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Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2)

Page 9

by Slash, Ana

  His face reminded me of all the pain and all the hurt.

  I thought, "the clock is ticking Bella you have to pay your tuition, and our exactly are you going to do that? And for that reason alone, I knew I didn't have an answer.

  I thought to myself, "Fuck it, I might as well fail because if that happens, mom would have no choice but to send me to public school, and then maybe this would all be over with."

  These thoughts ran through my head. I could just run away, you know.

  I could take his wallet and get away from me as fast as I could mom always kept money in some drawers around the house what's stopping me from taking them and running away and probably getting an apartment and living somewhere as a starting my own life I'm 18 after all right?

  But I couldn't bring myself to do that, but instead, I sat up and continued reading as though my life depended on it.

  The moment I got tired of just staring at the books, I went ahead and got in my bed, and then I went to sleep. The following morning, I scrambled out of the house before mom got up.

  My stepfather met me at the door just as I was about to walk out. He looked at his watch, and then he pointed at the time, and then he wanted to say something, but I knew what he wanted to say, so I walked past them and ignored him.

  I knew he was going to ask if I had made my decision about the tuition. Of course, not I would never do anything like that, especially with him.

  The thought of it makes my skin crawl. I hurried to the school, and the minute I got there, the bad girls accosted me.

  Why would you just quit being in the school? I still don't get it.

  It's not like you are wanted here.

  * * *

  Besides, I heard that your stepfather might voice your stepmom soon. And then you have no choice but to believe in a shack somewhere one that is awesome?

  The minute they said those words, I couldn't help it.

  I tried to walk past them, but Samantha pushed me back and said, "oh, you know better than to walk away from us."

  I told her, "now is not the time to do this we have exams can we just leave us alone for now?" She laughed out loud and said, "why what are you gonna do?”

  She pushed me backward to the wall.

  I clenched in on clenched my fist and then the other said Wu she's going to swing at you, and then they started taunting me and I guess everything spirit to help ahead I pushed her back and then she turned and hit me.

  The other took turns hitting me too!

  I couldn't understand why no one tried to stop them from doing this.

  Finally, the principal walked up, and the girls scrambled. They pointed fingers at me.

  I thought, great I am done for now. But the principal surprisingly let it slide.

  She asked that I see the nurse. And I did. She sighed and walked away while the bad girls laughed. They said it’s not over. You must leave our guys alone. I ignored their taunts and headed over to the nurses’ station.

  * * *

  Ms. Biddle Bob the nurse, looked at me with widened eyes. She shook her head, but then she kept a straight face afterward. She said to me, "what happened to you?" I shrugged.

  I wasn't going to get into what had occurred, so I said, "I heard something happened some girls in school."

  She shook her head and said, "I know we are talking about."

  Stunned by her revelation, I told her, "you do?"

  She said, "yes, I do. Until it's none of my business, I hope this and have anything to do it, Maxim and the others."

  I raised an eyebrow, what does she know about the rich guys? She tended to my bruises and said, "I know they're very protective, and everyone in the school knows that the bad girls as they like to be called, I meant to be with the rich guys.

  I swallowed nerves fluttered in my belly. And it's almost as if at that moment I realized I was late. I don't know why the thought came in my head, but it did.

  As though reading my thoughts, she asked, "so your periods are regular, right?" He looked at her with a blank stare, and then she said, "these are the type of things you should be discussing with your mom."

  He told her, “Oh, we did that already."

  After all, I'm over 18. This situation was not a topic I want to discuss with my mom.

  Besides, I don't think I am pregnant?

  I couldn’t possibly be pregnant, now could I?

  I shook the thought out of my head and said, "no, I'm not. I'm perfectly fine.

  She then said, "I didn't ask any questions." I nodded, and then she cleaned me up and said, "be careful out there it might seem like fun and games, but this is Wexley, and we know how it works. I shouldn't even be telling you this because I could lose my job in the process."

  I thanked her and left the nurses station. I hurried back to class and luckily, I didn't miss the exams yet. I was still sitting there when suddenly right after the reviews, Matteo slid the packet onto my table.

  I glanced around and noticed Maxim smirking mischievously. And then I turned to see Killian smiling as well.

  I wondered what they were up to today.

  I looked inside the envelope; my eyes widened. It was a check to pay my entire tuition for the rest of the year, not just any check, but one without holds on it.

  I turned and looked at them with widened eyes, and they all smiled.

  Once the instructor left, they hurried around me, and Maxim said, "use this to pay your tuition, so you would have to do with that nonsense."

  I couldn't believe they decided to pull money together for me.

  I was quite stunned, and to be quite honest, their actions made me realize how much do you genuinely cared about me.

  And it felt good.

  The tears welled up in my eyes as I thanked them for what they've done. Now I would have to deal with my stepfather

  I would be free of his rules.

  I'd graduate from the esteemed institution and move onto an even better university, or so I thought.

  But the euphoria of it all soon dissipated when I realized it wouldn't be as easy as I thought.



  I returned home. Pretty excited about what happened. In my excitement, I took the check earlier in the day straight to the principal's office.

  She looked at me with widened eyes but didn't say a word and accepted the check.

  She said, "wow, this is really going to help pay your tuition." I told her," that's the point I really would."

  She took the check out of my hands, and of course, I walked out of our office feeling like I'd won the lottery or something. But then all that changed the moment I got home to see my mom looking frazzled.

  I knew why she was looking that way because I was searching for my stepfather. Again, I'm a boy I wasn't wrong about that.

  He stepped forward, pause, and turn to my mother, staring daggers at her. I wondered what he was up to. But then inwardly, I smiled because I knew he couldn't do anything any longer.

  I now have the upper hand because my tuition is getting paid. So I folded my arms and asked," what's going on?"

  My mother marched towards me and said," what's going on is that you have a lot of explaining to do."

  She waved her fingers in front of my face. And that's when my stepfather said," I saw her parading all over the place with different guys. I don't think that's the kind of daughter, not in my house."

  What? I thought, wow, the audacity of this man to talk about me. Go on, Bella, don't let him do this to you tell your mother what's going on right now, so she knows.

  An inner voice within me spoke volumes and beg for me to say something, but I knew that if I said something to her mom has already been through a lot, and this will destroy how she feels about herself.

  So I bit my tongue, I let my mom say what you wanted to say to me, and then finally she walked away, leaving me alone with my stepdad.

  Oh, you know I was ready for him this time around. I wasn't going to let him get away with it again. No,
that's going to happen.

  Mom walked out, and I slid my hair behind my ears instead of directly at him. He narrowed his eyes on me, and once he was sure, mom wasn't nearby.

  He said," I guess you thought you would get away with it. You're not going to ruin your life because you don't want to make the right decision."

  "Is that understood? He asked, staring directly at me. I nodded and said, "Understood."

  And then I don't know what came over me, but I lifted my knee up to hit him where it hurts only this time, he was ready for me.

  He placed a firm palm on my knee and pushed it down. Then he pulled me close and said, "don't you dare try that stunt again. Do you hear me?"

  I hollered in pain and nodded, then he let go and feigned ignorance the moment my mom walked back into the room/

  "Oh, she's just joking around, you know, right, Bella?"

  I didn't say another word and instead lied.

  "I am going to bed."

  For the rest of the week, he forbade me from going anywhere else but school and home. I knew I couldn't stay this way forever.

  I knew I had to make a change, and I had to get away from my stepdad, or else, I might do something I would regret. Finally, I didn't even know when I blurted out to him I don't need your money to pay for the tuition I have money now.

  His eyes widened, wondering how I got money to pay for it? Of course, she told my mom I was probably sleeping one of the guys I didn't care as long as it wasn't doing anything with him.

  What's in it for him? My mother, as usual, through a temp agency and there, but it didn't matter because I didn't concern myself with how she felt.

  But then the Friday the guys invited me once again to the party on the yacht, and I said I would come.

  Go back home; my step dad said you're not going anywhere tonight. I looked at him and shook my head and said," you can tell me what I'm going to do. I will do what I want."

  I wondered if I should tell him what had happened that I had gotten my tuition paid for. How could you keep me away from leaving the house?

  Well, my mother walked me and said," I said I know things have been trying for us around here. But I want you to know that it will mean a lot that you stay home tonight, please don't read my future."

  I gasped and said, "You can't do that? Please, I need to go, this is very important to me. My stepfather scuffed and said, nothing is more important than you stay home with your family. Why is it so hard to listen to that?"

  I shot him a darkened stare.

  My mother is under his spell, but I refused to let that be me. I wished she'd open her eyes and see her life is not what she thinks it is, then maybe things would be different around here.

  But who am I kidding? This man had my mother wrapped around his finger.

  I still wondered how she pulled off her tryst with the yoga instructor. Yet for some reason, she did.

  I almost blurted out everything I knew about my friend Susan and all the dirty things my stepdad was doing with her, plus I wanted to tell Mom about Max's father too.

  But then I saw the pain in her eyes, and once more, I couldn't do it.

  Guess everyone might say I should do it, but it's easier said than done. So I said to them, "I am going to bed. I need some rest."

  Mom agreed. She said, "you do that, dear. We are turning in too. Right darling?"

  "Yes, we are." My step dad said, staring into my eyes.

  And with that, I hurried off into my room, not thinking about them.



  An hour later, I get a text from the Matteo; they would be arriving shortly to take me to the party. I sent a reply, "park across the street. I would meet you there."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, just do it," I said, worried.


  And with that, we stopped texting.

  I got dressed and waited a few minutes until I was sure the parents had fallen asleep, well, mom, at least. But then twenty minutes or so later, I noticed my stepfather silently working out the door.

  I wasn't surprised by it at all. Once he left, I grabbed my coat, snuck out the back door in frigid San Francisco, and hurried as fast as my legs could carry me across the street to meet hotel hot guys.

  I noticed Matteo's Bugatti Very-on parked close by.

  I hurried up to meet him. Matteo stepped out of the car and rushed towards me. He grabbed my hand and led me back into the vehicle. I sat in the back with Maxim. While Killian smiled the moment I got into the car.

  "Hello, beautiful," Maxim said, his beautiful flouncy curls cascading down this gorgeous face. I blushed. Killian commented, "Hey, you stay away from my girl!"

  "She's my girl too!" Matteo said.

  "Correction," Maxim said, staring into my eyes. "Our girl!"

  I chuckled and laughed. Everything seemed to be falling in place. I had my tuition paid for by three guys I fucking admired what could be better than that? Not a damn thing!

  We arrived at the location airport. I gasped I thought we were going to a local party. No, they had plans, they said we were flying to Los Angeles for the night!

  I felt a little unsteady and giddy as ever as we got into Killian's private jet and made our way to Los Angeles. Once we got there, a chauffeur driven car took us to the Giga mansion in Beverly Hills, where they had this fantastic party planned.

  It was perfect, I was there with my three boyfriends, but then there was one problem. The bad girls were there too! The frowned the minute the guys walked in protectively next to me.

  "What's this?" Samantha asked, staring at us.

  "What does it look like?" Maxim scoffed.

  "Maxim darling, you know the rules you can only marry a bad girl. "You know you are mine!"

  "Yeah, well, I didn't get that memo plus who Sia anything about getting married. But just so you know, Samantha, she's our girl.

  The other girls winced and couldn't believe what they just heard. But Maxim, Killian, and Matteo ignored their rants and instead led me to the dance floor, where they took turns dancing with me. I felt beautiful and incredibly unique life was great!

  I watch as they pushed the bad girls aside. Killian took me by the hand, and the others followed leading me into a beautiful Palatial room with a bed seated in the center.

  It was quite impressive, but then I knew they were up to something, and I wondered what could it be.

  Killian kissed my lips and led me into the room. There at the center stood a gold box. I wondered what was in it? Matteo then opened the box to reveal money. I gasped and asked, "Who is this for?"

  That's the moment Killian spoke up for the team.

  He said, "It's yours, Bella. It's all yours!"

  I couldn't believe they would do this for me. It warmed my heart when they handed me the gold box and said, "This is a little something extra just in case you need more than paying your tuition.

  We would never let anyone hurt you that way; you are special and brilliant to us, plus to be honest, I guess I can speak for everyone when I say we love you, don't we?"

  Maxim and Matteo nodded. That's the moment Maxim pulled me into his arms, traced a delicate finger along my lower lip, and then he slid his lips on mine, telling me without speaking that he was truly mine and mine alone.

  He had this earthy, perfect, clean, yet dangerous scent that ignited heat within me.

  He wrapped his arms passively around my body and holy fuck I didn't want to let go. But then he pulled back, and I turned around to see Killian's smiling with a playful grin plastered on his face.

  He then moved forward and swooped me in his arms. The cleans cent of fresh pine in the morning dew clung to him like a glove. Killian's kisses rivaled Maxims, demanding wanting and ever so passionate. I flung my arms around his neck and melted onto him.

  His hardness pressed upon my thighs, ready to move in. I didn't want him to stop kissing me, and he didn't either, he parted my lips with his roving tongue, and soon our tongues began to play
a sensual dance with one another leaving me freaking breathlessly unable to stop the rush of pleasure coursing through my entire being.

  I was made for him, but even he too had his limits when Matteo tapped him on the shoulder and then took over kissing my lips like a man whose lives depended on the kiss.

  I took in his gorgeous spicy aftershave. Matteo kept kissing me when Killian positioned his body behind mine and nuzzled my neck. Matteo then slid up and whispered into my ears, would you like to be pleasured, darling? I gasped and said, "Yes. I would like that very much."

  And with that, Matteo pulled back while Killian lifted me over the shoulders and carried me to the bed.

  Killian placed me on the bed and distracted me with his kisses, Maxim laid next to me on the bed and slid my top down and swirled his tongue around my areola, I was in ecstasy.

  I had no idea Matteo slid between my legs until I felt his tongue on my pulsing labia. Their actions sent my body spinning to point of no return, Killian kissing my lips while

  Maxim alternated between kneading my apples globes and sucking my breasts while whispering how beautiful I was, sent made me quiver until I couldn’t stop the need to let go.

  I glanced down to see Matteo sucking hard on my pulsing nub, his tongue sending bolts of pleasure soaring through my petite body and all over my nerve endings until I screamed out in pleasure and came in shuddering waves.

  I clutched the sheets hard, oh but they were not done with me. Far from it, Matteo exchanged places with Killian, kissing my lips as Killian mad with lust positioned his head down on my wetness.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded. I did as he requested and watched as lowered his lips down onto my center, his fingers thrusting into my core while his tongue licked the insides the outsides and all sides of my wet folds.

  I moaned onto Matteo lips as Killian drove his tongue in and out my walls and Maxim tweaked my nipples. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I let go all over his face, and he too lapped me clean. Matteo slid back and so did Maxim.


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