The Devil's Lover
Page 10
He was about to get in to get ready for a bath when he suddenly spots a shadow passes outside the entrance door to his room. He shoots a look straight at his room’s entrance. “Who’s there?” He asked and was answered by nothing but a gust of wind. He fears if a burglar had barged into the house. It is a huge fancy house so he won’t be surprised if people were to try to enter and steal things inside. His mom and dad went out for grocery so it was only him left alone at the lake house. They can’t be back so soon, he thought to himself.
He walks to the door and takes a look outside at the empty corridor. No one’s there. He gets back inside his room and grabs his phone. He thinks of calling the cops just in case if there are robbers in his house. He dials the number but all he can hear is static sound coming through his phone. He quickly pulls it away from his ear. “What the hell?” He muttered. He looks up at his door again and is in great shock to see Trance leaning against it.
“Boo,” Trance said, teasing him in a way. That simple word made Andy stumble down to the ground and hit his head hard on the floor. He fainted.
When Andy opens his eyes, he realizes that he is somehow floating in the air. He struggles to lift his hand up to hold a side of his head. His head is bleeding. It must be due to the impact of his head hitting the floor from before. His vision is a bit blurry at first. Was he tied to a tree or something that he is high up in the air? He thought. But when he can see clearly, to his horror, he is floating on the air of the lake behind his lake house. There’s no rope tying him. He screams in great terror for he can’t believe what is happening. Then he saw Trance levitating on the surface of the water steadily. He has a malignant smile on his face. “Hey, you! This is not funny! What did you do to me? How did you get me like this?” He asked. He does’t have any theory left in his head except that maybe Trance is a psychic or some kind of a mutant like those from X-Men series. “Put me down!” He ordered.
Trance lets out a low evil laughter. “Gladly…” He said. “But you have to wait for my little friends to arrive first,” he continued.
“Friends?! What friends?!” Andy asked.
Trance laughs again. And the laugh ended with a distorted voice of a growl and whisper. His eyes then turn red and glowing. “They’re here…” He said in that sinister distorted voice.
Andy crooks his eyebrow in wonder but also in terror. He then looks down to the waters of the lake below him. His greatest fear is coming to life. Down there, in the water, crocodiles are swimming back and forth. They look hungry and sggressive. “ARghhh!! Noooo!!! Please! Don’TTT! I’m sorry. Forgive me, Trance! Forgive me! I’ll do anything…just please…let me go!” Andy begged trying to run away in mid air but stuck levitated on the same spot.
“Let you go? Okay,” Trance said as he quickly snaps his finger. Andy falls down to the water as gravity at last took a hold of his body once more. Trance only smiles sinisterly as he looks down on Andy being eaten alive by the animals. His screams fill the air. Beautiful, he thought. The sight is beautiful.
His days were numbered, he knew. But that’s alright. He has come to terms with it. Peter looks down on a picture in his hand. His eyes are watery. It’s the picture of him and Trance during the first year of junior high. They are grinning widely in the picture and they had each other’s arms around one another’s shoulders.
“That’s tricky,” he suddenly heard a voice. He looks up only to see that the owner of the voice is standing at the window of his door. He knew that this day will come. He’s going to take it down calmly. William is there in the body of Trance. No. It’s the devil. In the possession of Trance’s body. “Your greatest fear is losing Trance’s love,” he murmured.
“Is it my turn now?” Peter asked calmly. “So what if that’s my greatest fear? You got a problem with that?” He asked. He knew that the one speaking to him is the devil even though he is in the flesh and blood of Trance.
“Tsk,” William exclaimed with a frown on his face. He then slowly came out from Trance’s body. Trance is panting from the exhaustion of bearing William inside of him. “What do we do with him, Trance?” William asked.
“Let me kill him myself,” Trance said. That suggestion from Trance made William’s eyes glow in excitement for a bit.
“Wonderful idea,” William commented. He snaps his finger shortly after that and a knife appeared beside Trance. Trance takes the knife. Peter feels amused. Ironic that it’s his time to die but he can’t help but think that the devil had acted a bit like that of a magician. Trance looks determined to end him but at the same time he is also hesitating and he can feel an overwhelming pain in his heart.
“William, did you just make me feel again?” Trance asked in anger.
“I only let a part of your soul in. Maybe I should let your whole soul in, don’t you think? That is his greatest fear, right? Losing your love? If you kill him with your soul intact, then his darkest fear is coming to life,” William insinuated. “And I was also curious to know if you still love him or not.”
“Don’t!” Trance warned. “Take it back! I don’t want to feel!” Trance yelled at William.
“Why? Because you can’t do it, is it?” William asked. Peter can smell jealousy coming out from William. He then lets his right hand glow and he shoves it to Trance. A light enters Trance’s body. Trance groans in pain as soon as the light disappeared. He is sobbing now and lies down on the ground bearing the pain.
“You jerk!” Trance called to William.
“Do it!” William ordered now. He looks even angrier than before. “Kill him!”
Trance holds the knife up to Peter as he gets up to a sit. He is starting to break apart. His eyes are red, waiting for tears to come and it was clear that he is trying with all his might to fight his fear. He wanted so much to do it. Peter only closes his eyes, getting ready to be killed. If this is the way to pay for his sin, then he is ready. But Tance’s hands start to shake and he begins to lower the knife down to the ground. “I’m sorry…” he said as he shakes his head in frustration. Crying and shaking his head over and over. He wanted to but he’s scared and he can’t bear to look at Peter like that in front of him. Memories of their moments flash in his head. It comes and goes like waves. And with each wave, it hurts him even more.
William sighs in a disappointed manner. “My dear Trance,” William called as he squats next to Trance. “I knew all along that you’re not going to kill him,” he stated. A hint of sadness is portrayed in his voice. Or not. Or yes. Trance couldn’t quite decipher the signal delivered by the devil.
“No, I’m going to. Just give me a little more time,” Trance begged. He can’t handle the pain in his heart. Having his soul again makes him weak and disoriented.
“I can see your heart, Trance. Don’t lie to me,” William said. “It’s okay. I was happy being with you all the while I was with you,” he commented. Peter can’t say anything. He can just witness the drama in front of him. He has no ideaof what was happening but he can feel pain in his heart too. The same room. Two boys and a devil. All of them are hurting. It appears so.
Trance starts to cry lowly. It was as if he wanted not to cry but he cries nonetheless as he was trying to hold the tears back in but fails miserably. He whimpers. “I’m sorry… William… Please do it for me… I’m sorry,” Trance begged and cries even more.
“I’m disappointed in you,” William said. A drop of tear is hanging on one of his eye. “I’m giving up on you.”
“What do you mean?” Trance asked. He is feeling panic at that statement from William. He never meant to be a disappointment to William and he definitely feels sad when William said he had given up on him.
“I’m leaving you. That’s what I mean,” William stated.
“No, don’t go,” Trance said. He is pulling William’s shirt when he said it. “Stay!” He begged.
“There’s no point in me staying here,” William simply said and pulls Trance’s ha
nd away from his shirt. He stands up and looks down on Trance sadly.
Trance wanted to stand up too. He wanted to cling to William so badly. But he can’t get up. His body feels very heavy and his heart is overwhelming with a mixture of unexplained pain. “But you promised me! You promised me death!” He reminded William.
“Yes. I did and I’ve fulfilled them. I gave you enough deaths already. I promised you death but I never promised that it is your death that I will grant. I twisted my words just to suit your needs at the time. No, Trance. I will not have the heart to kill you. I love you. So, I’m letting you go. It’s your choice anyway, and you chose not to kill him,” William explained. There’s a hint of sadness in his tone. But Trance wasn’t sure. William is unpredictable in his own special ways.
“You said you’ll eat my soul!” Trance yelled from the ground.
“Well, I lied,” William simply said.
“Please just kill me! Eat my soul. Don’t leave me like this! I need you!” Trance begged again.
William squats back next to Trance and kisses him on the lips softly. All the while, Trance clings to William tightly, afraid to let him go. When William broke the kiss, he looks straight into Trance’s eyes. “Goodbye, Trance,” He said as his body begins to become transparent that Trance could no longer cling to him. He then slowly disappears from their sight.
“No,” Trance muttered. “NOOOOOOO!!!!” He yelled. He lies down on the ground, bearing a devastating pain in his heart. He can’t take it anymore. The pain is too much. The world then becomes black to his eyes. Peter quickly rushes to his side to hold him. Peter’s arms wrapped around him was the last thing that Trance felt.
~Intro music~
It’s been three months since William had been gone. Trance hasn’t seen William at all. He sometimes waits in his room. He talks to the air too as if he was talking to William in hope that he might just talk to him back. But there was nothing. Every time, he was alone. There was no one there. He misses William so bad. William is not perfect. William is in fact the worst kind of person… no… the worst kind of entity to be with. He feels a heavy weight in his heart. It’s very painful to lose something he desires. Nonetheless, he still can see clearly and he can move just fine. That must’ve meant that William didn’t take back the gifts he gave to him. Those are all that he had left of him. He wanted to hold on to them so tightly if he could.
~And I remember everything, Everything I loved, I gave it away like it wasn't enough~
Trance sighs to himself as he was leaving for school for the day. To be honest, he hates school. He doesn’t want to be in one at all. He just wants to escape far, far away from the place and perhaps he will meet William again somewhere. It’s funny that the devil feels like home more than home. If he is to be carried into hell then maybe he’ll turn hell as his home and he’ll be able to live comfortably. No one at school remembers William except for him and Peter. It was like he never existed. And that hurts him even more.
~All the words I said and all you forgive, How could I hurt you again?~
Trance does give in to the thought that maybe he should just commit suicide sometimes and just die and get to hell to see him there. Yeah, that would probably be the best idea.
~What if I let you in? What if I make it right it? What if I give it up? What if I want to try? What if you take a chance? What if I learn to love? What if, what if we start again?~
Peter glances towards Trance that was walking to the field. There’s not much to practice anyway today. Half of the football team members and the cheerleaders are gone. Nobody is in the mood to do anything. So, Peter walks to where Trance was sitting in the middle of the field… watching the sun above him...
~All this time, I can make it right, With one more try, Can we start again?, In my eyes, You can see it now, Can we start again, can we start again?!?~
“Hey,” Peter called to him. Trance does not reply. He just stares at the spaces in front of him without looking at anything specific like he is lost in his own thoughts and the world around him no longer matters. Peter sits down beside him. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“I will be,” Trance simply answered, without paying much attention to Peter.
Peter remains silent for a while. He then looks at Trance again and opens his mouth to say something but closes it back as he was clueless on where to begin.
~Emptiness inside me, wonder if you see, It's my mistake and it's hurting me~
“If you’re going to say something, just say it before I get bored,” Trance warned. It’s abnormal for them to sit together out in the open like this. This never happened even once when they used to date each other.
Peter smiles at those words from Trance. He’s becoming who he was again, he thought. He is the Trance that he had loved. “Um… I was just wondering if we can start again, you know?” Peter then suggested.
“By starting again, do you mean that I get to be the idiot who let you do everything your way and you get to be the selfish idiot who will do anything your way again. Is that how it is?” He asked cynically. “’Coz you know… I’m sorry. I don’t think I want to go back there again.”
~I known where we've been, How did we get so far? What if, what if we start again?~
“No,” Peter said. “I wanna make it right this time. I want us to stop being idiots… Ever!” Peter promised.
“I don’t believe you,” Trance said.
“I can prove my love to you,” Peter promised again.
~All this time, I can make it right, With one more try, Can we start again?, In my eyes, You can see it now, Can we start again, can we start again?!?~
As soon as he said those words, Peter pulls Trance closer to him and he kisses Trance’s soft lips at the spot where they are sitting next to each other in the middle of the field. Everyone looks at them in surprise as they were kissing. Some halts in whatever it is that they were doing. Peter is proving to Trance that he no longer cares what people think or say. He loves Trance and this time, he will no longer hurt him. “Will you forgive me?” He asked Trance shortly after the lingering kiss.
~I'm lost inside the pain I feel without you, I can't stop holding on, I need you with me!!! I'm trapped inside the pain, Can we ever start again? I'm lost without you!!!~
Trance looks at Peter quizzically. Slowly then, little by little, a smile was curved upon his lips. He does not say anything.
Peter was happy by the smile. That is all he needs. “Ack!” Peter suddenly uttered a low cry as soon as he feels a sharp pain in his chest. He looks at Trance in disbelief. Trance still has that smile on his face… as he stabs Peter with a knife straight to his heart. He then twists the knife inside of Peter’s chest right before he pulls the knife out of the deep wound it had left. Peter falls down to the ground. Blood started to ooze out from the wound. Some had also flowed out of his mouth. All of the kids in school were screaming now at the horrible sight and they ran away quickly from the scene in horror.
~One more try, Can we start again? In my eyes, can you forgive me now? (Can we start again?), Can we start again (one more try?), Can we start again? Can we start again (can you forgive me?), Can we start again?~
Trance wipes the blood off of the knife using the linen of his shirt calmly. He does not care of the people’s hysterical screams all around him. He then looks down on Peter who’s lying next to him. The ground of the field is soaked with blood now. He can see that Peter is gasping for breath. “Now I forgive you,” he said to Peter as Peter gasps for his final breath and closes his eyes forever.
~Music ending~
When the policemen arrive at the scene, they took Trance in for interrogation. Trance does not even resist his arrest. He just follows them calmly with a smile on his face. It was as if what he had done nothing wrong. He seems to have no guilty conscience at all.In fact, he looks like he is satisfied. And that perplexed everyone around him.
Trance: I am the
devil’s knight. I killed them all. I made them commit suicide.
Detective Mona: How did you actually make them want to commit suicide, Trance?
Trance: I had help from the devil…
Detective Mona: Are you sure?
Trance: Yes. They all deserve it. Trudy… she lied to me. She told everyone I’m gay. Then, people started to bully me. They poured paint in my locker, threw food at me, at worst they hit me and kicked me. They bad-mouthed me. They made me feel worthless. They made me feel down. They deserve to die…. Peter, Noah, Andy, Justin, and Anthony… Those are the five that raped me and beat me until I got into a coma. I lied to you when I said I didn’t remember. I remember everything clearly in my head.
Detective Mona: Why did you lie, Trance?
Trance: The devil told me to lie. He said I need to get back at them myself and that you can’t help me get back to them the way he can help me get back to them. He can make them suffer. He can make them die brutally. And he’s right. He kept all his promises.
Detective Mona: Who is the devil, Trance?
Trance: The devil is the devil. You can’t know who he is… for he does not exist in your eyes. You see, I trade my soul for a wish. And my wish is to have them all dead. Now they’re dead and he’s going to come and get me. He’ll come for me. I know he will. I belong to him. I belong to the devil. I’m his knight.
Trance’s parents can see him from the other side of the glass of the interrogation room. They cry non-stop as they watch their son’s behavior. He seems to no longer be the kid that they knew. It was like Trance had become someone else. A cruel, irrational person… Someone who thinks that killing people is okay and necessary…. They feel very sad at Trance’s transformation. They wish they know how to help him. Trance now had gone insane from the trauma he went through. That was how they rationalize the situation.