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Task Force Two: Fennigan Pack's Earth Angel [The Men of Five-O #9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh God, that’s terrible. You were working in the police department then. You had that accident.”

  “There wasn’t an accident, Salina. I was trying to fight off the rogue wolves who were taking my mate from me. There was one individual who wanted your mother for himself. He is the one I tried to battle, but he had an army. I wasn’t strong enough. I failed her, and would have failed you if not for your mother’s love and power of magic to protect you.”

  “Oh God, this is crazy. Yet, it’s like I’ve known something was different about me for so long. I’ve had these dreams, these visions,” she said as she stood up and walked slowly around the room. He could tell that she was at least taking the information seriously. His daughter had always been a critic, saw the glass as half-empty, and trust was not easily earned in her eyes. That determination, that fight to be on top, led her to her position in the police department. She was an amazing detective and she loved her job. But now that her mates had found her, her destiny might lay elsewhere.

  “I don’t know all you’re capable of, what your mother may or may not have passed down to you. All I know is that once your identity is revealed, you’re no longer safe but at risk.”

  “You mean by the men, the wolves who took Mom?”

  “By any Alpha supernatural out there who wants to use your power for evil. The one who took your mom is dead as far as I know. I wanted to seek revenge, but I had you to watch over and protect since you were such a gift, a powerful weapon of the Magi and of the world. Your position in law enforcement is commendable and it has great meaning. You’re a protector. You are an investigator who seeks justice for victims and their families. It’s all part of who you are. But now that your identity is at risk of being revealed, and if in fact the shield the fairies placed over you for protection begins to weaken so your mates can seal the bond between you, then you are in grave danger just like your mother. We didn’t know, Salina. If we had, if I had understood her power and position, then I would have never left her side, even for a moment. That’s why it’s important to accept the protection of your intended mates. Without them you’re susceptible to being taken and forced to conduct evil, or worse, you’ll die.”

  “But you don’t even know if I have these powers. You don’t know what they are or could be. I may not be of any importance at all. How will I know? When will these powers be revealed to me? What am I supposed to do now?”

  “You need to accept the guidance and protection of the Fennigan men. As Alphas to the royal family, to the Circle, to Princess Ava, the Irish Jewel, these men are very strong and powerful. It leads me to believe that the evil that will come after you is great. You will need the power of such strong, superior wolves.”

  “No, no, I can’t accept this. You’re throwing all this information at me and I’m just supposed to process it and accept it? I can’t do that. I’m an investigator, I’m inquisitive, I push for answers, for an understanding of everything. I can’t just accept this because you say it’s so. This huge-ass wolf man comes here and states he’s my mate along with his god knows how many brothers. No.”

  “Sal, it is your destiny. The magic that has hidden your abilities, your true identity, will be lifted. Not all at once, but as you grow stronger, believe deeper in what you really are, and accept it as your fate, the magic will come full force. Then, it will all become clear who you are, what your position is, and what you are responsible for. You are special, as I have always known. You need to listen to your senses, your gut instincts. You’re more than capable of that. You do it on a daily basis. It’s what has helped you to be such a successful investigator. The Fennigan Pack are great warriors. The gods and goddesses do not make mistakes. The sooner you accept your fate, the easier and safer life will be. You are special in so many ways.”

  “Special how? What is the power I have? What am I supposed to do with it? Can it help me to stop people from killing? Can it help me bring justice to families who have lost loved ones to murder? What?”

  “Salina, you possess two very special gifts. The gift of the Magi, the one who can see, help heal all those living things that walk this realm and all others. But, you also contain my family’s genes. It bypassed over me, giving me half the power and strength of my father and other rulers. You could very well be a very powerful wizard. Only time can tell, but either of these powers in the wrong hands could mean big trouble for all mystical creatures, including your mates. You can see how the bad guys, these rogue wolves would love to possess you. If they were to gain control of you and your abilities, it could mean a hell of a fight to defend Were and mystical law throughout all realms. Usually Magis and wizards do not mate. In doing so there are some aspects of our abilities that can be persuaded, corrupted, and overtaken. It’s complicated to explain, and most don’t know this, but certain people do. It’s better to keep you hidden than to expose you to the dangers of being taken and used for evil purposes.”

  “But I don’t feel anything. I don’t feel like a Magi or a wizard or as if I have power. I’ve always obeyed the laws. Hell, I uphold the laws. How could I be susceptible to breaking the laws? I don’t feel anything. In fact right now I feel like I’m losing my mind and all of this is make-believe. Why can’t I feel the powers and identify them?”

  “That is because of the spell placed on you by a very powerful and loving fairy, Bethany. It seems they’re aware of your power and abilities, and as precaution they placed the spell on you to protect you from harm. This is not make-believe. This is all real. Trust me, sweetheart, as you accept your fate with your mates, you will become stronger, identify your abilities, and one day it will all be revealed to you.”

  “Do these men know about my abilities and what I am?”

  “They can only sense that you are their mate. But as you begin to accept them, the wall, the shield will thin, revealing not only your Magi and possibly wizard powers, but also revealing how powerful you are. If you deny the connection, the bond with your mates, you not only put yourself at risk, but also your mates and all the people and mystical creatures you are meant to protect and serve. Please, Salina. You must keep an open mind. Trust me that I am not lying or misguiding you. Most importantly, trust your mates, for they will give their lives for you just as I would.”

  “This is a lot to take in. I don’t know what to think.”

  “It will be revealed to you in time.”

  “But why is the spell still on me? I’m twenty-five years old. I think I have a pretty damn good head on my shoulders, so why still maintain the spell?”

  “It has to do with your training, abilities, and simply right timing when you find and identify your intended mates. Although I get the feeling that your time is coming. Mating can secure your safety and position. The Fennigan Pack consists of six very intelligent, strong, powerful, Alpha Weres who will protect you and guide you through the training and learning you’ll need. It’s another reassurance, protective shield for the Circle and the goddesses. If you were to be taken, controlled by evil rogues like Carbarone, or the one who attempted to take your mother, it could mean destruction of security around the Goddess of the Circle, the Circle of Elders, and all other secret organizations that exist around the universe.”

  “Holy shit. Who was the one who took Mommy?” she asked.

  Her father lowered his head and took a deep breath. “That’s not important right now. He is gone. Disappeared from this realm. What’s important is that you follow your heart and your gut even if the decisions are terrifying. That instinct is there despite the spell of protection. It will be your greatest weapon.”

  “I can’t believe this, yet I’m not totally freaked out about it either. It’s like I know it but it’s not fully processing in my mind, only in my heart and gut deep within me. Holy crap.” She leaned back on the couch.

  “But why would I help them? The bad guys that is?”

  “They, too, have people who possess manipulating power and mind control. If you’re exposed, and not strong
enough mentally, confident and loyal at a hundred percent, then it could happen and they could take over. That is why it’s so crucial for you to be mated, to accept your fate as the goddesses have proclaimed.”

  “No. No, not me. I wouldn’t go to the dark side, Dad. But I wish I could understand what exactly it means, having all these powers. Like what exactly? Why do I need mates to assist me? Why can’t I do this alone? I’ve done everything on my own. I don’t ask for help. I don’t allow men especially to do things for me. So why now?”

  “The gods have spoken, Salina. They will guide you. The gifts you possess will come to you. The individuals you can trust your heart, your powers will allow you to see and you will know. You’ll feel it in your heart. I can sense the walls of the spell thinning. That could mean that the fairies are letting you learn about your powers through them or that it’s getting closer to destroying the cover you have. If that’s the case, then please, Salina, you must stay with the Fennigan men and mate with them. They are your destiny.”

  “These gods you talk about, you trust, how can you when they took the woman you loved away? They caused her death. You expect me to follow a god, gods, goddesses, or whatever, who do such things? Who allowed my mother to be vulnerable to an attack? They’re to blame, not you, for not knowing how susceptible my mother would be once you mated. No, Father, I’m not making the same mistake. I don’t want to engage in any mating ritual. I’ll fight this battle whatever may come. I’ll accept my fate, but I’ll have a hand in the direction it’s going in, not anyone or anything else.”

  * * * *

  Vanderlan looked at Angus, feeling his own shock at the situation.

  “So you have another mate? How is that possible?” Van asked Angus.

  Angus was sitting in a chair, head down, appearing completely shocked.

  “I have no fucking idea. I was hoping that Dani could give me some insight into this.”

  “I’m sure she can. She’s going to have a lot of different emotions about this as well. Her and Margo were best friends. Margo taught her everything about being a healer,” Van added.

  Angus looked up. “I don’t think I can accept this. I don’t think I have it in me,” he said, his Irish brogue thick with emotion.

  Vanderlan placed his hand on his shoulder. “Angus, the gods and goddesses do things for reasons we may not understand, but usually good comes of those decisions. You can’t fight the mating bond.”

  “Says who?” Angus asked, standing up and pacing the room.

  “Angus, think about the current situation. Carbarone and his pack are responsible for Margo’s death. He is working on something. Obviously the gods and goddesses want you and your brothers to be aware of it. You can’t leave Sal unprotected.”

  “I’ll leave it to Quinn and my brothers if they are her mates as well.”

  “That is not going to work and you know it,” Vanderlan added.

  “Enough talk about it. I’ll deal with it on my own. Now, looking into Carbarone’s business transactions, did you come up with anything suspicious?” he asked them.

  Vanderlan could hear Dani’s thoughts in his head. He had projected the conversation to her, heard her gasps, felt her emotions as tears streamed down her cheeks. He wished he was with her right now to console her, but then he felt Randolph and Benjamin holding her. Baher and Miele joined her next.

  Tell Angus that this is meant to be. Tell him that Margo would want him and his brothers to be happy and be together. I have a feeling that there will be more danger ahead for Angus and his brothers, but especially for Sal. She is of great importance to the Were community and existence. Tell him, Vanderlan.

  Vanderlan heard Dani’s words just as Van had.

  “Angus, Dani speaks to us now. She is just as shocked and emotional for you, yet she says that there is danger ahead and that Sal is special to the Were community,” Van told him.

  “Special? How? She’s human.”

  “I don’t know and neither does Dani, but trust that the gods and goddesses do things for a reason. You need to protect Sal,” Vanderlan added.

  “Well, I’ll think about it. So what do you have on Carbarone? Anything thus far?” Angus asked, still being stubborn and keeping a shield over his emotions. Vanderlan knew he was suffering and he hoped that Angus didn’t push Sal away to protect himself from his own fears and emotions.

  “Well, you and Quinn were right about Carbarone being up to some illegal activities. We have teams in place watching him, and the avenue of illegal drugs and prostitution. But that’s not the half of it. He’s been giving a lot of money to a corporation in Ireland. Not sure what they produce, or if it’s pharmaceuticals to enhance his drug business. We asked Willie and Declan Pack to look into it. Ava has pretty good control over operations across Ireland and keeping things legit. But shit still happens. There’s always rogue wolves being greedy and trying to establish their own pack power. Perhaps Carbarone is doing the same,” Van said.

  “Do you think he’s trying to grow his pack in a takeover attempt?” Angus asked.

  Vanderlan felt his own concern grow. “The only pack small enough to be taken over would be Skylar Pack. They have locations scattered throughout the world, including Ireland and right here in New York,” Vanderlan told them.

  “Well, then a visit to their Alpha, McCarthy, may be necessary,” Van stated.

  “I’ll take care of it. If this is the case. If Carbarone is planning a takeover to gain more power, then we need to stop him. Perhaps gathering enough evidence against him will finally get the Circle of Elders to rule him rogue and sentence him for all his crimes,” Angus said then pulled out his cell to make a call, an inquiry about a possible takeover.

  Chapter 5

  “Who is this woman, that she’s able to escape you twice in a forty-eight-hour period?” Vargon Carbarone asked his son, Luka, as he stood in the home office. Their penthouse in Manhattan was top notch. Carbarone barely stayed here. His permanent resident in mountains and woods of Nevada was where he enjoyed staying for a better part of the year. But business was booming, and despite all the changes amongst the Circle of Elders and their new appointees, he had money to make and smaller packs to squash.

  “She had help.”

  “Help?” he asked Luka. His son didn’t reply immediately. “Well. Who?”

  “Quinn and Angus Fennigan.”

  Carbarone swung his head around to look at his son. He wasn’t completely shocked, although he heard the Fennigan men were now weak and still mourning their mate, Margo. She had to die. It was how he saved the wizard Torque from being exiled to another realm. Carbarone had pulled a fast one on Margo, getting her to assist a needy, injured Were who was caught in the line of fire as a demon attempted to kill the goddesses.

  He smiled. Torque proved to be quite resourceful and loyal immediately. Now he was helping Carbarone to gain some extra power so he could take over Skylar Pack territories. But he was feeling a bit discouraged. He had forced himself on three different female wolves from Skylar Pack who were high in the bloodline but the bond didn’t take. In fact, the women died even with the assistance of Torque and his wizard powers. He needed to find another woman. He needed power.

  “So, the Fennigan men know this woman? Who is she and what is their relationship?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. They were protecting her, and they are cousins with Reggie. But it was only Quinn and Angus there. The others weren’t.”

  Carbarone rubbed his chin. “I wonder why. And where is this woman now? Who did you say she was?”

  “She’s just a human. A partner in the police department with Reggie. She doesn’t give off a scent of any kind. Hardly could tell she was only human and nothing more. I’m pretty certain that she’s harmless. Perhaps they helped her because Reggie is their cousin?”

  “Well then, why can’t you kill her?”

  “I tried.”

  “Interesting. Well, I have more important things for you to work on right now. I’m
trying to seal the deal with Torque in taking over Skylar Pack territory. We have our men in position, and Torque is going to assist us.”

  “Well, then why do you need me?” Luka asked.

  “I need you to assist him and tag along as Alpha. Bring your crew with you.”

  “But what about the woman, Sal?”

  “What about her? She’s a measly human. We have important Were business to conduct. With my hand in the security business now, we can definitely infiltrate some of the higher-ups personal finances. Torque can ensure that nothing is traceable and we will be filthy rich off the hard work of others. It’s the perfect plan.”

  “But the woman,” Luka said again.

  Carbarone raised his voice. “What about her?”

  “She’s beautiful and tough. I wanted you to see her.”

  “She is lovely enough that you would bring her to me alive?”

  “Yes, Father. There is something about her I think you will enjoy. But mostly, she gained the interest of those two fucking wolves, Quinn and Angus. I hate them. I want them dead.”

  “Hmm. As do I, but they are too well connected by blood to the Fagan Pack, Declan, Dolberg, and the damn Goddess of the Circle herself. But I understand your interest. It would be pleasurable to grab a hold of something else they like and take it out of their grasp. Leave them alone for now. Upon our return you can play your little game.”

  “But, Father, what if Angus and Quinn get to enjoy her first, before me? Then what?”

  He tapped a finger against his chin. “Let me put your cousin Jaydin on it. He’ll be sure to get the correct information on her. In fact he can get her to me if need be. That wolf doesn’t back down to anyone.”

  Luka nodded his head.

  “Prepare to leave within the hour.”

  “Yes, Father.” Luka left the room and Carbarone glanced at the files on his desk. “This is going to be so simple, and Torque is going to love seeking his revenge on the royal families.”


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