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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 19

by Meco Brown

  “You didn't lose him just yet,” Lillian said, putting a bit of hope back within my heart.“He knows the beacon of light is his way home. Maybe, just maybe, with a little magic of our own, we can help guide him to it.”

  I was suddenly standing.“Do you think it could work? That we can do this?”

  “I think Taideo's connection with people he loves, is more powerful than anything we've ever felt. In his own way, Taideo does love our family. Me, Brock, Chloe, Aviva and yes even Payton and Esmond. He also has a strong love for Eamie and his friend Maria. With us all in a room with him, including you and Ms. Chestnut, that amount of love should be enough to pull him toward the beacon, back into his body, to us, back to you.” Lillian's face split into a grin.“With a spell to aid us of course.”

  I stood, looking down at my cousin and fell into her, wrapping my arms tightly around her back.“Thank you, Lillian.”

  “You're welcome. Listen, I know we've had our differences, Airius. But I want you to know, the reason why I watch you so closely, is because you were my first. My child. I made you and that connection is something that cannot be broken. I want the best for you, and I know Taideo's it. So,go, we'll meet you at the hospital.”



  I sat within the passenger seat of my car, my eyes scanning the sky, watching as the night slowly grew pale with the gray light of dawn. Thinking to myself, that I must have been placed within that mystical trance far longer than I had thought. The labyrinth is a dimensional plane that runs differently on time. A few minutes there, must have been several hours in our world.

  “Ugh,” I growled, and threw my head back into the seat. The entire ride to the hospital was literally killing me. My mind was wondering with too many random thoughts. The spell, Nemri-Kishin worked, but not how I thought it would have. Yo'el told me, the spell would create a potion, that would wake Taideo. Not that it would send me to that dark dimensional plane. I suppose, though, that Yo'el assumed Taideo was in a different type of magically induced coma, not that his soul was sent to the labyrinth. To be honest, I'm not necessarily sure what Yo'el thought. Good news is, the spell opened a gateway, that Taideo could use in order to cross back over. I just had to get to him, and quickly. I attempted to stay calm, but I needed to be with my love.

  “Taideo's going to be fine, Airius, just try and relax. We'll be there in just a minute.” Chloe said kindly, as she gently squeezed my hand to comfort me. I lifted my phone and dialed Ms. Chestnut's cell number, and yet again it went straight to voicemail. Irritated, I squeezed my hand shut, crumbled my phone into tiny breadcrumb pieces.

  “Those things are expensive, you know.” Chloe said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I've called Taideo's grandmother three times already, and she has yet to answer. Do you think something happened?”

  “I think if something did happen, you'd be the first Ms. Chestnut would call. Be patient, Airius.”

  Once we arrived at the hospital, I ran as normally as I could, past the waiting area, where I saw Maria sitting. She jumped up when she saw Chloe and I, and rode the elevator with us to the eleventh floor.“I called Ms. Chestnut several times Maria, any idea why she's not answering me?” I asked, peeking over at Maria. She watched the floor and wrapped her hands around her tiny body. I could tell she didn't feel comfortable answering my question.

  “What is it, Maria?” Chloe asked, and slipped her hand on Maria's shoulder.

  “They've come to...”

  DING! The elevator sang, as the doors opened and interrupted what Maria was trying to tell us. Before we could step fully off the elevator, we were met by Taideo's doctor.

  “No.” He simply said, and crossed his scrawny little arms.“None of you can see him right now. He's with family.”

  “I am his family.” I shot back.

  “His real family.” The little man replied.“Please, go home.”

  I groaned annoyingly, as Taideo's doctor refused to let me or anyone else into his hospital room. “What do you mean, I can't see him?” I said without flinching. Taideo's doctor stood with us in the hospital hall way, doing his damnedest to try and convince me to go home.“Did something happen, is Taideo...” I couldn't even spit out the words.

  The doctor looked at me, saddened and expelled a long sigh. “Taideo's health is declining at an extremely accelerated pace. As I've mentioned before, we have no idea what is happening to him, but if I had to guess. It's some type of cancer, that may have been developed when he was caught in the blast, or the celestial fire everyone is going on and on about.”

  “Does Ms. Chestnut know about this?” Chloe asked.

  The doctor gave an emphatic nod.“I told her not long ago.”

  “If he has cancer, what about chemotherapy?” Maria asked, teary eyed.

  “It could very well make his situation much worse. This disease is taking over his body. It's a battle for him, one that he isn't winning.” The doctor admitted.

  But I wouldn't accept this. I knew I was emotionally straining myself to remain calm, and it was even surprising that I was holding it together so well; But, Lillian said there was a chance magic could help fix this, and I knew I couldn't give up just yet. I finally found my voice.“Can I please see him?”

  “I can't allow that, I'm sorry.” His voice was soft, his face unreadable, as if he were being forced to act this way.

  I stepped closer to him.“And why is that again?”

  “H-he is w-with family.” The good doctor stuttered.

  The scent of his fear stung the air.

  “Easy, Airius.” Chloe warned.

  “Who exactly is Taideo with? Who is in his room?” I asked, not sure where this conversation was going.

  The doctor opened his mouth and closed it several times, fumbling over his words.“Well, it's just... they need time with him... and... and you... you just can't see him!” He screams loudly.

  My cold, numb and dead fingers quickly wrapped around the doctor’s neck. I could feel the way that his pulse throbbed and pounded beneath my fingertips.

  “Oh my god!” Maria screeched, covering her mouth.

  “Airius, stop this!” Chloe shouted.

  I ignored them both and made sure the doctor knew I wasn't playing around. He flinched at the sight of my glowing gray eyes.

  “Alright, Airius. That is enough.” Chloe shouted again, all while looking to make sure that we were all alone, that no camera was pointed our way.

  “Now, you're going to tell me whose back there, in Taideo's room and I'm going to proceed on. Do you understand?” I told him, feeling the bright glow of my eyes deaden and return to normal.

  The doctor nodded, as I eased away, forcing me to abandon my grip on his neck.“They fought with Ms. Chestnut, wanting to be left alone while they visited with him.”

  “Who?” I asked, growing more and more impatient by the second.

  “His siblings. Shirocco and Kemiko Kavita.”

  “Chloe, take care of him.” I said, knowing she would take him somewhere to wipe his memory.

  It took a mere second of movement before I was standing outside Taideo's hospital room door. Peeking inward, I noticed a nurse checking his vitals and readjusting the tube that went under his nose. As she came to leave the room, I made my way inside, making sure to close the door behind me.

  “You must be Airius.” A voice came from the far corner of the room.

  My eyes crossed the length of room to find a young man looking to be in his early twenties. He can easily be described as tall, about six feet or so in height, with an athletic build. Fairly handsome, with a shaved head, bright hazel eyes and a friendly smile.

  “You must be Taideo's brother, Shirocco.” I said.

  He nodded, stood and went to shake my hand.“You must be Airius?”

  I placed my arms behind my back and smiled.“Germaphobe, sorry.” I lied, not wanting him to feel the odd numb-like texture that stretches across my skin.

  “You're a germaphob
e?” He asked, not fully believing me.

  I casually ignored him.“So, tell me something,” I started walking toward the foot of Taideo’sbed,“where is Ms. Chestnut, and where exactly do you think you're taking Taideo?”

  His semi-muscular arms crossed his chest.“I do believe our family matters are of no concern to you. Surly you can understand that.” He sounded polite, but it was more nice-nasty than anything. I could feel my face twist with irritation, and for a moment, I seriously considered going witch-foo on his phony ass and using my telekinesis to knock him flat.

  “Family matters, huh?”

  He nods at my words.“Yes.”

  “I'm sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around whether or not you're truly Taideo's brother.” My palms rested on the railing on the bed. “See, Taideo's siblings never showed up for their parent’sfuneral, or did anything that would show concern toward their younger, baby sibling. So, the man before me can't be Taideo's brother, because that man is dead to him.” I crossed my arms and felt a devious grin spread across my face.

  “Worry not brother,” A light, angelic voice spoke from the bathroom. The small wooden door open, and there she was, the woman I assumed was Taideo's older sister, Kemiko. Beautiful brown skin, with a slim and toned physique. Light hazel eyes and long dark curly hair. She wore a long sleeve jacket and black gloves. I could easily tell she and Shirocco were twins. They favored heavily. “It matters not what this man says, at the end of the day, we will get what we want. Taideo will be leaving with us very soon.”

  I approached her. “You're not taking him anywhere.”

  “I beg to differ” she calmly stated as she casually walked over to Taideo's unconscious body. In the back of my mind something didn't feel right. I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

  “He's our brother,” Kemiko told me with a smirk, “he belongs with us.”

  “Why have you come here? Why now? Where were you when he needed you both?” I asked with confusion. It was mind boggling enough to think that Taideo's siblings were actually visiting Olah, but to come here, expecting to take him away with them? That blew me away. Something about this whole thing smelled rotten.

  “Airius, you should probably just leave here.” Shirocco rudely told me.

  “You're planning on stealing the love of my life.” I said and gestured over to Taideo. “What exactly is going on? I will not ask again.” I made sure they understood that this was indeed a threat.

  “Sister,” Shirocco turned to Kemiko. “let us not argue or fight with this one, not here, not now.” He said to her. I squinted my eyes in confusion, not fully understanding what he meant by that.

  “Are you sure you know Taideo, as well as you may think you do? Or our family for that matter?” Kemiko stated.

  “What are you getting at?” I asked, folding my arms. Kemiko smirked and shot a devil of a smile my way.

  “A law was broken, long ago that resulted in a danger that cannot simply be ignored.”

  “What the hell is going on? What law?” I asked, shifting my attention to Shirocco, then back at Kemiko.

  “Falling in love with a witch, of course.” Kemiko let out calmly. I slightly stepped back.


  “You heard me correctly.”

  Does she mean Taideo and I? Or someone else? How could she know about me? Who are they? I thought to myself.

  “Our father was a general, he belonged to an organization known simply as the Red Throne; A powerful group of men and women, charged with the responsibility of eradicating all witches from the human world. Witches such as yourself.” She said.

  I backed away slightly. “Oh no,” I whispered to myself.

  “Well, see our father was a bit of a rebel. The call of hunting witches didn't control him, like it does the rest of us. So, instead of killing one particular witch, he fell in love with one.”

  “Your mother?” I questioned. Kemiko nodded, looking over at Taideo, then at me. I found it difficult to take in, that Taideo's father was a member of the Red Throne Society. That he fell in love with a witch. Much like Taideo has done with me. Taideo assumed his father was in the military, perhaps his parents lied to him, in order to keep all of this hidden.

  “History will show that our grandmother, fell in love with a witch, thousands of years ago. The truth is, she was his slave. He'd use magic to increase the strength of her energy, and siphon it away so that he could be strong, more powerful. One night, he decided to take their... relationship to the next level, and in the process, she became pregnant with our mother. As you may know, witches cannot reproduce, yet by a string of luck our grandmother did. The male witch abandoned her before he knew she was carrying his child; And because Grams still had magic within her system, she gave birth to a full-blooded witch.” She finished.

  “Where are you going with this?”

  “Shh,” Shirocco said, “you speak when my sister is done talking, witch. Or you may just regret it.”

  Kemiko glared at me before continuing on. I felt my blood beginning to boil, yet I tried to remain as calm as I could. This wasn't the place for yet another fight. The doctors already had to move Taideo to a different room after the fight between Qui and I happened.

  “Years later, word reached the Red Throne about the rise of a powerful coven, located in Olah, West Virginia. Our father was sent to take care of it, and instead of doing so, he fell in love. That love gave birth to Shirocco, myself and Taideo. But, Taideo here,” she said, wiping her hand gently across his forehead. “Didn't receive the gene of hunting witches. But the power of one instead. So, our ever-loving parents, sent us away. Believing Shirocco and I would kill our brother. However, what they didn't expect, was that we'd actually run across more members in Korea, and they trained us well.”

  I didn't really know whether or not they were telling the truth. Taideo once told me his parents didn't know he possessed the powers of a witch. Well, Kemiko and Shirocco sure believe they did know; And, if that's true, then why would Taideo's mother lie to him?

  “So, what, you came here for revenge? Do you see Taideo as an enemy now?” I said, when suddenly, my hand instinctively went out, and I grabbed a small metal dart, that shot through the hospital room window, slightly cracking the glass. “What the...” barely escaped my mouth, as several more darts shot through the window, piercing my chest. My body fell backwards, crashing through the bathroom door.

  Torturous screams fell from my lips, as a deep burning sensation throbbed deep within my chest. My eyes rolled over, catching sight of Ms. Chestnut, tied and unconscious against the far bathroom wall.

  “I don't believe I'm done talking, my brother did warn you.” Kemiko said, as a grin spread across her face. The Red Throne Society has this place surrounded on the outside. They really are everywhere.

  “What is this!” I growled.

  “Darts... dipped in the blood of a dead witch. Did you seriously think you destroyed all of it? We're everywhere, Airius; And we're rich deep in witch blood.”

  “Tai-Taideo...” I said, my thoughts drifting as I held his image.

  “We're not going to kill him.” Shirocco told me, almost in a sympathetic tone. “After Kemiko and I were sent away to our grandparents, they died not long after, and we were taken in by members of the Red Throne Society.” He explained. “Apparently, we can sense one another with the hunting gene. We only recently, found out about our parent’s deaths. We know Taideo is only part witch, that being said our hunting gene doesn't recognize him as a threat. But, he can no longer stay here and be entertained by the likes of you and your kind. He belongs with us.” He said. “With family.”

  “Taideo, belongs with me. Please don't take him away.” Another gasp of pain escaped from my lips as I tried and failed in standing. This fueled my anger.

  “Strange, I never thought I'd ever see you so weak and pathetic.” Kemiko boldly stated.

  “I know you're a member of the Red Throne Society, but you act as if we've m
et before.”

  “Oh, I forgot you don't recognize me, do you? Well allow me to remind you of who I really am.” She said, as she started to unzip her jacket, revealing that she is wearing a prosthetic limb. My mind shot back to West Fall, when I sliced the general’s limb off.

  “You!” I shouted. “You're the general; You threatened to kill your own brother!”

  She laughed wickedly, “I said that in order to get a rise out of you.” Kemiko shrieked, pulling a glass stake from her back pocket, and rushing over towards me.

  “Sister, no!” Shirocco called out, causing her to halt inches from piercing my heart with the glass stake. “Perhaps, we should spare him.”

  Kemiko eyes burned with anger, as she twisted around to face her twin. “Spare him? He took my arm!”

  “I know he did. But, I think you would agree, it best for him to suffer eternally without Taideo; Rather than kill him dead. Think about it,” he told her while walking over to me and bending down to meet me face to face. “It's obvious he laid claim on Taideo. Taking him away, would be a fate worse than death. Besides, it's not like Airius nor his coven would come after us. We have the numbers.” He looked up and smiled at his sister before turning back to me. “Just do us one last favor and stay forever away.” Shirocco warned me and dug into his coat pocket.

  “Wait, please don't!” I screamed, just as Shirocco jammed a dart into my neck.

  My eyes were suddenly heavy, and my world had fallen into darkness.



  The feel of several pricks drawing out of my chest, eventually woke me. Apparently, I had been crying in my sleep, as my eyes were heavy with tears. I rolled to my side of the bed and sat up, my eyes flashed open just as the bedroom door closed shut.

  I automatically searched the area around me.

  “Where the hell am I?” I said to myself, and ran towards the door. But my witch speed did not accompany me. I ran as if I were a simple human.“No,” I let out,“those bastards. They took my speed with those darts.”


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