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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 18

by Meco Brown

  There was a brief moment of uncomfortable silence.

  “Whatever you need that crystal for, take it and do what you must to save Taideo. I rather you have it, than them. If it's in their possession, it'll most likely lead to more bloodshed.” She said quietly, trying desperately not to let her sadness show too much.

  “This crystal is to be used with a series of other mystical ingredients, in order to pull Taideo out of his coma. It's actually the final item I needed, so, I'm off to prepare the spell. Thanks for this.” I turned towards the trailer door without another word, and headed out.

  “Airius,” Brock called and suddenly let out an unnecessary breath.

  I stopped in my tracks.“What is it Brock?” I asked, annoyed.

  “Ms. Neely, listen, if you want to escape this life, we can protect you from them, isn't that right Airius?” He looked sadly at her.

  “That's Lillian's call. I have other things to do, Brock.”

  “Brock, thank you, but it's not that simple,” Ms. Neely said,“they'd surly find me. They have people everywhere. Watching everyone. The Red Throne Society's hand, is literally over everything you can think of, that's in the mortal world.” She explained.“It would take more than just some fancy incantation. You'd need the blood of the general, and her lieutenant, you'd seriously have to wipe away the line of power that pulses through each and every member.” She said and continued,“Weaken them, erase their power and will to hunt witches, and in time the pull over various sources of media will fall along with them. Once finished, a simple mind erasing spell will suffice.”

  “That honestly doesn't sound very difficult.” Lillian admitted.

  “You also have to get someone willing to go against them.”

  “Well, can't you do it Ms. Neely?” Brock asked.

  She shook her head.“You have to get someone within the inner circle. I don't have the drive to kill witches, I don't have powers and I'm not a partof the inner circle.”

  “I think I may know someone who willhelp.” I said, heading back towards the door.“We can talk about it later, though. I really should be heading home.”

  “Just be careful. Whoever you're thinking of, may not be fully trustworthy. We can't assume the future is set on one person's decision. Choices, can be changed.”



  The sun already begun to set, by the time I had returned home. After leaving Lillian and Brock with Ms. Neely. I decided to visit Ms. Chestnut. I wanted her to know I'd do what I can, in bringing Taideo back tonight. Even though she showed a bit of excitement, she didn't wish to know anymore until Taideo was for sure waking up. Instead, Ms. Chestnut and I had a nice dinner together. Although, this time, I made sure to simply chat and not eat. After, she wished me luck, and with that I came home.

  No matter how exhausted I felt, I knew I had to continue with my plan. This was it, now was the time for me to go ahead, and try to perform the awakening spell, Nemri-Kishin. Thunder pounded, and lightning crashed in the sky, as Esmond, Aviva and Lillian joined me down within the alter room. I sat in the center of the room, inside the middle of a glowing chalk pentacle. Etched around the pentacle, were our families crest of power symbol- a crowned heart, pierced by a flaming sword. I held tightly within my hands, the crescent moon crystal. I would draw on its power, with my own, to help increase the force behind the spell. If all goes well, the spell should work perfectly.

  “You sure you ready for this?” Esmond said, almost jokingly, as he carried several of the ingredients over to the arcane cobblestone table.

  “Why would you ask me that now?” I questioned.

  “As witches, once we master a spell, it becomes forever attached. The magic of said spell turns into an additional power that we can use, even without the assist of an incantation.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him.“Esmond, I'm not a newbie witch, get to the point.”

  “Look, obviously this spell is powerful. We're using several ingredients even I've never heard of. That being said, once you cast this spell, it'll be second nature to you.”

  Esmond twisted around, and faced Aviva, Lillian and myself. He froze where he was, noticing how our eyes were fixed on him, suspiciously.

  “And your point is?”

  He placed his middle and forefinger on his temples.“Listen cousin, with this type of power attached to you, there's no telling who someone will try and force you to awaken. This could be a loophole, in bringing back the primeval ones. With great power, comes great responsibility.”

  “Esmond, shut up!” I shouted and tried to recollect myself.“Now, let's begin.”

  Lillian and Aviva dipped the spiritual candles within the blessed oils, then Taideo's blood and finally placed all the candles around me.

  “Come alive, lost soul...” I chanted, as Aviva went to light each candle, one by one. I took a deep, steadying breath.“May his restless spirit, find itsway home...” I continued. Esmond slowly threw within the golden bowl, the mystical griggle root, bark of an elm tree and the patch of aster flowers. Suddenly, swirling coils of light and jagged lines of energy, circled around me, swarming around the flaming candles, as if threatening to douse the fire, and drown me in the light of absolute oblivion.

  “La-mea, exzudas, kotomatos genos.” I chanted the mystical language of our people. My mind barely dwelled on the words I was speaking, instead, I was so preoccupied with the vast amount of energy building within me, like a spiraling spring - ready to bounce at any minute - and as soon as it did, the ecstasy of such power filled my mind and heart. It was a most wonderful feeling that descended on me. I felt the floating sensation as every concern vanish away, leaving only a great deal of happiness.

  Oddly, I felt vastly mellow, but did my best to continue on.

  Again, I chanted,“La-mea, exzudas, kotomatos genos.” I took a quick breath and continued.“Re-vent'e, bowa, free kazama.” I finished.

  “Toss in the fairy dust, suka plant and dragons blood. Hurry!” Said Lillian's voice, as it continued to echo in some long-distant part of my brain.

  Sweat ran like a heavy river off my face, as more and more energy violently whirled around me, so much in fact I lost sight of everything, my vision blurring slightly. I closed my eyes, took a breath and continuedwith the passionate chant.“La-mea, exzudas, kotomatos genos!” I shouted,“Re-vent'e, bowa, free kazama!” I felt myself shaking uncontrollably, as if the Earth itself felt the sway of magic being summoned through the room. The ground was trembling so violently, it was difficult to keep my balance. Then, rather swiftly, I felt like I had been ripped out of my own body, as I drifted into the power of a magical trance.

  The ancient words of the spell, echoed into my ears, as I heard something odd- a muffled noise of steel rubbing against steel.

  Everything was dark, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't see or focus my eyes on anything other than the darkness that surrounded me. Slowly, light began to suddenly filter through, as small floating lanterns appeared, barely casting enough light, that allowed me to see just a few feet ahead. I found myself pushing through a heavy fog. Through the haze, I began to make out my surrounding. No longer was I within the confines of my home, but instead, I found myself in an entirely different place. Another plane of existence.

  “Oh, no...” I said, heavily afraid of where I thought I may have ended up.“This can't be real, is the labyrinth?”

  This dark, ethereal domain, lurks within the abyssal trenches of the netherworld. Cloaked in shadow and red mist, this place is where hordes of inhumane entities, prowl the desolate and scarred wasteland, looking for a host to attach themselves to. Entities that seek to smother the light of one's soul, turning them into nothing more than a shell. This is a place for the unfading; Immortal beings who defied death repeatedly. This is their prison, their hell.

  I stumble onward, through the mist, watching as my feet shuffle and crunch through gritty dust down on the colorless ground.

  “Taideo!” I shouted, hoping my v
oice will reach him.“Taideo!” I scream, watching as my breath appears in the chilly air.

  This place isn't for someone like him. This forsaken land will threaten to consume not only his mind but his body as well. I just hope, and pray that Taideo is strong enough to cast away the evil spirits. These beings will say, or do what they must in order to find an opening.

  These parasites don't need permission, only to break the will of a person. I never imagined, that as Taideo lies sleeping in the physical world, that his mind is trapped within this dark realm.

  My hands beat at the thick red vapor that surrounds me, when I notice something strange. Above me, a darkened sun and the moon both shine equally, in what looked to be a black floating ocean.

  “What in the world...” Slowly fell from my lips, as I stared up in awe of such mysterious yet creepy beauty.

  A sort of rotten and stale odor suddenly pierced the air, as I pushed myself forward. The further I went, the thicker the red fog became, and the stronger the scent rose in smell. I quickly take notice of a large dark door that looms before me, and upon approaching it, the door slides open, slowly.

  A bright beam of light covers me, and suddenly, I find myself standing within Taideo's hospital room, where Ms. Chestnut is sitting next to him, holding his hand.

  “What is this?” I ask myself.“Ms. Chestnut, how's he doing?” I ask, reaching out, and watching as my hand goes straight through her. I pull back, not sure what was happening exactly.

  Immediately, I sensed something familiar. A sweet fragrance wafted around me, spinning into my nose as I slowly inhaled, which set off a massive internal rage of flames, that ferociously beat at the all of me. I was unable to comprehend why Taideo's scent would be in the room. After all, none of this is real. Or was it? Was this just a memory, or was this place wreaking havoc with my already delicate senses?

  “Airius?” I heard from behind, and thought for a moment that it couldn't be him, that Taideo was not behind me. I wanted to believe that some foul spirit, picked through my thoughts and decided to play a trick on me. My mind summoned moment after moment of all my time with Taideo, from the first time our eyes collided, up until the night of the party. The images played repeatedly, sucking me deeper into a whirlpool of emotions.

  I felt a deep wave of new memories fading within my mind now. Of all I went through to get to this very moment in time. Memory on top of memory twisted and turned, until I could see nothing but various images of Taideo, and the moments of what our future could potentially become, how happy life would be for us, because our love is eternal.

  “Airius, is that really you?” I heard him, but still couldn't force myself to turn around and look at him.

  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt this to be a trick and I desperately didn't want to be disappointed. There was absolutely no way, Taideo could be here. The labyrinth is massive, he could be anywhere.

  “Airius?” The music of his voice dripped into my ears, calling to me.

  “I'm lost without you, Taideo,” I said.“Are you real?” I groaned in anguish, holding back the rush of tears I felt.

  “You tell me.” He replied.

  Needing to prove to myself that he wasn't really standing there, that I was indeed imagining things, I turned around, slowly.

  There he was, this beautiful, affectionate man, my prince, the one I am destined to love for all eternity. He stood within the doorway, his glistening, brown almond eyes watching me carefully. A heavenly smile spread across his angelic face, as he threw himself at me in a fierce hug!

  It really was him and not an illusion this time around. The familiar electricity of touching him tingled up my arms, around my neck and face, all the way to my inner core. I welcomed Taideo's hands tightly wringing around my neck.

  “Airius, you're really here. You found me.” He whispered lovingly into my accepting ear.

  “Oh baby, I'll always find you.” My hands came up, slowly, cupping his face gently, as my thumb slowly caressed his cheeks, wiping away the rush of tears escaping his eyes. Cautiously, I leaned forward, pulling his face to mine, allowing our lips to finally meet. His lips are so incredibly tender.

  He slowly pulled away and I looked down at his face. The lightfrom above reflecting through Taideo's eyes caused me to smile. I'd never seen anything so perfect in my life. Even though I knew I was still in this horrible place– the labyrinth, I could at least appreciate that.

  “I can't believe this,” his beautiful voice full of astonishment, somewhat entertained.“My hero.”

  “Believe it, babe.” My thumb brushed softly against his cheek, then I found myself pulling him into another hug, pressing him hard against my stone-like chest, and taking in another whiff of his sweet fragrance. I could feel his heart racing, pounding against my chest.“Shh,” I whispered,“calm down, I'm here now.” I told him, and immediately felt as if the last few months never happened, that the hole in my heart was gone, as if it were never there to begin with. He completed me.“I love you, Taideo.” Closing my eyes for just a moment, I pressed my lips against his forehead.

  “I love you too, Airius, so much.” His voice was like heaven.

  I slowly broke myself from him and found Taideo struggling to keep his arms around me. I smiled, knowing he didn't wish to let me go.“Taideo, babe, we have to go, we need to leave.”

  His brow furrowed in disarray.“Airius, there is no way for me to leave this place. Terra killed me. I don't even know how long I've been here.”

  “Terra is dead, Taideo. I placed upon her the second death. But, don't worry about that, just know your plan worked. I managed to get the spell, Nemri-Kishin, and that's how I got here. Although, this isn't what I thought would be happening.”

  Confusion swept across his eyes.“My plan?” He asked.

  “Yes, it was your idea on using the spell to pull you out of your coma.”

  “W-wait, coma? What coma? Airius, what are talking about?”

  “You're in a coma, look!” I grabbed his hand and twisted around to show him his grandmother and himself lying in the hospital bed, only to find myself back within the dark plane of the labyrinth.“Wait, where did it all just go?”

  “This place can play tricks on you. Whatever you were seeing, wasn't real.”

  I loosened my tight grip from around his hand and dropped my arm.“Then, how do I know you're truly here?”

  “I can say the same thing about you.” He retorted, and eyed me suspiciously.

  “You told me, that I should use the spell to bring you back.”

  “Airius, this is the first time we've spoken since the party. I have no idea, what the heck a Nemri-Kishin is, or why you think I told you to get it, I'm sorry, but I didn't.”

  Volcanic orbs tainted with fear and confusion, spread within my gut. If I hadn't been communicating with Taideo, just who exactly was I speaking with allthis time? Slowly, cautiously, I paced back and forth, and swiped my hand across where the door had once been.“You didn't see a door, right there!”

  “No!” He shouted,“I only saw you standing in that spot.”

  Suppressing the anger that threatened to burst from my throat, I crossed my arms and faced him. My body was immobile. For a moment,I didn't think it was real.“T-taideo, I need you to move to me, very, very slowly.” I warned, in almost a whisper-like tone. Directly behind him, stood an ominous figure. It stood upright like a man, but had the body of a moose, burned shreds of fur remained on an otherwise hairless body that was flayed, displaying a tender pink that barely covered pale, brittle bones.

  Its face was covered by a metallic elk mask, and a pair of bloodied, crystallized horns crowned the head of it. At the center of each eye, was a dark black pit that seemed to burn with ancient power.

  “Airius...” Taideo frighteningly whispered just as he felt hot and rotten breath on the back of his neck.

  “Don't talk, just come to me, slowly.”

  As soon as the creature took a step towards him, my speed carried me over
. I rushed Taideo, grabbed him and scurried us as far away as I could.

  The world around began shaking, which called forth several dozen shadow-like figures. Suddenly, within the far distance a massive beacon of light rushed towards the sky.

  “What is that?” Taideo shouted!

  “I believe that's the way out. That's how you get back into your bod-”

  My eyes rushed open, as I found myself back within the alter room.

  “Airius, what happened?” Aviva asked.

  “No, no, you guys have to send me back!” I shouted!

  “We can't, Airius.” Esmond said to me.

  “What? Why not?”

  “Airius,” Lillian said and pointed in front of me,“the crystal, it shattered.”

  My eyes fell onto the ground, where I noticed pieces of the moon crystal shimmering and fading away.

  “This can't be happening, not now! Not when I was so close!” I yelled, as several hundred items smashed into the walls around me! Flashes of anger and hurt swelled deep within me, as I felt my chest crushing with excruciating pain. I fell, face forward onto the ground, while the image of Taideo filled my mind, which made me whimper. Despite the painful months of separation, nothing hurts worse than what I was feeling in this very moment.

  “He was there; I kissed him.” I told myself.

  “Airius, may I?” Lillian asked, bending down next to me.

  “I don't care.”

  Lillian nervously placed her hands over my head, and concentrated. She called forth her power of premonition, in order to see what I had seen.

  “Lillian, what do see?” Aviva asked as she approached her. Esmond turned and headed back upstairs for some reason.


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