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Visionary Investigator

Page 29

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Are you sure about this? I can get in real shit if Jaxson finds out I was in his office. Ya, Ya. Okay, hold on."

  She shuffled to his desk, scanning the neat countertop before opening the first drawer a smile morphing on her lips as she pulled out a black card.

  "Got it! Why do you need the access code? What you mean the scary looking guy didn't tell you? Ugh whatever, as long as this gets me a guaranteed spot on Team Seven, understood? I'm not gonna be beaten by some perfect Ace. I hate her with a passion, getting close to my Jaxson. At least I'll replace her, and she'll stay as an apprentice. Now, where do I have to go?"

  She listened closely to the voice on the other side of the speaker.

  "Alright, so the building on campus. The thirty-seventh floor, right? Ya, ya. Don't worry. I can just say I'm there to see my father. Got it. I'll head there now."

  I quickly scanned the room; my eyes landed on the clock – 9:45 AM. She scurried towards the door; her head turned to the left to see the gold paperweight on the floor. She frowned, walking over and lifting it up, inspecting it for any damages.

  "He's so unappreciative. So glad I didn't spend a lot on his gift. What a waste." She mumbled, placing the paperweight on the counter and rushing out the door – closing it and pressing the button to reactivate the lock.

  I was pulled out of the vision – my surrounding changed back to the present. I noticed the protective hand on my back, turning to see Jaxson’s intense gaze.

  "Scarlet. What did you see?"

  I heard the door beep – the door opened.

  "Rebecca has your card and is heading to the campus. To the building that holds all the files regarding Xerxes. She left at 9:45 which was five minutes before we arrived. From here she should already be on campus and heading towards the building now." I revealed, closing my eyes for a moment as the dizziness assaulted my vision.

  Jaxson's hand lowered to my waist, steadying me. I allowed myself a brief moment, and the dizziness began to fade before I opened my eyes again.

  "We need to head to the school."

  "I can get us there in less than ten minutes." I looked over my shoulder to see Christian standing in front of the door.

  "Someone reported a suspicious sighting of a large man on campus. We gotta move."

  Jaxson and I nodded then followed Christian out the door.

  "Christian take Scarlet. I'll get the others, and we’ll surround the perimeter. The front desk should have a spare access card. Tell them its an emergency and if you suspect anything clear the building out."

  "Got it." Christian replied.

  I was about to follow him into the elevator when Jaxson grabbed a hold of my wrist, stopping me.


  "Please, be careful. Nothing irrational and no magic usage, understand?"

  "Unless its an emergency."


  "But what if it is?"

  "Okay fine. Unless you're about to die, which you won't, you won't do anything irrational because you promised me."

  "Yes, worry wart, now go get the others and let's stop Xerxes."

  I leaned up, kissing him quickly on the lips before sliding out of his hold, rushing into the elevator.

  He stood there, watching the doors slowly close, and for a split second, I saw fear in his eyes – the same fear that plagued my vision.

  Don't worry Jaxson, I'll be okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  "We need the access card."

  "I'm sorry, sir. One of the technicians just came by to borrow it. He said he needs it to test the system on this end."

  Christian glanced over his shoulder, giving me a look.

  "Where did the technician go?" I questioned, walking forward to the receptionist desk while inspecting the area.

  This part of the building was quiet during the late mornings heading into lunch time. I hoped it stayed that way.

  "He just went down the hall. It should only take a moment, I can escort you."

  Christian bit his lip; his eyes showed his apprehensiveness.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Go check it out. I wouldn't know what to say if I go. I'll go up and make sure no students are in the area chilling or smoking weed."

  I knew students loved this building because no one was around during certain hours of the day. Perfect chance to light one up and relax before a stressful set of classes.

  "Okay. Be careful. You have your phone and gloves?"

  I wiggled my hands; my leather gloves strapped on and turned to show him my phone which was sticking out of my ass pocket. "I'm good. I have my handgun loaded too. Don't worry."

  He nodded. "Alright, let's go get that access card."

  I watched him and the secretary leave before heading over to the elevators.

  The doors opened; my reflection greeted me in the mirror. I pressed number 37 – the top floor, returning my gaze to the orange haired woman before me.

  I wore black leather pants, a white t-shirt, and black leather jacket. My hair was down in its usual curly glory, and my glasses were tucked in the front pocket. I'd put them on if necessary.

  I didn't know much about my magic abilities, but from what I'd experienced so far, I was able to use it when my glasses were off. Not like I'd tried with my spectacles, but I wasn't planning to go experimental now.

  I tapped my black combat boots, pulling my gun out, removing the safety. I took a deep breath. Let's kick some weed smokers out of the hall.

  "I hope that's all it is." Aurora announced.

  "Be careful Scar. We're here if you need us." Serenity reassured me.

  I smiled, feeling grateful to have their presences in my mind. Thanks, guys.

  The doors opened; FLOOR 37 greeted me as I walked out into the hall. I searched for the TECH room, turning left at the end of the hall to see a red door. I raised my eyebrow, noticing the small open crack of the door. Shit.

  I lifted my gun, taking my time walking forward; my footsteps made no sound on the absorbent red carpet below me.

  I peeked through the opening – a blonde haired girl was frozen in place with her hands up, access card in one.

  "I did what you asked! I got you into the room! What more do you want? Don't kill me!" She begged; tears formed in her eyes. I grabbed my phone – taking multiple shots before beginning a video, having enough space in the crack to get an image of Xerxes’ large frame.

  "Ah, yes you did. But you're the last candidate that needs to be eliminated. Farewell, Elemental."

  By the time Rebecca flinched, a needle was in the side of her neck – the plunger injected the poisonous liquid that killed Amelia in my vision. I stopped the video, quickly sending it to my spare phone and slid it in my pocket. If he tried to destroy my phone, I'd have the evidence along with the one Cece collected.

  Rebecca fell to the ground; her eyes glowed black as she tried to attack Xerxes who laughed, walking around her body before looking over the edge – thirty-seven flights down.

  "I guess no one would find you if I threw you down there. You know, for extra insurance." He joked.

  I opened the door slowly, pointing my gun directly at him; anger and power flowed to my fingers as the gun began to emit a sickly red glow.

  "Put your hands up Xerxes. You're under arrest for the murders of Adelia, Naomi, Amelia and attempted murder of Rebecca. Give yourself up." I announced; my voice stern and low.

  He turned his head – shock registered in his red eyes before a wicked smiled formed on his lips.

  "You survived. Which proves my theory." He whispered.

  "Theory?" I didn't budge.

  "An Elemental who's supposed to take me down? You don't know who I am. I'm as powerful as my fucking half-brother. It's time for me to claim my own territory and you, Visionary Elemental, are in my way. I've gone to ten different places! All of them told me the same bullshit. Who knew the government had a file strictly on this Elemental theory, and the candidates they've been monitoring for cycles? It was so fucking easy. Now
you've proven worthy enough for me to kill slowly."

  He darted forward; my finger already pulled the trigger, firing the bullet which missed, smashing into the wall but proceeded to burst out into flames.

  "Uh, oh. You should be very careful where you point that thing, Elemental." A low voice whispered in my ear.

  I threw my hands to the floor, somersaulting and turning to face Xerxes who'd somehow managed to move behind me.

  "Why? Afraid of a little fire?" I was ready to fire when I saw what he held his hand – the same miniature device he held on the bridge. I froze; my eyes wide.

  "I'd be very careful. You don't want your partner to be blown up now, do you? He should be here soon with your little team of paranormal investigators. Pathetic. Poor Jaxson gathered a group of orphan misfits to try and track me down, yet we’re still playing cat and mouse after all these cycles. Hmm, I wonder how he'd react to losing you?" He took a step forward.

  I rose up to my feet, pressing myself against the railing; my gun remained pointed at the large shifter.

  "You’re killing innocent people over some prophecy? What are you really after? Why are you looking for that jewel?"

  "Ah. You know about the jewel. Well, I know in superhero movies the villain shouldn't tell the hero their plans, but I'm a hundred percent positive you won't survive what I'm about to do." He smiled, blurring in a flash.

  My eyes felt hot; everything slowed as I saw Xerxes approach me, a needle in his hand. I reached out, stopping it from plunging into my neck; I kicked his crotch, twisting his wrist so the needle would fall out – dropping into the dark abyss below.

  I had one second of relief till his hand caught my throat, keeping me in place.

  "Mother fucker, let me go!" I screamed, trying to fight his firm hold; my gun fell out my hand and to the ground.

  "I could let you go and you'd fall over the ledge and plunge to your death like that needle."

  I struggled against his grip; my nails dug into his skin.

  "Go ahead! I fucking dare you." I yelled, kicking at his legs. He swore under his breath, tightening his hold around my neck. I struggled to breathe, sucking in as much air as I could have held in while continuing my kicking and nail digging spree.

  My phone began to ring; my eyes grew wide at the devilish grin that formed on Xerxes' face. He pinned me to the rail; his large body held me in place as his hand dug into my front pocket.

  He looked at the screen, laughing – a manic sound that hurt my ears.

  I watched him slide to answer, pressing the speaker button.

  "Well, hello Jaxson White. It seems we get another opportunity to speak to one another."

  "What the – Xerxes! Where the fuck is Scarlet?"

  I didn't answer; tears pooled in my eyes as I bit my lip. I could already hear the sheer panic in his voice.

  "Scarlet you say? Ah, this feisty girl who doesn't want to die. I'm impressed. She was able to survive my little scheme. However, I don't think she's going to survive this one. Scarlet, why don't you say hello?"

  He tightened his grip, causing me to cough as I exhaled.

  "FUCK OFF." I screamed kicking him over and over.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk. See? So feisty. I wonder if Jaxson has feelings for you?"

  "Don't you fucking touch her!" Jaxson roared.

  "Ah. Are you still mad about that? It wasn't a big deal. Your mama deserved a good fucking before I blew her brains out. I still remember your face. I wonder what expression you have right now, knowing the woman you care for is about to fall thirty-seven flights to her death? Knowing it's your fault...again." His sinister tone sent shivers down my spine as I gawked at him.

  His Mother...

  "Let her go. She's innocent in all of this. Don't bring her into this." He pleaded.

  "I could, hmm. But she's the Elemental, Jaxson. I can't have her roaming the streets when she could hinder my plans. If Blair can have his own realm, I will claim my own and that starts with ridding anything or anyone who gets in my way."

  "Scarlet!" Jaxson screamed.

  "Now why don't we get this over with?"

  I screamed as the rail behind me disappeared, both sides cut within a split second and falling down; my body dangled by Xerxes' grip, causing me to choke as I struggled to breathe. My hand gripped his wrist. I took another deep breath, holding it as I glared at him.

  He laughed.

  "I can stand here all day lovely. It's only a matter of time till you run out of oxygen."

  I noticed something move in the corner of my eye, a loud hissing noise followed as a figure crashed into Xerxes causing him to step back.

  I lifted my body, kicking him in the stomach; his hold failed as I fell to the metal floor, coughing. I scrambled to my feet as he cursed; Moonlight’s black fur was raised as he continued scratching Xerxes' face – his right eye bled.

  "You, stupid cat." He gripped onto Moonlight, plying him off his face and throwing him over the edge.

  "MOONLIGHT!” I screamed, watching his figure became one with the darkness as his hiss faded.

  "You mother fucking..." I charged at him; power and rage flowed into my hands as my eyes began to burn. I jumped onto him; my fist pounded into his face over and over. He dropped my phone; the device landed near my gun as we struggled.

  "I'll make you fucking burn." I screamed; my hand felt hot as I punched him again. He screamed, a sizzling came from his skin as it began to bubble and burn. With each punch, my hand burned into his skin as if I were fire.

  He punched my ribs, causing me to lose traction as he gripped my neck hard – tightening the hold as he pushed me off him.

  I tried to fight his hold as I stared into his one red eye, the other bled severely; I knew nothing could possibly save that eye.

  I flung off my tattered right glove, attempting to burn his wrist. He took a step forward, dangling me over the edge.

  "You still there Jaxson? I'm about to drop your girlfriend over the edge to her death. She can be one with the stars and that pathetic cat of hers. Maybe she'll meet your mom there." Xerxes laughed.

  "JAXSON! Tell Cece, Moonlight’s carrier! Don't listen to him. I'll be fucking fine. I survive everything and FUCK YOU." I coughed; his hold made it hard to breathe; stars already flickered in my line of vision.

  "Hahaha. You grew up to be just like her."

  "Wha –"

  My eyes grew wide as time stilled – the surroundings shifted so quickly; my body now in a pile of snow, looking up to Xerxes.

  I could see my reflection in his eyes – my bright green orbs and newly done brown strands of hair clung to my bloody face. It took every ounce of air left to say my last words."

  "Fuck you...Visionary...Elemental will rid the darkness."

  The last words were spoken as I watched the fear flicker in his eyes – enough to bring me satisfaction as I faded.

  The surroundings shifted back; Xerxes' smiling face hadn’t aged.

  "Farewell. Elemental."

  I smiled, as the tears fell from my eyes, gripping his wrist one more time – power flowed through them.

  "Fuck you. I'll survive and rid the darkness."

  His eyes grew wide – his mouth opened to speak, but a painful roar came out; the power I'd built up in my fingertips released as I burned his flesh.

  As his grip loosened; my body fell. I screamed, waving my hands as if the meaningless action would slow my fall. I watched as his figure got smaller and smaller, everything slowed.

  It was like in the movies; time slowed down as your life replayed before you.

  I watched as I was born into the world, surrounded by thousands; my mom cradled me in her arms. Fast forward to when I was little, learning how to walk – Kendrick smiled as he took the video of my mom supporting me.

  I watched as I walked on the platform, clinging to my locket as I began my valedictorian speech; my eyes landed on Kendrick's glossy ones in the crowd.

  I saw Cece laugh as she twirled in her black dress; her hand in m
ine as we danced, Vinzent in the background shaking his head.

  I looked up to see Jaxson's twinkling amber eyes as we danced to the beat of the music.

  I watched Christian’s smile as he watched me walk up the stairs to my classes, waving farewell.

  I watched as I gave Michael a seductive smile as I looked into those golden eyes I loved so much.

  I watched the adoration in Junho's eyes as he bid me farewell, walking away.

  I watched Ethan's sincere smile as he knelt beside the bed, reassuring me.

  I saw images of all of us, as we sat in the living room, followed by us having a toast with shot glasses as we laughed and cheered.

  The final image was me relaxed in bed; Moonlight cuddled against my sleeping figure – pressing his head against mine.

  I noticed the locket slip out of my shirt, rising upward as I continued my slow descent to death.

  My eyes noticed the crack in the middle – something red peaked out as it began to glow. I gripped it with my blood-stained hands, looking up one last time – my consciousness faded as I felt blood trickle out of my nose.

  Mom. Please...if this locket has any purpose in my life. Please, protect me one more time.

  My eyes rolled back as darkness engulfed me; pain went through me – so severe and numbing that it knocked me out – into the abyss of darkness.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  "Marilyn, she doesn't deserve to be dealing with all of this."

  "Maybe it will wear off or go away. It's just a phase."

  "It's not a phase Marilyn! She's the next Elemental. Her visions are from both our sides. That's why she can see both the past and the future."

  I peeked through the door, frowning as I cuddled Moonlight in my arms. I didn't like when Uncle Kendrick and Mommy fought.

  "I don't want her growing up on Feminara." Mommy argued.

  "That's our home! That's where she belongs, and you know it. Don't you see the sadness in her eyes when she goes to the playground and no one wants to play with her? For Starlight's sake, we have to homeschool her because of her visions. I get you don't want her to become stuck up like all those royal children in our realm, but she's not doing any better here."


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