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The Alpha's Heart

Page 2

by Nana Adu

  Don't say anything. Don't do anything. A chant I've gotten close with over the years, repeats in my head.

  "You have no right to leave, if you're going to be anyone's slut, it's mine. You can't let him take you, ok? You have to reject him." He whispers harshly into my ear, letting go. I stare back at the sheets in front of me.

  Reject him? But that would mean he's my-

  The door slams open and a deep growl seems to vibrate the room. I look up and my wolf howls happily.

  Mate. MATE.

  She can't be serious.

  They said I would never have a mate because the Moon Goddess only blesses those worthy with one. I wouldn't be surprised if they lied but it never came to mind that they might have. Until now.

  An earthy scent spreads fast around the room and my anger dissipates. My body trembles again, but with something different. That something from before.

  A tall built man with curly black hair and black skin stands in the doorway. Him? It's him?

  My mate storms up to Liam and stops.

  "What are you doing inside my room?" He snarls, flexing his fingers.

  This is his room. When he picked me up from before, he brought me to his room? That makes more sense than my pack doing it.

  "She called me in for some water. I was just asking her if she wanted anything else." Liam lies. I glare up at him.

  "Is that true?" My mate glances down my way. As our eyes meet, a flutter turns in my stomach.

  Everything blurs out and his hazelnut eyes are the only thing in my gaze. We stare at each other, as his previous question is forgotten.

  "Eliana. He asked you a question." Liam brings me back to reality and I clear my throat, looking down at my covers again.

  I nod.

  "So he came in here to ask you what you wanted with your water?"

  I nod.

  "Tell me it's true." He pushes.

  I don't want to lie to him. Not so soon. From what I've heard about a mate bond, it's sacred and special. But if I tell, I'll be punished worse than ever.

  I don't say anything.

  "That's what I thought. Liam, get out." My mate growls. Liam leaves with the same scowl he came in with.

  I lift my head and come face to face with my mate. He brushes his knuckles against my lips and I swallow as tingles shoot from the light touches.

  "I need to speak with you."


  Noah POV

  She's the pack slave.

  She's the fucking pack slave.

  I was just going to avoid meeting her and go home. Even if I did see her, I was perfectly ready to reject her and leave, but now..., no the moment I held her in my arms I knew I had made a mistake I couldn't take back.

  I would be hurting myself, leaving her and probably unable to focus back at home, knowing she wasn't with me.

  But then finding out she was the pack slave...?

  How can I go without her? Why is it her? I could have at least left her here while focusing on my pack and the rogues but now I know it's too dangerous for her here. I'm already mad she's lived here with this pack her whole life.

  Carrying her to her room was easy. I followed her scent and it led to where she sends her time the most. The basement. One mattress and a thin blanket surrounded by a furnace and lots of dust.

  They tried to stop me, telling me they could take care of her, but I knew something was wrong when she was on the ground, trying to clean up, obviously exhausted and her pack leaders stood there watching her with disgust.

  They looked furious, instead of sorry for bumping into her.

  Now sitting across the bed from my mate, my wolf sings.

  "Do they hurt you?" I ask, my eyes trying to catch hers but her gaze remains focused on the bed.

  She ignores me. I take a deep breath as her scent calms me. I just want to help. I need to help.

  "What's your favorite food?" I ask, tilting my head down. Maybe I just have to get her used to me.

  "Huh?" She finally makes a sound. I take it as a mental victory.

  "What's your favorite food?" I ask again, a bit louder.

  "I like bacon." She answers, glancing up at me.

  "I love bacon." I beam at her.

  She burst out laughing, as her shy demeanor shatters.

  "You said it like a kid would. You should've seen your face." She points to me.

  I stand stunned by the sound of her laughter, my wolf does too. I didn't expect to hear it so soon.

  "You like my face?" I smirk at her, as the tension in the room lifts.

  "My wolf loves it for some reason. She said I could trust you." Her laughter subsides and she scooches off the bed. My eyes follow her.

  "What about you?" I slip off the bed as well, keeping the opposite of her.

  "Me what?" She grins.

  "Do you like my face too?" I ask in all seriousness.

  "We'll see." She stops across the room from me, leaning against the wall as her eyes trace the room.

  I'll take what I can get.

  "Do you like being here?" I try again, leaning against my wall.

  "It's all I've ever known. I wouldn't know if better existed." She sighs.

  "It does." She meets my eyes and quickly looks down. A small pause silences the air.

  "I'm fine here." She lies, back to staring at the floor, twisting her fingers together.

  "Eliana, listen-"

  "No, it's ok. My wolf also tells me you're my mate, that's probably why you care so much." She reasons.

  "Yes, I am. But pack slavery has been outlawed for centuries now. What your pack leaders are doing to you is wrong." I push off my wall.

  "No one cared until you." She looks at me again.

  "Don't you care?"

  "I've accepted it and I think you should too."

  "Never. I won't." I approach her, as she stands still gazing at me.

  "What's your name?" I flinch, stopping a few feet from her. She's unpredictable.


  She smiles at me and nods, pushing off the wall and moving to stand right in front of me, just as I had done to her.

  "Thank you for showing me something I thought I would never experience, Noah." She leans into my face.

  My breathing becomes shallow as her lips near mine.

  "And what's that?" I whisper, not knowing whether to press past the few inches between us or wait for the soft feel of her. My skin trembles as I contain my desire to hold her.

  "Kindness." Her warmth disappears and the door opens and shuts before I can register what's happened.

  She said goodbye.

  Eliana POV

  I didn't realize leaving your mate would be like ripping your soul in half.

  My wolf howls mournfully inside me, as moisture collects in my eyes.

  I can endure 24/7 torture in this house. Not having a say or good living quarters. All of that and more, but this..?

  I run down to my basement and lock the door behind me, just as a tear rolls down my face.

  So this is heartbreak?

  I chuckle, through my grief.

  Why'd I even have to meet him? What was the point of knowing he was even out there?

  I can't be with him. They'd never let me go. Liam told me they needed me for something and that was the only reason I was still alive. Of course, we were 7 but the Alpha's reaction confirmed what he said.

  I sob as my breathing grows heavier.

  He beat me up and locked me in here for 5 days. No food or water.

  Now, It's the thing holding me back from my mate.

  If I choose to leave, what would they do?

  Noah's here on their property, with only his beta. He's outnumbered.

  A million thoughts have already gone through my head and I know this is for the best. No matter how crushed I am, I'm used to things being bad for me. I won't let my misfortune spread.

  My wolf whimpers.

  We'll be ok, we've survived this long without him we can just keep living the way
we used to.

  My wolf whimpers harder.

  A knock on the door makes me jump and wipe the trails of tears off my cheeks.

  It's probably Liam here to punish me for earlier.

  Let's just get this over with.

  Nothing he does can make me feel worse right now, but that's up for debate.

  "Eliana?" Noah's voice cracks as he whispers against my door. I hold my breath.

  "I'll fix this, ok? Don't give up on us so easily." And with that, he stomps up the stairs.

  My heart beats quick in my chest, as I throw open the door to follow him.

  This is exactly what I tried to avoid.


  Noah POV

  Why am I trying so hard?

  Because she'll be in danger here.

  I reach the top of the stairs.

  I just met her, our mate bond has barely had time to deepen.

  That's not what this is about.

  Turning, I sniff for the Alpha's scent.

  I have other things to worry about. My pack, the rogues, my...

  I stop.

  Why do all those things seem just as important as this?

  I knew the mate bond would distract me, but this doesn't feel like a distraction. My heart feels like everything in my life has led me to her and I need to hold on tight and try with her. I want a chance to try with her.

  I don't want to leave her here.

  I don't know how things will go. I didn't even want this a couple of hours ago.

  I know this is just the pull of the mate bond, but in the room, with her, I felt something more. More than some fated bond.

  She, at least, deserves her freedom and I'll give that to her. I'll let her choose. My wolf and I agree on this, the first thing today.

  "Noah!" Her voice rings in the home and I turn behind to come face to face with her. Eliana.

  She reaches me and grabs my shoulder. The tingles from before begin again.

  "I know we're mates but don't feel obligated to help me. I said it before, I'm fine. We haven't gotten that close yet so you should be ok." She tries to reason with me.

  It seems she doesn't know a lot about the mate bond.

  The moment you meet your other half it's like a timer has gone off. The female wolf goes into heat by the next week and pups are expected as soon as possible. It's what's done to preserve our race and keep our legacy going.

  It's harder for the female wolf than it is the male wolf, but the pull is relentless. Especially if close contact is kept.

  "No, I won't be and you won't be either." She's already doing things to stay in physical contact with me, seeing her hand still rests on my shoulder. She beat me to it.

  If she was a normal pack member, I could've left her here during her heat and they would've probably locked her in a room with women guarding the door. But here, she would get raped by the wolves unable to control their lust smelling her heat.

  My wolf snarls at the thought. I try to contain myself as my own anger flares.

  She's coming home with me.

  "You and your beta are outnumbered here to try and take me away." Her naive eyes stare up at me as I bring up a hand to place on her face.

  "I can't let them hurt you. If you stay, you'll go into your heat and that will-"

  "Alpha Noah. We've been looking for you." Liam and his father stroll down the stairs. I glare up at the two as they descend the steps. I look to Eliana and her head is already down, looking at the ground and the spot her hand once laid is empty.

  I clench my fist.

  "I'm taking Eliana back with me."

  They reach the bottom of the stairs and walk towards us.

  "You can't take her anywhere." Liam comments, returning my glare.

  "She's my mate." I urge Eliana, gently behind me as I turn to them.

  "I feel for you. It's unfortunate to be fated with the likes of her, so reject her and leave." The Alpha says.

  "The likes of her?" I seethe. They want to get me angry.

  "Alpha, no Noah- it seems you don't intend to follow the rules of this pack, so my wife and I have decided to ask you and your beta to leave." Kai walks in the area from the kitchen. He sends me a look and I nod.

  "Fine, I'll be taking Eliana with us." I push her closer to my side.

  "We already said that's not an option." Liam snarls.

  "Your pack has broken too many laws. The Grand Council will hear of this."

  Both men laugh and snicker in front of us.

  "Please leave Alpha Noah, or if you need an escort, we have plenty." The pack warriors gather around us from a distance, seeming ready to attack.

  My first pack visit and I've already made an enemy of them.

  I look at Eliana, tucked behind me. She shakes her head and nods for me to leave.

  "Ok. We'll leave. No escort needed."

  I already have to launch an attack on them as well. It's a matter of our pack's pride and Eliana's rescue.

  "Then bye." Liam waves to the door and my beta growls under his breath, letting a low hum fill the air.

  I turn, step by step away from Eliana as her warmth on my back becomes absent. My wolf howls harder as the distance grows. I don't want to leave her here,but I'll be back. I'll be back for her.

  The pack stares at us in silence as my beta follows me out the door.

  "What do we do?" He asks as we near the car.

  "How can I leave my mate with this pack?" I look back to see some of the pack members outside, staring after us.

  "I thought you didn't want a mate?" He smirks, tossing me the keys while jogging to the passenger side door.

  "I haven't thought too much about that right now, I just want her away from these people." I catch them and unlock the car, as we both hop in.

  "Are you sure about all this? It seems like a lot, especially for you." I start the car, and pull out.

  "I don't really know but I need her safe and I won't let our pack name be disrespected like this."


  Eliana POV

  He's gone. My wolf whimpers as I brace myself.

  A sharp pain sprouts from my arm as Liam digs his claws into it. The mild protection I had while Noah was here, has left with him.

  "You bitch, look what you've done!" He snarls into my ear. I clench my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut.

  They just kicked my other half out, and they want to blame me? Why am I surprised at this point? I should be used to their shit like this.

  "You're the one who insisted to keep her, you disgrace of a son!" A thud is heard as the Alpha punches his son in the face. Liam's hold on me doesn't lessen.

  Liam remains silent. I look at him.

  "For this slut of dog, you threatened your mother and me? You know why we've been living like this for years, in fear of them, and yet-" The Alpha growls.

  Why'd he do that? Why does he want to trap me in this hell of a life and keep me from my mate? Actually, that sounds just like him, but to go against his parents? I don't know anymore, but it disgusts me.

  He turns towards me.

  "Have you slept with my son? What did you do to seduce him, bitch?" The Alpha yells but I don't turn from him, or lower my gaze.

  They've crossed the line.

  "Liam, I'm disappointed in you." The Alpha spits in my face and walks away. I cringe and wipe the liquid from my face with my free sleeve.

  The pack clears out, everyone going their own way as I remain with Liam. My heart pounds in my ears and I wait for his abuse.

  "Babe, we have to talk." Vanessa walks up to us, looking at Liam and sending me a glare.

  "Just let me-" He starts, pulling me forward a bit.

  "No, no more being around her. Let's go." She snatches his hand off of me and takes him somewhere, I don't watch long enough to see where. I don't ever want to see them again.

  I walk dreary to my room, shutting the door and throwing myself on my bed.

  My mate was here. My mate, someone meant to be mine. A frien
d, a lover, a light in this dull world. He came and left, and hopefully, he never comes back. My wolf whimpers harder at my thoughts, we agree again.

  I know if he comes back, he'll bring pack soldiers and it will start a feud that didn't have to begin, because of me. He and his pack don't deserve that burden because of me, I'm nobody. I hope he goes home, puts this to the side, and forgets he even met me.

  That would be better than his pack members getting hurt.

  I touch my arm and draw my fingers along the places he touched me. The stories are right, a mate's touch is one of the most satisfying feelings a wolf could experience.

  Of course, mine was taken away from me by this prison of a pack. Anger swells in me as my body trembles and my wolf growls, reflecting my emotions.

  A cloud gathers inside me, dark and twisted, adding to the hate that already built up throughout the years.

  I've never tried to fight back, I always thought of it as a fruitless thing, but the feeling inside me needs something.

  The air seems to hum as goosebumps trial up and down my body. My vision blurs and my breathing quickens.

  What's happening to me?

  My wolf cries out and dizziness consumes me for a second. I close my eyes and wait for whatever this is to pass. As sudden as it began, it's stopped. Things like this used to happen, but not this bad though. Never this bad.

  I exhale and turn to my side, closing my eyes.

  I probably won't get any food today so I'll just sleep. When they need me, they'll call.

  And I'll go.


  The morning dawn peaks out from my tiny window and someone shakes me awake.

  My eyes widen and I sober from my sleep instantly as I see Liam.

  He grips my arm hard, the same place from yesterday and drags me upstairs before I know what's really happening, I stumble on them as he hurries.

  What else could he possibly want? It's like 5 am, and he's taken everything meant to be mine, all at once.

  He shoves me into an office room I assume is his, from the pungent stench that oozes from every corner of it.

  I stand inside, not wanting to touch anything, internally smacking my body to catch up with my mind. He's going to lose it, I got lucky yesterday but by now Vanessa's still having her beauty sleep.

  "Who do you think you are to me, Eliana?" He shuts the door behind him and looks up at me.


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