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The Alpha's Heart

Page 8

by Nana Adu

  How can she be so irresistible?

  I don't respond as she stares in my eyes as well. The room becomes quiet, as only the sound of my heart pounds in my ears.

  She's struggled with being her pack's slave and yet she sits here, pushing forward. Getting on with her life.

  When will I be able to move away from my past? When will I gain the strength to truly let go?

  I lean in, my eyes looking between her lips and her orbs, which flood with sunlight revealing pools of milk chocolate. They flutter shut as our breath mingle together.

  Lovely, she's too lovely for me.

  Is your heart supposed to be able to beat this fast?

  The top of my lip skims over hers as I prepare to press mine to hers.

  "Alpha! You have-" We flinch apart as Kai burst into the room.

  I'm going to kill him.

  He freezes, eyes wide as puts his hands up.

  "I'm so sorry." He backs up quickly shutting the door behind him.

  I'm really going to have to end his life.

  "Um, I should get going too. See you during dinner." With that, Eliana runs out the door and to her room.

  I didn't even get a word in.

  She's so cute.

  I smile, laying on my back and taking a deep breath of the air Eliana sat in. Her scent coats my sheets and I shudder.

  I don't know how long I'll be able to hold back.


  Eliana POV

  I scream into my pillow as the skin of my top lip feel as if they are under a flame.

  He tried to kiss me.

  Heat stains my face as I sit up.

  Our noses touched.

  I take a deep breath and try to relax myself as my pounding heart races to get the better of me. My vision swims and the world floats once more. It leaves as fast as it comes, but instantly sobers me.

  Last time I felt like this, it lasted longer and Liam started listening to every word I said.

  Is this something inside me?

  I shake my head. Whatever it is, it worked once and then went away.

  I'm not going to stress about it. I'm with Noah and I escaped my prison. There's no need for it here.

  My heart still pounds quickly in my chest.

  What did I even say to Bethany?

  I throw my head in my hands.

  I almost forgot because of Noah, but I might've really ruined my chances with the pack.

  They love Bethany and I just came at her. Sure they were smiling as Noah and I left but that might've been to please the Alpha.

  I shake my head, putting my hands back down on my bed.

  I stood up to a bully. I can't keep apologizing for things that I do. If I'm going to make it as Luna, I have to take the first step and I did. I finally did.

  Speaking my mind made a whole new side of life reveal itself to me. I don't have to keep my eyes to the floor anymore, or let people degrade me. I won't be punished for doing what I want to and for the first time since I came here, that's real.

  I lay back on my bed.

  Even if the pack ignore me or call me names, I did what I wanted to. Fuck everybody else's opinion.

  I smile.

  Fuck everybody else's response.

  I'm living how I want to. I'm free.


  The pack never has lunch together, some people either go out to eat or stay home and make their own food. I made my own food today, but noticed a group going out to the human world for lunch.

  I've never seen the human world. When I was little, books and movies were my only exposure to them or their world.

  While we live in the forest, they live in big metal boxes and tall ones too in what I think they called cidies?

  I shake my head as some wolves bring in dinner. Sitting next to Noah, I have to distract myself with thoughts or I might just stare at him the whole time.

  The chair next to me is noisy pulled out and my eyes snap to Bethany pouting beside me.

  Why would she sit next to me? Is she planning something?

  I stare at her silently.

  She scratches the back of her head and clears her throat.

  "Look, I'm not going to apologize. Maybe some of my comments were uncalled for but it did what it was meant to do. I guess I'm glad you finally said something to me." She avoids eye contact, as her arm remains by her nape.

  My eyes widen.

  I thought she would hate me.

  "So you don't want to cuss me out right now?" I ask. She scoffs.

  "I wouldn't say no." She grins at me and a smile graces my lips as well.

  I guess she isn't a horrible bitch.

  "Then we are good." I nod at her and flinch as Noah's hand grips my knee. I glance back at him and he smirks at me.

  "I'm not annoyed by the sight of you anymore." Bethany says, shrugging. I nod.

  "And I can say whatever the fuck I want to, to you." She laughs and I join in soon after.

  I was sure she was going to hold this against me forever but... grudges don't last here either.

  Noah's POV

  "There was a breach of our territory and you guys say you found a toy?"

  My men nod as Kai stands besides me as we watch our warriors line up in front of us under the cream light of my office.

  One wolf takes a step forward, presenting the toy with open hands. A black barbie doll lies on his palm. I take a step closer.

  My eyes widen as my nose catches a whiff of the smell.


  They're finally making their move, huh?

  "There's also this on the doll's back," the wolf says, flipping the plastic on to its stomach. I stare at the craved in letter written on the back of the figure.

  She belongs to us.

  I clench my fist and jaw.

  "That's enough, leave." The men nod, noticing my mood shift and file out the room. Kai remains, holding the doll.

  "This is from her old pack." He says. sniffing it.

  "It swells a little weird though." I say,

  Kai takes another sniff and nod slowly.

  "It's like their scent is waning, becoming a mix of something else." He notices.

  They've been suspicious since we met them.

  I sigh and shake my head, standing up from behind my desk.

  "Don't tell Eliana or anyone about this, tell the guys the same thing." I slip past him and head on my way to my room.

  She doesn't belong with anybody but me.

  "Where are you going?" Kai asks, leaning on my desk, messing up my paper stacks.

  I'd care about that if I wasn't in such a hurry.

  "I can't let Eliana be by herself too long. I don't want to worry." I close the door behind me, seeing only a split second of Kai's grin.

  He'd make fun of me if I stayed there any longer.

  I head up to our floor.

  I knew they would come knocking at our door soon enough the way they protested against Eliana coming with me. They'll have to get through all of us before they reach Eliana.

  She didn't deserve to be pack slave, and although she hasn't told me anyone could tell she's struggling to change her mindset from back then.

  She's going from a slave to the Luna of a pack. It's hard.

  I stop at her door, placing a hand against it and another at it's knob.

  I have to protect her. I promised.

  Twisting the door open, my eyes train on Eliana's sleeping form.

  My feet move towards her, like a moth drawn to a flame, I can't stop.

  Stopping beside the bed, I slip in under the covers next to her.

  As I breath, tingles shoot up and down my body.

  Her presence drives me wild.

  I'm always so close to ripping off her shirt and sinking my teeth into her, completing the mating process by marking her. But I don't want to hurt her. She's not ready for it. I can wait. I'd wait forever.

  My arms wrap around her waist and I sigh from content.

  As long as she's in my
arms, I'm happiest.


  Eliana POV

  Something wraps around me, tight and warm. I relax into it.

  Real blankets are truly a different experience than the thin rag I grew up with. I snuggle into the warmth, rubbing against something behind me.

  Something behind me?

  I yelp, trying to scramble up but the bonds hold me down. Snapping my head to look back, I see Noah, smirking at me. I stare at him doe-eyed.

  What's he doing here? Is this a dream?

  "Good morning." He kisses my forehead and hugs me close again.

  My heart races in my chest, nearly beating out the thoughts in my mind.

  He just kissed me. My forehead but I mean it's a kiss right? No wait, back up, what's he doing in here? I don't mind, but I mean, OK. This could still be a dream.

  I turn around in his arms, coming face to face with the maybe dream Noah. I poke him in the cheek.

  Noah chuckles.

  "Is that the only place you want to touch? Or is it my turn yet?" I blink. The hold on my body becomes ever more real.

  Maybe, this isn't a dream? My heart beat runs even faster.

  I climbed into his bed yesterday, he's probably returning the favor.

  This feels right.

  "Are you for real?" I ask. He stares down at me, as a huge smile spreads on his lips.

  "Yeah I am. Get used to seeing me wake up next to you." He snuggles in closer to me.

  My body melts into his.

  I'm not complaining.

  "Why are you in here?" I ask, against his chest.

  "I wanted to watch you wake up, but this might be little too much too early in the morning." He clears his throat. I chuckle.

  "What do you mean?" My fingers can't help but draw light strokes on his skin. Goosebumps appear under my touch.

  "I don't know if I can control myself this close to you. You feel..." He trails off. The tips of his ears burn red and my face slowly heats, as I pull away from him.

  My wolf loses it as I ignore her.

  "Sorry, I- you were- I'm just going to go to the bathroom now." I say, moving towards the edge of the bed.

  A grip on my wrist stops me as my legs hang off the side.

  "Don't run away from me." He pulls me back, quickly flipping himself out of under the covers and my body below his. The t-shirt Alyssa gave me to sleep in, strains as Noah pins my arms above my head, his legs on either side of my body.

  I gulp. His eyes pierce into mine and my heart skips multiple beats.

  What the...?

  "I've been holding back since you got here because I know it's been hard for you before, but I'm not going to anymore, ok?" He asks.

  Why ask? Just fucking take off my- No. No.

  I nod, unable to speak. He smiles, his gaze traveling up and down my body.

  "Good. You can't take back what you've just agreed to." He bites his lips, and my eyes flock over to them.

  He's serious.

  Seriously hot. I just want a little taste- Stop that Eliana.

  I nod again.

  "I'll come get you for breakfast. Get ready." With that, he hops off me and releases my hands, walking backwards to the door, still beaming at me. My eyes only offer a goodbye as the door creaks shut behind him and I lay stunned.

  I suck in a big breath and shudder out.

  "He's going to make me crazy." My hands cover my face as I begin to roll side to side on the mattress.

  I might beat him to the punch and jump him.

  Stopping, I stare at the ceiling, trying to calm my one vital organ that has seemed to run marathons more than ever in these last couples of days.

  I sit up.

  He makes every day worth it.

  Noah POV

  I'm trying to push it down.

  We take a seat at our usual seats with our plates in hand.

  Eliana licks her lips and picks up her fork, ready to dig in as always. I disappear when she has something delicious in front of her.

  I'd love to fatten her up even more. When I first saw her, the only curves she had were the ones where her bones would stick out her side, not bony but not healthy. Now, she's filling out, this is how she wanted to be eating.

  I clench my fist at my side and turn to my own food.

  Her old pack will never see her again. Not well I'm around. I won't let anyone I love, be taken from me again. I couldn't trust anyone but myself with protecting her personally.

  I'd hate to see one of my soldiers too close with her and I would worry too much. I need to do this myself. I don't want her to be alone outside of this house.

  She down a quarter of her plate as I glance over and shake my head, taking a bite of my own omelette.

  It's hard to not hold back when she's eating. I just want to watch her and she'd probably hate me if I interrupted her breakfast.

  "Don't choke, the eggs aren't going anywhere." I say, putting my fork on the table and patting her back. She nods, as her tongue flicks out to pick up a piece of egg stuck on the corner of her lips.

  I take a small breath. She doesn't even know how tempting she is. I love that.

  Her spoon sits crooked. I reach over and adjust it parallel to her dish. Better. Sitting back, I focus on my own food.

  The warm egg, made with milk, and a hint of spices, coats my mouth as I chew. It's alright I guess.

  Glancing over at Eliana, I flinch. She sits staring at me.

  "What?" I say, swallowing down the bite. She shakes her head.

  "You had to fix the spoon?" She smirks, scooping another bite. I scoff. I guess she does see me when she's absorbed in her meal.

  "It was annoying me." I shrug.

  "That was cute." She whispers. I freeze.

  Cute? I'm cute now.

  "Cute?" I furrow my eyebrows at her and she nods.

  "It was adorable." She adds, continuing to eat.

  Calling an Alpha cute, is like calling a baby handsome. Something about it is just off.

  She glances at me with a confused expression on. She's not even kidding. Laughter leaves me softly as I shake my head. I'll take it.

  "What's funny?" She asks, scraping the last bit of her eggs into her mouth.

  "You." I slide over my meal and her eyes brighten.

  I knew she would want it. Maybe, I shouldn't spoil her too much.

  "What did I do?"


  Come to your office now. It's urgent.

  What happened?

  Just hurry.

  I get up, abruptly as Eliana flinches back. I lean down, putting a hand on her cheek.

  "Finish up eating. I'm needed in my office, I'll see you later." My touch lingers on her skin as she nods and I stand straight, trying not to look like I'm running off.

  I round the corner out of sight and begin power walking, each step taking me twice the distance one would've.

  Kai waits for me outside the door, leaning on the wall. His eyes meet mine as I stop next to him.

  "Let's go inside." He says, slipping pass me and into the room. I follow close behind him.

  A stronger strange scent comes from my desk. Kai walks up to beside it and his gaze points to a note on it.

  "What is this?" I've never smelled anything like this, it's so... confusing.

  My wolf begs me to plug my nostrils, but I ignore him, looking down at the scribble on the piece of paper.

  You won't be able to ignore us for long. Secrets are meant to be revealed.

  I take a deep breath and try to calm my increasingly raging emotions in check. It's like they're trying to make me want to hunt them down and kill every last on of their pack members.

  "You think this is from them?" I ask, sniffing the air around the small sheet

  It only smells like them a little.

  "Who else?" Kai sighs, crossing his arms.

  "I'm going to end up losing my temper with these wolves. I can feel it, I'm already too close to storming back into their home and fucking them all up." I
growl, clenching my fist, listening to the paper crumble in my hands.

  "This is their second present to us, and I'm sure they aren't that fat man the humans worship. They want Eliana back for some reason and what do they mean secrets?" He asks, and I look back at the note.

  The contents of the actual note slipped my mind because of anger.

  "There might be more to this than we thought." I say, throwing the note on to my desk.

  "Eliana could be kidnapped any day now. We don't know when her old pack is going to strike. Or what they have up their shelve." Kai continues.

  I put my hands against the desk and let my weight push on to them as I lean.

  This is why I have sleepless nights. I can't let them lay a hand on he-

  The door creaks as a quiet gasp comes from the other side of it.

  Honey blossoms linger on the door knob as I reach it, throwing the wood out of my way as I see thick black hair round the corner.



  Eliana POV

  I knew I wasn't safe. No matter where I go, he'll find me.

  My thighs itch from where his slimy fingers had touched them.

  He's coming back for me. He's going to take me.

  Eliana could be kidnapped any day now.

  Oh Moon Goddess.

  I thought I had left it all behind, I thought I could claim my freedom now but it's all for nothing.

  I'm always going to be their fucking mutt.

  "Eliana stop!" A voice cries out for me and I break into a sprint.

  I don't want to go back. I want to stay with Noah and Alyssa, even Bethany.

  My heart pounds hard in my chest as I hear footsteps thudding against the wooden floor harder and faster than mine.

  I need to get away. I have to hide.

  My surroundings blur between the safe haven I've finally been accepted into and long trees crowded by the dark night with demons on my tail as I ran.

  I can't be caught, I can't. Everything going to be ruined. I'll lose myself this time with them. They'll break me.

  A hand lands on my shoulder and I scream, jerking back and landing on my bottom staring at the floor around me.


  "Don't touch me!" I yell, curling into myself.

  Something snaps within me.

  All is silent. Eerily silent.


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