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The Alpha's Heart

Page 7

by Nana Adu

  "It's good to know you're getting better. Eat plenty." She says, scooping another lump of rice on my plate. I chuckle under my breath.

  "You guys have really good food." I say, glancing towards Noah. He grins and gestures to the pile in front of me, laughing. Rolling my eyes, I dig in.

  There's time for Noah and there's time for eating.

  "Eliana, how's your stay here been so far?" The table quiets down as my eyes snap to the boy from this morning at breakfast. Hunter?

  The table waits for my answer as the once noisy room is as silent as sleep.

  My hand shakes and I set my fork back on to the plate.

  "Um, it's been great. I like the food a lot." Lifting my heavy fork, the pack laughs at my stack of chicken breast. My hand still trembles.

  "There's someone else she like though too!" The beta says, elbowing Noah again.

  Heat rushes to my face as the pack continues to laugh. Noah's ear tips turn a warm pink under his lighter brown skin as he hits the beta's arm off him. He sneaks a look at me as well and looks away as our eyes meet.

  It's cute when he's all shy like that.

  "This is stupid." The laughter dies down and Bethany stands up, as her chair crackles against the floor. Her green eyes pierce like knives as she glares at me.

  "Bethany, what the hell?" A female voice asks.

  "You want us to just sit here and act like we can put half the fate of our pack in this weakling? Noah, I thought you knew better than to put emotion over logic. Aylin would'v-" The table shakes violently as Noah's hand comes down on it with a slam. Bethany is silent.

  "Don't you dare." He seethes at her, getting up and storming towards the hallway upstairs.

  My breath exhales as the air in the dining room remains tense.

  Bethany sucks her teeth, glaring at me as she goes out the main door. Her friend follows.

  My appetite dissipates.

  What just happened?

  Noah POV

  My footsteps hit heavily against the wooden floor of my room, as I pace at the end of my bed.

  Bethany can't say that. She doesn't know what Eliana is coming from. She doesn't know a fucking thing and yet she stands on this high horse like she has my job.

  And then to mention-

  My knees give out under me and I land on the ground hard. I barely register the pain.

  I'm trying. I'm trying so hard to balance everything and she makes it all feel like nothing.

  Eliana is a light for me. Running through the forest with her, took me places I hadn't been since I was a child.

  It was liberating, like thousands of pounds had been lifted off my shoulders.

  And she wants me to let go of even my mate.

  My knees throb as I haul myself up and into my bed, throwing off my shirt.

  What more do I need to give? I've dedicated my whole life to improving the well being of this pack, my pack and I still give 100 percent. I try to.

  I let go of close friends, talking much to my parents, and all the fun of childhood. I knew what I had to do then and I know now.

  Eliana's on my mind, yes, and I would like to do nothing but stay with her the whole day like we did today, but then reality hits me.

  Bethany isn't wrong. With the trauma of a pack slave, Eliana needs a lot of time to focus on herself and I'll give her just that.

  But the pack needs an Alpha and a Luna. I won't have anyone but Eliana by my side.

  What does she want me to do? Reject Eliana and drown in depression? I can't do something like that. Not even for the pack.

  A bitter feeling encases my heart.

  Her fluffy black hair and the shine of her dark skin under the sun flash behind my eyes.

  I don't want to hide anything from her but she doesn't deserve to carry this burden I hold along wit her own.

  I need her to be strong for me. I need to be strong for everyone.


  Blood seeps into the forest floor, staining dead leaves and the soil.

  A roaring wind rages in the air, daring those who walk against it to push forward.

  Tan fur scatters out before me as scattered limbs soon follow.

  A whisper blows by ears, thundering over the cutting blades of wind.


  Screams fill the forest as the ground beneath my feet give away to an ocean of blood.

  I reach up, my filthy hands, dirtied with the blood of a wolf, crawling at the empty space. Searching for something to hold me up and catch me.


  I jump up in bed, breathing heavily as sweat drips down my face.


  "Noah?" I flinch back, as my heart races in my chest, as my head snaps to beside me and Eliana stands by the side of my bed.

  "Noah, are you ok?" The figure repeats.

  I stare at her, as my breathing calms.

  My arm reaches out and pulls her into my bed. I hug her to my chest, as my ear numb to her words.

  Her head lays across my chest as I feel relief spread through me.

  I was saved.


  Eliana POV

  Screams rack the night as my eyes snap open. My heart beats fast as the voice calls out again.


  I jump out of bed, hurrying out my door and to the front of his. Halting in front of his room, the screams go quiet again.

  Should I go in? He said I could but I don't want to-

  The voice shouts out, raw and painful gritting against my ears as my wolf shuffles unsteadily on her paws.

  We have to go in.

  I creak open the door and shut it behind me softly as Noah twists and turns on his bed. My feet jog over as I bend over the side of his bed.

  "Noah?" I ask, not daring to touch him. He pops up from his slumber, eyes wide open and body damp from sweat. The bed bounces softly under him.

  "Noah?" I ask again and he jumps back, sharply turning to me, staring.

  His eyes glaze over as he looks in my direction. Is he even there?

  "Noah, are you ok?" Suddenly, his hand comes towards me.

  My vision blurs as Noah pulls me into his bed. My breath catches in my throat while his arms wrap around my waist.

  "Noah! Hey, Noah?" I pat his large, hard chest before me, as the pounding of his heart beneath my fingers silence me.

  Fast and strong like a drum, thudding against his ribs.

  He was scared.

  My tense muscles soothe and I lay my face on his chest, listening as his heartbeat relaxes. His hold on my waist doesn't.

  My wolf howls in happiness, shaking her tail. I ignore her.

  He was having a nightmare, screaming that loud. His voice sounded like shards of pain.

  What could he have been dreaming about? What brings him out of sleep, unaware of himself? What makes his heart run as he lays still?

  My gaze goes to his peaceful face. My fingers trail along his jaw.

  He's holding back so much and the lives of his pack weigh on his shoulders. Alone.

  Curling my fingers into a fist, I take a deep breath.

  I won't let my past set me back anymore. I'll stand up for myself from now on. I need to become stronger. For Noah.

  Even if that means finding a way to use that power, or whatever that was. I'll practice. I'll change.

  Bethany is wrong.

  I tuck my head against his chest, as my nerves from earlier and past memory, leave me for once.

  This is the least I can do.


  The kitchen swarms with wolves and yet Noah isn't one of them.

  When I woke up this morning, I was back in my room. I looked around for Noah but the teal walls surrounding me brought me back to reality.

  I sigh.

  He had to pick me up and carry me to my room.

  Heat rises in my cheeks as I shake my head, moving to get a plate.

  That's not important, it's not like he hasn't picked me up before. My mind flashes back
to the first time we met. I guess a lot has happened since then.

  I scoop a lump of grits and pour myself some green tea as others buzz in and out of the kitchen.

  A hand grabs my shoulder, pulling me around. I turn to see one of the guys from yesterday morning, behind me. The brown-haired one, Hunter, I think.

  I blink at him.

  "Hey, we were wondering if you wanted to join us for a workout session. Most of us usually do that and we want to wear you out a bit." His wavy brown hair moves against his forehead.

  A work out session? With everybody?

  This is progress.

  "Yeah, I'll come. Where is it?" I ask. He claps his hands together and rubs them.

  "Great, it's right outside in the front actually. See you after breakfast." He winks at me and runs off, joining his friends as they high five and wave to me. I smile at them.

  This is an opportunity to get to know the pack and bond with them. I have to put down my boundaries. Liam isn't here to do anything to me, all the words he said in the past were to bring me down.

  I'm more than who I was in the past.

  Grabbing my tea, I set off to eat.

  As I scan the dining room Alyssa and Noah are still nowhere to be found. I shrug and pull a seat out on the corner of the table and sit. I take a bite of the sweet grits.

  I'll need as many calories as I can get.


  "Glad to see you made it," Alyssa says, as I take a seat on the porch steps beside her.

  As soon as I took my last bites of food, I washed the dishes quickly and jogged here. I'm a bit excited.

  "What do you guys do?" I ask, glancing at the group on the lawn in front of us.

  She laughs, shaking her head.

  "It's kind of a young people thing so you should fit right in. They fight and see who stronger, either that or they do a contest to see who's most fit." She shrugs.

  "So what can I do?" I've never been one to fight.

  "Watch, cheer them on, add a little spirit to the game. That's why I'm here." Her eyes are drawn back to the front as Hunter shouts. A spark goes through my stomach as Noah stands next to him.

  Noah catches my gaze and smiles, I return the expression.

  My heart pounds faster than a moment before.

  Noah's sleeping face flashes through my mind as I take a deep breath.

  Gotta stop thinking about that.

  "Whoever thinks they can do the most push-ups in 15 seconds, come down," Hunter says. The wood around me shakes as wolves run down the steps beside Alyssa and me.

  My smile widens.

  20-ish warriors stand in an open group, as many line up next to each other.

  "They always start with some 15-second challenge thing," Alyssa whispers to me. I nod, keeping my eyes on the competition. Noah stands to the side, watching the men and women.

  "Does Noah ever do the challenges?" Alyssa smirks.

  "If he did, the others would have no chance. He's Alpha, in both name and abilities." She responds. My heart swells with pride.

  I can't let him down.

  Bethany joins the line, laughing and patting the guy's backs. She's not a bad person, she just doesn't like me.

  It's sad I get why.

  "Alright, everybody on your bellies!" Hunter continues. Noah grins beside him.

  The line all get on the ground in a push-up position.

  "Timers on the clock, we got people watching, go!" Hunter yells, and the line begins to ripple as the wolves move quickly up and down.

  My eyes panic to follow who's going the fastest and I give up, resigning to just watching them.

  "And, done! Stop." The line passes out on the ground, some popping back up and others still laying there.

  Alyssa hoots next to me as the rest of the crowd does.

  "And the winner is... let me get a drumroll audience." The members around us begin stomping their feet as the porch quakes, I and Alyssa join in.

  "Bethany," Noah says, and the crowd cheers. I clap as well, watching as she is led to Noah, with Hunter holding her hand up high.

  She's a good soldier. Good for her.

  "Great job, Beth." Noah puts a hand on her shoulder. She beams at him.

  Hmm. I nod.

  They both turn toward the crowd as the cheering intensifies. I clap a little harder.

  Her eyes meet mine and her smile fades. Shrugging off Noah's hand, she glares at me.

  The pack quiets down, and she takes a few steps towards me. Alyssa sighs next to me.

  Are we really going to have a repeat of yesterday?

  My eyes stay connected to hers as she stops feet away from me.

  "Thank you for your applause." She sneers at me, turning her nose up as she walks away. Alyssa sighs again, from relief.

  I'm not tolerating this humiliation. Everyone around us knows exactly what she just did.

  She walks around like she's entitled to her opinion, always shoving it in my face.

  I don't need it and I don't want it.

  If she doesn't like me, why can't she just keep that shit to herself?

  "What's your fucking problem?"


  Eliana POV

  Bethany turns back around as my heartbeat pounds hard and fast in my chest.

  "What did you just say?" She asks, walking back towards me. I stand up. Alyssa grabs at my hand but I brush her off.

  This has gone on long enough.

  "What the fuck is your problem?" I repeat as she stops in front of me.

  "Eliana, just-" Alyssa starts.

  "No. Since I got here she's been making sly comments and having outbursts because I'm here. Last night crossed the line." Bethany scoffs.

  "You didn't do a thing about it then, you just like to sit around and have other people fight your battles for you." She snarls at me.

  I'm done with that. I have to be stronger for Noah, and myself.

  "Is that why you're always talking about me? I get it, I'm a weak bitch who can't speak up. That's what makes you so angry?" I narrow my eyes at her as she rolls her.

  "You can't be Luna."

  "Because you think I'm too weak, right?" I suck my teeth, clenching my jaw.

  She nods, crossing her arms.

  "So what do you want from me?" I deadpan, seething through my teeth.

  "You'd snap under the pressure." She nods again.

  "I'm willing to try to get stronger, more than ever now. You don't get to treat me like shit. I don't care what I seem to you. You're pissing me and my wolf off." I growl, as my wolf agrees with me.

  "You should've been like this from day one." She blinks and walks past me, into the house.

  Where the fuck is she going? We're not done yet.

  "Hey-" I'm cut off as hands come around behind me and press me to a warm familiar chest.

  "Don't be so mad anymore. It's hard for me to watch." Arching my head back, I see Noah grinning down at me.

  My eyes widen as I look around and the whole pack watches me silently.

  I fucked up.

  Maybe I shouldn't have said all that to Bethany in front of them. They actually enjoy her.


  It would've ended up like this anyway.

  My chest rises and falls quickly as my heart races. That was terrifying relieving.

  I only felt this once before, when I was escaping.

  Letting out a deep breath, I shake my head.

  "That was a rush," I whisper to Noah, as he begins to lead us into the house. Pack members smirk at us and Alyssa gives me a thumbs up.

  I guess I didn't get them too mad. I hope.

  "It looked like one." He opens the door, unwrapping his arms from around me and leaving only his hand on the small of my back.

  "Where are we going?" I ask as we head upstairs.

  "To my room, to talk." He says as we continue up the steps. My slowing heart picks up it's pace.

  "Why?" I breathe out, reaching the top of the steps.

  "Because I
don't feel like I've been hearing you a lot, and from what you said to Bethany, I have a lot of questions."

  Noah POV

  Eliana sits across from me on my bed. Her fingers twist around each other as she holds her head low.

  "Do you like it around the house?" I ask, leaning back on both my hands. She looks up and smiles.

  "Yeah, Alyssa has been really nice and mostly everyone else has been too." She maintains eye contact and I feel a knot release within myself.

  "I'm sorry for Beth, she's always been a hothead. She wants the best for the pack and would do anything for that." Eliana's eyes move back down to her hands.

  "You were close to her?" She asks, twiddling her fingers.

  I see what this is about.

  I smirk.

  "Yeah we were super close, I used to take baths with her." My smirk grows as Eliana shifts uncomfortably on her seat.

  "So you really care about her opinion, right?" Her gaze turns back on mine and I quickly hide my grin.

  "I know to listen when she's addressing something." Eliana sighs, as My amusement leaves me.

  "When she said I wasn't a fit Luna for the pack, did you consider that?" My eyes widen as her fingers stop.

  Is that what she been thinking? That I would just abandon her?

  "It's true, I did think about that, last night actually. I can't see anyone but you as my Luna. I'll be damned if I let you go." I clench my fist as she blinks at me.

  "I'm willing to try. I can get stronger for you and the pack. I just don't want to let you down. I don't want to let myself down." She says as tears fill her eyes.

  "And I believe you can. You proved that much talking to Beth the way you just did." I place my hand on hers.

  She looks at me and nods, blinking away her tears.

  "It felt good, I'm not going to lie. She's been quite the bitch." We both laugh.

  "She'll come around soon enough." Eliana stares up at me with dewy eyes.

  Her beautiful kinky hair stands tied up while her shape has begun to fill out. I swallow, trying to keep my eyes on hers.

  "I'm going to rant to you anytime I have a problem now. You just made yourself my therapist." She smiles at me as her mahogany skin seems rich with gold as sunlight from the noon sun beats in through the window and on to her face.

  She tries her best for me. plays with her fingers and eats like a vacuum. She's perfect.


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