pushed the cart away, taking in a deep breath and exhaling in a rush. That was too darned close.

  Ray stood a moment after both left. A strange thought entered his head as he recalled the items he spotted in Lexa’s cart. Chicken, tortillas, cheese, and green chilis. What are the odds she is buying the exact stuff needed to make what Dan’s date is cooking for him? His eyes shifted towards Dan who waited in line to pay. Is Dan dating Lexa? No … no, he wouldn’t. She wouldn’t. Would they? No. They wouldn’t break protocol and risk being kicked off the team.

  His phone buzzing interrupted his thoughts. He smiled as he answered Maurita’s call. “Hello, love. How is your packing going?”

  Dan paid, exited, and took up a position out of sight outside until Ray drove away. He sauntered over to Lexa’
s Jeep and leaned on the bumper. Lexa arrived a short time later, and he gave her a lopsided grin. “That was too close.”

  Nodding, Lexa opened the back. “No more shopping together. Once can be a coincidence, but if it happens again …”

  “Yeah.” Dan helped put the groceries in the Jeep.

  As Lexa slid into the driver’s seat, she smiled at Dan in the passenger seat. “Fast thinking. Your date will definitely enjoy the wine you selected.”

  Dan flashed her a WOW smile.

  Declarations of Love and Bloodlust


  April 3

  Lexa’s Home – 10:45 p.m.

  Standing at Lexa’s front door, Dan gazed into his beauty’s hazel eyes. He wanted to stay the night again, but he needed to grab a clean uniform before going into headquarters tomorrow. He also needed a different set of civvies than he wore when he left two days ago. Not that guys much noticed his clothing, but after the close call with Ray earlier this afternoon at the grocery store, he … they didn’t want to take additional chances.

  “I’ll drive you home,” Lexa offered.

  “No. You had several glasses of wine. Not wise. Besides, after everything I consumed this weekend, I need to work some of it off.” Dan drew her close to him and lowered his face until their lips were a fraction of an inch apart. He inhaled her scent. He placed a light kiss and withdrew before the intoxicating allure of her sweetness pulled him in, and he lost himself in her.

  Lexa linked her hands behind Dan’s neck, wishing he would stay, but realizing he must take care of a few things, like delivering food for Mr. Waggles. The last couple of days had been idyllic, a break from reality, just the two of them ensconced in their own world where protocols didn’t exist.

  Her heartbeat increased being in his arms. “Tonight was fun. Thanks for dancing with me.”

  Dan smiled. “Made a fool out of myself. Still, prefer the slow dances.”

  A soft giggle escaped Lexa. Dan’s antics during the fast songs caused them both to laugh until they doubled over. He would never be a terrific dancer if cognizant of his motions. Though when enthralled by her, his subconscious mind took over, and his body flowed smoothly with hers. “Well, you can let loose anytime you want at Club McKenna without worry of anyone watching. I’m looking forward to giving you more private dance lessons.”

  His index finger gently traced her brow, down the side of her face, and across her jaw as he gazed at her delicate features. “Exquisite beauty inside and out. I love you, Alexandra McKenna. You are my beauty of life.” Lexa’s surprised eyes blinking at him made Dan aware he unintentionally spilled the words of his heart out loud. He held his breath waiting for her response.

  A breathless, “Dan,” was all Lexa managed. Equal measures of fear and joy raced through her.

  Dan read her anxiety and wonder, somehow, with her he found the skill easy to do when he peered into her eyes. Taking the plunge, he said, “I do love you, Lexa. Some part of me realized that the first time I laid eyes on you in the Grand Citadel bar. I understand you might not feel the same. I won’t demand more from you than you are willing to give. I won’t rush you. We will go at your speed. I’m well trained in waiting … a sniper trait.”

  Though he wanted to seal his declaration with a passionate kiss, he gave her cheek a chaste peck not wanting to drive her away. Dan released his hold as an old saying came to mind. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were. “Goodnight, Lexa. Sweet dreams.”

  Lexa stood at her threshold as Dan turned and jogged away. She watched until the darkness of night enveloped him. After drawing in a ragged breath, she whispered, “I love you too, Daniel Broderick, though doing so scares the ever-living hell out of me.”

  As she closed the door, a smile blossomed when she touched the cheek Dan kissed. Butterflies flittered in her stomach at her thought. Love might be in the cards for me. She set her alarm, then shut off the lights, and went upstairs.

  Upon reaching her room, she stared at the bed and imagined Dan lying there waiting with his warm embrace. A sigh emitted as she changed into her flannel PJs, no personal heater would be crawling in next to her tonight. Longing for him grew as more pieces of her heart’s fortress crumbled … nearly a ruin now.

  She lay down and pulled his pillow to her, inhaling his masculine scent and drifted to sleep, into a world she wished existed. One where they both remained on Alpha Team and openly shared their relationship. A sweet dream indeed.

  Outside Ray’s Apartment – 11:05 p.m.

  Ray locked his vehicle after grabbing the four sacks of left-overs Loki’s ma sent home with him. He spent an enjoyable evening with Loki and his ma after being invited to dinner. Mrs. B. insisted he take more food than he could consume in days. Since he was unable to cook one-handed, she didn’t want him to go hungry. He wouldn’t starve because his mom also filled his freezer with meals, but he couldn’t say no to the lovely lady, so he graciously accepted.

  Perhaps tomorrow I can invite Dan over for supper. Wait, I can’t. The team plans to go to the Pond after shift. With his sprained wrist and laceration, he owed them a round of beverages if they applied the rule fairly. Approaching the courtyard of his complex, he smiled. Finally, someone other than Dan is buying the initial beers. He walked into the darkened archway. Gotta call maint—

  Five masked men slammed and pinned Ray against the wall. They ripped the bags from his hand and painted the ground with the contents. Unconcerned with the mess, the gang members wanted to send a clear message, and Ray would become the picture worth a thousand words.

  Machete growled, “I’m done playing games with you, though it was fun making you all run around oinking like idiots. Traitors like you deserve to die! Too bad you survived the cave-in we orchestrated. You should’ve never double-crossed us. All you had to do was dispose of a useless priest, but you refused and got several of us killed and arrested. Then you squealed to the pigs, betrayed our secrets, and more of my crew were thrown in jail.

  “Adding to your shame, you joined them. I blame you for my pregnant sister-in-law going to prison. Now that I’m out, I’m gonna enjoy the pig roast, especially the runt you call a best friend. Just like Esteban, Baldovino’s death will be on your head. The geek would’ve been dead already if Panther’s attempts had not failed.

  “And for the damned blond who stopped Panther and saved you, we planned something extra special for him. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are coming and will deliver judgment for his betrayal.

  “We’re everywhere, and you’ll never figure out when we’re going to strike next. No gang will ever challenge our territory. We will be expanding as other gangs shake in their boots after they hear of how the BDC slaughtered you and your precious team of hogs.”

  A depraved smile came to Two-shot’s face as he sneered. “I will relish making the little bitch repay the cost of four dozen roses. I’ll be the first of many to fuck her before we send her to the bottom of Lake Ontario in postage stamp-sized pieces.”

  His eyes widened, his heart raced, but Ray tried to hide his fear. “BDC is behind all the swatter calls and Lexa’s stalker?”

  “They say pigs are intelligent, but in your case, you’re a little dense if you hadn’t figured that out after Rat’s death,” Machete no longer cared if Palomo knew because the cop wouldn’t be living long enough to tell anyone.

  After pressing his gun’s barrel between Ray’s eyes, Two-shots said, “Let me double-tap him now and be done with this.”

  Machete shook his head. “Would be fun to blow his brains out, but Pitbull is butchering this one. He deserves the honor of roasting this pig for what he did to Renata. You can help tenderize him though.”

  In a flash, Two-shots pistol whipped Ray’s face, causing a cut on his cheekbone.

  The impact caused Ray to grunt in pain, and he felt warm liquid running down the side of his face. He did his best to fend off the strikes as the gang attacked. Outnumbered and o
verpowered, he collapsed to the cement after four solid blows to the jaw followed by one to his solar plexus and a kick to the back of his legs. Once on the ground, the men continued to land vicious strikes to his body.

  A shout from a familiar voice stalled the assault for a moment. As three halted their blows, Ray endeavored to rise. Pablo’s unmasked face bounced off the pavement next to him, splattering blood as a sickening crunch of cartilage breaking registered in Ray’s ears along with other incomprehensible shouts and cries of pain.

  Gaining his knees, Ray threw a punch, striking one in the groin … given his condition, he was not above fighting dirty. A knee to his jaw sent his head back against the bricks, stunning him. The next few moments became nothing but a blur as his vision swam in and out of focus.

  Still in fight mode, Ray struggled against hands on his torso until his teammate’s voice overrode his reflex.

  “Hold still. Ray, it’s me. I’m not going to hurt you,” Dan said as he attempted to hold Ray upright and assess him.

  Confusion lit Ray’s bloodied face as he blinked to regain his bearings. “Dan? What are you doing here?”

  “Right place, right time. Couldn’t sleep, out for a run.” Dan didn’t share he was jogging home from Lexa’s. He shook out his left hand, sore from landing several strikes.

  “You don’t live around here.” Squinting, and wrapping his arm around his chest, Ray drew in a painful breath.

  Deflecting Ray’s thoughts, Dan asked, “Who were those guys? As they ran off, one of them called another Machete. Do you think they might be BDC?”

  Groaning as he pushed up, trying to rise, he gained his feet but unsteady. Ray realized he needed to come clean with Dan and the rest of the team about his past, but he wanted to talk to Boss first.

  “Whoa. You’re in no condition to be standing.” Dan moved to steady Ray. “I’m taking you to the emergency room.”

  “No. I’m fine.” Ray wobbled.

  Dan smirked. “Yes, I’m sure you are fine, which means a trip to the ER.”


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