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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 73

by Laura Acton

  A chuckle escaped Ray, which he regretted as pain lanced through his chest. He spat pooling blood from his mouth and sucked in a labored breath.

  “Yep, ER here we come.” Wrapping Ray’s arm over his shoulder, Dan started towards the parking lot at a slow pace. “Now, about those guys?”

  Allowing Dan to take much of his weight, Ray would not underestimate the Blooddrop Crew again. Their threat was real, and his teammates were in danger. “BDC gang members. Gotta call Boss. We got a big problem.”

  “You can do that on the way. Where are your keys?”

  “Right pocket of my jeans.”

  Dan retrieved Ray’s keys and unlocked the sedan, assisted him in the passenger side, closed the door, and scanned the area again. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled as a sense someone observed them filtered in. Striding quickly to the driver’s side, he got in and inserted the key.

  About to start the motor, dread ran down his spine as a faint scent of oil or tar wafted in as he inhaled. He rubbed his ear against a slight buzzing, wondering if the hit one of the thugs landed rung his bell a little too hard.

  Leaning his head on the headrest, Ray closed his eyes. He hurt so much, and his ears rang with intensity causing his head to throb more. All he wanted to do at the moment was not move an inch.

  Brody frantically whispered, “Don’t turn on the car! Yes, you smell C-4. Don’t dismiss this as part of Ray’s car. You must move Ray and yourself to safety. Get your ass out of here now!”

  Esteban begged Ray to listen. “You know the BDC ways. Get out of your car now. Now! Please.”

  Leaving the ignition untouched, Dan pulled out his phone and dialed. “Hey, Peter, this is Dan. I’m at Ray’s place. I need you to send a team and EMS, now. BDC jumped Ray, and I suspect an explosive device is rigged to his car and set to go off when the engine is turned over.”

  Ray’s eyes popped open. “You what?”

  Dan put a hand on Ray’s arm. “I think someone is watching us, but I can’t be sure.” Dan listened for a moment then said, “Thanks. They need to sweep Ray’s apartment too. I’m going to move us back to the cover of the courtyard entrance.” He hung up and turned to Ray. “Play along. You’ve talked me into you being fine, and I’m taking you back to your place.”

  Ray nodded.

  Exiting the car, Dan spoke loudly in an exasperated tone as he returned to Ray’s side, “Okay, you win. No hospital.”

  As Ray got out, biting down on the pain and using it to fuel his response, “Hey, you’re not the only one who hates hospitals. I’m not wasting my entire night for a few minor bumps.”

  “Minor my ass. You can barely walk.”

  “But I’m walking. So, I’m fine.”

  Dan assisted Ray to the archway and cautiously lowered him to the ground in a corner, relieved to have him in a relatively safe place. In a soft voice, he said, “Wish I was armed.”

  Ray peered up at Dan and grinned causing his split lip to bleed. “Thought you were. You have both hands. Aren’t they considered lethal weapons?”

  Despite his worry, Dan chuckled. “Okay, spill it. What makes you sure they are BDC?”

  Blowing out a breath, Ray shared his secret. “Recognized two voices. Machete is Alonzo Nores, the leader of the BDC. The other is Two-shots, Pablo is the youngest brother. The middle brother, Diego, goes by Pitbull. They mentioned Panther whose real name is Ramon Vasquez. Said he was the one who tried to overdose Loki. They admitted to being behind all the crap, even stalking Lexa.”

  As they waited for Bravo Team, Ray told Dan about his youth, how his childhood friend Esteban Caballero died saving Father Lopez and how the father and a TRF team saved him that night. How Esteban’s death changed the direction of his life one hundred and eighty degrees.

  Taking a shallow breath when he finished, Ray added, “No one except Boss is aware of the full story. Well, now you too. Jon and Bram know of my past gang affiliation but not all these details.”

  Dan listened, and when Ray sagged against the wall, he reached out a supportive hand. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll keep the particulars to myself.”

  A long sigh, followed by a moan came from Ray. “No need. I must tell the team. Those guys delivered a message. They are out for blood.”

  Bravo Team pulling up stopped the conversation. Sergeant Bradley along with tactical lead, Doug Starveling, strode over to them. Dan outlined the issue, leaving out details of Ray’s acquaintance with his attackers.

  After moving Lucille to Ray’s car, Curtis, the team’s tech and explosives man, reported, “Positive on RDX.”

  EMS arrived, and Dan grinned as he recognized the lanky form of Jim. His brother would be pleased he was not the one needing treatment, but still unhappy Ray had been injured again. As Jim and Trey attended Ray and Bravo members searched and secured the area, Dan pulled out his phone.

  He wanted to call Lexa first to warn her, but doing so would let the cat out of the bag in front of Ray, so he dialed Boss instead. He explained the situation, giving Boss the same line about being out for a run, hating to lie, but not having another option, and attempted to justify to himself he spoke a partial truth … he had been running home, so, yeah, it was a lie, and one day it would come back to bite him in the ass … lying always did.

  As Ray was loaded on a gurney, Dan hung up. “Boss will contact the others. They will all be on alert. He’s going to meet us at the hospital, and he said to expect Loki too.”

  “Mother-hens out in force,” Ray groaned but secretly liked the care shown.

  Dude, You Have to Ask?


  April 4

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 10:00 a.m.

  Jon strode directly to Dan when he entered and put a hand on his shoulder. His emotions ran the gambit ever since Nick called last night on his way to the hospital. He didn’t sleep much as he paced his basement, worried not only about his team, but also Jen and the boys. “Thank God you like to run all over hell and creation. Ray would be dead without your intervention. How the hell did you take on five and come out without a scratch?”

  Inwardly surprised his tactical lead ignored the livid, new bruises on his cheek and jaw, Dan accepted the rare praise from Jon and only said, “They were distracted when I engaged them.”

  Bram approached next, and he didn’t miss the additions to Dan’s collection of contusions as he put two fingers under his chin and tilted it up. “Sure you are okay too?”

  “Couple of lucky punches. Nothing to worry about.” Dan moved to his regular seat and glanced at Lexa, noting she held herself rigid with her professional mask locked on tight. He couldn’t determine if her demeanor resulted from the assault on Ray or his declaration of love. “Morning.”

  Gripping her chair to refrain from jumping up to hug Dan, happy he saved both his and Ray’s lives once again, she greeted him mildly to cover her real emotions, “Morning. Got you an iced capp. Figured you might need one after being up most the night at the ER. Bought coffee for Loki and Boss too.”

  Gambrill strode in noting half of Alpha team assembled. “Nick will be here soon with Ray and Loki. Inspector Pope is on his way too. After Ray gave his statement last night, he was able to get the judge to sign arrest warrants for Alonzo, Diego, and Pablo Nores, and Ramon Vasquez. Delta Team will be arriving at eleven. They will assist with the raid. Broderick, excellent work.”

  Dan gave his godfather a slight nod and lifted the iced cappuccino Lexa brought for him.

  Everyone turned as Tia’s bright voice greeted Loki, Nick, and Ray. Lexa couldn’t hold back the gasp upon glimpsing Ray’s bruised and abused face. A rectangular bandage covered one cheek, his swollen lips bore a long split, and abrasions littered his other cheek, chin, and forehead. His left arm was now in a sling supporting the sprained wrist.

  Loki rushed forward and pulled out Ray’s chair for him. “You need to relax, buddy.” His hands gripped both Ray’s uninjured elbow and the rolling chair, helping him to sit. He spied the coffee
at his place and scooted it over to Ray. “Here, you drink this.”

  Ray shook his head. “Water is fine. Besides you are the one with a shift to get through.”

  Walter surveyed his beaten officer. It never sat well when any of his men became targets and to find out an entire team had been targeted, Walter had not gotten a wink of sleep as he hounded Pope to push through the warrants first thing this morning. “We are in possession of warrants. They will be going down for their assault on you, and I will be meeting with the Guns and Gangs commander this afternoon to work out a concerted effort to shut down the Blooddrop Crew.”

  Nick ambled to his chair and sank down. His adrenaline dissipated long ago leaving him weary. He responded for the team. “Excellent. We will prepare with Delta when they arrive, but for now, Commander, my team needs the room.”

  Nodding, understanding what needed to be discussed after having the same conversation with Pastore and Palomo at the emergency room, Walter turned and left them to explain to the others.

  Nick closed the main door and turned the glass opaque on the dispatch side of the room only, leaving the windows clear. He noted the expression of confusion on a few faces and took a sip of much-needed coffee before saying, “Ray wants to share something with everyone. I need you all to listen and keep in mind the caliber of the man who sits before you today, the officer you know and respect.”

  The ominous words set Loki and Lexa on edge. Jon and Bram shared a glance and had an inkling of what this might be about.

  Ray inhaled a shallow breath. With several bruised ribs, taking anything more hurt, but thank goodness they weren’t broken, same with his shoulder. He wore a sling only because the strained muscles hurt too much to move and the doctor wanted them to rest for several days.

  “First, I owe Dan my gratitude. If not for him I’d be dead. They would’ve beaten me to death, or I would’ve been blown up this morning.”

  “Told you already, no thanks necessary. We are a team. Family,” Dan said.

  “Yeah, well, I think thanks are necessary. So, thanks.” Ray gathered his courage and launched into his tale. The room remained dead quiet as he shared his misguided early teen years. He didn’t leave out any details of the bullying he engaged in. He couldn’t bear to witness their reactions, mostly Loki’s since as a youth Ray epitomized the very people who made Loki’s life miserable in high school, so his gaze remained lowered.

  No one said anything for at least two minutes after he finished. Bram broke the silence. “Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you found role models to follow who had a positive impact on your life. You certainly paid it forward.”

  Ray lifted his eyes, not sure he expected the support, but a small weight fell from his shoulders. He ventured to shift his eyes to Jon.

  “I was no angel as a teenager either.” Jon’s emotions warred inside though. Part of him wanted to be angry with Ray for keeping a secret which put everyone in jeopardy, yet he also understood why he kept his history private. Calming his ire, he said, “Wish you told us before. We might’ve prevented what occurred last night. How long are you going to be on medical leave?”

  “Two weeks and light duty for two more.”

  “Well, I guess we can limp along without you for that long, but you need to heal fast and return to us because we need the best-damned information and less lethal officer on our team.” Jon gave Ray a slight grin and received a tentative one in return.

  Still not ready to face Loki, Ray turned to Lexa. The tears in her eyes were unexpected. “Lexa?”

  Lexa wiped at her eyes, unable to stop her tears. Her voice choked she said, “You are an inspiration to any of the people we encounter who are in a bad place in their lives. Positive proof they can change and move forward to become a better person. I’m proud to call you my friend.”

  She stood and went to Ray, giving him a gentle hug, not wanting to hurt him. “I’m so happy you are alright.”

  Bolstered, Ray finally swiveled his chair and peered at Loki. Again blown away by the unanticipated expression, disbelief shone in his best friend’s eyes, and Ray couldn’t decipher if that was good or bad. He waited for Loki to speak, hoping he didn’t just destroy the friendship he valued above all others.

  Loki’s voice came out soft. “They wanted you to murder Father Lopez, killed your friend Esteban, and tried to kill you too?”

  “Yes,” Ray answered.

  Loki’s eyes widened, and his voice hardened, “We are so going to take them down. No one hurts my family and gets away with it. Even if we have to hunt them down in the deepest, darkest jungle or the frozen arctic, we will find them and make sure they never hurt you or anyone else again.”

  “Does this mean we are still friends?” Ray queried, afraid of the answer.

  “Dude, you have to ask? You’re my best friend … best guy friend. A brother from a different mother. You still got your keychain?”

  Ray nodded.

  “Read it out loud.” Loki waited while Ray dug for his keys.

  A grin started to grow as Ray read the dog tag-like metal pieces attached to his keychain, “I’m smiling because you’re my brother! And laughing ‘cause there is nothing you can do about it!”

  The team all chuckled, and Loki beamed before stating, “As true today as the day I gave you the keychain. Nothing will ever change the way I feel.”

  Nick smiled. He had assured Ray they would accept him, just as Dan had last night, but hearing each express their thoughts filled his heart with warmth and assuaged Ray’s worst fears.

  Abandoned Warehouse – 10:30 a.m.

  Two-shots viewed his broken nose and double black eyes as he seethed. “I’m gonna double-tap that blond bastard. Look what he did to me!”

  Equally, in pain, Machete sat with an ice-pack on his swollen testicles. “Palomo is going to die painfully.”

  “He should’ve been blown to bits. How the hell did they figure out I put a bomb in the car? Damn, I barely set it up before they approached. You were supposed to beat him down and give me time,” Pitbull groused.

  Machete peered at his younger brothers. “You recall Rat telling us Broderick is ex-Special Forces. We didn’t plan on him being around.”

  Angry, Two-shots changed his mind on the method he would use to kill the ex-soldier. “I’m going to make him watch me fuck his bitch pig and then gut him slowly … no quick death for the bastard who broke my nose.”

  “No more dicking around. Gather everyone. I want them here by eleven. Time to assign crews to slaughter every last one of the piggies and their entire families.” Machete tossed the ice bag on the floor, rose, and hobbled over to a table filled with an assortment of automatic weapons. He selected his favorite handgun. “Diego you had your chance, Raymundo is mine to butcher, too many years overdue.”

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 11:20 a.m.

  As Jon finished laying out the tactical plan for Alpha and Delta teams, he said, “Guns and Gangs and unis will create a perimeter net. Our primary objectives are the Nores brothers,” he flashed up their photos again, “but the warrant covers taking anyone in the building into custody. Full tactical gear including helmets, according to intel they will be heavily armed.

  “With their lookouts positioned around the abandoned warehouse there will be no surprise element, so this will be a hard and fast entry. Everyone needs to keep their heads on a swivel. You are all granted PapaGolf if they start shooting at you. This gang is bloodthirsty and have shown a disregard for human life, especially police officers.”

  Jon’s gaze landed on Ray, but he quickly shifted back to the group putting away thoughts of what could’ve happened if Dan had not come along when he did. “Any questions?”

  Bill Raffin, Delta’s tactical lead, nodded. “How many gang members are we expecting to be present?”

  “Pope’s intel indicates the whole crew rarely gathers. Typically, up to twenty hang out at the warehouse on any given day,” Jon replied.

  Ray remained quiet for the entire b
riefing, but spoke up now, “With Machete out of prison it is likely he will be pulling in more of the crew. At a minimum, you should expect thirty, if not more.”

  “How do you know?” Sergeant Turpin asked.

  Nick stepped in, “Ray’s done his research.”

  Inspector Pope strode into the briefing room with papers in hand and additional news. “The BOLO for Ramon Vasquez netted results. Received a call from the RCMP in Saskatchewan. They attempted to pull over a stolen vehicle on a remote stretch of SK-55 near Buffalo Narrows two days ago.

  “The subject’s car crashed through the bridge barrier and ended up in Kisis Channel. Until our notice went out, they labeled him John Doe, but have since identified him as Vasquez. In the accident, the man the BDC called Panther became pinned in the car and drowned before officers reached him.”

  A sense of relief washed through Ray. Panther had always been one of the worst BDC members, second only to Machete in his ruthlessness. He turned to Loki and said, “No more Panther stalking you.”

  Loki nodded as his mind moved on to another topic of worry. “Any word on how Alonzo managed to escape prison?”

  Pope said, “McGary is investigating. Someone appears to have either mixed up or deliberately changed prisoner codes, and Nores was released instead of the man who should have been. McGary says the security is so tight he believes this is an inside job or some weird fluke. With what IA discovered in their probe of Detective Sanchez, it is quite possible the BDC bribed or manipulated someone with access to make the switch.”

  “What did they find on Sanchez?” Nick inquired.

  “Conduct unbecoming of an officer, maleficence, and numerous counts of evidence tampering in cases related to Blooddrop Crew crimes resulting in them being thrown out or charges reduced. Sanchez is a disgrace to the police force and will be tried on multiple charges.

  “Unlikely he will be seeing the outside of prison for several decades.” Pope handed the papers to Pastore. “These are the warrants. Good luck out there today.”


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