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The Alpha's Heart

Page 1

by Nana Adu

  Chapter 1

  Eliana POV

  Life is overrated.

  I stare up at the gray ceiling, I've opened my eyes to for 18 years.

  Another 18 plus to go.

  I slide off my mattress and toss my blanket aside.

  People in survival movies fight so hard for their lives, not knowing what's in their future.

  I grab my toothbrush and head up the stairs, making sure to avoid the noisy bits I've memorized over the years.

  What if their lives turn out shit? Do they kill themselves, making all their previous efforts in vain? Or live on, miserable?

  I reach the top of the steps and tip toe to the bathroom, again, selectively placing my feet spots on the floor, like every other morning.

  The whole world makes it seem like life is important and death is something to be feared.

  I hop onto the safe noise-free floorboards in the bathroom, bending down to pull my toothpaste out the back of the drawer.

  I don't want to die, but if a situation came where I could die, I wouldn't avoid it.

  My eyes lock with themselves as I look up into the mirror.

  My dark brown eyes stare back at my black skin and my wild kinky curls, tamed by an old fabric rubber band.

  It's like it's mocking me.

  I brush my teeth quickly, washing my mouth and face.

  It's stupid to think like this. Thoughts only make things feel worse, it doesn't make breakfast.

  I stuff my toothbrush in my bra and hurry to the kitchen, pulling out pans along with the eggs and bacon. Fastest things I can make, I'm running late today.

  They don't want to see me when they eat, they just want the food ready and warm for them, as if it poofed into existence for their consuming.

  I don't like bumping into them either.

  I whip up the food fast, washing the pans and setting the food out in plates, just as the clock ticks 8:00 am. Just in time. They'll be down here by 8:15 am.

  I wipe my damp hands off my clothes and head back to my hole of a basement.

  I turn the corner and freeze as the Alpha's son, Liam, stands before me.


  He smirks and pushes himself off the wall, coming towards me.

  Fuck. Maybe I was a little later than I hoped. Why's he down here already?

  "Hi Eliana." He stops in front of me and I tense.

  His eyes trail down my body, despite my baggy gray dress, lingering at my chest and lips. He grabs my jaw, pulling me towards him.

  I look at the floor. Eye contact means confrontation and I hate pain. It's unnecessary and annoying.

  "Why are you always so stiff around me?" His fingernails dig into the skin on my face, as blood begins to flow down his arm and drip to the floor.

  I clench my fist and try to calm my wolf, who growls within me.

  We been through things much worse than this, what's wrong with you today? You never get mad about the small stuff.

  She continues growling inside me, affecting my mood.

  I lift my eyes to meet his, as his eyebrows rise while I glare at him.

  His grip tightens, letting the wounds deepen. He leans closer to me.

  "Tell your wolf to back the fuck off, I can smell her losing her temper." He whispers in my ear.

  I'll rip off your arm.

  "Y-yes." I bite my lip, trying not to act on her urges and my own as well. They match quite nicely, actually.

  He throws me to the side, my head slamming into the wall beside us.

  "Oh and I'm here to tell you that there's an Alpha from a neighboring pack coming over for three days, so stay your mutt-ass in your basement until he leaves. We don't need you making us look bad." He kneels down next to me, sneering.

  I nod as my wolf still swells with anger.

  He grabs my wrist, squeezing it tight. It's going to bruise for at least half a day. Ugh. This is stupid.

  "Control your fucking wolf, bitch." He lets go of me and gets up, heading towards the kitchen.

  I just want some peace.

  "She's making a mess."

  I glance up and see the pack coming in towards the kitchen from all different directions. Some down the stairs, others down the hall and more slip in from outside, where they slept in their own familial homes.

  Great. Just fucking peachy.

  "Stop bleeding all over the floor, slut and go get something to wipe it up." Vanessa, Liam's mate continues.

  "The stench is horrible." Mary, our Luna adds.

  The other pack members laugh and point in mockery. The children stare with curious eyes, while the rest murmur insults everyone can hear clearly.

  I sigh, folding in my legs and pressing my knees into my chest. A sign of complete submission.

  Life is really overrated.

  "Get out of here. We don't need the sight of you here while we eat." The crowd quiets down as the Alpha's booming voice speaks. I keep my gaze down.

  "Honey, she has to clean this up." Mary says.

  "Stop just letting it drip all over like that." Someone else says.

  My wolf tries to take over as the looming figures above me discuss and surround me like a zoo animal.

  I hate this, I hate all of this. It's so dumb. So fucking dumb.

  If they hate me, why don't they just leave me alone? I don't get it. I'd rather they avoid me like the plague than this.

  I want out, but I can't. They won't let me.

  I stand up, causing the group to pipe down again.

  "I'll go get some wipes." I nod to them and push through the crowd to get my cleaning products from my hole.

  "Don't touch me."

  "Ew, gross. Her arm bumped into mine."

  "You better not shove me."

  "Hurry back. We don't want to smell your blood while we eat."

  They all speak loudly, making me wince as I try to get away from them.

  The wounds have stop bleeding as I reach my basement, after running through the group here. I put my forehead on the door and let out a deep breath.

  I'm tired of this. Of them. Of this basement. I do everything they want me to, and yet, for years, I get treated like shit.

  My wolf eggs on my emotions, pulling me closer to a cliff I thought I had fallen off of long ago. She needs to relax. Feeling bad for myself only makes my existence harder to endure.

  It's been like this since I can remember. This is my life. It is what it is. This never changing lifestyle is my reality and I'll keep living it, just like yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

  I sigh.

  Life is really really overrated.


  Eliana POV

  The wet cloth glides on my skin, wiping up the dried blood from the cuts along my jaw. I stare into the metallic surfaced furnace, as a make-shift mirror.

  "Eliana!" My ears hurt as the sound overwhelms them.

  I don't know why she yells, when even a whisper would do. Our wolves make sure of that.

  Putting the rag down on my pillow, I skip up the stairs. They hate it when I'm late for their summons.

  "Eliana!" She calls again.

  Her voice is so annoying.

  I reach the dining room, the source of the screeching animal. Vanessa sits at the table, legs crossed, as her eyes find me.

  "You're so fucking slow." She spits at me. Her strawberry blonde hair bounces with her words, as she narrows her green eyes at me.

  "Sorry." I say, turning my eyes to look at the floor. My wolf growls.

  "Go get my laundry. I need you to do it over again."

  I just did the pack's laundry yesterday.


  "I want mine hand-washed. All of it." She gets up from the table and approaches me, her heels clicking with each step.

  I just ha
nd-washed all the pack's laundry yesterday.

  I nod. She stops, close to my side.

  "Stay away from my mate, slut. I smelt your blood on him this morning, and I know I told you to keep your damn distance." She snarls.

  Her mate is the one she should be talking to. I've never once approached him in my life. My wolf can sense the sick lust he has towards me. I shiver.

  "I'm sorry."

  She slaps me across my face and the healing cuts on the right side of my jaw open, bleeding. She vaguely understood my thoughts, of course, we are in the same pack. It's not like she'll do anything about him.

  I stand still, digging my nails into my palm. She smirks and walks off.

  Her and Liam are a match made in heaven. The Moon Goddess knew what she was doing sticking them together.

  I sigh, wiping the blood off with the back of my hand.

  It's ok, I'm fine. I calm my wolf.

  Since wiping the walls earlier, she's been even more antsy and jittery than before. It's putting me on edge.

  Today's been weird, my wolf feels like she's excited for something. It's never felt like this before. I haven't had something to look forward to.

  I shake my head, flexing my fingers and taking a deep breath in.

  There's laundry to do. I don't have time for unfounded emotions.

  Noah POV

  I close the driver's side door and start the car.

  "Are we really trying to get along with other packs? Seriously?" My beta, Kai, whines again.

  "Yes. Stop asking." I pull out the property, heading to the main road. This is the first of many more to come.

  "Your parents didn't do things like this."

  "You know why they isolated us. I'm Alpha now, so I'm doing things my way." I turn onto the road.

  "This is dumb, we rose to the top on our own. We don't need allies." He inputs.

  He'll actually piss me off if he keeps talking about things he's naïve of.

  "Shut up." I say, letting a bit of my authority, leak out. He stays quiet.

  I have to go. My parents went into hiding but I can't. I need to find those rogues. It's my right to end their lives. It's been a week since the Alpha ceremony and I've barely been able to contain myself.

  Years of guilt and regret, and I have control of my own purpose. I'll make sure to correct all my past wrongs, as Alpha.

  Times flies by and I turn another corner, speeding into a forest consumed area, a single street leading up into what I assume is their home. Kai sits besides me, pouting stubbornly as I ignored him the entire car ride. He's annoying, but loyal. That's why I keep him around.

  Something tickles in my gut as we pull into the Moonstribe pack's compound. My wolf seems to tremble within me. Is this them? Are these the rogues?

  I clench my jaw and try to control myself. The smell. If the scent fits, I'll kill everyone here.

  I hop out of the car and Kai follows, as an old man, with a woman and young man walk towards us.

  "Welcome to the Moonstribe pack. We have long known of your presence south of us here. We are honored to host the Alpha of the Fang pack." He reaches a hand out towards me.

  "Of course." I take his hand, sniffing discreetly among them.

  A very faint sweet smell captures my nose, but it's not the rogues. I can let my guard down a bit.

  "I am Alpha Silas, my Luna, Mary, and then my son, Liam." He gestures to the both of them.

  Liam steps up forward to grab my hand and the sweet smell drifts around me, stronger.

  It's coming from his...fingers?

  I snatch his hand up near my nose and deeply inhale the scent coming off it.

  Honey blossom...and blood.

  "Alpha?" Kai questions, but I pay him no mind. I can't.

  My wolf dances within me, acting crazy. I know what this is. I shouldn't need this, I can't need this right now.

  "Who's smell is this?" I ask, thrusting Liam's hand in front of him. He sniffs it and looks down to the side.

  "My scent." He says, unable to meet my eyes.

  "Don't bullshit me. Whose is it?" I growl, unable to resist the pull.

  "My scent..." He says, lowering his voice. His father and mother, behind him, tense.

  I narrow my eyes at him as my eyes flash from gray to black. If my wolf takes over, I won't be able to stop him from tearing this pack from the root, up.

  Stop, we didn't come here for this. Control yourself. I remind my wolf.

  Liam struggles, resisting an Alpha's command, as his body begins to shake and his knees buckle under the pressure.

  Why's it so hard to tell me? Why's he putting up such a fight? He knows exactly why I'm asking.

  I shouldn't ask, I need to fight this.

  "Liam!" His mother cries out.

  He collapses onto the ground, kneeling before me, with his head down in submission.

  "Eliana." He chokes out.

  My wolf freaks out, while I try to regain my composure.

  "T-Thank you." I take a deep breath and bite the inside of my lip to stop from storming into their house and kidnapping her.

  We have to find her. Now.

  No. We're here on business.

  "Let's go in to talk." I suggest, ignoring my wolf's whining.

  I just have to avoid this girl. Sure, her scent will be annoying but when we leave I can pretend I never even came close to her. I'll act like she never existed.

  I owe my pack that much.

  The Alpha nods and heads towards the house as his wife goes to help their son back up on his feet.

  My beta follows us, looking at me with curious eyes. I ignore them. He'll probably bother me about this later.

  The door opens and pushes into someone right behind it, knocking the bowl of what seems to be soap water, out of their grasp. The water spills across the floor and on her. We all stop.

  I look to Liam, who growls softly and then the Alpha, who glares at her.

  I'm guessing this person isn't well liked.

  "I'm so sorry." My eyes shift up to connect with the woman's figure. Her long gray dress, sticks to her body, wet, as she dives to the ground trying to wipe up the water with the soaked cloth.

  My heart pounds in my ears as my gaze shifts from her feet, slowly up to her face. Her brown eyes, panicked, look around trying to find something to clean up the spill. My breathing becomes quick and shallow as I stare at the woman.

  No. No, no, no. It can't be her.

  My wolf moves faster and crazier then ever before, threatening to take over.

  The smell of honey blossoms intoxicate me, as I take a step towards her. Eliana.

  My mate.


  Eliana POV

  The Moon Goddess has a funny way of making my life horrible.

  I sit in the spill of detergent mixed with water, using my dress to try and clean it even a little bit, ignoring the feeling of it on me.

  The Alpha and his family stand with who I assume is the neighboring Alpha and his beta. My wolf loses it, thrashing and howling inside me. My body trembles from the water all over me and the storm she's fussing up.

  Calm down!

  I get up, going to grab a mop or paper towels to clean up. Today's even more not my day than usual.

  All my senses are overwhelmed by the detergent coating my hair and skin. My eyes water and my nose can't smell a thing. Something other than my wolf nags me to look back at the door. It doesn't feel like my wolf, just something.

  But right now looking at the door means looking at the Alpha and I can sense the anger coming off him. They told me to stay out of sight and I make a spectacle of myself in front of the visitor. Perfect, this is just perfect.

  I hate pain. Ugh.

  I stumble away to the dining room and get the paper towels from on top of it. I jog back, quickly wiping up the mess. I keep my eyes on the liquid, avoiding looking up at the group. My wolf howls within me to turn my head.

  Shut up! Can't you tell we're in trouble right now?
br />   She whines.

  I couldn't really see them anyway. My eyes sting like crazy and it's hard for me to even open them. My senses are too strong to be soaked in detergent. It's making me dizzy.

  "Be more careful, Eliana." The Alpha grits out. He'd usually be cursing at me. I don't know why he's holding back.

  In fact, the whole family's been really quiet considering what just happened, why aren't they beating me? Not that I'm complaining.

  My limited vision swims as my wiping wanes.

  I'm so tired...

  Tingles travel up and down my body as I'm scooped up by someone.

  My wolf calms down in happiness, finally content about something.

  I squint my eyes at the man holding me in his arms, but the detergent and stress blur my gaze.

  "You'll be fine, now sleep." A soothing voice says, almost seeming to coat my soul. An earthy scent surrounds me.

  Who is this?


  I pass out of stress and everything else.


  I open my eyes and look at the blue ceiling. That's new.

  My body sinks into clouds as my usual side pains waking up are absent. This is definitely not my mattress.

  I stretch awake, as my joints crack and I yawn.

  A pleasant spring breeze floats in the room from the slightly open window. I take a deep breath in and for once, don't feel the need to sneeze from dust. This isn't my basement either.

  I pat the space around me and see plush pillows. A guest room?

  The door opens interrupting my wonder. Liam comes in, shutting the door behind him. He looks at me and the scowl on his face brings back the memory of the events earlier.

  I'm dead.

  "You just had to be a fucking clown in front of our visitor right when we came in, didn't you?" He takes big steps towards me and speaks low. I snap my head down to look at the covers on top of me.

  "It was a honest mistake, I'm so sorry." He reaches my bedside and leans down to my ear level.

  "You're a whore. You couldn't wait to seduce the Alpha, so he can take you away and you can live the rest of your life being a lazy dog, sucking his cock, huh?" He breathes hard against the side of my face.

  "No." I shake my head, as my breathing quickens.

  He grabs the end of my puff and pulls my head back. I make no sound as his mouth hovers over my lips, inches away. My body trembles as I clench my fists.


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