The Devil's Lover
Page 11
Detective Mona promised them that she’ll sort things out for them. She said that Trance needs to see a psychologist because he seems to suffer from Post-Traumatic Disorder that resulted in Bipolar Disorder that could also trigger him to suffer from mild Schizophrenia which causes him to hallucinate. For the night, Trance will be locked up in a cell until he meets with the psychologist on the morrow. What can be concluded by them is that Trance had gone insane.
Trance keeps on staring at the ceiling of the cell that he was in. He is lying on a hard metal bed. He cannot feel anything in his heart. He is aware that he has his soul with him now. But he just feels very empty. A human with a soul but that acts without a soul.
“Congratulations,” he suddenly heard a familiar voice in the corner of the room.
He quickly gets up to a sit on the bed and can’t help but smile to the persona in front of him. “William!” He called.
“As promised, I’m here to take you with me,” William said to Trance with the same smile on his face that matches the one portrayed by Trance.
“I told you I only needed more time, didn’t I?” Trance reminded him.
“Yeah, yeah… To be honest, I didn’t think you have it in you to do it,” William said. “But you did it nonetheless… I’m so proud of you.”
Trance’s smile grows wider as he blushes a little. “Where are you going to take me?” He asked.
“Somewhere only I know,” William said.
“I never said this before. But I love you, you know,” Trance stated.
“I know,” William said and he kisses Trance on the lips hungrily. “I miss you,” he stole a moment to speak in between the kiss.
“Me too,” Trance replied in the middle of the kiss too.
“I hope you’ll still love me when you see my true form on the other side,” William said as he broke the kiss and takes Trance’s hands into his.
“One thing you should know about me is that I’ll always accept the one that I love as he is,” Trance stated.
“Very well,” William said. His smile turns wicked but charming all the same. His eyes glow red. “Oh and by the way, you’re not the devil’s knight. You’re the devil’s lover, Trance...”
The police are dumbfounded when they saw no sign of Trance in the cell the next morning. Trance is missing. However, there’s no sign of forced entry or escape at all were left in the cell. It was as if Trance had vanished into thin air. They look at the security tape where there was a camera placed on the wall overlooking the cell. Trance looks like he was talking to someone before he… vanishes, for real… into thin air. The tape sends shivers down their spine. Now, they all have no choice but to believe that it could be true of what Trance had said about the devil and him.
Surely we will not talk about this place, right? I don’t want to tamper with your imagination as how to this place looks like, feels like, or goes like. It’ll ruin all the fun. Besides, what better ways to be most afraid of going to hell unless if you know nothing about it, isn’t so?
Welcome to hell, people. I’m William. I’ll be your tour guide… There… now you see that wicked smile on my face. Admit it. I have my charms, now, aren’t I? You’ll be seduced to join this endless nightmare…
Oh before I forget, this guy that has been standing beside me is Trance. Cute thing, isn’t he? Don’t look much longer at him or I’ll burn you! He’s mine. End of story. Touch him, you’ll go to the deepest pit of hell.
Where are we going today? I’m going to take you to a memory. Long ago… before those suicide circles… Before Trance was hurt… Even before Peter… You see? You guys are missing the point here. I met Trance somewhere in a history long forgotten. His past… Or more precisely, in his previous lives.
Today, I’ll give you answers to the question as to why I chose Trance… Because I don’t make deals with people as I see pleased as what to you humans seem to believe. I don’t. I don’t dwell in your affairs. I’ll only dwell with you in hell. But there are people which I crossed path with that really interest me up to the point where I do want to make deals with them. Like Nicolo Panganini… he wanted to be the best at playing the violin that he was willing to trade his soul for it. And similarly, Leonardo Da Vinci, who wanted to be great at art. They are all here in hell with me now… Just like Trance.
So back to the questions… Why I assisted him in all those killings… Why I’m so damn attached to him… And the actual questions… HOW and WHEN did I fall in love with him, a simple human being, destined for hell anyway? So… shall we begin?
~Year: 750 BC ~
Seeing all these humans move by their own choices never fail to amuse me. They are slaves to time, money, power, lust, and feelings… How pitiful. It’s always good not to have emotions. It’s wrong to think of me as emotionless because I do feel. But I can cast those emotions aside, unlike humans.
I have a mission coming down here to the sun-lit world of the humans. And that is because the time has come for me to test them. It’s time for plague… It’s necessary… Because in times of adversary, we will know how strong or weak is their faith and how cruel and kind is their hearts. It’s my duty to test their faith… I am for this sole purpose.
Lying before my eyes is a young man who’s in his death… ‘cause I can smell it. I can smell death. And this young man… the time is near for him to die. He is tied to chains on the wall. He is covered in blood… his own blood, I supposed. Several of his fingers were missing. I suspect that he had been tortured to give out information but of which he clearly didn’t give because he is still alive.
He lifts up his head, struggling in pain at the process, to look at me as he whispers a question; “Who are you?”
I didn’t answer. I just smile down at him, amused at his strong will to survive. “Do you want to be free?” I asked.
He laughs a little in amusement as if he’s thinking that I’m asking an obvious question. “More than anything…” he said.
“How ‘bout a deal?” I asked.
“In return for what?” He asked.
“Your soul,” I said.
He crooks his eyebrows at my question. “Are you the devil?” He asked. A correct guess indeed… I only smile my usual cunning smile as an answer to his question. He smiles back in return arrogantly. “Well, sorry dear Devil sir, my soul is not for sell,” he said.
“Very well,” I replied and walk away. But I didn’t actually left. I watch him. Tortured again and again.... Yet he still did not talk… How stubborn... And in the end, they gave up and plunge the sword right through his heart. I saw his blood filling the floor up to the door. But what interests me the most is that, I saw no fear in his eyes. None at all… as he dies…
~Year: 1350~
This is in the times when I started The Black Death… I can’t stop. It’s going to end eventually. It’s supposed to already end but I’m getting a little bit too fanatic at spreading plague. I love to see how the humans… deal with it. As I said, they never fail to amuse me.
I didn’t mean to look for him again. But to reasons unknown, I still look for him and I found him again. This time, he is crying by the side of two marked graves.
I approach him slowly… “Who’s in there?” I asked, indicating the owner of the graves. He is at first shocked to have found my sudden arrival and at the sudden question. But it is true to my guessing that he had no recollection or whatsoever of our first meeting in his previous life.
This is because he is looking at me through the eyes of a stranger. “Who are you?” He asked.
I smile at him. “A friend,” I answer to his question as to who I am this time. “So who’s in there?” I asked again.
He turns to look back down to the graves and continues to cry. “My wife and my child,” he said.
“Is it the plague?�
� I asked. He only nods in agreement. My, my… this is my doing then. I was the one who caused the plague, isn’t so? “Hmm… would you like to have them back?” I asked.
He turns to look at me in anger. “What do you mean?!” He asked.
“I can bring them back if you want,” I simply answer.
It’s anger at first, then confusion, and now fear… it’s written all over his face. “Who are you, really? Don’t play games with me!” He spat.
“I never play games,” I answered. “Well at least I’d like to think so…” I added.
“What do you want?” He asked.
I look deep into his eyes as I answer; “Your soul…”
He looks frightened… it was as if he could guess of my true identity. But he didn’t answer to my offer. “Find someone else,” he said instead. And he gets up from the ground and walks away from me.
I follow him, of course… without his knowledge. And found him putting something into his drink. There… I can smell death. Strong scent of it is filling the air. And he drinks it. He is choking now. I know what will happen so I turn around and walk away. It was poison that he had put in his drink…
Never before I feel this way… Something is coursing its’ way to my heart. And I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all. Is it… heartache?
~ Year: 1601 ~
I don’t want to look for him again but I can smell him. I’m too familiar with his smell now so much so that I can follow his scent. He is now the son of a duke. A trouble maker… Yet, a peace keeper… And wherever he goes, there will always be a smile on his pretty face, a mischievous one, but it’s very pleasing at the same time.
I smile to myself as I look at him. Damned if I know why the hell I’ve been following him over and over in each of his rebirthing… Maybe I’m too ignorant to notice the fact that he has done something to me somewhere in my emotions. And I don’t like it.
“Stop it, Harold,” he said as he laughs. Harold is kissing his neck. They are both laughing as they run together into the dark. Harold is a farmer of the estate. It’s the night of a ball. Harold is having an affair with the son of the duke who is the estate owner. The son of the duke snuck out of the ball in secret to meet his lover. I don’t know why but I feel a bit angry looking at them. I don’t like it when Harold is kissing him, the son of the duke, the one I’ve been following since his previous lives!
“What are you doing, Luke?!” I then heard a voice coming from the woods towards them. The old man is holding a gun. So Luke is his name in this lifetime? The old man must be the duke, Luke’s father. Two of the duke’s men are standing behind him. “You bring shame to our family!” He yelled and he lifts up his gun towards them.
“Father, no!” Luke said, holding his hand out towards his father to stop him. But one of his father’s men takes him away from Harold and drags him to the side of his father. “Don’t! Don’t do it, father!” Luke begged.
Harold knew what’s coming and I can also smell it. That strong scent of death… he turns around to run but he only manages a few steps as the loud gunshot noise fills the air. Harold falls down to the floor with a loud thud.
“NOOOOOO!!!!!” I heard Luke screams. He is then dragged to the house. And Harold’s body is taken by one of the duke’s men to be buried.
Luke since then has been locked up in his room. I no longer see his smile. He doesn’t eat. He doesn’t drink. And I’m beginning to get that smell out of him too now. The very scent of death… So I approach him…
He is sitting by the side of his bed in sadness when he notices my presence. He quickly gets up in surprise. “Who are you? How did you get in here?” He asked.
I walk closer to him. “Do you really want to know?” I answered him with another question. Tears were streaming down his face and he looks away to the window. He is beginning to calm down. It’s as if he does not quite care anymore of my presence in his room. He then sits back down to his bedside right where he had sat before and lets himself being swept away by his own sadness again. I slowly sit by his side as I reached him. “How ‘bout a deal?” I asked. I refused to wait anymore.
He turns to look at me. There’s just that that very sadness in his eyes makes me shiver a little because though I am familiar with the look, it never before came from the eyes of someone I really long for. Then, without my apprehension of the situation, he pulls my sleeve to meet his face and he kisses me. It’s a wild kiss. It’s like a kiss he’s been holding back for a while. But… why?
I push him away with a look on my face that I never gave to anyone before. A panic look… “What did you do that for?” I asked. He didn’t answer. He completely ignores my question and pushes me down to the bed. He got on top of me and started to kiss me again… and again… and again… and what disturbs me is that he is crying while he is kissing me. He couldn’t stop crying.
I wanted to stop him but I really can’t. This is not something unusual for me to kiss a human. I seduced many before and took them to bed but this time, it’s quite different. Maybe it’s because I had longed for him. I couldn’t say that it’s love. I don’t know if I’m capable of feeling that. But I had wanted him… I had yearned for him... And to have him in my arms right now only confuses me more. And it just breaks my heart because I knew… I knew he did not kiss me because he loves me nor was it because he is suddenly attracted to me. He is not even interested in me. And this is definitely not lust. He more or less does not even care of who I am. He is just using me…
He is using me to vent his frustration out. To let go of his sadness… All he really wanted was not me… it was Harold, his lover… I’m just a tool here. But I just let him. I let him use me. I let him kiss me. And our clothes were stripping fast. I hold him close. I’m feeling his body’s heat close to mine. His chest to my chest… his breath to my breath… his groins to my groins… pressed to each other…
He went down to my lower part and started to caress my penis. He then puts it into his mouth and begins to suck it. The sensation… how to explain this sensation? The kind you want to remember about but always forget the morning after? And that just will make you feel like you wanted it again… over and over.
I push him down now and I get on top of him, facing him. His sad eyes… how alluring… I started to push my penis down into his opening. A steady opening… all ready… he’s too familiar with this, isn’t he? I slide it in real slowly and when it finally went all in, I heard him groan in satisfaction. So I move… I move slowly at first and just let myself enjoy looking down on him. But later I start to move real fast that he begins to scream in ecstasy. I am moaning and groaning as well for the sensation is overwhelming. I was moving real fast for a while before I pull my penis out and he growls in frustration at what I did.
But I’m not done yet. I push him face down on the bed and start to slide my penis into him again. I didn’t go slowly anymore this time. I only go fast. And I let myself enjoy listening to his screams as I move. I keep on moving… I don’t know for how long… but I finally stop when I reach the climax and spurts my semen into him. This feeling… it’s overwhelming for me…
I heard him panting as I ease down to take a look at his face. His eyes are closed… I just lie down next to him, staring at him… He still didn’t utter a word to me. And I keep staring at him… until he falls asleep.
I don’t sleep. I never sleep. But I just rest my eyes and wait… I’m waiting for him to get up. The sun is rising when I heard him move. He didn’t even as much as turn to look at me at all. He just grabs his robe and puts it on as he walks over to the window watching the blazing sun that is half-risen. I get up to a sit and watch him as he climbs the window. I smell it again. No…
He didn’t turn to look at me at all. Not even once. This scent is all too familiar and upsetting… He just gently lets the gravity takes on the weight of his body. And I hear him fall to the ground. That very scent of death… how cruel… For the first time in my life, I feel it. Somet
hing wets my cheeks… how cruel… how can a mere human be this cruel to me?
~ Year: 1981 ~
I know now… No matter how much I can cast emotions aside, in truth, I’m not much different than humans… I long for someone to be with. And I just know that he is the one I want to be with. And I can’t bear the thought of losing him again. In this lifetime, I wish he will trade his soul for a wish. So that I can take him with me… So that he’ll be mine forever…
“Make a deal with me,” I begged him as I hold him in my arms. He is shaking. The smell of death yet again filled the air. It won’t be long before he’s gone.
“What do you m-mean?” He asked. He is holding the pain in his chest. He had just been stabbed in his chest by a girl. He is Mr. Popular in this lifetime and he rejected the girl’s love for him completely oblivious to the fact that the girl was not much sane.
“Is there anything you want?” I asked.
He only smiles at my question. “Look mister, I don’t even know you,” he said.
“Does it matter?” I asked again, trying hard to keep myself composed when in truth, I’m losing my composure. Tears yet again filled my eyes.
He looks at me in confusion, as if he’s wondering why I am sad for him to go. Of course, he didn’t remember our previous encounters. “If there’s one thing I want,” he said. “i-is… to not… be p-p-popular a-any-m-more,” he said, stuttering as he is losing his breath. And he closes his eyes… again… How many times do I have to go through this? No. No more. I will not let him go again! I’ll do anything to ensure that next time… he’ll make a deal with me.
~Year: 2013~
I saw him. He is looking down at his body lying helplessly on the bed, supported by the machines to stay alive. He is a wondering soul. He didn’t know of this. But I had everything planned out. As I said, I’ll do anything to ensure that he will make a deal with me.