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Broken Hearts

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Dick, what are you saying?” she asked.

  “I’m asking you, in a strange, weird way, to marry me.”

  She gasped, turning toward him. “You’re asking me to marry you?”

  “Yes. I want you to marry me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. There’s nothing else that I want more than to grow old with you, to fall in love with you, and just be with you.”

  “I couldn’t pull you away from your club. They’re great people.”

  She’d only seen them for a few minutes, but Martha saw the truth of the club. Chaos Bleeds were united together, how a family was supposed to be.

  “I want you to be part of that, be part of the club with me.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and Martha just wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby. I love you so much.” He held her tightly to him. “Does this mean you’re going to marry me?”

  “Yes, it’s a big, fat yes. Of course I’m going to marry you. I love you, and there’s no one else I’d rather be with than you.” She gripped the back of his neck, slamming her lips down on his. Dick sank his fingers into her hair, and she melted against him, needing his heat, and warmth surrounding her.

  “I’ve got one question for you,” she said.

  “What is it?”

  “Does this house belong to you?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I called ahead. This house is mine, and no one is taking it away from us.”

  “Then I’ll take it, and I’ll take you.”


  “Did you see the way they looked at each other?” Jessica asked.

  “They’re in love. I bet they’re married before the end of the year,” Judi said.

  Lexie smiled, looking around at all of the women. This was the family she loved, and it looked like they were about to have another woman added to the mix. She left the girls alone to talk about Martha. Lexie found Devil in their room overlooking the grounds. They would have to go and get Simon soon.

  “Are you okay?”


  “What is it?” she asked, walking up behind him, rubbing his back.

  “Everything is changing. Dick’s in love. Who thought that man was going to find love?”

  “He’s surprised us all.”

  Devil tugged her in front of her. Something didn’t sit right with her when Devil got like this. He was staring out of the window, looking down on the women and some of the men who walked out to join them.

  “What’s going on, Devil?”

  “Something is about to happen, Lex. I don’t know what, and I don’t know when, but it’s going to be soon.”

  Fear gripped her. Devil had these feelings, and he’d always been right before.

  “I don’t know what to say to you right now,” she said. Tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m not asking you to say anything.” He turned her toward him, cupping her face. “I love you with all my heart.”


  “He’s going to come for us, Lex.”


  “Master. He’s going to come for us, and I’ve already talked to Tiny. You’re going to live with him when it happens.”

  “Okay, this is too much. You’re getting afraid.”

  Devil released her, and walked toward an envelope that she’d not seen, resting on their bed. He handed it to her.

  Frowning, she took the envelope from him, opening it up.

  Lexie froze.

  A message had been written on a single white sheet of paper.

  I’m coming for you.

  M x

  The message wasn’t what scared her. Beneath the message were six pictures, all of them of the women that had recently married. Lexie stood with her kids, holding Simon’s hand. Judi was holding her baby, but what scared Lexie most was this was taken outside of Judi’s home, near the window. There was one of Mia walking down the street. Sasha was with her dog and walking stick. Brianna was in her bedroom in her photograph, and then Jessica was coming outside of the hospital for hers.

  “He’s coming for us. He’s coming for our women, Lex.”

  “We can fight him.”

  “I can’t fight a ghost. This is what that man is, a ghost. I’m taking the men to church, and when I do, we’re going to act.”

  Rushing into Devil’s arms, Lexie held onto the man she’d come to love. She trusted him with her life, and if he said bad things were about to happen, she listened.

  Master was coming, and it was only a matter of time before he came for them.


  Dick was anxious to get back to Martha. He’d left her in his room while he attended church. Everyone was sitting around the table, and Devil was just silent. Dick had been home for the entire day, and he’d been shocked when church had been announced.

  “What’s going on?” Curse asked.

  “Martha’s agreed to marry me,” Dick said, speaking up. He couldn’t contain it any longer. He wanted the whole world to know that Martha was going to be his.

  All of the brothers offered him congratulations, which he took. He was so damn happy that he could just burst. Dick couldn’t recall a time he’d ever been happier than he was now.

  “We can’t have any celebrations yet,” Devil said.

  “Why not?” Dick asked, tensing up.

  Even if they didn’t like Martha, it wasn’t up to them.

  “This is why.”

  Devil dropped a piece of paper with a message, along with several photographs. The room went silent as the men took in the evidence.

  “Master?” Dick asked.


  “He’s watching us,” Death said, gripping the picture of Brianna in his fist.

  “This isn’t watching. This is fucking taunting.” Snake grabbed Jessica’s picture and tore it in two. “I’m not going to fucking take this. The bastard can go and fucking rot.”

  “This threat is real,” Devil said.

  They all went silent when Devil said that.

  “Real? They’re a bunch of pictures,” Sinner said.

  “You’ve not got a woman being threatened here. This Master guy is a real threat, and we don’t know anything about him. He’s real, and he’s coming for us. We pissed him off by shutting his supply of girls down. We can’t risk ignoring this shit.”

  Devil ran a hand down his face, showing all of the brothers how serious this threat was.

  “I’ve been talking with Tiny. Whizz has alerted him to the danger that surrounds us with this. I want the women to go to Fort Wills until we know what is happening.”

  The silence was deafening.

  Dick slapped his hands down on the table. “Done. Whatever we need to do to protect the women, and our kids, we do it. The Skulls, we’ve had our differences with them, but we’ve got to overcome that shit to find the right path.”

  Devil nodded at him.

  “We don’t know anything about him,” Death said. “He’s winning left and right.”

  “That’s very true, but he’s given us something that he may not realize he’s given us,” Devil said.

  “What?” Snake asked.

  Devil picked up the photograph of Sasha and pointed at the time and date on the bottom of the photograph. “He’s given us a location, a time, and a date. Whizz can access these records, and we can find out who is working for him. It’s not a lot, but it’s a start.”

  They all sat and talked for a long time, and Dick was shocked when Devil finally announced that the wedding between him and Martha would take place.

  “It can’t be a lavish affair, Dick, but if you’re prepared to wait then I can get Tiny to make sure there’s a ceremony in Fort Wills.”

  “Okay,” Dick said.

  Minutes later church was dismissed, and Dick walked upstairs to Martha. The moment she saw him, she opened her arms. He locked the world behind him, wrapping his arms around his woman, and holding her close.<
br />
  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Some things are about to change.”

  “Should I be scared?”

  “No. I’m going to protect you.”

  Instead of keeping everything from her, Dick shared his fear, and everything that was happening. When he was finished, he stared into her eyes. “I will understand if you want to run back home. This life, it can be scary.”

  She cupped his cheek and ran her thumb across his lip.

  “I’m not here for the fun of it, Dick. I’m here because you’re the love of my life. There’s a threat to the club, and to my man, I guess I’m going to have to fight beside him.”

  “You’re not going to leave?”

  “I’m not going to leave. I’m with you through thick and thin. We may not have said our vows, but I mean them now. To me, Dick, we’re a married couple.”

  “You’re not scared?”

  “I’m a little scared. Life is a little scary, but I’m not going to run away. I’m going to stay by your side, through the good and the bad. I love you.”

  She pressed her lips to his, and Dick knew he’d found the woman for him.


  Spider made his way out of the clubhouse. He didn’t like the bad omen that Devil was getting. His Prez had yet to be wrong about something like that. It had to be true, as otherwise Devil wouldn’t have gotten in touch with Tiny.

  The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds hadn’t been the best of friends for some time now. Devil still visited Fort Wills, but he did that for Lexie. The tension was always there.

  Climbing onto his bike, Spider knew where he wanted to go. He’d left Paris and Celia that afternoon to come back for church. Now that church was done, he was going back to see them. He couldn’t make a move with Paris now.

  The threat of Master saw to that.

  Riding toward her house, he knew he was going to request that Paris and Celia be moved with the women. He didn’t know if anyone was watching him visit the two, and he wouldn’t put either of them in danger.

  Parking his bike up outside of her house, he made his way toward the front door. Spider raised his hand and froze. There, nailed to the door, was an envelope. His heart raced, and he grabbed his cell phone, dialing the club.

  He was shocked when Devil answered.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “You need to come to Paris’s house.” He gave the address, and reached out for the envelope. “He’s been here, Devil.”

  Opening up the envelope he saw the message first.

  Come and find me, if you can.

  M x

  Underneath was a picture of Celia and Paris. Both women were curled up together on the sofa fast asleep.

  Entering the house, Spider looked around the room. There had been a struggle, and he spotted blood on the carpet along with a torn piece of Paris’s shirt.

  Kneeling beside the blood, he wished he had some kind of fucking super-sense. He was panicking that they’d taken his woman.

  The sound of a gunshot rang in the air, and pain laced through Spider’s shoulder. Placing his hand to his shoulder, he turned, and as he did, another bullet shot him in the leg, making him fall to the floor.

  “Now, I’ve got your attention,” a man said, coming toward him.

  Spider didn’t recognize him, but he knew that he had to be working for Master in some way. He didn’t recognize the man as the Master that the women spoke of. He didn’t get it. “Who the fuck are you?” he asked.

  “Ah, you know I’m not Master, then?”

  The man before him was a good looking man who didn’t need to buy women against their will. Spider didn’t know if Master was good looking or not. “A guy with a lot of money as his disposal wouldn’t come here in person.”

  “You’re right. I work for Master, and you can call me ‘Sir’. I have a message from Master.”

  “What?” Spider asked.

  “Chaos Bleeds wants to hunt for me, find me, and ruin me, that’s fine. I like playing games, and this is going to be my first game, hide and seek. You live past this night, and I will have Celia delivered to you without harm.” Sir smiled. “I was always good at delivering messages word for word.”

  “Paris,” Spider said, pressing a hand to his shoulder. His leg was going to be a problem. If the bastard got the femoral artery, he was fucked.

  “Like I said, live past this night, you get Celia, and the rules to part two. Until then, try to stay alive.”

  Another shot rang out, and Spider screamed. He’d been shot in the leg again, and he had to fight. Spider had to hold on.

  Master had his woman, and he needed to get her back. There was another player as well, Sir. What was it with all the fucking Dom names?

  Screaming at the top of his lungs, Spider tried to stay alive, but sleep was calling him.

  Everything was going dark.

  Stay alive.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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