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Broken Hearts

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Reaching between her thighs, she stroked her clit, bringing herself to the peak of orgasm.

  “You better not come until I tell you. I don’t want to hear or feel you come yet.”

  She whimpered, begging him to let her find her release. He kept her poised at the edge never allowing her to go over.

  Martha shook from the need that was consuming her.

  Dick teased her without mercy.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me. Let me feel how fucking tight and wet you can get. I want your pussy to squeeze me.”

  Stroking her clit twice, Martha came.

  The strength of her release surprised her, taking her to a new edge of pleasure. It was like she lived to serve Dick.


  On Monday morning after giving Lynne and William strict instructions on how to care for her garden, Dick finally took Martha to Piston County. The drive was a long and hard one as Martha kept getting nervous.

  “What if they don’t like me?” she asked.

  “They’re going to love you.”

  “How do you know that? You don’t know that.”

  “I love you so they’re going to love you.”

  He’d pull over and talk to her, calming her down. “Is this the first time you’ve got to go and meet some guy’s family?”


  Dick couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re scared to meet the parents. I don’t have any.”

  “They’re your family though. They know what is good or bad for you, even if they’re not related by blood.”

  Leaning across the car, Dick caught her face in his hands, and forced her to stare at him. “This is why I love you. You care, and the other women in my life didn’t. They’re going to love you. I’m scared as hell that they’re all going to scare you off.”

  She let out a breath, which he found to be the most adorable thing of all.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  For the next couple of hours he distracted her. First, he distracted her with talking about the garden. Next, he moved onto the house she’d love to have. He’d learned during his stay with her that the house was exactly in the way her parents wanted it. Dick planned for them both to move to Piston County, giving her a chance to make her dream home.

  After that, he started talking about what he was going to do to her when he did finally get her home.

  Fortunately, he pulled into the Chaos Bleeds parking lot during the completion of his fantasy, leaving her hot and bothered, and him horny as fuck.

  Dick laughed when he saw the “Welcome Home” sign. He spotted Spider, Sinner, Death, Pussy, Ripper, Mia, Brianna, Judi all waiting at the door for him. They were waving and whooping for him.

  “This is it,” she said.

  “They’re going to love you.”

  “I’m warning you. I’m not very good with confrontation.”

  “Don’t worry. The old ladies there will have your back.” Dick climbed out of the car, and moved to her side. The crowd seemed to be in shock at his gentlemanly behavior as they all went silent. He took Martha’s hand, locking their fingers together. “I won’t let you go.”

  Devil and Lexie pulled into the parking lot. He stood waiting for his prez, and squeezed Martha’s hand. She was shaking a little bit from the nerves.

  “It’s good to have you back,” Devil said, pulling him in for a hug, and slapping his back.

  “Hey, I’m Lexie.”


  The two women hugged tight. “I have to say we’re all in a bit of a shock.”

  “I can imagine,” Martha said. “He’s told me what an asshole he can be. I warn you, he’s not always an ass.” Martha gave a wink, and the two women went into a fit of giggles.

  “You look happy,” Devil said.

  “I am happy.”


  When he reached out for Martha’s hand, she placed hers within his, and together they walked toward the cluster of people, his brothers.

  He started introducing all of them.

  “This is Ripper, and his old lady, Judi. The little guy in her arms is Paul.”

  They were all amazed at Martha. He saw the shock they all had in their eyes.

  Yeah, fuckers, I’ve got me a keeper.

  “That’s Curse and Mia. Pussy and Sasha.” He whispered into her ear that Sasha was blind. “Death and Brianna, that fucker there is Snake, and Jessica.”

  “Dick, it’s good to have you back,” Vincent said.

  “That’s Vincent, and his old lady is Phoebe, but I don’t see her.”

  “She’s at home with the kids. They’re ill so she couldn’t make it,” Vincent said.

  He made sure that she saw the couples in the club before introducing her to the club whores, and the guys who weren’t attached.

  It didn’t take long for Lydia to split apart from the group. He noticed she’d been sitting with Dime and Butler. Both men didn’t look happy with Lydia.

  “Hey, baby, I’ve been waiting for you to get back.”

  When she made to wrap her arms around him, he tugged Martha in front of him. She froze in his arms, and Lydia just glared. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she said. “You’re going to get rid of me for a fat fucking bitch. She’s homely.”

  Dick tensed.

  “Fuck off, Lydia,” Jessica said. “He doesn’t want you. The club doesn’t want you here. They’ve put up with you because of him. It’s time you left.”

  Lydia’s mouth opened wide. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.”

  “Believe it, baby. I’ve not wanted you in a long time. You wouldn’t listen to me, and now I’m having to deal with you the only way I know how.”

  “By being a dick,” Lydia said.

  “Yes, by being a dick.”

  “Are you prepared to fight me for him?” Lydia asked.

  All eyes turned on Martha. Dick tensed. She’d been fighting her whole life against her sister, and failed.

  “I’m not going to fight you,” Martha said.

  “You’re going to trade me in for a bitch who won’t even fight for you.”

  “No, I’ll fight for Dick. The truth is, you’ve already lost. He’s mine, and you’re making yourself look stupid by thinking he’d take you otherwise. Dick doesn’t want you. He gave you a chance to make friends with Jessica, not to annoy him. You’ve started annoying him, and you’ve got to move on.”

  Dick released a sigh. She was right. He belonged to Martha, just like Martha belonged to him. There was no way in hell he was giving up his woman.

  “What about Master? You can’t just leave me out there.”

  “I didn’t say you had to leave,” Dick said, knowing that Master was a real threat. The bastard would come out of the woodwork eventually. Men like that always did. “I’m taken. This is my woman, and you need to back off.”

  Lydia nodded, taking a step back.

  When he looked at all of his brothers, he saw they agreed, and also confirmed to him without asking that Master still hadn’t been located. This also confirmed that Master had a shitload of money at his disposal, and none of them were ever going to get close enough to him until he was ready to come out and play.

  “You can stay at the clubhouse, Lydia, I’m not going to send you out when we don’t know what Master is doing,” Devil said, grabbing Lydia’s arm. “You cause any problems for us, and I let you go.”

  “I won’t cause any problems,” she said. “What do I do?”

  “You will work at the clubhouse. Whatever anyone wants you to do, do it. I hear shit from you, I’ll handle you myself. Do I make myself clear?”

  Devil was threatening, and Martha felt bad for Lydia, but the other woman simply nodded, and was released.

  When Lydia was gone, all the attention turned back to Dick.

  Martha was taken away from him as the brothers tugged him in close.

  “What the fuck was that gentlemanly act?” Sinner asked. “I thought you were the dick in
the group. Not opening doors for bitches.”

  “She’s not a bitch. She’s mine.” He slugged Sinner in the stomach. Glancing out of the window, he saw the women had taken Martha to the small little play area that they’d built for the kids.

  “She looks like a good one, a keeper,” Devil said.

  “She is.” He turned back to look at his Prez. “She keeps me sane.”

  “It’s what we’ve got to do, find a woman who makes us want to be sane.” Devil looked into the yard, clearly staring at Lexie. “I was half a fucking man when I met Lex. She made me whole. She gives me something to fight for, and to fight harder than ever before.”

  Dick nodded, finally understanding what Devil was saying. All of these years he’d watched each of his brothers fall for a woman, and all the time, he’d not understood what it actually meant to be in love, really in love.

  “Come on,” Devil said.

  Turning to the rest of the brothers, he took their hugs, and acceptance of him back. “What about the house?” he asked, turning back to Devil.

  “It’s yours.” Devil tossed the keys into the air, and he caught them.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’ve got to show her your place yet, and then convince her to stay. “You’ve got a hell of a fight on your hands.”

  Taking a seat at the bar, he opened a can of soda, and took a drink. From the moment he’d seen Martha again, the urge to do drugs had disappeared. He didn’t want to go down that slippery slope. He was a man in charge of his own destiny. No matter what he’d done in the past, Martha accepted him for the present, and the future he was going to give.

  “Hey, man,” Spider said.

  “Hey, yourself. What’s going on with you?”

  “Hasn’t he told you?” Death asked.

  “Told me what?” Dick looked at his brothers, and they were smiling.

  “I’ve been helping Paris.”

  “The woman that works at the strip club?”

  “Yeah. It turns out her parents were two of the civilians that were hurt in the shootout at Fort Wills. She’s taking care of her sister who was born with brain damage. They were twins.”

  “Wow, shit, I’ve missed a lot.”

  “Yeah.” Spider looked deep in thought.

  It was a look that Dick wouldn’t have associated with Spider. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing. She’s been fighting for the last couple of years, you know? She got custody of her sister, and is taking care of her. We’ve provided the protection she needs. She doesn’t have to work at the club anymore. I’m taking care of her expenses and shit.”

  “Spider, that’s a commitment, buddy.”

  “I know. I can’t just walk away.”

  “Are you telling me you’ve got feelings for her?”

  “I’ve got something,” Spider said. “I don’t know what it is, and it’s not just about getting laid. Sure, she’s a pretty and all, fucking hard as rock for her when she danced. It’s different now. She’s not putting on a show.”

  “You’ve seen the woman inside, not the woman that is portrayed on the stage?” Dick asked.

  “Yeah. Once you’ve seen that, there’s no going back.”

  “How come she’s not here now?”

  Spider shrugged. “She doesn’t trust us.”

  “That’s fucking harsh, considering you’re helping her.”

  “She’s all alone with a sister to protect. She doesn’t know me other than I’m the guy who watched her dance.” Spider took a sip of his soda. “I’m going to go and see her. It’s great to have you back, man.”

  “It’s great to be back even if I am a little in the dark.”

  He didn’t like being in the dark, but this wasn’t part of Spider’s choice. The brother had a lot of weight on his shoulders. It was easier when you didn’t care. The drugs helped to numb that part of him that cared. For the longest time, he didn’t give a shit about anyone, or anything. Like Martha said when talking about Becky and her parents, there comes a time when everything catches up with you. Spider, and even himself, had found that time.


  Spider knocked on the door waiting to be let in. Paris opened the door, and even though she gave him a small smile, there was still that hesitancy inside her.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey. Sorry I didn’t swing by earlier. One of the brothers is back, and he brought his woman with him for us to meet,” Spider said.

  He wasn’t used to having to make excuses, even though it wasn’t an excuse. This was the truth.

  “I’m not your keeper, Spider.”

  “I wanted to come and see you and Celia to find out how you’re doing.”

  Paris stared at him for several seconds. “I’m not going to sleep with you. If this offer of support, and help, is to sleep with me, then you’re very much mistaken.”

  “It’s not,” Spider said.


  “Don’t get me wrong, I want to sleep with you, but this isn’t about that, I promise.” Spider rubbed the back of his head, looking around the neighborhood. “Are you going to let me in?”

  “Yes, sorry.”

  She opened the door a little wider, and the sound of Celia from the kitchen moaning had Paris turning away from him.

  This was his chance to turn and walk away. Spider stared at the door, and listened to Paris comforting her sister, her twin. He took a deep breath, and went to leave, but he couldn’t move. Spider couldn’t go back. There was no life without Paris, and in that moment, he realized he had to stay. He needed to have Paris in his life.

  Chapter Ten

  “I can’t believe you’re with Dick. He’s like a big, giant asshole,” Jessica said.

  Martha laughed. All of the women were talking about Dick, but she saw the affection they all had for him. He had his place in Chaos Bleeds, just like every other brother.

  “Do you love him?” Lexie asked.

  “Yes, I love him. I know it’s crazy, and insane, and totally out of the realm of my understanding.” Martha took the drink that Mia offered her.

  “You’ve known each other like a week,” Jessica said.

  “No, not a week. A couple of years ago when he went to rehab that’s when I first got to know him.”

  “And you liked him?” This came from Judi.

  “He was nice. My sister was in rehab, and she wasn’t handling it well through withdrawal. Anyway, he was nice, and he helped me in ways that Becky, my sister, didn’t.”

  “Where is your sister now?” Brianna asked.

  “She didn’t make it. A couple of months after getting out of rehab, she OD’ed. I watched, and I was trapped in place.” She shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. “There wasn’t anything I could have done.” Martha explained to them what happened.

  “Damn, honey, that is harsh.”

  “It’s okay. Seeing Dick, and being with him, he makes my world spin.” Martha smiled at each woman in turn.

  “You’re not going to pull him away, are you?” Lexie asked. “I know he’s a dick, and he annoys me, and I want to shout at him, but he’s still family. I couldn’t be without him.”

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve got a home, and I don’t know where we go from here,” Martha said.

  “How about we take a little trip?” Dick said, interrupting their conversation.

  She looked toward him to see him dangling a set of keys.

  “What do you have in mind?” she asked.

  “I want to take you for a little ride.”

  Handing Lexie her cup, Martha gave each woman a hug. “It was a pleasure to meet you all.”

  “And you.” They all spoke together.

  She took Dick’s hand that he offered her, and followed him back toward the car. “We only just got here,” she said.

  “I know. There’s something I want to show you, and I don’t want to wait another moment.” He opened the passenger door for her, and she climbed inside waiting for him.

  Dick pulled out of the parking lot minutes later, and they were traveling down a long dirt road.

  “Do you miss this?” she asked.

  “This is my home.”

  He missed it, and Martha wondered how they were going to live together. Dick had a life here, and she had a home miles away. It wasn’t much of a life, and she didn’t want to be part of the world that Becky had created for her. What Charles did to her a few nights ago was a regular occurrence in her life.

  They passed through a town which suddenly opened up. She saw some rather large, beautiful houses.

  “This is where Lexie and Devil live. Vincent and Phoebe also live close by.” He pulled up outside a house that looked pretty vacant. Work needed doing in the back yard, and before she could stop herself, Martha was already redesigning the yard. She’d picked out three different sets of roses, and several stones that she’d keep as features.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  They were outside, heading toward the front door. Martha’s heart was racing as she tried to take it all in. Everything was happening so fast, and the world was once again spinning.

  This was what Dick did.

  He made her feel alive.

  Taking her hand, he opened the front door.

  “Go on inside.”

  “Do you own this?” she asked.

  “Tell me what you think.”

  “I’m a little confused right now. I don’t know what to think or what to make of what is happening.” She tucked some hair behind her ear as they made their way around the house. It was empty, and there was a lot of work that needed to be done.

  He took her hand, leading her toward the back yard. “We can have a life together here.”


  “Listen to me.”

  She watched as he unlocked the door, and pulled her out toward the garden. The beauty before her took her breath away. To a lot of people the yard looked like an overgrown mess. Martha saw a blank canvas that she could make all of her own. No one would have made the foundations within this garden. This could be all of hers, with no one else having their designs.

  “I found your sketchbook, and I saw that you’ve got a vision of your own dream house with a dream garden for everything. I want to make your dream come true.”


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