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Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2)

Page 8

by Slash, Ana

  My stepdad frowned, but I didn't care.

  I walked up to Maxim dad and said, "Hello, Mr. Rothschild."

  A forced smile moved on his lips.

  he said, "Hello Bella, how are you."

  I clasped my hands and boldly said, "I guess you could say I am doing okay. No complaints. Hmm, how about you?"

  He feigned a smile and said, "Oh, you know, working appreciating what the world has to offer, taking advantage of opportunities if you know that sort of thing?"

  I nodded and smiled.

  I wanted to say, don't you mean taking advantage of girls who have no choice but to be around you?

  But I held back and watched as mom poured the men two glasses of scotch.

  "So, it seems you have a decision to make young lady," Maxim's father remarked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up and pulled back; I guess he got the message because he straightened up and laughed.

  I pursed my lips ready to say something else, but mom got in the way. She said, "Oh, Bella, don't be so rude, staring at them, don't you have something else to do?"

  I wanted to say oh, of course, I do mom; I am going to fuck Mr. Rothschild’s son at a hotel tonight because he's my boyfriend and because I want to, plus it doesn't hurt that he has a massive cock.

  But of course, didn't say that.

  I knew better than to push mom's buttons; besides, she was already fragile enough as it is. The Last thing she needed was my input. So, I left it all alone. Mom shooed me away. She said, "Bella! Don't just gawk run along. I am sure you have friends to see."

  "Yeah, I do mom."

  I turned to walk away, but my stepdad stopped me and said, "oh, what happened to you last night. You got home this morning, anything you want to tell us about? hmm…. Were you with someone? You know all about the rules in this house. I don't want you getting out there and getting pregnant or something."

  Maxim's dad smiled. I turned and rolled my eyes. My stepdad stepped forward to say. Something but mom stopped him by saying, "let her go (insert stepdad's name) let's entertain our guest."

  She turned and held Maxim's dad by the hand and led him to the living room, that's the moment I received a text from Maxim. He said, "meet me at the hotel." I nodded, slid the phone into my pocket, and hurried out the door. I called a shared ride and made my way to the last hotel; anyone would think we would be. I coolant' wait to see him. The moment I arrived there, Maxim had booked a room under a fake Mr. and Mrs. brown name, which made me smile. I never imagined he would do something this.

  We barely got passed the door when he pulled me into his arms, crushing his lips on mine. He parted my lips with his tongue and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I moaned and kissed him back.

  His fingers sensual and caring snaked lower teasingly. He murmured into my lips, freaking hell I missed you darling fuck. He groaned, pressing his hardness on my thigh. I slid my fingers down, captured his thick length in the palm of my hands, and squeezed it slightly. I watched in delight as he groaned and purred, "Gosh, I want to taste you now."

  And then it hit me the memory to that night. I pulled back and stood sat on the bed. I told him something terrible happened after the funeral. He asked, "what is it, are you alright?"

  I said," yes, but I was terrified. I almost died. I don't know who would want to hurt me." I sat on the bed.

  I thought great here he was handsome Maxim ready to please me, and all I did was kill the mood. He slid on the bed next to me and said, "it’s okay Bella, I wish I was there for you.

  He slid his arms around my body, and we both rocked. He said," I would die if anything were to happen to you. I wouldn't be able to live with you." I sobbed into his arms and said, "I can't take this anymore. Mom acts like she's blind or something.

  I wondered if she cared or knew what her husband was up to? w

  Why was she acting as though she did not have a clue? What’s wrong with her?" Maxim stays silent, taking it all in and not saying a word. He said, "you cannot leave the school now. We are so close to graduation. It might be better off if you stayed in school."

  "I can't Maxim too many vultures around me. This place is insane. Something is not right in this area. There’s something wrong I am telling you something insane is going on here. I don't think I'd survive till graduation. I don't."

  He listened as I continued speaking.

  "Why did you pick this hotel in the first place. Maxim, this isn't your part of town."

  "So, we can be free Bella like renegades so that we can be alone. I have my demons, too, which I fight every night.

  It's the only place we could meet and not be tailed. I am worried about my life too. I have to pretend to my father that all is well and that I have decided to follow his rules laid out for me."

  I slid my fingers across his face, and we stared into each other's eyes.

  I told him his father was at my place, he clenched and unclenched his fist but didn't say anything. He shook his head and said, "I don't care about him, listen. Let's not let it spoil our time together, Bella."

  I nodded and watched as he tilted his head and slid his lips over mine, “So fucking gorgeous, I am the luckiest guy alive to have you."

  And with that, he kissed my lips and slid me down on the bed.

  He deepened his kiss, letting me know he loved me.

  Then he slid lower, fingers sensual and steady moved further down, teasing my curves as he went along.

  I watched as his hands glided forward and slowly slid down my top.

  He's there that my breasts like it were his first time looking at them.

  He said, "I could stare at your body every day, and three minutes you are beautiful; you are perfection."

  Everything about you is just perfect, Bella. God, so gorgeous." And with that, he planted kisses slowly down my body.

  I relaxed onto the sheets and washed as he slid further down, planting kisses between my legs and up my thighs.

  I snaked my hands lower and felt his nature arising groaned and slid my hands off.

  He said, “Let me please you instead, baby."

  And with that, I lowered my head onto the pillow and watched as Maxim moved further down.

  He slid my dress up, planted kisses down my inner thighs and back up slowly central kisses until he got to my soaked fabric he murmured, "you are soaked you always the soaked?" I chuckled nervously it's not like it's all first time doing this, but this seems much more perfect.

  Maxim slid between my legs and slowly slid my underwear off down to the floor, letting a cascade without a care in the world then he pushed my hips down to the edge of the bedspread my legs apart and lowered his head the minute his tongue flicked on my center I clasped my thighs together effectively imprisoning his head.

  But he didn't stop doing what he does best. He kept on going pleasuring me and making sure I was his. His talented tongue did things to me that I didn't know existed.

  I luxuriated in the sweet sensation of his lips on my pleasure spot until I couldn't hold back any longer my entire body vibrated in response to a final swipe of my lips on my essence sending bolts of lightning flashing through my whole being! I came like a pack of cards tumbling down to earth. Maxim couldn't hold back any longer.

  He lapped me clean and ripped his clothes off, letting it all cascade down to the floor. He growled.

  "I want you, Bella, god, I want you so much. He positioned his body between my legs, kissed my lips, and nuzzled my neck while fisting his cock ready to spear into my wanting entrance, and honestly, I didn't stop him I pushed my body up pleading to have him fill me up.

  No one would stop love; the feeling we had with each other Was nothing short of love love, love, that couldn't be denied.

  We kissed open mouthed panting as our body merge as one. A quick thrust and he was in, my intimate muscles clamped hard around his thickness, milking him.

  Maxim at one point pulled out almost all the way, I moaned and pleaded with him not to stop, and he didn't; instead, he
plunged deep, filling me up with his maleness, and I pushed up to me this thrusts rhythm by rhythm.

  "You are such a tight fuck Bella still so tight," He groaned. His face contorted in pleasure as my pussy stayed tightened around him.

  His hugeness stretched me, but I felt nothing but happiness. It didn't take long before we both couldn't hold back any longer, the sounds of the headboards hitting the walls, our bodies slapping against each other thrashing with passion, sent us reeling over the edge to the point of no return until we gasped and groaned friction on friction we came together in shuddering waves our eyes open staring into each other's eyes pleased.

  Our double climax was indescribable. Maxim eased his thick shaft out, laid next to me and pulled me close in his arms. I melted into him.

  Maxim strokes my hair and tells me a secret.

  I listened to him as he said, "I have to get married."

  "Now I asked worried my heart thumping like a freaking machine.

  He laughed and said, "No, not now…But I have to get married to one of the bad girls. Its the way its always been Bella, and I cannot change it now." I sighed and listened while stroking the sweat-filled curls on his gorgeous chest.

  "I have to get married to strengthen family ties, that is how it works in these circles."

  I nodded, thinking it seems, the more you look, the more things stay the same. I know it's insane, but I know my mother would never fit into the circles no matter how she tried to fit in, it wouldn't work. You wouldn't accept her.

  Maxim continued, "I think about my mother rand all that happened to her. Must protect her legacy. I miss her. I still wonder about her death. It never gets easier."

  I sighed and thought about him about his father stopping by my place earlier. Plus, I wanted to tell him about his dad's relationship with Susan.

  But this was not the time nor the place to talk about it.

  So I listened but then the urge to tell him couldn't be stopped. I had to, so I finally said to him, "I have to tell you something."

  And that is the moment a knock on the door interrupted us. I turned to Maxim and raised an eyebrow as though wondering if were meeting someone. He shook his head and said, "who could that be?"

  That's the moment we hear a familiar voice yell out, "Open the door Maxim I know you are in there! Open the goddamn door now!"

  Holy fucking hell! How do we get out of this now?



  "Hide!” Maxim said to me.

  I had no choice but to hide in the closet.

  I shook my head and said I didn't want to hide anymore. Besides, what difference would it make?

  I said to Maxim, "He knows you're here with me, or he would not be banging on the door so hard.”

  "That's fine Bella please just do this for me please and begging you."

  The knock on the door got louder.

  Mr. Rothschild was not going away.

  He was determined to get in. So, I slid my hair behind my ears and finally excepted Maxims request. I hid inside the closet and walked from the crack of the door as Maxim walked to the door and opened it.

  Mr. Rothschild walked in he shook his head and placed his arms on his hips, and then he said, "what are you doing in a seedy hotel like this?" Maxim slid his fingers through his beautiful locks and said to his father, "nothing. Dad just wanted to relax a bit."

  Mr. Rothschild wasn't having it. He said, "really well, I was about to check it myself, and then I noticed that someone mentioned somebody with the same last name just checked in." Maxim sat on the bed and said to his father, "I just needed room to breathe.

  I needed to figure out what I wanted to do in life that that's all it is there's nothing else to it."

  His father nodded, and then he mentioned that he just wanted the best thing for Maxim. I stood in the closet, shivering it was cold, and there just wanted to get out, and then I watched as Maxim's that towered over his son looking menacingly at Maxim.

  Maxim's father said, "what you have done enough partying. It's time to get back. You have exams to take care of for crying out loud."

  Then Mr. Rothschild looked around the room.

  He asked, "Is anyone else here, but you?" Maxim shook his head that's when he grabbed Maxim's hand firmly and said, "if you are fucking with prostitutes in here legally in pursuit done for, son. I wouldn't have a son of mine doing nonsense.

  Wow, I thought, talk about the pot calling the kettle black?

  Maxim shook his head and said, "I'm not with anyone dad why didn't you trust me for once?

  I did everything you asked me to do. you can at least trust me on this."

  His father growled and said, "that's the problem you think it's all about distrusting the mixed logo around. We have a lot at stake in this family, and I'm not going to have you ruin everything I worked for.

  Now get your things and were leaving." Maxim refused, he said, "I'll leave when I'm ready, dad. I promise you there's no one else here. I wanted to be alone just for one second! What would mom if done if she were alive?"

  For some reason, that statement touched Mr. Rothschild, because he nodded and walked out of the room without another word.

  Stunned, I wondered what deep dark, dirty secrets are in Mr. Rothschild’s closet. The moment his father walked out, Maxim, palmed his face and cried like a baby. I quietly stepped out of the closet and sat next to Maxim. I slid my arm around his shoulders.

  Maxim shakes his head, and then he gets up in anger and goes into the bathroom, slams the door, and hits his fist on the mayor, cracking it up.

  I got up, and then I glanced out the window to see Maxim stand with two women, one who looked like she was out of forelock the added look like Susan but disguised. I said to Maxim, "I've had enough, I'm going to going confront him right now." Maxim went out his fingers, bleeding from their shattered glass.

  He stopped me and said, "now you can't confront him, let's get out of here."

  I told him no I'm going to go and confront your father it's about time somebody told him how we felt. But Maxine was determined not to confront his father.

  Instead, he said, "let's go please Bella please I'm begging you let's get out of here. And with that, I finally accepted. We both got dressed and hurried out of the hotel. We got into his car. He said he was going to drop me at home.

  I refused at first, but he was insistent that he didn't want me to be alone. So, I accepted and watched in silence as we headed to his car.

  The moment we got there, my stepfather was standing right outside the door, waiting for us.

  I shook my head and thought my God what's going on today. She looked upset to put it lightly. He frowned, and then he said to Maxim as Maxim walked into the door son, I think you need to get home now.


  What in the world is my father doing at the hotel? Why is her stepdad here? I turned to Bella, and she said she didn't want to talk about it. I turned to her stepfather and looked at him. He said, "Bella can take a shared ride home you need to get in your fucking Car.

  I refused and said, "no, I am taking Bella home."

  I turned to Bella and grabbed her hand and led her into my car. She sat in silence as I turned on the ignition and drove away from that man.

  I turned to her, and she said, "I don't want to talk about it.

  Nobody talks about anything in this town."

  I nodded she was right; you know no one wants to say anything. Everyone acts like everything's perfect, that's when all hell broke loose.

  I held her hand and squeezed it tight.

  I let her know that I'll be there for her regardless of what happens.

  She nodded and smiled, looking at me and then she turned and looked out the window until he got to my home. She said, "thank you for bringing me home and for a lovely evening.

  I leaned in and kissed her to it her know that I loved her that I would stand by her to everything. She smiled and slid her fingers on my cheek. She turned around and said, "You don't need
to come out; just go home." I nodded and drove away.



  I walked in to see my mother in a compromising position with her yoga teacher. I thought my God. He's a perfect looking man.

  Completely musclebound with dark hair and a chiseled jaw. He was younger than mom, but it didn't seem to matter to her. Mom looked utterly giddy with happiness. I knew I couldn't say anything now about anything.

  Noticing my mother with the yoga instructor in the compromising position, I realized this was just a coping and mechanism for mom and nothing else. Still, whatever he was doing made her happy.

  So, I decided to leave it alone. I didn't want to break her sunny spell. She looked at me and smiled. I'll be honest I haven't seen a smile so bright like the one she had on the face.

  She pulled away from the yoga instructor and walked up to me, and then she said, “Oh my God, you back."

  Of course, mom always seemed out of it.

  I nodded and smiled. She said, "you missed a fun time last night that friend of yours Maxim his dad was something else and of course your stepfather trust they had so much to talk about, but I'm glad your back you need to get studying, more tests ahead?"

  I nodded and then I shot a look at the yoga instructor mom then turned to realize she hadn't made the introduction said, "let me introduce you to Mario he's been accommodating as you can see, I'm back in shape."

  I slid my hair behind my ears and looked at him and smiled. He said, "you're a nice-looking lady just like your mother and where you want to these days. I will give you lessons to." Mom chuckled and said, "oh, stop it's."

  I knew I had to get away from there, so I told my mother, "it's okay mom. I have things to take care of." She nodded and said, "Well, you go ahead, then go study." And that's what I did. I walked away from my mother's presence, hurried to the kitchen, and grabbed a bite.

  And then I ran back to my room, realizing grade it was fun hanging out with Maxim and all and all that drama, but I still had to study.

  I had another exam to take in the morning. I sat at my desk, and then I noticed a picture of my mom smiling, and right next to her was my stepdad. I couldn't bear to look at his face the same face.


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