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Page 25

by J H Cardwell

  Walking out of the house, I caught John sitting on the curb, Ty in his lap facing him. He was talking to him like he would an old friend. Ty was searching his face for recognition I think. But he wasn’t crying. He trusted John. It was time I did too.

  “John, I can’t thank you enough for doing all of this.” I looked around at all of the chaos in the street. “Are you going to open a detective agency? You really are good at it.” I lightly chuckled.

  “No Reese, I just have to have constant surveillance on the oil refineries. It’s the main duty my grandfather has put me in charge of right now, so I know how to operate all of this.” He said scanning the area with his eyes.

  “How did the cops know we were here?” I was still baffled by that one. That truly did almost screw up what John had going. But, luckily it all ended well.

  “They traced your phone Reese. You could have been a target too, so they had your phone under surveillance. Just phone calls though, not texts… When you left, and they realized it, they tracked you down.” I guess that made sense.

  “How did you know it was Lisa?” I didn’t think it could have been her. She was all the way across the country, or so we thought.

  “Penderton is a small town. My detectives ran a report of all members of the community who had bought a ticket to California in the past month. We were lucky, because Lisa’s ticket was one day shy of missing that cut-off. And as far as starting with that theory, it was just a hunch. Otherwise, looking for a crazy fan of Tate’s is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Speaking of…” He stopped bouncing Ty and motioned for me to sit beside of him. I gladly took over my son. “I would like to offer you and Tate a new surveillance system of your home, and better security, with a gated entry. With Tate’s fame and fortune Reese, you and Ty could be exposed to more craziness.” I couldn’t believe he was willing to do that, protect my whole family.

  “John, you really do love me don’t you?” And just like all the times before, Tate was suddenly there behind me, without me even knowing it.

  “He does Reese. And for once in my life, I am ever so grateful that this man loves you and would do anything for you.” Tate’s eyes were first locked on John’s and then on Ty’s. John quickly stood up and rubbing his hands on his jeans he offered his hand. Time stood still, but not for long. Tate reciprocated. These two men from opposite ends of my life were making amends. John had proven himself able to make full atonement of his actions.

  ne big happy family. That’s what we were. We were having a Fourth of July cookout at Elle’s house tonight. A month had passed since that awful memory was etched in our brains forever. The day our baby was taken. Ty was a laughing, beautiful bundle of joy (most of the time). I had been worried he would be attached to our hip at every second, traumatized if you will, but that wasn’t the case. Evidently Lisa (I could barely say her name without wanting to hurl) had taken good care of him. She was deranged enough to think she could be his mother so she acted accordingly, doting over his every need.

  As it turns out, she had come to San Diego around a month before she took Ty, with the hopes of secretly taking note of our every move. She had also learned from my mom’s Facebook page how much he loved lollipops. Evidently, she came prepared the day she walked into our house with one unwrapped and ready to appease a crying Ty. She had gotten lucky that she was able to scoop him up still asleep, so the first thing he saw when he woke up was the red sucker. She didn’t have to worry with any crying. Also, I HAD locked the door, but she had watched our nanny get a key out from under a special hiding place one day, so she had no trouble entering the house. The alarm was her only surprise, but that was one more way she lucked out. Who knew I would be upstairs on the third level, and hardly able to hobble back down the stairs. She had rented the ranch-style house for a hideaway exactly one month ago. God only knows what she was planning to do with Ty four days after she had taken him if John hadn’t figured it out. I shudder to think if we would have ever found him.

  Speaking of Lisa, she was transported back to NC to spend at least the next several years and hopefully the REST of her life in a mental institution. She deserved it really. But I couldn’t help but think that she would be normal today if she hadn’t married Tony, Carter’s dad, and had to deal with the years of abuse verbal and physical. After all, her son Josh had turned out okay.

  Mom and Dad were still here, staying in our house for a couple more days. There is no way in this world my mom was leaving until she had her fill of her only grandbaby. Nearly losing Ty made them cling to him more. The same goes for Tate’s parents, although they were leaving this evening to head back to NC. Like I said one big happy family!

  Maura, Chloe, and Harrison had decided to extend their vacation. They were staying at Elle’s for a few more days. So, we were having a fun fourth celebration tonight, and there was so much to celebrate. The beach also made a great backdrop for fireworks as usual. God how I was hoping this was the only excitement we would have for years to come. After our history of trauma and tragedy, I could only pray we had seen and been through enough.


  The party was a blast, of course. Our friends were great. I even liked Harrison. John stopped by for a little while too. He saved my boy’s life. I would be forever grateful. He wasn’t too bad to spend time with…once I got past the fact that he had obsessed over my wife for way too long, and had manipulated our history (yeah, that still sucks to think about it), but I was able to tolerate him. He seems to have accepted my marriage and life to Reese. I did catch him steal a couple of glances at my hot wife while he was there, but that was to be expected. I would have done the same in his situation. I did make it clear to him that I appreciated his offer of setting up a new security system for us, but that I had the means to take care of protecting my family myself, and that it had already been taken care of. I would never let my family become a target again. THAT you could be sure of!

  Speaking of my hot wife…Since Izzy and Papa have our baby boy tonight, it was all about reconnecting with my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy wife. God I couldn’t wait to show her how much I wanted her…how much I needed her.

  Walking up to her, and grabbing her by the waist, I whispered in her ear. “Okay hot mama. It’s time to say goodbye. You can see them tomorrow, out on the beach.” I pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck, deeply inhaling her sweet scent.

  “Mmmm, okay baby. I’m ready.” She said planting a soft kiss on my lips. Having a baby at home leaves entirely too much time to NOT get laid. It never failed, just when we were getting hot and heavy with foreplay, Ty would holler out for his mama or his daddy. I loved him to death, but I needed and loved private time with my wife. It was time we rectified that little situation.

  We told all of our friends and family adios, and I couldn’t usher my sexy wife out the door fast enough. Reese was a sight to behold. I was so lucky. She was even hotter now than she was before Ty was born, if that were even possible. Her figure was a perfect ten, and her curves were so luscious. I obsessed over the thought of her daily. The crazy part was her sex drive had gone through the roof since having Ty. I didn’t think it was possible, but sometimes it was hard for me to keep up. Tonight though, I had crazy, big plans for us.

  We were walking out to our car, arm in arm, when I felt a hand smack my ass and cup it. What in the hell? Looking at my lovely innocent wife, I found a sly smirk on her face. Oh so this is how she wants to play it. I grabbed her up and throwing her over my shoulder I ran to the Range Rover.

  “Put me down Tate!” She was laughing and screaming at the same time. I took her to the other side of the car and set her down. I gently touched her face with my hand and slid it down to her breasts. Then, she jumped my bones…literally. Smashing me up against the car, she slammed into my lips, kissing me like her life depended on it. God I loved this woman.

  “Dang Reese. I’ll take you right here in this parking lot if you don’t stop.” She was laughing up against my lips, but I didn’t
find anything funny. I needed her and wanted her so badly. I could hardly stand it.

  We jumped in the car. The whole time she was teasing me. I knew she was planning to taunt me until we got home, just five houses down the road. But…she would be sorely mistaken. I kept driving. She was laughing now, but she quickly realized I had other plans. Turning into a closed restaurant, we parked our car in the empty parking lot. We were both still for a few minutes, staring at each other, breathing heavily. Then I spoke first. “Why do you think I got you such a large vehicle Reese?” She chuckled out loud but her hooded eyes spoke volumes.

  Climbing over to the backseats, we quickly started making out like we were still dating. Doing it in a car was never a notch in my belt, or part of our dating history, so we were about to take full advantage of this moment.

  “Oh Tate. Oh God. I need you…now.” I was kissing her from head to toe, literally. Shit! We stripped down to nothing (except I asked her to keep her heels on). The music was playing while we were exploring each other, and steaming up the windows (thankfully they were tinted). An hour later we were panting and recovering in the front seat. Did I say how much I loved my wife?

  We snuck in the house. All the lights were out which was a good sign our baby Ty was already fast asleep. We didn’t get halfway up the stairs before Reese was rubbing me in all the right places. Damn, I thought I was the horny one. But being with Reese was a dream. A good one I never wanted to be woken up from. We made it to our bedroom, and she had whispered she needed me NOW! I was stripping off her clothes as fast as my fingers would work. Falling back on the bed, Reese let out a gasp. After literally attacking each other again, and Reese screaming when she nearly fell off the bed, there was a knock on the door.

  “Reese, honey are you okay?” Oh shit. We froze up.

  “Yes, mom. Uh, we’re fine…Sorry!” she said while we stared at each other for a moment to give her mom time to get back to bed. We burst out laughing. We were still head over heels in love, and we couldn’t get enough of each other. I loved this woman…my wife. I loved her with every fiber I was made of. I prayed we had many, many years and many, many babies ahead of us. This was my life, and I loved it. Reese, Ty, and baseball…who said one man couldn’t have it all?


  There are those that say it’s not possible to love two men at the same time, but I KNOW this IS possible because I have lived it. I have loved two different men but I DO love them very differently. I know in my heart that my man Tate is THE one for me. Tate and Tyler are my life’s path and I feel it in my soul that it’s the right one. A part of me will always love John, but not the same way I love Tate. I have grown through all of the experiences I have been through in my short life. I have found, with Tate, that one TRUE love…the one that lasts an eternity.


  Check out the final book in the Attainment Series, Chloe due out in February 2014. Keep updated on and on the Facebook/jhcardwell page as well as twitter/jhcardwell.

  This ‘writing thing’ has been an amazing journey, and so much fun. I enjoy living lives through others…even if it is just on paper.

  Of course, I am blessed to be given the chance to explore writing novels. So, I thank God first and foremost.

  I’ve said it before, but I can’t say it enough. I thank my family for allowing me this opportunity. My gorgeous husband and beautiful children have allowed me to pursue my dreams, all the while keeping it real by being a full-time working wife and mom. I love you all, and am SO incredibly blessed to have you! And to my parents for helping me always reach for the stars. I love you!

  Thank you to, Patsy, my mother-in-law/editor in chief/publicist all in one. I couldn’t do this without you! I’m SO glad this has been exciting for both of us! Also to her sister, my aunt (even if it is by marriage) Sheila for being so detailed in your review of the story-line and my writing. I’m so lucky to have your critique!

  Many thanks to my uncle Dwayne Holt, for creating this beautiful cover! I’m so thankful for your creative technique!

  I would also like to thank my small town for your support, and to the infamous bloggers on the world wide web. This story would get nowhere without you!!

  Julie has spent years in the medical field, the first few years as a Cardiac Specialty Nurse, and over the last decade as a pharmaceutical and medical sales representative. She has gathered mounds of experience both personally and professionally to pour into her new passion…writing. After years of power points in the corporate world, she is trying her hand at romance fiction with her first novel, Attainment, and now the sequel Atonement. The third installment in the Attainment Series, Chloe, is due to be out the first part of 2014. She has future exciting books and story ideas already planned as well. Julie resides in a small town in NC with her husband and four children. She continues working full time in sales, exploring her writing late at night and in the wee hours of the morning when her children are tucked safely in bed.




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